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Lets buff these dust collectors!


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Hello there, Tenno.

Today in this post i would like to show you some ideas on how to make some of the most useless/underwhelming weapons useful.

Feel free to join in the talk, suggest modifications to the original post or suggest your own ideas.


Now lets get this train rolling with our first weapon of choice the Synapse.


High crit and higher damage, the Synapse is the infested brother of the Amprex but has one glaring problem. Its just a beam weapon and nothing else.

The amprex is successfull because it provides a great aoe effect while this guy only shoots out a beam and thats all.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Stats untouched, this weapon now gets the combustion beam built in. Explosions now are based on the main stats affected by Sinister reach and can proc status and crits.
  2. Support build, this weapon is now capatable on giving energy and shield (+overshield) to teammates. 1 point of energy and shields for every 2 ammo. Squadmates deal extra 10% damage to the targets currently damaged by the synapse
  3. Raw power, use the alt attack to charge up the weapon. Consume your entire magazine to create one powerful hitscan lightning with infinite punchtrough dealing damage equal to what your whole mag could cause to a single enemy. The charged lightning has an aoe effect around it dealing 50% of the damage in 2m range with guaranteed procs.


Our next weapon is the Embolist.


Poor guy supposed to be the ignis of secondaries but with its pityful range it might be better to use it as a thrown poison canister than an actual weapon.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1.  Range buff, base range is now increased to 30m. Nothing else is added.
  2. Variable range build, this weapon is now capatable to change how it attack in a similar way as the Phage. Shooting the weapon creates a 12m wide cone (120°) when you try to zoom the beam starts to focus increasing its range to 40m, its status chance to 100% but losing its aoe capatibility as it is now a simple beam and not a cone. The shrinking and the growing can be stopped any time using the rmb2 and the beam stays that way until you decide to focus or defocus it again.
  3. Gag build, you literally throw this weapon creating a 10m wide poison cloud dealing the entire magazines damage for 10 second in the area.


The next weapon is the Sibear.


Expensive to build and hardly useful this weapon is long due to some upgrades.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Cold death build: this change adds a variety of new and powerful attack effect to this weapon. Slam attacks create ice sharpnels (50% of the original damage, 5-30 sharpnels per attack) flying in random directions while they also release an ice wave (50% of the attack power, base 10m range affected by range mods) where the user is looking. Finishers make the target explode in a cloud of ice dealing 100% of the weapon damage in a 2m aoe. Attacking with the weapon also has 10% chance to release icy projectile (1-3) dealing 100% of the weapons damage if they hit, flying direction depends on the swing.
  2. Cold cooperation build, wielding this weapon grants +20% cold damage to every attack (including skills thought it only strikes once in this case) of your teammates in 15m circle around you. The cold damage ticks 0.5 second after the initial strike and does not combine with other elements.  Hitting a teammate with this weapon grant them a temporal frost layer absorbing 100 points of damage, once the damage is absorbed it grants 0.5 second immortality and neutralizing any procs expect cold, this effect can only be used on teammates every 30 sec.
  3. Frost nova build, this weapon is capatable of being thrown now. Throwing the weapon creates an 50m wide circle aoe dealing 200% of the weapons damage cold proccing the user and every enemy caught in range with 50% chance of freezing them solid. The cold proc duration is 12s and while affected by it every weapon wielded by the player is capatable of dealing their damage in 2m circle aoes.


The next weapon is the Tetra series


While the weapon itself looks good and has a satisfying sound, its barely useable, so lets change it.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Sharpnel build, the tetra series are now capatable of utilizing even the missed shots. Every shot hitting the ground releases a sharpnels of molten ores (0.5-1m cone attack) dealing 100% of the weapons total damage as heat damage. The prisma variant deals 100% damage but with 1-1.5m range while the regular variant deals 150% damage with the standard range.
  2. Charged mag build, the tetra series can sacrafice half of their magazine (30, fixed amount) to empower the rest of the mag. The prisma variant gains 50% crit chance but its status decreases to 5% while the regular tetra gains 50% status chance and the crit chance is removed (crit damage stays). Both variants deal +20% damage while charged.
  3. Kill share build, for every 10 kill teammates deal +1% damage with all attacks including skills (+10 damage to a skill if it cannot deal damage), this effect is active while the user wields the tetra series within 20m. The prisma variant grants +1% flat staus chance (up to 10%) every 20 kills while the regular one grants +1% flat crit chance (up to 10%) every 20 kills.
  4. Lobber build, pressing the alt fire lobs one of the Tetras batteries forward. After a short delay (0.5s after it touches an enemy or the ground) the battery overloads and sends out 15 bouncing and piercing shots in random directions. Each shot has 1m enemy punchtrought and bounces 4 times if it hits the enviroment. Ammo usage of the shot s 25% of the mag.


Lets go on, its time for the Karak series


On the overall this weapon is not that bad but it could certainly use some polishing or some bonus effects.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Void build, the karak series are enchanted by no other but Captain Vor itself! Utilizing hybrid technology the Karak series gain increased stats as long as they are firing. Every 2 ammo consumed increases the status and the crit chance by 1% up to maximum 30% (flat values) while also shifting the damage from impact to puncture. Every 1 ammo spent increases puncture damage by 1% while decreases impact damage by 1%. The regular karak gains 2% puncture damage for every 1 ammo spent and loses 1% impact.
  2. Grenade pouch build, issued by the Grineer logistics department the karak series are all come with a bonus grenade pouch. Pressing the alt fire, the Tenno can now use up 1 of the 6 grenades in the pouch to attack the enemies behind cover or in tight corridors. Stats: Damage: 300 blast, 100 slash (300 slash on the wraith variant) Aoe range: 2m (4m on the regular karak) other stats are identical to the guns, once the tenno uses up all 6 grenades he must use up a full magazine to create a new batch


The next one is the Dera series


Poor gun is barely useable, but nothing what cant be helped

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Volt build, the dera series are now capatable of using up the electricity generated by the continous firing. Reloading causes the weapon to deal additional electricity damage depending on how much ammo was used up from the mag. For every ammo spent the next magazine will deal extra 2% electricity damage (4% on the vandal version) with 1% chance to make the shot create an electric arc damaging a random target within 6m (the regular version has an additional chance of 5% to damage all targets within 10m)
  2. Railgun build, the corpus ingenuity never fails to amaze us. After years corpus scientist created a railgun inside the dera series. Using up the full magazine creates a beam of energy with infinite punchtrought dealing 400 slash and 400 fire damage with a beam thickness of 0.2m . After a short chargeup (1sec) the beam is active for 5 sec. The vandal variant's beam has 30% crit and status chance on contact and 5% chance to deal double damage, while the regular version has 1m beam thickness and 100% status chance on contact.


Lets go on to the next weapon the Jaw sword.


I gotta be hard on this one because this weapon is soo bad i have better chance on killing an enemy with trinities blessing than with this one.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Evil build, the beast is hungry and wants blood, it doesnt matter whos. Every melee kill increases the damage done by 1% while also grants the user 1 health point.
  2. Realease the beast build, no one knows from where it came but its here and serves its master with unending loyalty. Kill 100 (the number decreases by 2 for every mastery level) enemies to charge up the blade, doing a charge attack summons the beast, a void hound. The hound is an enlarged kubrow with a black shadowy apperance capatable of killing the strongest foes. Stats: scaling health and damage based on the strongest possible unit what can spawn in the current mission. Attacks: sweeping strike dealing slash damage, roar what staggers and deals impact damage and a pounce what deals puncture damage.
  3. Wolf build, either you go with the pack or become the lone one. Your choice. Being the only one in the team who has this weapon means you get +400% damage with +200% attack speed. Once someone enters the team with another Jaw sword the pack mode activates granting +25% flat status chance and +10% elemental damage to all your weapons.


Thats all for today, may the void be on your side Tenno!

Feel free to discuss and add additional ideas.

Additinonal thanks to @DeckChairVonBananaCamel who came up with the 4th tetra upgrade idea.

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as much as i like the idea to rework old weapons
and as much as id like to see some of the suggestions in the game (even if some are way to op)

i have to admit that this week is probably the worst time to post this since DE is super busy with PoE
maybe post this again in 2 weeks or so when PoE is a thing and the majority of the hotfixes is out

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These and many other weapons need buffs, even a simple increase in stats would be good, no need for such changes in the mechanics of these weapons.

I'm still waiting for the buff to Fang Prime, increasing the critical chance and critical multiplier would be useful (because it's the daggers). And the ability to use Covert Lethality on dual daggers.

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These changes would definetly add some personality to those weapons. Although some of the propositions might be a bit op like the buff per kill upgrade without any form of cap or reset timer. 

I especially like the Raw Power upgrade for the Synapse, The Cold Death for the Sibear and the Lobber Build for the Tetra as they would add some sort of AoE Capability which is always good against hoardes of enemies.

5 minutes ago, Weidro said:

as much as i like the idea to rework old weapons
and as much as id like to see some of the suggestions in the game (even if some are way to op)

i have to admit that this week is probably the worst time to post this since DE is super busy with PoE
maybe post this again in 2 weeks or so when PoE is a thing and the majority of the hotfixes is out

He's right tho

Nevertheless, it's good post (and with good writing)

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1 hour ago, Weidro said:

i have to admit that this week is probably the worst time to post this since DE is super busy with PoE
maybe post this again in 2 weeks or so when PoE is a thing and the majority of the hotfixes is out

28 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Better to post this later when they finish and fix PoE. Also Someone could post a weapon check for buffs. I will later on make some time to make a list what weapons need buffs and what changes needs. Suggestions and constructive ideas all accepted from others. 

You might say that its a bad idea to post it now but this post is a continuation of one of my older posts and it never got this many replies soo far.

28 minutes ago, DarkDullahan-Prime said:

Sibear is already pretty powerful, it doesn't need a buff imo. You should probably cover things that need it more like the Skana series, Dual Daggers, and the tiberon

It has strong disposition for a reason, its stong for a hammer but thats all. It lacks almost everything what would make most people consider it.

1 hour ago, JuicyButthurt said:

Synapse and Embolist, status on continuous weapon has been fundamentally broken for years now, that's the primary issue.

Jaw Sword is easy to get hold of and costs quite literally nothing to make, it should be bad, it's essentially a starter weapon.

I dont want to open that can of worms regarding to the status on beams, so i proposed alternative changes.

As for the jaw sword i know its a starter weapon and its stats are horrible, even the proposed build wont gonna make it too powerful and by the time one will have all the mods needed to maximize its damage output it will be obsolote.

The 3 variants i proposed either require you to use this as your primary damage dealer, get higher mastery to utilize the beast what is the same level as the enviroment or just use it inplace of any other melee.

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37 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

It has strong disposition for a reason, its stong for a hammer but thats all. It lacks almost everything what would make most people consider it.

That being that the Heliocor and Fragor Prime came out right after it, and completely overshadowed it.

Edited by DarkDullahan-Prime
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