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[Suggestion] Vote To Kick Players From Missions


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Right so the ONLY reason I'm putting this up is because some smartass joker of a Vauban decided to make the mission take extra long by placing his jump pads atop the objective points, mind you this was a Spy Alert mission that rewarded an Orokin Catalyst, causing whoever attempted to hack the console or pick up the datamass unable to do so.

It's things like this that makes me wish the hosts of a mission had the power to boot players that want to $&*^ around like this. Sure it was funny the first time; but I'm pretty sure given the chance; he'd have done it to all the objective spots.

I can take a joke or w/e, but this was just annoying to have to either try to bum rush the jump pads so that at least one person could access the console so that we could move on.

This suggestion may have already been thrown out there so sorry for repeating existing posts. But basically I suggest that either there be a votekick type system to kick a player from at least that particular mission.

Either that; or have an 'Ignore' list that players can add the more annoying players that join their games unable to join them. Sure these suggestions hamper the whole 'teamwork' aspect of Warframes, but not as much as causing a mission to take longer than usual because a player decides to $&*^ around.

Kay rant is done; don't this will get much support sadly :(


-Give hosts of missions the ability to remove the other players from a game (hopefully for the right reasoning, and not to just be a $&*^)

-Insert an 'Ignore List' in the contacts page that will block players that a host does not wish to play with again after a mission.

P.S. Wanted to add that the host would NOT be able to boot after the objectives of a mission were completed so as to stop those that wish to boot people and deny them rewards. This also leads me to think a 'votekick' system would be much better where party members get to choose whether or not to kick someone that's being annoying from the group.

EDIT: Yeh that first part seemed too OP for the host; so sticking with Votekicking :B

Edited by Ddublu
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"Walks in"

"Naaaa, too much power given to one person"

"Walks out"

Thats why he said in the P.S. "VoteKick"^^

Host with Kick-Power - NOPE

Votekick - Hell Yeah...


P.S. Im only Playing with my Clan or Solo... NEVER Online because of things like this, because u are better of Solo then with a**** like that.

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theres already an ignore option for the chat ( /i [personsName] ).

I don't know if that also affacts grouping, but would be nice :)


+ for votekick, happend twice so far that one Person is afk in a defense, hanging around the entry point and we were unable to start the mission...

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I love this idea!

Votekicking with only 4 players has tremendous value for cooperative trolling. Just think of the possibilities!

* Three trolls take some randy into a defense mission, votekick him just as round 5 begins to close.

* Hapless innocent joins said buddies for special alert, mobile defense, or void mission... or better yet #soontoragequickplayer joins for a T3 defense and plows labouriously towards the end. Eyes fried and fingers aching, he limps his way to extraction. But then, just as his eyes gaze upon that ohsowelcoming site in the distance, "Boom, votekick!"


Edited by thebearcavalry
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In the end, community self policing will be the answer. So:

1) Join a good clan. Believe it or not, most great clans expect nothing of you other than just not being a jerk.

2) If you get trolled, report them to clan leadership.

3) ?????

4) Profit!

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I would much rather like a ranking system where after a mission, you can opt to rank another player as helpful, etc. Some form of system of other ranks that allow people to know if a player is toxic or helpful or even does awesome things.


Vote kick is a nightmare on WoW. They had to put so many checks and balances to make sure people, say 2-3 from the same guild in a 5 man dungeon don't troll one person. Their vote kick system is why I quit using their raid finder tool.

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I would much rather like a ranking system where after a mission, you can opt to rank another player as helpful, etc. Some form of system of other ranks that allow people to know if a player is toxic or helpful or even does awesome things.


Vote kick is a nightmare on WoW. They had to put so many checks and balances to make sure people, say 2-3 from the same guild in a 5 man dungeon don't troll one person. Their vote kick system is why I quit using their raid finder tool.

The system u Prefer also isn't that good... there are pretty much people which would just put it on (for example) 1 of 5 Stars just because they want to... so that be pretty bad... i would never play online again with such a Option.

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You have no faith in humanity. -_-

I'm pretty sure he (and me as well) has seen enough of humanity hidden by anonymity to lose faith in it


Btw: A better solution https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89113-ignore-or-blacklist-kick/'>https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89113-ignore-or-blacklist-kick/

Vote kick is sadly a 1 time use and you may be grouped with the troll again. Blacklists only require you to suffer the troll once

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A blacklist is infinitely better than a vote kick. Especially if that troll happens to be in your clan.

Further a vote-kick has a lot of abuse potential:

-The group doesnt like your frame/weapon choice? Kicked (and I have been harrassed and seen people harrassed for frame/weapon choice)

-The group has a friend join in and wants to play with them? Sorry but you're kicked (and I have been in groups that have harrassed me for actually wanting to fight the boss in the run we were doing because their friend just got online)

-A troll sitting on the mercury missions kicking every single new player that joins the game? After all, the majority of 2 players is 1!

The ONLY way a vote-kick could be implemented is that it would have to have conditions that would have to be met before you can start the vote. Such as:

-They must have been AFK for X minutes

-They must have been in a different room from all of the team members for X minutes. This is to catch rushers/turtlers in groups that dont want to play that way as well as catch defense AFKers who try weighting down W and run against a wall in the starting room

-They must have been holding the spy datamass and not moving to extraction for X minutes with the rest of the team waiting in extraction

-They must have been holding the deception/mobile defense datamass and not using it even though the rest of the team has been in the room with the objective for X minutes

That would catch *most* of the trolls and griefers without being too open to abuse.

But a blacklist would still be better. Mostly because with a kick system you would have to potentially face them over and over again in random missions, and gods help you if they happen to be in your clan.

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I do agree that a Blacklist is better than votekicking. And most the time I'm pretty sure trolls within a clan is mainly a larger clan problem I guess? I don't know all 40ish people in the clan I'm a part of but I know they probably aren't $&*^s; at least not the ones I play with.

perhaps a very well restricted conditioned votekick as well as a blacklist would be best; but at least a blacklist would be most beneficial currently.

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With enough restrictions a kick option would catch *most* of the trolls while blocking *most* of the abuse. It wouldnt stop the STing or bounce pads, but it would catch the main ones that prevent you from finishing a mission. Without the pre-conditions needing to be met it would just be feeding the trolls a new tool to use.

And the trolls in a clan is a larger clan issue, but one that I like to bring up because it does happen. And it means that if you ever just have a "private" game they can drop in at any time. A blacklist prevents all of that.

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I'm just happy when I get any team tbh, it's even a jump through hoops holding a lucky shamrock affair to get clan mates into teams (I don't have strict nat, neither do they).


Then again, I was sworn at in a defence for using molecular prime, so I stopped, the pod got toasted, and I got sworn at by the same player for ....not using molecular prime.


Can't win, though I did get a chuckle when the rest of the team blamed him.


Vote kick would have to be delicately done, or it would be abused, this is the internet afterall.

Edited by Keltik0ne
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SOMETHING has to be done. I don't care if its blacklisting, votekick or what have you. What is unacceptable is for good players to be griefed by trolls and having no way to fight back.


Votekicking is better than having no methods of dealing with this. Is it perfect? no. But it's a damn fine start.

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SOMETHING has to be done. I don't care if its blacklisting, votekick or what have you. What is unacceptable is for good players to be griefed by trolls and having no way to fight back.


Votekicking is better than having no methods of dealing with this. Is it perfect? no. But it's a damn fine start.



I can completely sympathize with OP, as I'm sure many others can too. Just the other night I joined a Killiken defense. Wasn't in the elevator a nano-second before some Loki troll switch-teleported me out. No problem. I know the ole, "Let's hit the elevator button and leave people stranded at the bottom/top for X time" joke, so it never bothers me. The odd Pull here or there, the random Switch Teleport or Wormhole into a storage room or w/e... I can have a chuckle and get on with the game. But I understand the difference between one-off pranks and trolling. That damn Loki spent five waves Switch Teleporting me all over the place even after I asked them to stop. I was defending the pod btw, not in some random location.


I've spent way too much time asking myself why people do this; if they're so dissatisfied with their own lives they have to rain $h!t down on others to be happy OR make them as miserable, if they're inherently sadistic and get off watching others suffer, or if they're so ADD they can't stop pushing their number buttons. Whatever the reason, I don't care. What's worse? It'll never stop. 


Something has to be done to shut them down, but as we've all come to realize, many solutions open up the possibility for yet MORE trolling. I like the idea of a blacklist, actually, and it got me thinking. What if there was an in-game option to "Report Player." Just a button you could click, perhaps in the Text window next to their name, and then after the mission, a window opens up where you put in a brief summary of why you are reporting them. Said summary is logged and after the player gets X number of reports against them, it could be flagged for and reviewed by WF Staff to deal with as they see fit, e.g. warn, punish, ban, etc.


Regarding players who go afk for whatever reason.. why can't there be an auto-kick function that works after a player has remained at the entry point for more than X time? A timeout, basically.


I'm no code-monkey and I'm sure the above ideas have vulnerabilities and could use tweaks, but I just thought I'd throw them out there. I love WF and it does truly $^%$ me off when someone spoils the game for others "just for the lolz."

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