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Show me your fashion frame for Volt!


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3 hours ago, m101011 said:

this isnt art its in the market. lets let the free market speak. bet less than 1 out of 100 players with volt will use it. that means its a failure. its not the rhino palatine skin or grax mesa skin. its a failure. its a bubble gum flavored carbonated beverage aka "Tab" and cannot be confused with classic coke. which sells more?!?!?!

What? It's still art regardless, are you really suggesting that just because it's for sale that it isn't? The entire art world would like to have a word with you, or do you imagine artists don't get paid for what they do, that it has to be free to be valued as art? That's the most completely ridiculous thing I've seen on these forums yet, well done.

 Oh and a free market would dictate that any one item being sold would be a success as that satisfies supply and demand, so if even one person bought it, guess what? Successful market item, so you really couldn't be more wrong there.

 I get that you don't like it, hell, I don't like and I stated as much, but the insulting attitude isn't going to win you any respect, quite the opposite.


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10 hours ago, Kedai said:

What? It's still art regardless, are you really suggesting that just because it's for sale that it isn't? The entire art world would like to have a word with you, or do you imagine artists don't get paid for what they do, that it has to be free to be valued as art? That's the most completely ridiculous thing I've seen on these forums yet, well done.

 Oh and a free market would dictate that any one item being sold would be a success as that satisfies supply and demand, so if even one person bought it, guess what? Successful market item, so you really couldn't be more wrong there.

 I get that you don't like it, hell, I don't like and I stated as much, but the insulting attitude isn't going to win you any respect, quite the opposite.


the mona lisa isnt for sale. neither is salvador dalis melted clocks or monets water garden. this is just some traced hand made into a turkey by some 1st grader. hard to call it art more like a motor skill test that the "artist" failed. he didnt so much make a mesh as he mangled it

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4 hours ago, Kio-reki said:


Haven't had a lot of time to FashionFrame the new Deluxe skin, but I'm happy with this one for now.

 I really dig that look, it's been pretty cool to see what people have been coming up with this skin even if I personally don't like it.

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