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Best and Worst types of players to play with?


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Good ones... (and bad ones).

Ones that rez quickly and gracefully (as in not t-bagging you first before walking away).

Ones that turn off alarms (those that don't gogogogogogo... must... have... more.... crack).

Ones that manage their own health (take cover)/energy (not a monkey pushing a button over and over) despite a "healer" present.

Ones that understand what the objective of the mission is (ie not running off to the next county and dying by the ditch).

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22 hours ago, RobWasHere said:

New, dangerous trend is born - self reviving even if teammates are like 10m away from you then complaining about running out of revives.

It's so annoying, remember peeps with operator can go in void mode and revive without the fear of getting dmg/cc. But no, let's press X

Edited by Ascended1QQ
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On 11/5/2017 at 7:35 AM, RobWasHere said:

New, dangerous trend is born - self reviving even if teammates are like 10m away from you then complaining about running out of revives.

Happens to me alot, im just trying to reload m gun while down and he revives instead. Even though the prompt says HOLD B to revive.


Best players: People who dont talk or type. They just play and theres no drama or aruments.

The worst: The opposite of that ^

Edited by SomewhatEpic
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Best: people who also dance with their orbiters in then loading screen. Also those three people I did a public axi relic run with and carried me far beyond I deserved to go. I thought I was doing ok, but at the end screen, I did a whole 7% of damage. And they revived me the one time I dropped, not to mention never saying anything mean about the fact that I was way in over my head. Or saying anything, which was fine too. Even better, they extracted when I hovered around the extraction point (after like, 20 minutes so not instantly). I think they're my fav people I've interacted with so far.


Worst: people that don't revive, people who bolt off in seven different directions and never group up in any kind of capacity for defense/excavation.

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Let's see...

Best kind of players? The ones that one the proper use of each Warframe, the ones that make a ton of jokes to make the party more awesome, the ones that revive you, almost any party!

Worst kind of players? This is a very personal of mine and goes in contrast to what Warframe may actually is, but... I do dislike the really "SUPER FAST" players that want to have all done without not taking a moment to breath. It may sound weird or even offensive, but I search for everything in a map if I got the time, if I see this kind of players I just try to follow their pace and finish (like maybe a Sortie, which I find actually good to do it fast because if not, you're about to have a bad time unless you're properly geared). I know not all players may have time to play all the time, but sometimes the "GO! GO! GO!" just gets into my nerves. I do my best, but even this rant is not worth, because even like this, the "Super Fast" players may still be awesome people which I talk to, so... I don't know! XD

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New player here so still trying to figure out what is good and bad behaviour. So take all of my responses with a grain of salt. 

Best: Ones who respond to chat in-game and respond to your questions and/or appeals. Several times on Survivals I've had to leave after 15 minutes and have told my fellow missioners that I needed to jet. Most of the time, they're pretty responsive, and I like that. (I think it helps that this game is set up that you're not really losing out by stopping a mission -- getting another one fired up is so easy.) 

Worst: Ones who rushrushrush to the end on a level that's hard to navigate or where there is the chance an escort/rescue target might die. I understand that the point of most co-op is to finish a mission and not to farm it, but I found myself getting mocked for not gunning to the green dot ASAP. But a few times, and I was still very new, people were saying "L2P before you play rescue!" and when my escort target died, they just wrote LOL and never tried to help. I guess what I'm saying is, not everybody on the early planets is as l33t as you, so if you see someone floundering around on the map, they might need a bit of help.

Edited by Kemenril
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New players who just begin the game, I find to being some of the most valuable Warframe players in the whole community for so many reasons. 

First off, they don't care what weapons they have or consider "god tier," because they just wanna play at their own pace and make their own decisions, while some people are heavily influenced by the builds that others run. Sure, they may be good, maybe even god tier builds that require god-like mods or rivens, but they go by what they want.

When I first started playing, I thought the Bo-staff was the best weapon in the game. Keep in mind, this is the BO STAFF, no orokin catalyst, nothing. A plain, fresh out of the trash can.. Bo staff. I got some cool red and yellow colors [because I couldn't get anything else] for it, and I thought it looked like the best thing ever when you could actually make it AND your Warframe glow at certain parts. I played as Volt at the time, because he was my very first Warframe, and the feeling of dashing around at unbelieveable speeds was amazing. Shocking people with my first ability? I was blown away. I actually had no idea there WAS abilities, I thought it was the basic way of attacking, I thought I only had my bo-staff and my powers.

I love being around noobs because I can remember just how it felt to be like them like it was yesterday. It was like I walked in their own skin. In this case, their own warframe. Jokes asside, beginners can be great players. But they also can be made into a bit more rude character by the people they play with. If they play with a person who tells them "Get this or get this, it's good," or "That weapon is trash, get rid of it, ew," it kills the experience. Beginners should have to go through all that stuff first hand and discover these things their own way, not constantly be influenced by people who consider themselves "Veterans."

I have absolutely nothing wrong with veterans. In fact, I have a few friends who are really chill. Then I have a few people who are brand new who I help. I actually have one friend that I told "Hey, go to your market and tell me which warframe you want." He told be frost, and I was lowkey very proud of him, because I absolutely adore frost, but I went on and told him "Hey, if you want his Prime, go to your news and check out the "Prime with Twitch Prime," but he refused, which was perfectly okay. He even told me "I wanna experience the grind," and I felt so touched by this. And so we did. We farmed the Kril. Over. And over. And eventually, we got it. I even took him to every planet he needed to go to, and I got him what he needed. He was so happy to finally get it, and the fact he was so happy to get it made me feel "Wow.. This is what it's like to helpful." 

There needs to be more people who are willing to help others like this. If people are going to just refuse to help them JUST because they are new and suck bothers me. Because if you can't take the time to at least just help someone with one small thing [that could only take up to 5 minutes or more], and actually be rude to them about it, then what does that make you?

The full point of this is to show that new players need help. They are capable of doing everything by themselves to a certain extent, but if people aren't even going to bother taking the time to help him/her with whatever, even if it is just a short mission, then that might discourage them from playing it. 

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Favorite: That one guy in Spy missions who’s in the Vault and out within a minute, no alarms triggered. You know the guy. That guy who’s slipping through lasers and getting the right angle on his bullet jumps as he finds all the shortcuts.


Worst: WoF Ember. Outside of Defense alerts, it’s getting really annoying having every enemy burst into flames right in front of me right before I attack them. I’d like to not have to compete with you in order to have fun. Heck off.

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Best: People who don't mock you for your choice in weapons or frames and give out info on how to better your load outs or any info in general that helps the newer players. Overall players that Help everyone and anyone.

Worst: The people with that elitist mentality that right away will curse you out for any little you do that isn't to their liking or the ones trying to do something specific and still leave their game on public and somehow expect you to know when your coming into the game.

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On 11/5/2017 at 7:46 AM, Ryim_Drykeon said:

Best is anyone that comes in and plays and has fun.

Worst is the trolls that come in just to cause problems. From going AFK the whole mission, to using Limbo's Banish or Frost's bubbles to annoy/harass players. Or the dreaded all unranked Frame/Primary/Secondary/Melee/Sentinel player that is going to stand in affinity range but not contribute at all (seriously, pick one item at a time to rank, lol).

I'll make sure to bring my level 30 Fang Prime next time, ranking one thing is so slow and boring :(

Edited by PrimoValkyria
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5 minutes ago, PrimoValkyria said:

I'll make sure to bring my level 30 Fang Prime next time, ranking one thing is so slow and boring :(

Ranking everything, is fine if you're doing it with friends or clannies whom know you're going to. Doing everything at once so you can't contribute in public is being a d**k

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Just now, Ryim_Drykeon said:

Ranking everything, is fine if you're doing it with friends or clannies whom know you're going to. Doing everything at once so you can't contribute in public is being a d**k

It can be if you don't have anything modded but for forma'd + potato stuff I just run it all :crylaugh:

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