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Why don't make ''prime'' grineer and corpus weapons?


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Most of the primes that came out for other faction guns or whatever are said to have been reconstructions of older teck. so the nomral ones are the faction adaptations that have been mass produced.

honestly it would be very odd for everything to be oriken. it would make more scents to create a new "prime era" version of things that some of the faction teck is based off. like a proto dura, or an antique grakatta. the factions split off teck wise at some point anyhow so it would fit better. however it will probibly just get some gold trim and a stat boost like every other thing.

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It would be cool to rework the Wraith and Vandal weapons we got right now.

Convert any Vanda/wraith Tenno weapons we got into thier own tenno category or even make them Dex variants. (Or just make the excuse that the tenno wraith weapons were actually tenno weapons captured by thie respective factions and tinkered with to suit thier own liking.)

Give our current Wraith and vandal weapons visual redesigns that fit thier upgraded counterpart and update the stats on some of them to make them more viable.

Edited by (XB1)calvina
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14 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

You literally have zero knowledge of this. Wraiths and Vandals are essentially the same thing as Primes. Vandals have zero association with The Lotus and Wraiths have zero association with Red Veil. There are these things called Raktas. Vandals are straight from the Corpus. Wraiths are straight from the Grineer. The Tenno versions of Vandals are the ones without Vandal in them. BTW, I don't know why the Lato or Braton Vandals exist. They don't really line up with the lore...

Actually, I do. It's called observation. What I posted is what we've seen so far.

We don't know anything. We can observe quite a bit, however.

Experience has shown us that neither wraiths nor vandals are necessarily on par with equivalent primes. They also exist on weapons that will never have a prime equivalent since they aren't Orokin weapons.

These come from somewhere and both wraith and vandal weapons are handed out by the Lotus for completing significant missions, hence commissioned by the Lotus. Wraiths exist in an odd place; initially they were assumed to be associated with the RV because of coloring--which is still a thing (Rakta Syandana has straight up wraith coloring). However, since the introduction of the syndicate weapons this is less clear (RV stuff basically being bright red nowadays). Vandals flat out sport the Lotus flower symbol--and all were initially given to us for completing missions for the Lotus.

As for origin, Latrons are Orokin weapons. We have both wraith and prime variants. The Lato, and Braton are both Orokin weapons--and have vandal and prime variants.

Small weapon manufacturers will often copy existing weapons, particularly old designs. One could make the argument (and it does follow existing evidence) that the Lotus commissions all wraith and vandal weapons--wraith from grineer sources, vandal from corpus sources. This is probably the simplest answer, particularly in the face of prisma weapons and the assorted syndicate weapons. If you wave enough money at a manufacturer, they'll generally build what you want--and all tenno weapons can be assumed to be in what passes for the public domain in this game.  

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On 10/2/2017 at 10:09 AM, Kaotyke said:

They said "Every Warframe", not "Everything".


5 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

Every Warframe

look, there is exactly 98 one hour long devstreams. that means there is well over 4 days worth of footage to sort through. i dont know what devstream they said it on, and i aint sorting through all that just to prove a point, all i remember is the context of the question was weapon related not warframe.

normally i wont reply as this is gone south and i want to leave before i make a fool of myself online again but i can swear they joked about themselves always finding a way to prime something due to it being a major revenue stream that they'll milk for as long as they can. i can swear this happened. if not then:


Image result for zoidberg scuttle gif


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2 hours ago, McDuffMan said:

look, there is exactly 98 one hour long devstreams. that means there is well over 4 days worth of footage to sort through. i dont know what devstream they said it on, and i aint sorting through all that just to prove a point, all i remember is the context of the question was weapon related not warframe.

normally i wont reply as this is gone south and i want to leave before i make a fool of myself online again but i can swear they joked about themselves always finding a way to prime something due to it being a major revenue stream that they'll milk for as long as they can. i can swear this happened.

Sorry, it wasn't a devstream, I can guarantee that, I have been through every one for lore references and it's never been mentioned. However, there is a screenshot of a PM from. Rebbeca, here it is:


As we said:... "Warframe"

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46 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Sorry, it wasn't a devstream, I can guarantee that, I have been through every one for lore references and it's never been mentioned. However, there is a screenshot of a PM from. Rebbeca, here it is:


As we said:... "Warframe"

and i distinctly remember that they said something about this on a devstream. it had to do with someone asking a question on weapons, it wasn't a forum post. but since we have to sort through 4 days worth of streams to even find wtf im talking about, arguing about this is pointless since ive given no evidence to this being the case while you have given the opposite, the only logical response i can muster can only be this:

Image result for abandon thread gif

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On 9/30/2017 at 9:54 PM, (Xbox One)ShadowBlood89 said:
On 9/30/2017 at 9:58 PM, sauriuspod said:

you just proved my point, latron is a tenno weapon but has a wraith variant, which don't make it a grinner exclusive type of weapon

AFAIK, Wraith got retconned. It used to be some special one-off thing with the then-recent Red Veil/Tenno alliance (Edit: this was the Wraith Syandana, not the guns), but then DE decided that they would just make it the special equipment of the Nightwatch Corps (Karak W for Lancers and Vulkar W for Hyekka Masters). This might have been retconned a second time, though, when DE tweaked the Nightwatch to be purple and red instead of black and red

Vandal is actually Tenno in origin, as they all feature Lotus decals. And it has more non-Corpus weapons than Wraith has non-Grineer, a whopping Three: Lato, Braton, and Imperator

Edited by TARINunit9
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DE can have any weapon in game be born from an Orokin base design.  It really is their world to do with as they please.

They could also come up with elite variants that aren't simple recolors.

Would they though?  Not likely.  More than plenty of Tenno-made weapons to work with and more in the pipe, and they're not afraid to create thematically similar weapons either (Galatine Prime and Scindo Prime being the only existing example, mind.)  Logically, they wouldn't make a Tiberon Prime since we already have Burston Prime to function as our burst fire rifle, but no weapon is off the table.

Edited by Littleman88
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