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Ember Prime Nerf...OR Balance..(((TRIGGER WARNING)))


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3 minutes ago, Crunky said:

Oh look another person who thinks pushing 4 is "fun" and that Ash is actually nerfed.

While i don't agree that ash is "dead" since he can still be viable for endgame play, his 4 definitely got nerfed into the ground. Turning invisible and massacring enemies with your melee is faster, deadlier, WAY cheaper and with 100% less cutscenes.

So yeah, ash IS actually nerfed. Don't argue against facts if you want to discard someone else.

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24 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

Does anyone else who gets into a mission with an Ember Prime get super frustrated?

I get into a mission...feeling great...feeling good...then BOOM!!!

Ember Prime...enters misson.


The whole map is in flames and I'm standing here like... "There is nothing...to do"  :awkward:

So am I the only one that would like a change lol??


Bro just stop. Ember is fine. You are probably the only one who wants a change. Every once and a while I get annoyed at it, but I usually just ignore it and thank the heaven's I don't have to do everything this mission.


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Not the first post to ask for a nerf, but players tend to forget ember's WoF only does so much good. After a point her best point is her buffing power with the Flash Accelerant aug and not her WoF.

Edited by Kako_Kako
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1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

No, @-CM-FrutyX is right. These threads are complete bait and are completely useless complaining. Ember nerf threads are honestly getting old as everytime, the OP has no idea what they are talking about. I am not going to derail the topic, so your Ash mentality is going to leave as is despite being majorly flawed. Please check before you put down someone when their post has more base than yours.

Ash mentality? Toxicity alert. I main ivara lmao.

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I'd say Ember needs some Synergy so I can say take her into sorties (without 2mil forma).. But other then that, when I play my Ember my friends usually ask me to play Ember, so there's that. Partially it's because I don't have uber range on my WOF, so generally if I hang back and let others go ahead, I can just pick up straggling enemies, or cc the hell out of them with Accelerant and Fireblast. Most of her synergy is with Accelerant, actually.

As for playing in missions with other Embers/Saryens/Banshees... Generally I ask them to stop if I have a problem with not being able to kill anything.

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I have 10-Forma Banshee(s), 4-Forma Octavia and 4-Forma Saryn. I'm also in the process of Forma'ing Equinox. 

If DE ever listens to pissant babies like you and end up nerfing WoF, god as my witness I will roll over every pub node and Sorties and show what it's really like to have absolutely nothing to do in a mission. 

Edited by traybong111
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While we're on the subject of "let's just ask the embers not to use WoF if it bothers us" let's take a step ahead and say maybe ember users should ask before turning it on? :D

inb4 mad ember users drop some kinda AoE nuke on me because that's just crazy talk.

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1 minute ago, AlexAl3x said:

BUT I also don't have to hit just one key and sit back and do nothing for the rest of the mission. :P

Do nothing for the rest of the mission and end up having the least kills. WoF weakens enemies for you to need less firepower. It won't kill them all on it's own. Unless we're talking baby levels.

Also if we take a closer look at the factions: Grinner have armor which at some point laughs at WoF. Infested have ancient auras which reduce the WoF dmg by like 95%. And corpus do have nullifiers and shields are in general strong against fire. So there's that. If you actually play "high levels" as you previously stated, you wouldn't have done this thread so i have trouble believing you. Go play sorties and then tell me again how an ember can just sit there and steal everyones kills....because it's nonsense.

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Just now, AlexAl3x said:

Ash is my second go to frame, I LOVE my Ash prime, but I don't have issues in solo playing or playing higher missions. AND I highly doubt DE gives a flying hoot what "I" think. This is literally my first post ever and no one "actually" cares ...I'm not even sweating it bruh :cool:

The thing is once one person starts talkign about it then EVERYONE does. It can turn from a snow drift into avalanche.


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3 minutes ago, TheWhitterMatter said:

It's posts like this that gets things nerfed that don't need to be nerfed. It's why my Valkyr is nerfed, it's why Ash was nerfed, and mirage things were nerfed (granted mirage stuff is generally annoying). This is a PvE game after all. Yes Ember prime will kill most everything 40-50 and below, but when you get into high level enemies 60+ she doesn't do so much. Unless it's breaking the game, I say it doesn't need a nerf or change. I'm kinda glad people aren't saying Mag is op, because then I can blow stuff up with her as much as I like, lol because she is kinda broken.

I love Mag, though I'm not sure how to play her without going down every 2 minutes. Took her into an axi interception mission, and went total glass cannon on everything and did roughly 50% of the damage for the entire team.

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7 minutes ago, OkamiA said:

I love Mag, though I'm not sure how to play her without going down every 2 minutes. Took her into an axi interception mission, and went total glass cannon on everything and did roughly 50% of the damage for the entire team.

You don;t ave to go glass cannon to do a TON of damage. You can get 50k damage easily with her 2 and her 3 damage scale with enemy armor / shields. With armor I think it shreds armor to nearby enemies to deal loads of damage.

9 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

Ok...but I thought I'm the only one to bring this up...since everyone is saying I'M the only one with a problem involving Ember :P

There are a few other people who don't like ember, but those are mostly people who talk about how her stuff doesn't have any synergy, which is semi-true.

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Just now, TheWhitterMatter said:

You don;t ave to go glass cannon to do a TON of damage. You can get 50k damage easily with her 2 and her 3 damage scale with enemy armor / shields. With armor I think it shreds armor to nearby enemies to deal loads of damage.

There are a few other people who don't like ember, but those are mostly people who talk about how her stuff doesn't have any synergy, which is semi-true.

Balance would be nice for a LOT of frames in my opinion. :)

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I kinda get your point, thats why i always play ember solo; that being said when i encounter one i totally dont care if she does 100% of the damage, in fact sometimes i want on of those to level my weapons, tho the affinity at the missions ember kills everything is neglible, but meh better than nothing...

These kind of complains of new players tend to stop when they reach ceartain stages where they dont care about kills and try to have fun on other ways, well i do kinda fell bad for newbies, they are the ones that get affected since they want to do some kills on public rooms.

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Just now, AlexAl3x said:

Balance would be nice for a LOT of frames in my opinion. :)

Again it's a PvE game. People should have the right to build things how they feel like it. Ember really does not need a nerf. Besides there's always gonna be that guy with max range/ power str. You can't avoid it.


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1 hour ago, AlexAl3x said:

I usually do high level missions :P

If this would be true, you would never cry about nerf something.

56 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

I usually play against level 50-80's

Lol. If 50-80s is a high-lever, I stopped reading after this. It explains everything:facepalm:

This^ is a typical example of a stolen kills victim. ( what's next ? nerf punch-through mods only because your teammates kill low-level trash faster than you ? )


The worst problem here is a kind of "players", who play only low-level missions and create the similar "Plz-nerf" topics everyday. 

I see them everyday, when they leave squad after 10-15 waves\minutes endless missions. 

What's about Ember, I think her 2 skill's range should be increased a little bit to give her better CC.

And also stunlock time from 2 skill should be increased.

And also 3 skill should be buffed a little bit, maybe some kind of synergy buff of 2 and 4 skill. 

Or maybe DE should think about some kind of armor-draining augment to make her more effective on the high-level.

That changes would make her better on a high-level, but the worst thing DE can do is adapting rework to Mercury heroes and "plz-nerf" whiners.



Edited by --Dark_Rage--
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1 hour ago, AlexAl3x said:

Does anyone else who gets into a mission with an Ember Prime get super frustrated?

I get into a mission...feeling great...feeling good...then BOOM!!!

Ember Prime...enters misson.


The whole map is in flames and I'm standing here like... "There is nothing...to do"  :awkward:

So am I the only one that would like a change lol??


This is a massive problem with the community right now, the whole "NERF THIS" mentality. Ember doesn't need a nerf, man. She doesn't. She serves a purpose like every other frame in the game. At lower levels and through most of the starch art, it's kill every living thing at higher levels its CC the whole room with the Firequake augment. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean she needs the nerf hammer. And no, I main Ash prime. That's like saying "Rhino primes iron skin allows him to take 0% damage. Nerf it and make one part of his kit useless." 

Edited by (PS4)LordBartimus
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4 minutes ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

If this would be true, you would never cry about nerf something.

Lol. If 50-80s is a high-lever, I stopped reading after this. It explains everything:facepalm:

This^ is a typical example of a stolen kills victim. ( what's next ? nerf punch-through mods only because your teammates kill low-level trash faster than you ? )


The worst problem here is a kind of "players", who play only low-level missions and create the similar "Plz-nerf" topics everyday. 

I see them everyday, when they leave squad after 10-15 waves\minutes endless missions. 

What's about Ember, I think her 2 skill's range should be increased a little bit to give her better CC.

And also stunlock time from 2 skill should be increased.

And also 3 skill should be buffed a little bit, maybe some kind of synergy buff of 2 and 4 skill. 

Or maybe DE should think about some kind of armor-draining augment to make her more effective on the high-level.

That changes would make her better on a high-level, but the worst thing DE can do is adapting rework to Mercury heroes and "plz-nerf" whiners.



I have to ask honestly.... do we count what the mission says or scales on endless missions? because what she's sayign is she plays level 50-80 survivals, and I can personally let you know this person has carried me through a 3 hours long eris survival with a saryn prime... so yeah, 50-80 missions, are there any missions on the star chart that even say 100-120 or 120-145?

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Can we have a compromise.... IF Ember Prime isn't so OP, can we at least nerf the trade price... i mean gosh 1000p is really high for a perfectly balanced, non-broken vaulted warframe that has nothing over say a 4-600p loki prime, or a rhino prime... etc... *cough*

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Alright. A 266h player with only the last event having played is apparently a "2013 vet". And after this fascinating observation, the discussion turned towards how beastly excalibur prime is or the infamous "shizzz" called warframe market and how urgently it needs a rework.

1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:

These threads are complete bait

You were right from the very beginning man. I hope you can forgive me in not believing you at first. But hey, at least we don't have to worry anymore since this is all just a joke. Time to move on people!

PS: I must honestly say though, i got my chuckles out of this thread, no joke.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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4 minutes ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

You forgot to add that you and the topic starter are clanmates with just a few days in profile.

Your opinion is also very important, but, before judging anything, maybe you both should play the game a little bit ?

And also you both should learn how to use forum search option, where you can find some similar topics from another Mercury heroes and "plz-nerf" whinners.

This^^ is the real reason of your and your clanmate's flashmob here.

If it's expensive for you, that doesn't mean it's a correct reason to create here a "plz-nerf" topic

I love people who take quotes out of context. I was making a point that somehow the ember prime warframe is more expensive than other warframes that far supercede its supposedly un-nerfable uselessness and time being vaulted.

As for the clanmates thing, might want to mention in 266 hours the clan is at rank 9 with nothing left to research but colors and the god forsaken hema. We obviously know what we're doing.

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20 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

If you like, you can go look at my warframe and see when I joined. Its not hard. Would you like to know how?

Just because you made your account in 2013, does not make you experienced.

When your account was created holds no value to this discussion. This is about Ember. Making (inaccurate) representations about Ember/Prime while having barely enough XP on her for 1 forma on top of less than 400 kills. This thread is complete bait like I said earlier, and no one needs to point out that your profile shows the progression of someone at Neptune on the starmap. This thread is a complete joke. Nothing here will prevent the immature responses like this one:

33 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

OH MEH GURRRD yesss :clap: ALSO it went down to 630P as of right now :)


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1 minute ago, Crunky said:

If anything I hope an ember doesn't jump into my dynamic missions on PoE with their instantly deployed nuclear minefiel-i mean WoF soon *cough*

POE is about distance and Ember has not enough range to cover a whole place and you can also play with a squad or with friends...So find some friends,make a full squad and tell them to NOT take an Ember if it is so bad for you..Easy enough.

We cannot solve here the problem you dont have friends and you are playing only with random public guys, no offense.

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2 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

I love how personal it gets over literally just a persons opinion about a frame

One last thing i must honestly let you though. This thread definitely made me want to play ember with as much power strength as possible + energy conversion and ofc max range. So this wasn't all for nothing, i must give you that. I hope you can forgive my rudeness and especially my lack of personality :). Maybe we'll meet us some day and play together, you as saryn and me as ember prime ^^

4 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I am not taking this game anymore seriously than I am you right now :smile: 

Crunky: "well gosh darn, you don't take yourself very seriously @"this will be my final post on this topic"

Rest in peace, brother.

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Just now, Crunky said:

so why not address the fact there is an ember in every mission, this only further implies it's an OP warframe that too much of the community plays with because it has some sort of advantage!!!

its because the people who mainly just want the frame to press 4 constantly is kind of lazy but also wants to compete. Like "look at all my kills get gud". those guys are annoying lol. 

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I motion a vote, replace Mag with Ember so every starter is lazy-ez GG with excal's obvious OP abilities, and volt's knack for speedrunning everything, let's put the replacement to the TF2 Pyro trailer main character in there :D



I mean in the end if she does wreck everything with WoF from level 1- anywhere from 40-60 according to everyone's posts here.... that means you have to litterally leave the star chart to see an ember not spawn killing the entire map and making the game less fun for all..... that alone says nerf to me in all seriousness.... maybe i don't want to leave the galaxy yo.

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