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Shouldn't The Default Frames Already Be Prime..?


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just a quick thought/ questioning the lore abit

primed stuff is pretty much things that are of orokin design or something like that made with some high tech mumbojumbo techniques and majority of weapons we are using now are copies because we don't know how to perfectly recreate prokin made stuff without the blue print

but the war frame you start out with isn't some immitation, cuz as far as I know you have been wearing that frame and sleeping in a cryopod since the late orokin era, therefore should t the frame you are wearing be prime since it was most likely made by orokins(not some immitation)

No, we like been default Warframes :P

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Also the keep in mind the orginal 3rd frame was Volt not Mag. Do you want a Volt Prime?

I disagree that Hayden Tenno from Dark Sector is the 'prototype' Warframe. Anything Dark Sector related is not canon in Warframe, get that out of your heads people. Warframe is not Dark Sector 2. The only connection is like how people keep riffing on the Wizard of Oz or the Grim Fairtales because they are in the public domain... only DE is the one doing the rewrite because all the base stuff are still their IP.

I also disagree that the Orokin Prime Warframes would be inferior since they are 'earlier'. Keep in mind that Origin is in a post civilization collapse state. Even in Earth history there are things we've lost. Roman Concrete was one until recently. Greek Fire was/is another, although napalm is a scary good replacment.


I also disagree that it has to be a Prime in the tutorial. What we don't know is if the Orokin put 'Tenno' class Warframes into service during their time. Cheaper, easer to produce/repair/replace models of their Primes. If the Orokin were in a war, "The Old War" then they'd likely eventually move to inferior cut rate versions as resources/time/facilities were lost.

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I think what needs to be looked at is how we get the Prime Frames and Weapons. You (generally) only get the Prime blueprints in the Void, where the Orokin Towers are, so one can guess that the originals were the Primes. Since these blueprints are "used up" when built, you can also guess that the Prime blueprints are becoming more rare since the Orokin are gone, leaving the Tenno to fashion replacement out of something else. Since the replacements are lacking in Orokin Cells compared to the Prime counterparts, this leads to them being less efficient (polarities).

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I disagree that Hayden Tenno from Dark Sector is the 'prototype' Warframe. Anything Dark Sector related is not canon in Warframe, get that out of your heads people. Warframe is not Dark Sector 2. The only connection is like how people keep riffing on the Wizard of Oz or the Grim Fairtales because they are in the public domain... only DE is the one doing the rewrite because all the base stuff are still their IP.


There's not much to disagree with. In Steve's words, Hayden is the original Warframe.


Whether Warframe is a far-flung sequel, or a kind of alternate continuity is still up for debate, however.

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Primes certainly fit the "better" prototype thinking well.


I mean the Orokin was at war with The Sentient and actually used the Technocyte virus to re-animate dead corpses as meat shields against them. That is a pretty desperate situation to me.


After all, if you are so desperate that you actually released a virus knowing full well that it will bite you back in the &#!. And you still do it. That means you are practically fighting for your very survival.



if you are in desperate need for War Frame armor, which can be serviceable despite losing some bangs and whistles, you would won't ya ?


A famous example in real life is the Thompson sub machine gun.

The first iteration had a more advanced delay blow back mechanism, better sights, a compensator and even cooling fins.

The WW2 mass production variant did not have such luxuries, simple sights, simple straight blow back (more recoil), no compensator, no cooling fins etc.


But they had to do it because during WW2, the military will only purchase the SMG if it cost within a certain price range so they had to make it cheaper. 


The same thing for the Primes and their regular variants.

Edited by fatpig84
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Primes certainly fit the "better" prototype thinking well.

I don't think they were prototypes, just the original version with no cut corners. Later the Orokin would need more warframes for the war, so they would make sacrifices in the design to make copies of it.

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Agreed, as far as I am concerned old models should be weaker and more like prototype, while the ones we are using are 100% tested and more reliable

Sry but I have to disagree.

Older doesnt always have to be weaker.

Older can also mean that in this time, the creation of an warframe was something more special with more unique components while the newer ones have been made with more common materials to make them useable for a whole army. You cant make a weapon which is super powerful for your whole army if you simply dont have enough materials for it. Lets assume material X makes your armor super strong. Y not so much. You start building X frames. But hey. A war is coming and X is fu*** rare. So what are you doing? You change the components to something more common. Sure, you would loose some power, but at least, you can equip your whole army with it.


Explaination....... Done

Edited by Venarge
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It's more that, seeing as the Prime warframes are made closer to the original Orokin specification they'd be closest to the 'ideal' warframe. The current, mass-production frames running about are not just made from scavenged materials and hastily thrown together. They're slimmed down, streamlined models with a far greater emphasis on actual use over looking amazing.


Some stuff has to be removed from the luxury class to help make mass-production faster. The reason why the whole 'prototypes are better' thing is even a.... thing... is because prototypes are meant to output the OPTIMUM performance as to show what they're capable off. Mass-production means removing the extra stuff so you can actually afford to have many units based off that performance.

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Aye, that too. But when you wanna sell something, you gotta make it look good and function well enough to leave no doubt that it's worth the investment. Soon as you got the money to begin production though, you gotta start finding what needs to be cut out so you can 1) shorten production time and B) cheapen production costs

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...Unless you're looking for a grant or something to actually enable production. IE: "This is the prototype. Throw a hundred million credits at it and the R&D team will make it a dozen times more effective... and pocket-sized."


In reality, the "super prototype" thing is less common that the "demo prototype."

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The point I'm trying to make is that the Primes are closer to what would be optimum performance, non-mass produced models. I'm sure during the great war they didn't put excalibur and frost primes out on the front lines when they could have easily sent a dozen regular models in its place.


Till we have a real clue on what the Primes functions were, for all we know they could have been a sort of Praetorian Guard, or military dress uniforms.

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I always though of the Prime vs Normal to be Master vs Student frames.  In the Orokin era the leader Tennos probably wore the Prime variants while we were all just the common soldiers.  We are just finding the blueprints of their frames and going "oooo, shiny."

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This far in the future, resources should be no problem. Find some hydrogen and use fusion, voila you have any and all materials.

No way in the universe should any model be more advanced unless the makers knew more than the other makers of the frames.

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This far in the future, resources should be no problem. Find some hydrogen and use fusion, voila you have any and all materials.

No way in the universe should any model be more advanced unless the makers knew more than the other makers of the frames.


Not in Farmframe :V

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Prime is a frame upgraded using orokin tech from towers under lockdown of a spycho AI,not a normal frame hence why their is reg excalibur and excalibur prime


if ALL frames were prime why would their be 2 diff kinds

to have a feel and an opportunity of more achievement.. or in exc primes position.. being able to spend money on the game

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to have a feel and an opportunity of more achievement.. or in exc primes position.. being able to spend money on the game

That gives me an idea...

Excalibur Prime is buy founder hunter pack

Frost Prime is from void missions...


What if we had the other Primes earned through various paths...

Like one Prime earned from Dojo research

One Prime earned from killing 4 different bosses, Vor for main BP, Raptor, for Head BP, Jackal for Chassis BP, and Golem for Systems BP


Another Prime could be you just buy him in the market with Platinum

Another Prime could be bought with Credits (for those who want it the easy way, and balance out the cries of the people who want a Credits bought Prime in Market)


Another Prime that drops from killing Stalker... Outside of the gear he drops he will drop parts of Stalker Prime over time as well. similar to normal bosses dropping parts of warframes over time just harder because stalker isn't a boss you meet because you want to.


Another Prime could be parkour based... meaning its parts are scattered across various locations you have to do everything in your power to reach using the best parkouring skills in existence...


This way all Primes are based in a manner that requires you to be the best... (Also on the Credits prime it should be the most expensive thing to buy in the market even more so then Sentinels with you having to buy each part as well in the Market also being expensive... that way it requires the richest players in the game to buy and build it so you have to be the best at collecting credits.)


Edit: oh and a Prime earned through alerts lol...

Edited by Arlayn
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The Prime warframe could be the true WAR-frame... as in the prime was made for literal War... like war armor... while the other warframes were made for normal stuff...

wow... the orokins lead to very very exciting life styles for stasis fields and controlling anti matter to be considered useful for normal stuff

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wow... the orokins lead to very very exciting life styles for stasis fields and controlling anti matter to be considered useful for normal stuff

its kinda like in Naruto... they have normal gear... then like Madara, and the Hokages they have War armor...

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