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Despair Or Acrid?


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I've used both extensively myself, and I do like the Acrid for some factors. For one, it has a straight flight path versus the slight curve of the thrown weapons. May not be at all accurate at range, but not really built for it. The other thing I like is more of the fire and forget aspect of it. Shoot an Ancient a bunch and the poison takes care of the rest (results may vary). The real downside is definitely the looks and the sound. The gun is pretty massive, and you can't change the primary color of the body or the swirly fluids inside. It definitely wouldn't be a big deal if we could color all aspects of it to taste. The sound is flat out silly. Lot's of inappropriate references to be made...


I still love Despair, especially for its polarities, and it's up-front damage is still better. Turns T3 Void into a joke, and still never run out of ammo.

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acrid has 25 base dmg yes, but it ignores armor, also it deals 4 ticks from the dot (dot is 75% of the base dmg), in the end it will deal more dmg than the despair


Way to take that out of context. That was comparing Kunai and Despair, not Acrid and Despair.


Since apparently that somehow wasn't blatently obvious, I have edited the post to make it outright state it.





it also deals x3 dmg to corpus moa :) but also reduced dmg to ancients I think


Only the DoT deals x3 (due to it hitting their fanny pack).

The DoT will benefit from Molecular Primer, likely benefit from Rhino's Roar, but will likely NOT benefit from Sonar.


Ancients DO NOT have resist poison. Not even the Toxics have resist poison.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Acrid is better for fat targets, Despair chews out lights.


Both are good, I still keep my modded despair around.

It doesn't even matter when it comes to lights, acrid will still be the best option to deal with everything you want to see die.

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It doesn't even matter when it comes to lights, acrid will still be the best option to deal with everything you want to see die.

True, but with multi-shot despair gains crowd penetration, the acrid does not. Still effective, just a preference kinda deal.

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Only the DoT deals x3 (due to it hitting their fanny pack).

The DoT will benefit from Molecular Primer, likely benefit from Rhino's Roar, but will likely NOT benefit from Sonar.


Ancients DO NOT have resist poison. Not even the Toxics have resist poison.

the on hit from acrid initiates poison dmg

from the wiki:


  • Initially deals Poison damage which does not apply enemy armor in damage calculations.


about ancients, good to know wasn't sure anymore though

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the on hit from acrid initiates poison dmg

from the wiki:


  • Initially deals Poison damage which does not apply enemy armor in damage calculations.


about ancients, good to know wasn't sure anymore though


Firstly, the wiki is famously inaccurate.


Secondly, what you quoted has nothing to do with why Moas take x3 from the DoT, or why it doesn't work with sonar.



Ever wonder why abilities always seemed to do about 3x their damage to Moas?

It's because the game can't just deal damage, it has to "hit" something. So it hits a default spot on the enemy. Moas have their weak point (the fanny pack that takes x3) as their default, so they take x3 from anything that hits the default spot.


Similarly, the DoT is based on the base damage-per-bullet of the weapon, not the damage dealt on-hit. This is easily demonstrated via Sonar. Shoot a sonar splotch once with your Acrid, notice the DoT doesn't get the x6.5 your sonar provided to the initial hit.




I literally just ran into a T3 exterm to test this to make sure I wasn't talking out my &#! lol

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Acrid deals less initial damage, but 3x75% of that initial damage over time.


So, let's say you deal 100 damage, you get 3 extra hits of 75 over 3 seconds.


Therefore, you can best use the Despairs for initial damage, and Acrid for when you don't care about time.

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Acrid deals less initial damage, but 3x75% of that initial damage over time.


So, let's say you deal 100 damage, you get 3 extra hits of 75 over 3 seconds.


Therefore, you can best use the Despairs for initial damage, and Acrid for when you don't care about time.


Little misleading actually. It's not 4x75% (it's 4 hits over 4 seconds) of the initial damage, but rather the raw damage. As I explained above, Sonar can amp the initial hit, but not the DoT.



As such, you should also use Despair instead of the Acrid if you're using Sonar, as the Acrid doesn't really benefit from Sonar much  (since 75% of its damage output is in the DoT, and that doesn't scale with Sonar).

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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checked the data on the datamined table:



also looks like the acrid deals poison dmg


Yes it deals poison damage, I never said it didn't :/


Moas don't have vulnerability to poison


Not sure what you're trying to say.



I only pointed out the wiki's infamousness because I wasn't sure what the hell you were trying to tell me based on that information you got from the wiki.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Despair is overpowered and is probably set to be nerfed. Also, the auto-fire of Despair is just until the glitch is fixed, then it will be changed back to what it should be.... semi-auto.


Acrid is powerful, but it's a clan weapon so it'll probably stay the same. The semi-auto on it works very well.


Acrid for permanence. 


Edit: Actually, Despair probably won't be nerfed, but auto will be switched to semi-auto again. (like it used to be). Probably won't be nerfed because it's a stalker weapon and shouldn't be. 


I came in to say no.

All semi-autos in the game should be automatic !


And yes a Lex firing at 1.1 per second automatically won't break the game.

Edited by fatpig84
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Despair is overpowered and is probably set to be nerfed. Also, the auto-fire of Despair is just until the glitch is fixed, then it will be changed back to what it should be.... semi-auto.


Acrid is powerful, but it's a clan weapon so it'll probably stay the same. The semi-auto on it works very well.


Acrid for permanence. 


Edit: Actually, Despair probably won't be nerfed, but auto will be switched to semi-auto again. (like it used to be). Probably won't be nerfed because it's a stalker weapon and shouldn't be. 

If they made Despair semi as semi it would be a broken weapon. It takes 12-16 head shots to kill a heavy gunner level 90  its not like the V-snipetron that can kill them in 2-3 hits.


It would end up like my akbolto and left in my storage because it is annoying to use a dumb weapon that is meant to be fired continuously but your forbidden from using macros. Honestly if DE made despair semi I would find a way to macro it that wouldn't get me banned.

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If they made Despair semi as semi it would be a broken weapon. It takes 12-16 head shots to kill a heavy gunner level 90  its not like the V-snipetron that can kill them in 2-3 hits.


It would end up like my akbolto and left in my storage because it is annoying to use a dumb weapon that is meant to be fired continuously but your forbidden from using macros. Honestly if DE made despair semi I would find a way to macro it that wouldn't get me banned.


i found that adding "mouse scroll wheel down" as an alternative way to fire an excellent alternative to use semi-auto weapons at their max speed

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The real problem with semi-auto is the fact that the engine is framelocked, so you need to be rocking smooth 100% 60fps at all times to even get close to your max fire speed on a semi-auto.



Anyways, if you want to nerf despair and kunai, fix the damn armor scaling that causes them to be so comparatively OP.


If everything had Corpus-quality armor (under 302 even at level 100), armor bypassing wouldn't be so required.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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The acrid just dominates.  It really wouldn't be a stretch so say it is if not the most powerful weapon in the game its damn close.  That being said, I still use my Despair as often as the acrid, mostly because I just can't stand the way the acrid looks, its ugly and way to big for a sidearm.


have to agree with that, it's ugly :p


unfortunately i still dont have despair (got only kunai) that coward stalker wont stalk me ç_ç

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One thing to add to this is when you're shooting into a crowd, acrid vaporizes enemies where despair just kills them and you have to wait for them to fall down to shoot past them.

They tend to vaporize faster than they fall, just in my observation, allowing you to stand your ground more effectively if you're spamming shots to get insta-kills from close up with acrid.

Edited by Samwise_Gamgee
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Both are broken as hell you are going to be bored more quickly than you think trust me.

If your level of fun is determined by how quick something dies, then yah. Personally I really don't care for bullet sponges, so I find it pretty amusing to turn the tide on them.


Challenge will actually come into this game if DE decides to structure better encounters with opposing squads, rather than throwing random enemies at us with garbage AI.

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Both are broken as hell you are going to be bored more quickly than you think trust me.


Other weapons get boring because you can't kill anything high level with them in any decent amount of time.




Besides, I get my enjoyment from parkouring off of S#&$ while killing things. Otherwise I may as well just play Borderlands 2 XD

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