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Login Rewards.


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Just now, xXDeadsinxX said:

That too yeah.

It's really a simple concept. 

A. Log in - claim a reward


B. Don't log in- don't get a reward

*If B. Then obviously you have more important priorities than logging in for pixels. 

In game hours do not translated to loyalty. The rewards are not going anywhere.  The game is not going anywhere. 

Seriously, some just need to get a grip.

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Just now, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

It's really a simple concept. 

A. Log in - claim a reward


B. Don't log in- don't get a reward

*If B. Then obviously you have more important priorities than logging in for pixels. 

In game hours do not translated to loyalty. The rewards are not going anywhere.  The game is not going anywhere. 

Seriously, some just need to get a grip.

Exactly! Totally agree with you. Others don’t understand, and some are ignorant and want everything handed to them right away. They have to earn the reward like everyone else.

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the current login system is about as fair as fair gets. If you're a longtime veteran, you're bound to have more than a newer player. If DE allowed you to rush the system in any way there'd be literally no point to the whole system. It's their most effective means of keeping players engaged in the long term to date. I don't mind being about 150 days behind, I took a couple of breaks and the getting behind is justified.

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11 minutes ago, Comrade said:

the current login system is about as fair as fair gets. If you're a longtime veteran, you're bound to have more than a newer player. If DE allowed you to rush the system in any way there'd be literally no point to the whole system. It's their most effective means of keeping players engaged in the long term to date. I don't mind being about 150 days behind, I took a couple of breaks and the getting behind is justified.

I'd have to dig up the quotes, but veterans were supposed to be compensated prior to the switch. We never were and it just so happened that I took a long break from the game right around this point so I can't help but feel annoyed every time a new item is added to back end of the system. 

I'm just waiting for the day that something like primed Primary/Secondary mods are added to the queue. It will be the day that I take my time and money elsewhere. 


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Just now, JuicyPop said:

I'd have to dig up the quotes, but veterans were supposed to be compensated prior to the switch. We never were and it just so happened that I took a long break from the game right around this point.


They said that "veterans" would have earlier shots at the better random rewards from the daily logins. Which we did.

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1 hour ago, VocalMagic said:

Change it.

Delete it, speed up the days, shorten the time between older mile stones, delete it, give 3 'bonus days' for 5 consecutive logins, move the weapons somewhere else, delete it, add a second location for the older login weapons, delete it, or delete it. I don't care what you do, but the system needs to be better.

Nope. Sorry. Spend the time earn the weapon just like the rest of us and put up with it mate. 

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Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

They said that "veterans" would have ealier shots at the better random rewards from the daily logins. Which we did.

I'm still waiting for that. It has been over 4 years and I'm still waiting for my first 75%. 

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2 minutes ago, Arniox said:

Nope. Sorry. Spend the time earn the weapon just like the rest of us and put up with it mate. 

There is a difference between actively spending time and merely waiting for something to be granted to you. The latter lacks any sense of agency. 

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Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Those are at a constant chance for everyone. They weren't referring to those.

Oh, so what are the better rewards then? I haven't really seen a change from the random rare resource that was typical under the old system. 

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1 minute ago, JuicyPop said:

I'm still waiting for that. It has been over 4 years and I'm still waiting for my first 75%. 

the 75% coupons almost exclusively come up as a login reward after people take a break to encourage them to spend money to catch up to the rest of the game they missed, but i've gotten a lot of affinity boosters and credit boosters that are worth plat.

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54 minutes ago, VocalMagic said:

if someone starts now, they will be 2 years away from getting what someone older has, and by that time they will be 2 years away from the new thing, providing they stick around that long.

This is a long time. This is discouraging. So why bother?

No, this is you being jealous. It is not discouraging, if anything, it would tell a new player that there must be truly dedicated players out there. 


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3 minutes ago, Arniox said:

No, this is you being jealous. It is not discouraging, if anything, it would tell a new player that there must be truly dedicated players out there. 


And at some point that look actually turns players away from the game because they have no idea if Warframe will even exist by the time that they would earn it. Square Enix learned this lesson with FF14 and Veteran rewards and it seems silly that DE wouldn't at least take notice. 

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lol, a kid that, of course, doesn't want to "earn" it, wants it give to him or changed to benefit him......yes sir, that's wut u call entitled......and no, don't change it...as if it's hurting or hendering the game in any way, shape or form.....Good nite kid, it's a game and a simple login is wut ur crying about.....lol.......makes u look really, really bad!!!

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52 minutes ago, VocalMagic said:

Would you also be able to accept that there's one more weapon you'd be 200 days behind for by the time that happened? If it is acceptable, how would you feel?

I would feel completely fine by that. It rewards those who are around for ages

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9 minutes ago, Arniox said:

I would feel completely fine by that. It rewards those who are around for ages

Simply logging into the game isn't an actual 1:1 indicator of how much time you've invested. Let's be real here, the entire point of this login system is to boost Steam numbers and at some day down the line the rewards queue will become so bloated that it will actively interfere with that very purpose. 

This isn't a complaint that's going to get better, it's going to become progressively worse until the point that people start dropping like flies. I'd simply rather see DE spare themselves another headache and change it before the point that it becomes absolutely necessary. 

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2 minutes ago, JuicyPop said:

Simply logging into the game isn't an actual 1:1 indicator of how much time you've invested. Let's be real here, the entire point of this login system is to boost Steam numbers and at some day down the line the rewards queue will become so bloated that it will actively interfere with that very purpose. 

This isn't a complaint that's going to get better, it's going to become progressively worse until the point that people start dropping like flies. 

Well let them drop. Those are the jealous people. People that's tick around are the ones who don't mind the system and who will log in as often as possible and not care about weapons as they're added. 

You and I and many others have played this game for years and never had a need for any of these weapons. It was only their introduction that made them popular

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2 minutes ago, JuicyPop said:

And at some point that look actually turns players away from the game because they have no idea if the game will even exist by the time that they earn it.

I doubt this would actually cause many new players to abandon the game; like maybe 10 people total. :)

There's so much stuff in this game now, starting fresh and thinking you're going to get everything is a little insane (vaulted stuff, event weapons, etc.). Let's face it, most people treat the login weapons as mastery fodder (I personally only enjoy using the Azima)...so it's just a few MR points in a sea of MR points you'll miss out on, big deal.

I know my friends that are more casual players don't care in the slightest about never getting login weapons and collecting everything. They are super happy with the Twitch stuff though. Basically they are fun playing, that's what matters to them.

Personally, I'd be fine if DE stopped with login rewards, but my reasons for being cool with that is exactly why DE probably shouldn't stop. :)

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14 minutes ago, Arniox said:

Well let them drop. 

You might be okay with that, but DE probably won't share your opinion. 

14 minutes ago, Arniox said:

Those are the jealous people.

It's not jealousy, it would be envy and the flaw here is in assuming that there are those who can't think rationally about this topic if they happen to be behind.  

I for one am only the cusp of claiming the Azima and I don't mind what's currently in the queue; what actually has me bothered are the broken promises that veteran logins pre-dating the system would be appropriately compensated. 

14 minutes ago, Arniox said:

People that's tick around are the ones who don't mind the system and who will log in as often as possible and not care about weapons as they're added. 

Well no S#&$. The people on the bleeding edge of any system will tend to be the most blind to its faults. 

14 minutes ago, Arniox said:

You and I and many others have played this game for years and never had a need for any of these weapons. It was only their introduction that made them popular

I don't actually care about the items themselves, I care about their handling of it now and in the future. This is not something that is attractive for new players and no matter how much you don't like the idea, new and casual players are the lifeblood of f2p titles. 

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

I doubt this would actually cause many new players to abandon the game; like maybe 10 people total. :)

There's so much stuff in this game now, starting fresh and thinking you're going to get everything is a little insane (vaulted stuff, event weapons, etc.). Let's face it, most people treat the login weapons as mastery fodder (I personally only enjoy using the Azima)...so it's just a few MR points in a sea of MR points you'll miss out on, big deal.

I know my friends that are more casual players don't care in the slightest about never getting login weapons and collecting everything. They are super happy with the Twitch stuff though. Basically they are fun playing, that's what matters to them.

Personally, I'd be fine if DE stopped with login rewards, but my reasons for being cool with that is exactly why DE probably shouldn't stop. :)

The problem isn't necessarily what's currently in the queue, it's what might be added down the line that a new player would already be two+ years away from. 

Seriously, what's stopping DE from releasing Primed Streamline, Primed Serration, Primed Hornet Strike, etc. for Day 1000? What's to say that those mods won't actually be necessary and relevant in future content with an actual end game feel?

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I don't understand why people don't like the log in reward system, when I saw the zenistar sitting a week away from being mine I was so hyped. It gave me something to look forward to that had a set date and time, no [DE]lays like some other thinks I know *cough* umbra *cough*.

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2 minutes ago, Skrewyluie said:

I don't understand why people don't like the log in reward system, when I saw the zenistar sitting a week away from being mine I was so hyped. It gave me something to look forward to that had a set date and time, no [DE]lays like some other thinks I know *cough* umbra *cough*.

Need I say more as to why that isn't really similar to what a new player is staring at from the outset? What if they really like Saryn and realize that they need to login for nearly a year just to acquire the one weapon that actually makes her patchwork kit acceptable? 

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