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The Trophies We Don't Deserve


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1 minute ago, Nirrel said:

I'm sorry if this will come out as rude, but if your clan doesn't participate fully than it doesn't deserve the gold trophy? There are several tiers for a reason. If you have a ten man clan and you are the only one doing the event why the clan should have the gold trophy for the participation easily? It just doesn't make sense. And 25 runs diluted in 10 days it's practicly nothing for an event, it's way less than grinding for anything in this game and you get way more out of it with standing as rewards goes (full set of mods, new weapon parts, arcanes, resources that usually way more grindy to get). While I do agree that this isn't a fun event that's an entirely different problem.

Are you asking me if the clan does or doesn’t deserve the gold trophy? Yes I think we do deserve it since I've made more than 25 runs to get this reward, DE can't expect me to do 100 runs by my own to get a gold reward and I'm tired of recruiting people just because they want all the BP but not helping in any form or shape or they expect something the clan isn't. The leaderboard system is broken and should be reworked since it is impossible that someone did the parkour course in under 5 seconds. Back to the discussion, yes 25 runs in 11 days isn’t that much, but not everybody can or want to play this game every day. I have the luck that my real life leaves me with enough spare time and nothing else to do in WF so yes I could do much more but that's me. And you just answered to your own point, the real rewards are for the player because of the new Zaw parts and the Arcanes. The trophy is just a token to show this clan is active and reminder for this event, if you want better/different gear you can keep grinding to get 10 Arcanes each and all the parts you want. I still don’t see the problem, the smaller clan’s get a chance to get it and the more competitive players will keep putting in time in order to get everything, doesn’t mean this trophy is worthless.

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37 minutes ago, KentuckyKid_69 said:

Are you asking me if the clan does or doesn’t deserve the gold trophy? Yes I think we do deserve it since I've made more than 25 runs to get this reward, DE can't expect me to do 100 runs by my own to get a gold reward and I'm tired of recruiting people just because they want all the BP but not helping in any form or shape or they expect something the clan isn't. The leaderboard system is broken and should be reworked since it is impossible that someone did the parkour course in under 5 seconds. Back to the discussion, yes 25 runs in 11 days isn’t that much, but not everybody can or want to play this game every day. I have the luck that my real life leaves me with enough spare time and nothing else to do in WF so yes I could do much more but that's me. And you just answered to your own point, the real rewards are for the player because of the new Zaw parts and the Arcanes. The trophy is just a token to show this clan is active and reminder for this event, if you want better/different gear you can keep grinding to get 10 Arcanes each and all the parts you want. I still don’t see the problem, the smaller clan’s get a chance to get it and the more competitive players will keep putting in time in order to get everything, doesn’t mean this trophy is worthless.


I'm not asking you because I'm not talking about specific issues with specific ppl. I just say what do I think.

There is a clan system and works in a certain way. You are aware of that when you create a clan. You know that it should be composed of a certain number of people. You should be aware of the fact as well that it takes time to handle it and takes certain responsabilities. If you do not want to put up with it you will just be clan member and change clans until you get the one you like more. But if you create a clan you cannot blame anybody if you cannot keep it active or if you cannot make it to the golden trophy alone. You are not supposed to do it by yourself , it's called a clan trophy for a reason. I did express that in case that you want to create a solo clan there should be an proper tier for it to enable ppl who just want to play the game by themselves be able to reach certain goals without being overhelmed with unreasonable grind, and because there is no option for it right now I do feel the pain of those who have to do it alone. However the solution is not to make the trophy system trivial for everyone, but to add this option to the game.

What you do not seem to understand that there isn't A Trophy. There are several tiers mirroring how much work your clan and not you did put in the event. If you want to get the gold trophy as a clan your clan have to work for it more. If not, you will still have a trophy for your participation  just not the highest tier one that should mean a healty well working active clan not the personal achievement of somebody. Oh that you want the highest clan trophy without maintaining a clan propely it's something else.

I'll repeat that I don't want insane requierments, but to get the highest tier trophy for nothing is just laughable. And 2-3 missions a day even doing it solo for an event is propely ridicolous.


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9 minutes ago, Nirrel said:

What you do not seem to understand that there isn't A Trophy. There are several tiers mirroring how much work your clan and not you did put in the event. If you want to get the gold trophy as a clan your clan have to work for it more. If not, you will still have a trophy for your participation  just not the highest tier one that should mean a healty well working active clan not the personal achievement of somebody. Oh that you want the highest clan trophy without maintaining a clan propely it's something else.

This is the first event where you can go directly for the gold Trophy instead of starting with terracotta, bronze, silver and then gold. So the statement of the OP having three gold trophies is false and I don't see many complains in the forums about this change. We don't have real competition in this game since the measurement is only how many runs will be done by every clan member. That doesn’t say anything about the skills or how good a team is, just says they did a lot of runs. Maybe a clan of ten members did make 100 runs combined, that would mean in my case that I actually did more grind to get the reward.

And I don't have a solo clan, my teammates are just busy with more important things and I don't want to force anybody to put their life on hold for this, but I also don't want to recruit people wanting to play for 3 to 4 hours a day because nobody of us will do that. We got almost everything there is to research, and I don't see it a good idea for bigger, more active clans to get more just because they are bigger in number. That would create a gap that is just not necessary.


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12 minutes ago, KentuckyKid_69 said:

This is the first event where you can go directly for the gold Trophy instead of starting with terracotta, bronze, silver and then gold. So the statement of the OP having three gold trophies is false and I don't see many complains in the forums about this change. We don't have real competition in this game since the measurement is only how many runs will be done by every clan member. That doesn’t say anything about the skills or how good a team is, just says they did a lot of runs. Maybe a clan of ten members did make 100 runs combined, that would mean in my case that I actually did more grind to get the reward.


And I don't have a solo clan, my teammates are just busy with more important things and I don't want to force anybody to put their life on hold for this, but I also don't want to recruit people wanting to play for 3 to 4 hours a day because nobody of us will do that. We got almost everything there is to research, and I don't see it a good idea for bigger, more active clans to get more just because they are bigger in number. That would create a gap that is just not necessary.

What is even your point here? You have a clan of inactive players that don't want to participate in the event, but you want the highest tier participation trophy anyway...

It's just pure contradiction, and for what? A worthless trophy. The only meaning this trophy has is to show that a clan is active and willing to put the effort in, you're literally just asking to strip the only semblance of meaning this trophy has in the first place.

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Solo clan for the win :3 still working on the latest trophy at a casual pace (47/100 for now) i noticed that the amount of hemocyst that drop isn't always the same.

Il y a 2 heures, Nirrel a dit :

Getting it for something that you would have done anyway, because you would have get enough just the get the rewards is a joke for me.

As a matter of fact, i wouldn't continue to farm the event right now if not for the trophy to be finished. (the stuff i can buy with the standing is a plus though)

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4 minutes ago, Mudfam said:

What is even your point here? You have a clan of inactive players that don't want to participate in the event, but you want the highest tier participation trophy anyway...

It's just pure contradiction, and for what? A worthless trophy. The only meaning this trophy has is to show that a clan is active and willing to put the effort in, you're literally just asking to strip the only semblance of meaning this trophy has in the first place.

Read it from the start, my point is that everybody can have it if he puts some work in and they are not worthless just because one player can do the same work others with bigger clan tiers have to do being five or more. I already said it, which is the reason why my clan is the smallest tier to get a chance and get the same reward, if you want a Moon clan, fine by me and you know you are going to need more active players any time an event is coming. What I don't get is why people call it worthless, it is the same amount of time grinding for every player, it doesn’t make the clan better just because ten players did this. That is the reason why we have clan tiers. Smaller clans need smaller amounts in order to get something. And "worthless" is almost every single thing in this game if it is just cosmetics, but people wants to collect them anyway.

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I now see why DE switched to the "everybody gets a medal" approach - it's the new entitled players, who don't have time, clanmates or huge desire to work for it, but still like gold medals.

The upside of this new brave world is that I will start getting gold medals in real-life marathons and (hopefully) figure skating in a few years, by the looks of things. I don't have much time to run (bleh) and never tried figure skating - but WHY only some no-lifers get to get gold medals?


World's Best Dad & future Gold Medalist in Everything


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