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Gender Alternate Warframes


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Nice works and Hope someday some talented fan will make full models with everything what the frames can do actualy. They just need implement it. Only plus suggestion the names ofc not male valkyre or male ember but something which sounds badass and still not ruining the "lore".


Need a Design maker program for warframe.

Edited by Sziklamester
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  • 2 months later...

Honestly, this is a complete waste of time


It's a nice idea but entirely pointless


there's a good mix of "male & female" frames and each are unique no need to spoil that uniqueness


Besides the Tenno are actually genderless IIRC


Also DE have enough on their plates as it is, let alone doubling their warframe workload just so a few people get to play a gender bender frame?


It's a nice concept I guess but not one ever grounded in a workable reality


Final points:


- Adds no real gameplay value

- Diminishes each Warframe's unique attributes

- Doubles DE workload 

- Slows down updates



The only way this would ever become a workable reality is if it was in skin form:


For example a female Excalibur skin to go over current excal

Edited by osbornia
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A gender variant of anything not ruin the uniqueness if this do then no needs male and female body parts in real life and we could be both. Snail life.


The last argument have valid points with workload and slows the updates but honestly if they making new stuffs everything slow down updates because working on. If you want concretize this argument part then say your beloved part changes what you want from the update.


A gameplay value is a thing then some stick man enough for this because cheaper way to make designs. Honestly there are peoples whom working on design and if you already made a theme then not so hard to copy paste and change that necessary parts the other things is equal time consumers.


Separate the gameplay and design equal need to keep interested the playerbase.


The diminishes each warframe ability argument just butthurt because there are some actual frames which using the same effects just a modified version. If you have 2 guy whom useing an equal ability gifted armor then 2 person separated and they are still unique because that armor still capable to do different things than others.


This uniqueness thing is annoys me and just restrict to make something new. 


A gender swap mostly a move for a more gender free choice and design choice where you can select the way to play now with this design concept you are forced to use an ember because still no around other male variant whom using fire except the Chroma but that's a different thing.

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