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Are you liking PoE so far?


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6 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

IMO, even the flaws you mention pale in comparison to what you actually like. Are you not playing it anymore? 

I have gripes too, but I understand that nothing will be perfect and I'm so having a hell of a time. Its been a while since I've been compelled to play heavy sessions in WF. I'm enjoying the update overall. Yes, critiquing is good, but I don't think PoE is overall a negative addition to WF at all. If you read the forum you would think that the game was suddenly ruined by this update. Most of the complaints amount to people assuming the grind is going to take forever when the updates barely been out a week

I'm still playing and I agree with you that PoE is a good addition to the game and offers fresh opportunities for coming updates. I can ignore technical issues since DE is the most dedicated development team I know of, they always have come up with fixes, and rather quickly on top.

Many dedicated Warframe fans want it all, even the focus stuff they don't like particulary. The grind behind the new focus tree, especially in regard to the Operator-enhancing way-bound skills, pales every grind you might have felt before in comparison. Although I have played for 4k hours now, I never felt Warframe as too much grind. Be it leveling mods when I was a beginner, hunting prime parts, leveling a crappy weapon for just its affinity or hunting down Kuva for another RNG riven roll - it never mattered, the game itself was fun enough and you always had a constant sense of progress.

With Focus 2.0 this changes massively. You need extreme affinity numbers for very little progress in comparison. If you add the fact that a majority doesn't like the operator that much, outrage is the obvious result. And about the assumption that the grind will take forever - it will, if it won't be changed. Even if you have your ways with Ivara and Equinox to farm focus affinity much faster than others, you will take months thanks to the daily affinity limit. And all for minor advantages.

With the focus on Operators in PoE and the increase of operator-exclusive contents, some people are afraid that Operators might become mandatory in the future and focus grind might become unavoidable.

Personally, I'm happy that I've got enough affinity to max Naramon's Affinity & Power Spike. I won't grind focus affinity or Quills standing at all. I have my greater lenses and just gather affinity along my normal play, ignoring Eidolon and public PoE for now.



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i gotta say despite numerous, grave problems plains of eidolon reinvigourated my interest in the game far more than i excpected.

in terms of presentation the plains are simply marvelous. parcour 2.0 suddenly makes sense. simply traversing and scouting the landscape feels like a treat... for the time being at least. battling in the open space really almost feels like a different game, despite the same old units. focus 2.0 feels smooth and the extra activity turned out to be fun to me, to my own suprise really. coming closer and closer to actually taking down an eidolon turns out to be motivating (so far i solo exclusively so i can do things my own pace).

at the very least for once this update really feels like new "content". my overall impression is positive.

that being said alot of things are terribly wrong with it but i'm cautiously optimistic at least some will be resolved in the near future.

- hermetic loot economy

- minigames being mandatory

- archwing implementation is a joke and unneccesary resource sink

- bounty rewards for the most part still are downright insulting

- focus 2.0 grind / numbers are rather bonkers

- bugs, bugs, bugs (it wouldn't be a warframe update without them, would it)

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i like this update. <3

is a new part of warframe. not a new warframe.

i am just upset about Focus 2.0 i still dont understand neither a line in official guide.

the fishing is simply a masterpiece, relaxing in a A++ graphic tileset around with water that look like real <3

+8/10 for me.


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Overall, I'd say yes. I've had a pretty good time wandering around relatively aimlessly and hassling grineer (or vice versa, depending how you look at it). 

It has some issues and concerns, but overall I do like it. 

Resource requirements for both standing and crafting are way high, but I kind of expected this. It's always easier to back off from this sort of thing than to discover it's trivial to players and attempt to make it less so. 

The crafted Hawkwing business is irritating, but, again, I'm not terribly surprised, just annoyed. I understand (I think) why they've done this (Blizzard has done similar things with new expansions), but the reqs are...weird and a bit much. Maybe too much to even bother with considering how easy it is to get around the map with simply parkour or using warframes with organic movement enhancing powers. 

I still prefer the base game, however. The focused missions where warframes are charging through enemy installations destroying everything in their path on their way to their objective(s) is what I came to the game for and what I like best about it. There's something odd about warframes lolling about a settlement of autochthones, trading fish and rocks, while bargaining(?) with the locals. It has its charm, but...it is kinda weird when you think about it. 

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I mostly like it.  It's a cool change of pace with lots of new and interesting content.  The fact that it feels so segregated from the rest of the game is an issue but as a veteran it's not a huge problem for me.  I can see how it would be for newbies though.  My biggest problem with it is that I'm still waiting for the Alignment system to do anything, and the orbiter to be interesting, and anything new for dojos besides a bit of free endo, and the kingpin system, and Dark Sectors / the Orokin Lab features to be reimplemented, and my somatic link chair to have colors matching the rest of the ship, and Lotus' dialogue in in LoR to reflect the Phobos retcon.


It's like someone promised you a bunch of cool things so you supported them and their ideas, and then they gave you a bunch of completely different cool things instead.

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There's the good, the bad and the ugly.

Good: It is a very big and nice addition to the game, expand things to do.

The bad: Bugs, bugs everywhere.

The ugly: The grind dial is too far off the the mark. Some mechanics have been poorly implemented. Archwing charges still the outstanding sore thumb. Reuseable dye blueprints are being fixed thankfully. 


Overall I think it will improve, and it's a win. Overall positively impressed, with a caveat that Archwing mechanics really need to be changed. 

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I haven't gone on a single mission outside of PoE since drop. I love everything about it, fishing, mining, Eidolons, Grineer stand-offs and bounties. I don't really care about the economy and standing grind since I'm not rushing to get everything I can, the buffs were nice as well.

I understand people getting annoyed at bugs but I've been lucky with only 2 bounties bugged out two days after the drop, and none since.

It's not perfect but it's a great update on its own, compared to previous updates it's also great (It doesn't rely on story but on gameplay alone), and compared to most other games released on this period it blows them out of the water. 


The only thing that bothers me is the negativity here, feedback is great, we got nice changes thanks to it. But it's not the same as being negative and complaining about every minute thing.


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Nope. Here's why:

Enemy Level is far to low to even be a threat or fun to combat when your sentinel can one shot them they need to be buffed.

Forced to fish. Not optional, You fish or you get exactly jack.

Forced to mine. See above, you do it or you get Jack. Even faction advancement requires you to waste time doing menial tasks.

Eidelons drop 120 % IPS mods, driving the prices down and cutting my throat on plat, which I will now need to buy fish and gems because I sure as hell am not going to waste  3 hours of playtime "relaxing" in a combat oriented 3rd person shooter.

Bounty Timer = 2 hours  between repeats? Um yawn, what if we have a life and you know want to use them to make standing? Ohppp better go stand on a rock and chuck spears at fish.. yawn, sorry I'll go play Destiny 2, or Planetside 2 for a few hours instead, they don't make me fish, be back in 2 hours to run another bounty.

Matchmaking = *CENSORED*, seriously this needs fixed now.

If you want a break from combat go play basspro 2017, or minecraft... If you want massive explosion, space ninjas parkouring up walls and kicking a cloned genetic mistake in the face while you decapitate his homeboy with your shotty you play warframe. I know i am in the minority of people that think this PoE patch is a massive joke. They already got my money so I am sure they don't care. I almost feel insulted they said without guys like me that this expansion wouldn't have been possible.

Oh and lastly, the fact that you can buy the majority of materials with platinum but I can;t buy nitain is a HUGE INSULT IMO, this is pay to win 100%, where as the rest of warframe is not. So no I don't like PoE. In fact it is almost, and we'll see in time, enough to make me stop playing warframe all together if they keep fishing and mining mandatory and do not release true endgame content like a corpus raid, or weekly challenge modes with abnormally high level enemies.

P.S. Where's our  acolytes? 2 years now we've been waiting...

P.S.S. Remove Armistice...

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Sorry, but I can't like something that doesn't respect my time.
This is insulting to everyone in every possible level:



I understand all the hard work put into this update. I highly appreciate the open world, the artistic design of the new places and of Cetus, but seriously, the economy is beyond absurd (even after the recent changes).
Rewards are absolutely worthless, both for vets and new players alike. Hiding our hard-earned and leveled archwings behind resources is beyond greedy. If they wanted us not to abuse our archwings for their mobility, put a simple 1 min cooldown or something but don't make them a consumable item and don't even get me started on how easy you can lose your archwing if you're hit even once, it's absurd.

Then you have like 30 new resources, all intentionally interconnected so that people are absolutely forced to farm for everything if they want any of the new stuff. Fish for crafting amps? How does that make any sense? Fishing should be a side activity that lets us earn cosmetic items or something not tied into the main gameplay.

And the quills? Go kill eidolons to get the parts you need to level up to get better equipment to go and kill more eidolons. Like... seriously?

There's so much forced grind on this update that it really takes the whole "open world" experience down behind the insane grindwall they've introduced here... Just take a look at focus "2.0" and how even if you had maxed your school now you won't even get to complete half of it... yeah, keep defending DE all you want but some things should be criticized and PoE's grind is definitely one of them (maybe that's why PC Gamer, which has always had nice things to say about WF, put out that article the other day... maybe DE went overkill thinking people would simply accept it).

I like the concept of PoE, I really do, but PoE's not for new players (seriously, go try and play from the beginning and you'll understand pretty quickly why) and it isn't either for anyone with a real life, people with jobs or families will take ages to even get halfway through the new content.

There's grind, and then there's PoE's grind.

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On 10/18/2017 at 10:46 AM, Omnimorph said:

Criticism is, "This isn't working, here's the proof, here are some thoughts and suggestions." 

It's not, "I'm a junior game designer and I think you should be doing it this way.  If you don't heed my words of wisdom I'm going to tell everyone what a big poopyhead you are."

I've seen as many games fail from devs treating their players as oracles and not sticking to their guns. 


On 10/18/2017 at 11:18 AM, TwistedDee said:

You know some of us are not 12, some of us do actually have a job, some of us also have some experience playing games and some of us are capable of giving constructive feedback, it is to whom the devs should listen. You have to filter the criticism for what is unreasonable and what is justified, adult people usually manage, they know criticism is necessary to evolve because you can always do better, it is the less mentally capable, the dreamers, the NEETs who have a romantic view of things, of the game they use to flee reality, where they feel and experience accomplishment and where they feel that a huge grind is personally rewarding once you finish it because not everyone is willing or capable to deal with that grind so you finally can feel like you have accomplished something in life. So far I have not heard a single sane argument in favor of how the PoE grind was implemented, I have read plenty of well thought out and well brought forward valid criticism so I have to judge based on the social background of people and there are those who have a sense of how the world works and those who never leave their own four walls and therefore have an extremely limited view of things.     

I didn't want an argument. I just wanted an opinion.

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