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Fomorian Event Failure Penalty Is Very Bad.


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Go on and white-knight some more sir-


See, once again you lose credibility. You throw a label on me just because I don't agree with your opinions? Keep calling me that. I frankly don't care. I'll happily defend DE if they're worth defending. But I'll happily turn around and give them some constructive criticism (NOT insult them) if they start taking the wrong path. I've done it before, and will do it again, just like many of us beta players.


And now you're saying the storyline they created for this event didn't take much effort either? Have you read the lore surrounding this event? They could've easily just told us the Grineer have new ships and we need to destroy them before something bad happens. Instead, they incorporated ALL THREE factions into this and instead of a clear cut "We must defeat the Grineer" those of us who actually enjoy the storyline have to think "We're helping the Corpus here....But if we don't help them, the Grineer will become far more powerful. But it's the Corpus...they've killed and dissected my brethren..." <---- That's good story right there. CONFLICT within the players' mind over what they may have to do. I like that. This universe isn't black and white, and this event shows that.


And then you go on to the bosses. Really? Lech Kril is alot of fun and has different stages. So is the new Vor. How about you actually fight the new Vor with appropriate gear? The rest of the bosses are still being worked on - DE has stated this hundreds of times now.


I think that any areas we succeed in we should get 50% more resources to balance out the ones we may fail in. DE brought resources into this, I think it's only fair.


I wouldn't mind seeing a resource hike as another reward. Maybe after their crippling defeat, the Grineer are forced to retreat and stockpile their own materials - materials we tend to break in and steal from their ships and asteroid mining facilities.

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I posted this in a similar topic but I'll bring it up again:


The solution is 2 simple steps.


1. Make there be a reward(should be kept secret, like frost prime was) for defeating all the fomorian ships in addition to the punishment.


2. Make the punishment actually advance the story in an interesting way instead of being some arbitrary punishment that unfairly affects people who didn't participate and discourages play in the future.


Example: We didn't destroy all the fomorian ships. Oh no! Now the grineer have gained a foothold and all destroy reactor missions on the affected planets have been replaced with fomorian ships. Luckily stable corrupters are no longer required (but help) [added this to make sure the missions could be completed by new players.]


New event! We must now assault the factories where the fomorian ships are built. If we destroy enough of them production will halt and the corpus will be grateful(the reward for defeating all the ships that was lost). You may also be able to find some grineer blueprints(possibly the sawgun) inside the factories that can aid the tenno cause.(these items would be given after the event when the tenno have time to scavenge the wreckage and given to those who contributed the most showing their dedication to the tenno cause, essentially the same tiered rewards concept)


Failure to halt production will only allow newer, more deadly technology to be built as the grineer gain more and more resources.(this leads into the next event which continues on in the same fashion.)


Obviously victory on the current event should advance the story and lead into the next event as well.

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The penalty is bad cause it's bland, binary and does nothing but inconvenience players. It doesn't push story forward, it doesn't make the game more interesting, it just makes an already grindy game more grindy. It only really punishes newer players who might not already have the mats they need to build things, and frankly, that's the worst thing you could do to them.


You throw a label on me just because I don't agree with your opinions? Keep calling me that. I frankly don't care. I'll happily defend DE if they're worth defending. But I'll happily turn around and give them some constructive criticism (NOT insult them) if they start taking the wrong path. I've done it before, and will do it again, just like many of us beta players.

Feel free to look through my post history and see that most of my post are actually well constructed feedback. I labeled you cause what you were doing was heavily biased. I never insulted DE. You instead inferred this, and then made a misplaced accusation and a rather needlessly aggressive one at that.


Yes, I have read the lore. And if you want, I can explain my issues with the lore and why I currently feel that the current story is quite weak in a pm or something. As for bosses, you can look through my posts and see that I often explicitly mention more bosses need to be like Kril.



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Why bother giving negative feedback? Every thread that doesn't say "wow great event i luv u de" gets flamed to hell by a horde of fanboys. 



Wow, DE/Warframe Fans in Warframe Forums?


Why, I Never....!

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Why bother giving negative feedback? Every thread that doesn't say "wow great event i luv u de" gets flamed to hell by a horde of fanboys.

I give negative feedback quite often. However, the notion that failing/not participating the event doesn't have penalty is against my concept. Calling everyone who disagree with you 'fanboy' simply means that you don't have any good counter argument. This behavior is in itself purposeless.

All I can see around the negative feedback of this event is similar to the previous discussion concerning loss of material and mod upon failing the mission. "I lose but I don't want to lose therefore the game should not punish me for losing", "If we win I want my mod but if we fail I don't want to share the penalty with the community".

The first one is not going to happen. It's simply counterintuitive since without punishment, there is no learning.

The second one is selfish.

The alternative that has been proposed as an alternative like buffing Grineer sounds good, for the poster. Do you really think that others won't disagree with it. "Why should we have to fight buffed Grineer because of community failed the mission!". Simply, there will always be different in opinion no matter what DE do. What you want isn't desirable for other parts of community.

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The penalty is bad cause it's bland, binary and does nothing but inconvenience players. It doesn't push story forward, it doesn't make the game more interesting, it just makes an already grindy game more grindy. It only really punishes newer players who might not already have the mats they need to build things, and frankly, that's the worst thing you could do to them.


Just like any other punishment would be punishing to newer players who don't have a stockpile of resources. Stronger enemies? Harder to fight through to get to those resources. Closed off planetary systems? Harder to find resources. Weakened weaponry in some shape or form? Again, harder to fight enemies to get to the resources we need. Face it - resources are the core of this game, and anything that disrupts the balance of battle disrupts how they're obtained. Any other punishment would end up doing the same damage.


Feel free to look through my post history and see that most of my post are actually well constructed feedback. I labeled you cause what you were doing was heavily biased. I never insulted DE. You instead inferred this, and then made a misplaced accusation and a rather needlessly aggressive one at that.


Why the hell would I look through someone's posts before I answer the post in question? And you stated pretty clearly the insult. I called you out on it, and you backpedaled. Now if there was some sort of miscommunication, then so be it. I'm big enough to admit it if I read it wrong. But it's hard not to read that and go "This A****** is calling a dev team lazy."




Yes, I have read the lore. And if you want, I can explain my issues with the lore and why I currently feel that the current story is quite weak in a pm or something. As for bosses, you can look through my posts and see that I often explicitly mention more bosses need to be like Kril.


*rolls eyes* Of course the current story is weak. They're still crafting it and have yet to divulge most of it. Everything's shrouded in mystery for the most part. We don't know all the details about each faction, so calling the story "weak" is like looking at a slice of bread and going "This sandwich isn't very filling."


As for the bosses, why did you state specifically that the bosses are bad in this game if you're such an advocate of Kril? Kril = a redone boss. He wasn't as awesome as he is now a few months ago. Same with Vor. Those are 2 redone bosses, while the rest of the bosses haven't been touched yet.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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DE I understand you want to peak your concurrent player population numbers with a weekend event, but punishing your players for not meeting your expectations is bad. If you actually implement this penalty, then you are discouraging people to play the game for several weeks thereafter.


It's also a giant slap to the face to any players like me who can barely get on during the weekend, because of having to work and spend time with family. Why are you trying to punish a player like me for several weeks because I failed to participate fully in an event that you only just announced last wednesday.  I play this game somewhat casually and if loot drop rates were halved, it would only encourage me to play other steam games that arent purposefully wasting my time.


I feel like you're making me play this game with your gun aimed at my head.

LETS worry bout this after the event.....

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While I completely agree with OP, I'm still the man who knows the first rule of events:


If house can't take the stakes and there is no jackpot, offer the fruits


So, unless we talking about simple excuse to advance market, to get more money from plat, reward will be granted, no matter how many Tennos participate in event, ships somehow got blowed up and it will be about 30 minutes before ending. Maybe, we will got 1-2 planets locked up, but who cares?


What's coming to bosses and events, I agree, most of them doesn't even make sense. Let's say GENERAL Sargas Ruk, who involved in raiding Tenno digsites. Fascinating. What's next? Twin sisters digging a trench? CORPORAL Dash Rendar as head of Grineer Fleet of Great Invasion?

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See, once again you lose credibility. You throw a label on me just because I don't agree with your opinions? Keep calling me that. I frankly don't care. I'll happily defend DE if they're worth defending. But I'll happily turn around and give them some constructive criticism (NOT insult them) if they start taking the wrong path. I've done it before, and will do it again, just like many of us beta players.


And now you're saying the storyline they created for this event didn't take much effort either? Have you read the lore surrounding this event? They could've easily just told us the Grineer have new ships and we need to destroy them before something bad happens. Instead, they incorporated ALL THREE factions into this and instead of a clear cut "We must defeat the Grineer" those of us who actually enjoy the storyline have to think "We're helping the Corpus here....But if we don't help them, the Grineer will become far more powerful. But it's the Corpus...they've killed and dissected my brethren..." <---- That's good story right there. CONFLICT within the players' mind over what they may have to do. I like that. This universe isn't black and white, and this event shows that.


And then you go on to the bosses. Really? Lech Kril is alot of fun and has different stages. So is the new Vor. How about you actually fight the new Vor with appropriate gear? The rest of the bosses are still being worked on - DE has stated this hundreds of times now.



I wouldn't mind seeing a resource hike as another reward. Maybe after their crippling defeat, the Grineer are forced to retreat and stockpile their own materials - materials we tend to break in and steal from their ships and asteroid mining facilities.

I agree with you on the event, but you are cutting it pretty close to white knighting defending vor.  He is boring and easy to beat.  All he has are increasingly effective attacks and a shield bubble that he hides in until his shield regens.  It prolongs an easy fight for longer than it needs to be.

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If you're a casual, go be casual somewhere else... Don't get your casual all over actual fun games that have consequences for failure please. They're already the rarest gems in the game market these days.


Actually, no one has any right or authority to tell another person what they can and can't play. We're stubborn and we play what we want to play, end of story. One of the goals of any dev&design team is to balance a game so that both casual and dedicated players can enjoy it. There are companies that want to focus on a niche. They clearly announce that and it is a risk they're prepared to take. Otherwise, assume the first.


As for the OP, I can't really offer any words of comfort. If the community is motivated enough to ensure that failure is not an option, then we all benefit together. However, if the community cannot manage to pull it together, then we all suffer together. Even if we had failed and the drop rates were decreases, *everybody* would suffer, not just casuals who can only play from time to time. It's not like people who grind an insane amount of hours get any special treatment over casuals.

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