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Banshee gets top damage in Hydron and no one blinks an eye


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6 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

as far as not inducing competition, someone else already pointed out how the FPS crowd lives for stats, and couldn't give a damn how the rest of the game goes. Stat padding is a real thing, and in Overwatch it's impossible to avoid  the effect your stats will have on how your teammates react to your decisions.

This has also been huge in mmorpgs with parsers for the longest. This isn't unique to shooters.

Stat tracking has been measured and studied on psychological levels and it basically matters or impacts people somewhat significantly. Its nothing new whatsoever, going back through the history of gaming. WF isn't breaking ground or being unusual by offering it.

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3 minutes ago, Terrornaut said:

This has also been huge in mmorpgs with parsers for the longest. This isn't unique to shooters.

Stat tracking has been measured and studied on psychological levels and it basically matters or impacts people somewhat significantly. Its nothing new whatsoever, going back through the history of gaming. WF isn't breaking ground or being unusual by offering it.

Then why are people here trying to act like stats couldn't possibly be affecting how people behave in this game, when it obviously happens in others?

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1 minute ago, Legion-Shields said:

How does less competitive + more team-oriented  translate to games like PUBG and Overwatch?


as far as not inducing competition, someone else already pointed out how the FPS crowd lives for stats, and couldn't give a damn how the rest of the game goes. Stat padding is a real thing, and in Overwatch it's impossible to avoid  the effect your stats will have on how your teammates react to your decisions. 



The guy said he wants the stat screen gone so as it somehow becomes more team based(As if it isn't already.), something you agree with. It does not get more team reliant than those games, can't even play Overwatch without a team, or at the very least an opponent in 1v1, last I checked. Competition is also the main draw and foundation for these team reliant games. There is no actual competition in Public PVE games where you battle hoardes and get the shared rewards in a team, they should not have to fix a fake problem by removing options. People can also see with their own eyes, enemies being deleted and notice how they aren't actually getting to do anything, and so certain people who have a problem  will complain or leave either way, with or without a stat screen. 

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About OP's theme: I think RNG is just f---ing with you. Human brain is terrific in recognizing patterns that are not there. I don't believe people dislike mag so much - but I may be wrong who knows.

I also occasionally like to play mag because I play all frames and I think myth came with poor damage scalability of most of her powers. Her polarize is more of a helping tool then a real nuking power, pull is solid, quick and dirty cc, crush is sloooow and usually underperforms and excellence of her's 2 and synergy with slow bullet travel time weapons may as well be coincidental - DE probably never plan or test this for all that we know.

But no matter, most of players experience sooner or later Mag's eerie ability of annihilating the bosses and tough targets. She is great of creating and controlling map choke points. Overall and on some maps she can perform totally satisfactory.

I'm more interested in some of your tips and tactics, since you're experienced, then in "boo ho ho nobody likes my poor mag" conspiracy theories. How do you build her and what stats you prioritize? 

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52 minutes ago, Terrornaut said:

Its not the mission summary stats that drive this - that's a minor symptom.  Its the lack of danger in this game that conditions people into going off on their own directions or straying far from others, then when the cosmically rare occurance of failing a mission comes up, people are like lol oops because failure generally doesn't matter. Its time wasted yes, but rarely is it major resources and whatnot lost.

There is so much safety on non tank/survival frames, even with largely offensive frames, that people can afford to be totally independent.

Also, kills contributes to loot dropped, so there is that, but many people may not realize xp is boosted/shared when people are together. The gameplay of WF does very little to demand teamplay - it encourages it sure, but, well, aside from two abilities that use affinity range, one that modifies it, and shared xp, there's little reason or need to stay together..unfortunately  (imo). I, rarely ever playing immortal frames, rarely die and a fair portion of those times are due to doing something dumb like Zarr-ing myself, getting one shot by a void shotgunner or bombard, jumping straight at enemies, etc.


 That's someone else's quote, so why is my name there? I somewhat agree on danger being a greater inducer of forming up, but mileage varies depending on how long you have been playing, or how good you are at playing  Difficulty is not felt in uniform, though things did used to be a bit different back in the old days, such as there being a much higher enemy cap than there is currently, which I would like removed for higher levels, and I would like higher levels in general. I don't like that they are excluded to Sorties or random Nightmare and Kuva Flood missions.

Edited by UrielColtan
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7 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

The guy said he wants the stat screen gone so as it somehow becomes more team based(As if it isn't already.), something you agree with. It does not get more team reliant than those games, can't even play Overwatch without a team, or at the very least an opponent in 1v1, last I checked. Competition is also the main draw and foundation for these team reliant games. There is no actual competition in Public PVE games where you battle hoardes and get the shared rewards in a team, they should not have to fix a fake problem by removing options. People can also see with their own eyes, enemies being deleted and notice how they aren't actually getting to do anything, and so certain people who have a problem  will complain or leave either way, with or without a stat screen. 

Alright, that's a good way of putting it. Thanks for your patience :smile:

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8 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

Did you read my post at all?

What about my post makes you feel it's about me feeling inferior?

Yes, and I quoted your entire post, so that. Your post was full of assumptions about what other players you don't know, were thinking, which you concocted in your head, IE, projected.

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Oh this keeps going on?

Let's drop the mask, guys we play a game in which the community dashes and moans over anything that "is not my playstyle". Shall I remind you that the moment you mention Atterax and Mesa, 90% of the player base is 

*Skills bring the kills*

Oh riven disposition is tilted towards feels instead of facts?


*Skills I tell you*

Enemies are so mediocre that, the question is who will sneeze on them first?



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38 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

The guy said he wants the stat screen gone so as it somehow becomes more team based(As if it isn't already.), something you agree with. It does not get more team reliant than those games, can't even play Overwatch without a team, or at the very least an opponent in 1v1, last I checked. Competition is also the main draw and foundation for these team reliant games. There is no actual competition in Public PVE games where you battle hoardes and get the shared rewards in a team, they should not have to fix a fake problem by removing options. People can also see with their own eyes, enemies being deleted and notice how they aren't actually getting to do anything, and so certain people who have a problem  will complain or leave either way, with or without a stat screen. 

It seems you're missing my point entirely:

  • First, Overwatch is a bad comparison because it's a pvp game, Warframe is not, aside from Conclave.
  • Second, you say "There is no actual competition in Public PVE games where you battle hoardes and get the shared rewards in a team".  The point I'm making, and pointed out anecdotal evidence to back up, is that many people see those end of mission numbers and begin to view teammates as their competition.  Sure, [DE], never put out a notice saying "Everyone compete to top the end of mission stats", but the mere fact that they're there makes many people view that as the goal rather than the actual goal of completing the mission.  People want to kill faster than others and it's often not because it's more efficient, but because they want to top the end of mission stats and have their numbers highlighted.

Mind you...I'm not saying every player feels this way, but the fact that this topic was created in the first place, and the fact that it has six pages of discussion should let you know many players do.  This entire thread is about Banshee getting the most damage in a mission.  Those end of mission stats are clearly important to a lot of people because a lot of people want to see their numbers on the top.

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14 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:


Yes, and I quoted your entire post, so that. Your post was full of assumptions about what other players you don't know, were thinking, which you concocted in your head, IE, projected.

Honestly dude, my post wasn't to be combative or argumentative.  I made what I feel are valid points based on my experience(s).  I provided examples that I'm pretty sure most players can relate to.  From the tone of your post though, you're more interested in being right than actually considering someone else might actually have a point.

I'm out.  Good luck to you:smile:

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11 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

It seems you're missing my point entirely:

  • First, Overwatch is a bad comparison because it's a pvp game, Warframe is not, aside from Conclave.
  • Second, you say "There is no actual competition in Public PVE games where you battle hoardes and get the shared rewards in a team".  The point I'm making, and pointed out anecdotal evidence to back up, is that many people see those end of mission numbers and begin to view teammates as their competition.  Sure, [DE], never put out a notice saying "Everyone compete to top the end of mission stats", but the mere fact that they're there makes many people view that as the goal rather than the actual goal of completing the mission.  People want to kill faster than others and it's often not because it's more efficient, but because they want to top the end of mission stats and have their numbers highlighted.

Mind you...I'm not saying every player feels this way, but the fact that this topic was created in the first place, and the fact that it has six pages of discussion should let you know many players do.  This entire thread is about Banshee getting the most damage in a mission.  Those end of mission stats are clearly important to a lot of people because a lot of people want to see their numbers on the top.

Overwatch is PVP or vs computer, since last I checked, only having a Team is obligated if not doing 1v1.

You pointed out no evidence, just what you assumed of people you don't know, were thinking

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Mag can be really annoying.  Much like a Frost who puts bubbles in weird places or a Limbo who spams.  I personally don't like playing with Mag and I'm sure it affects how long I stay to some extent (although not intentionally).  No one cares about damage percentages and you shouldn't either.  Especially with Mag because I think you're absorbing other's weapon damage.

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OP perhaps you are annoying people and that's the reason they are leaving,are your energy colors obnoxious?
Are you ending every wave with "You guys need to kill more"?

If someone is killing more than me in a mission, that's great..where can I find these squads with people actually playing the game and pulling their own weight?

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1 hour ago, Kayll said:

OP perhaps you are annoying people and that's the reason they are leaving,are your energy colors obnoxious?
Are you ending every wave with "You guys need to kill more"?

If someone is killing more than me in a mission, that's great..where can I find these squads with people actually playing the game and pulling their own weight?

In matches where you actually have to try winning yourself instead of hoping for better players to carry you...

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3 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

In matches where you actually have to try winning yourself instead of better players to carry you...

I'm not sure if you're accusing me of being carried, or just saying a redundant message "Good players are where good players are..."

But there is plenty of times you'll get stuck with an AFK player or someone who is using a level 5 frame in a level 100 mission,I'd much rather have those people that can equally pull their own weight and maybe more than those types

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4 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

If this thread reaches 5,000 views I win 500 plat.

If that does happen, hopefully you would also learn by then that perhaps not everyone you encounter who leaves early cares what warframe you play as and either probably had something in RL to deal with, maxed out their weapon, or simply got bored of playing the same map again, just incase this wasn't obvious by others posts...

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11 minutes ago, Kayll said:

But there is plenty of times you'll get stuck with an AFK player or someone who is using a level 5 frame in a level 100 mission,I'd much rather have those people that can equally pull their own weight and maybe more than those types

Strange, i don't really notice these issues that much when i play, but maybe that's because i don't care as much as to what other squad members are doing as i'm capable of completing the missions I join without having to rely on others to carry me...

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Just now, Glavenusaur said:

If that does happen, hopefully you would also learn by then that perhaps not everyone you encounter who leaves early cares what warframe you play as and either probably had something in RL to deal with, maxed out their weapon, or simply got bored of playing the same map again, just incase this wasn't obvious by others posts...

Right, next time I run into someone who brags about their damage dealt while spamming smiley faces in chat I'll be sure to think of the outliers in this thread who redefined my outlook on the attitude of the average gamer.

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3 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

Strange, i don't really notice these issues that much when i play, but maybe that's because i don't care as much as to what other squad members are doing as i'm capable of completing the missions I join without having to rely on others to carry me...

If you don't care enough to notice what's going on around you then perhaps you shouldn't be trying to argue as if you are aware of what's going on around you.

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