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Founders Exclusivity [solution/suggestion]


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1 hour ago, TheFinalEpic said:

Yeah... no. 


here's the thing, this game would have never existed without  us.

Nor would it exist without the people who have payed for it regurarly since. Should we get exclusive Warframes and weapons too, unobtainable to the founders who haven't payed as much? 

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2 hours ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

Excalibur p. stat-wise is likely to return in Umbra skin. Until then you will have to deal with it.

Reportedly it's a completely new frame with different and possibly superior stats to the prime variants. I've already seen panic over the fact it might make Excal prime technically obsolete. 

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4 minutes ago, Sentinel-Wraith said:

Reportedly it's a completely new frame with different and possibly superior stats to the prime variants. I've already seen panic over the fact it might make Excal prime technically obsolete. 

Excalibur Prime has 25 extra armour and an extra polarity. He's hardly better than Excalibur.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)SageHeed said:

Nor would it exist without the people who have payed for it regurarly since. Should we get exclusive Warframes and weapons too, unobtainable to the founders who haven't payed as much? 

Exactly. Many people support this game, all gratitude to them. And this is important, they are the reason why this game proceeds to develop, but do DE talk about them as much as about founders?

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2 minutes ago, texrei said:

Exactly. Many people support this game, all gratitude to them. And this is important, they are the reason why this game proceeds to develop, but do DE talk about them as much as about founders?

Nah, nobody cares about those players, reason why I'm happy to be a free player who hasn't spent a dime even tough i could give a lot of support if the proper incentive was offered.

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2 minutes ago, texrei said:

Exactly. Many people support this game, all gratitude to them. And this is important, they are the reason why this game proceeds to develop, but do DE talk about them as much as about founders?

No more exclusive weapons or warframe that's not a solution that's another problem DE are thankful to the ppl that spend their time and money to the game but making exclusive weapons and frames aren't the solution at all

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Just now, ----Legacy---- said:

Nah, nobody cares about those players, reason why I'm happy to be a free player who hasn't spent a dime even tough i could give a lot of support if the proper incentive was offered.

To be honest, we don't ask to be cared about. I just want to be left alone but these posts though.

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21 minutes ago, Sentinel-Wraith said:

Reportedly it's a completely new frame with different and possibly superior stats to the prime variants. I've already seen panic over the fact it might make Excal prime technically obsolete. 

Good then maybe people will stop *@##$ing lol. I hope Umbra Excal is better than excal prime.

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29 minutes ago, TheFinalEpic said:

To be honest, we don't ask to be cared about. I just want to be left alone but these posts though.

I have no issue with DE caring about founders, tbh, just kinda sad to see how a huge part of the community seems to forget about prime access and platinum buyers and how DE allows founders to be the only ones with real exclusivity over their paid gear even when it's also the only exclusive gear with an actual gameplay value since even primed accesories are bound to return at some moment despite being just cosmetics.

Edited by ----Legacy----
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

No more exclusive weapons or warframe that's not a solution that's another problem DE are thankful to the ppl that spend their time and money to the game but making exclusive weapons and frames aren't the solution at all

I don't mind some pretty badge

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I started WF not too long ago, and I think founders should be left alone on all this.If DE were the kind of company to give out founder packages, call them exclusive, and then rip the exclusivity away at a later date I'd instantly stop supporting the company. I actually feel bad for the founders after reading up on all this excal prime drama I wasn't around for.

Are people these days really that self-serving that they can't just let people have what they have? I love you guys but if this is your biggest concern in the universe right now you must be doing pretty well off.

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I would like to just say, I never talked about a re-release of the founders excal p, i just want the MR from it, and to be able to collect it. We know he has a lackluster stat boost, and umbra has a high chance of being better due to the minimal boost excal prime has over excal normal.

All I wanted was the ability to collect something that is similar to/beside him. I am willing to play for 1000's of daily login rewards/1000's of hours just to obtain him, If that proves that I am dedicated to the game that is cool. I do not want more pay walls within the game. Founders can enjoy their sick looking cosmetics over the regular players, but revoking a part of the core game in a shoot and loot is counter-intuitive in my honest opinion.

As I final note I will say that I am 100% ok with exclusive cosmetics, Including but not limited to: colored names, special tags, special armour, im even fine with them getting extra slots, special orbiters, and even early access to missions. Just not core gameplay features.

Edited by Fake_Tree
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

No more exclusive weapons or warframe that's not a solution that's another problem DE are thankful to the ppl that spend their time and money to the game but making exclusive weapons and frames aren't the solution at all

I put forth the idea of exclusives for non-founders to precicely to highlight how bad of an idea it is, I wasn't actually suggesting it.

There are countless ways founders could get special treatment while still giving the rest of us access to those Primes. They could have a Riven-like frame around their glyphs, or be allowed to upload personalized glyphs, or be given a unique armor slot in which halos could be equipped, or full body glowy auras, all which would sate their need to be noticed. If I had more than one minute to think of other ideas I'm sure I could think of more things, as I am sure DE could think of something suitable that would make everyone happy.

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9 minutes ago, Frosthaven83 said:

I started WF not too long ago, and I think founders should be left alone on all this.If DE were the kind of company to give out founder packages, call them exclusive, and then rip the exclusivity away at a later date I'd instantly stop supporting the company. I actually feel bad for the founders after reading up on all this excal prime drama I wasn't around for.

Are people these days really that self-serving that they can't just let people have what they have? I love you guys but if this is your biggest concern in the universe right now you must be doing pretty well off.

If only problem was with this exclusives. Do you see how most players and DE treat founders? How about other supporters? They make people think like we have done nothing for this game, but it's not true.

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3 minutes ago, texrei said:

If only problem was with this exclusives. Do you see how most players and DE treat founders? How about other supporters? They make people think like we have done nothing for this game, but it's not true.

I guess I'd need context on cases where they treated non-founders as garbage. I watched a couple dev streams and followed different DE posts across the internet and all I see is thank yous going out to all the player base, but I could be missing something that you know and I don't.

What I do know is I looked up some excal prime stuff out of curiosity and after seeing how other players treat founders simply for being founders I was just amazed at where gaming has gone in 2017.

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