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Suggestions for Damage 2.5 and more! (repost)


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THIS IS A REPOST! I changed it a little bit and added toxic dmg and Orokin flesh.   This is just a suggestion!



(I am new to the game - MR 8, don't speak eng :p)



So I have this idea in my head for about couple days now and I thought I might share it with you. Am an not a high-level player and I might get something wrong here

so take my advice with a grain of salt, I am here just to propose my idea on the changes in the new Damage 2.5 system.



1. Armor should not scale with enemy Lvl - Right now (I heard) that high-level grineer are much stronger than any other enemy type, mainly because the armor scales with their level.

I think it would be a good idea to make the amount of armor the same from level 1 to max level 

2. Change how armor works.Basically this is my idea: 100 armor = 10% dmg reduction

                                                                                      200 armor = 20% dmg reduction  ...

                                                                                     1000 armor = 100% dmg reduction

3. Add a "Shield resistance (SR)" to shields (it would work the same as new armor)   200 shield resistance = 20% dmg reduction

Also, add a new flesh type - "Orokin Flesh". All corrupted enemies will have this flesh type.




Puncture, slash, and impact should the main dmg types. 80% of weapons should only have one of these. This would make weapons more specialized, you will see why.

1. Weapon that is puncture based will ignore 200 enemy armor and the proc of puncture is that it will reduce armor by 25% for 8 sec (200 armor ignore will be applied to full dmg of the 

    weapon not only to puncture dmg!!).The proc stacks and every time you proc the enemy again it will go back to 8 sec 

Enemies will also have to get their armor stats changed because in my proposal the way the armor works is changed.

Example: Let's say that in this change Heavy Gunner has 750 armor and 400 hp. This means that Heavy Gunner will reduce all dmg by 75%. Effectively she will have 1600hp. 

                However, if you use a weapon that is puncture based, each bullet will ignore 200 armor which means that they will do almost half of there base dmg and not a quarter,

                also, you have a chance to reduce her armor by 25% which is another 187 armor!! So, in the end, it's like she only has 363 armor! Also, change it so most of the Corpus guns
are puncture based and most of the grineer guns are impact based. 

                This also means that you will have to change the armor levels of the frames.

2. Impact works the same way as puncture and has the same proc but against "Shield resistance (SR)" Also, impact like blast should have a chance to know down enemies!

Example: Let's say that in this update Corpus Tech has only 100 shields, but he has 1100 SR and 400 hp. This means that his shields have 110% dmg reduction!! This means that you have to reduce his SR to 999 or lower to do any dmg to his shields (or you could use poison to attack him directly, but not bleed because I think that you should only apply bleed to enemies when you attack their hp and not shield). If you have an impact base weapon you will reduce his SR to 900 and if you proc him you will reduce his SR by another 275!

               He will be left with only 625 SR (62,5% dmg reduction) not to mention that you can proc him 4 times for 100% SR reduction.

3. Changes to infested and slash. Infested should have 100% chance to come back when killed once,50% chance when they are killed twice and 25% chance when they are killed for the third time.They can only do that if their body is whole! Only small and weak infested can come back to life, not ancients! Change the type of flesh that infested can have to only 2: 

       1. IF- Infested flesh (runners, chargers, crawlers) and  

       2. IHF- Infested hardened flesh (ancients, infested moas, the one that spawns many small pink bugs and the red one that spawns infested pods)

Slash should deal 25% increased dmg to IF and IHF and bleed should last twice as long.


That's almost all!!! I know that I was all over the place but thank you for reading this! I know that this isn't perfect but maybe I sparked a new idea in your minds.I can't write anymore so I will do the last part quickly!

Give grineer more mechanical type units! Maybe something like grineer with power armor similar to Fallout 

Electric dmg:  +75% dmg vs robotic / -50% dmg vs Alloy armor,- 25% dmg vs Orokin Flesh

Radiation dmg:  +50% dmg vs flesh,ignores 300 ferrite armor / - 50% dmg vs IF and IHF. 

Heat:  +25% dmg vs IF and 50% dmg vs IHF and reduces the chance of infested coming back to life by 25% / - 75% dmg vs Proto Shields

* Corrosive:  ignores 25% of enemy armor  /  adds 200 armor to IF and IHF, -25% dmg vs IF and IHF, infested enemies ignore corrosive armor reduction!!!     New proc: Reduces armor by 150 for 10 sec (stacks three times!)

Magnetic:  ignores 300 SR   / -25% vs Alloy armor, IHF     New proc: Reduces Shields by 75% and adds 10% of the reduced shield value to you. (Max 250 shields)

Cold:  +50% dmg vs Robotic,mechanical  / -75% dmg vs Orokin flesh

Blast:  +25% dmg vs IHF, mechanical  / - 50% vs Proto Shields        New proc: Adds a chance for a bullet to explode dealing AoE orange crit dmg and knocking everyone down 

Viral:  + 75% dmg vs Orokin flesh  / -75% dmg vs IF,IHF,Alloy armor (can't proc an enemy with alloy armor)

Gas:  + 50% vs flesh, will stun Crewman that don't have masks (they will cough)  /  Gas clouds will heal infested by 50% of their dmg (yes, infested droids will heal other infested too)   

Toxic:  +50% dmg vs Orokin Flesh, +25% dmg vs cloned flesh  / has a 75% chance to heal Toxic Ancients!


I hope you liked my idea!   I am only Mr lvl 8! Just finished beating Tyl Regor!    THANKS :P

Edited by BlueFan99
I changed couple values
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I like the idea of changing armor to just be damage reduction. Think corrosive could cut the enemies current armor in half (so each proc takes less armor), while puncture ignores armor, but doesnt benefit others like corrosive. Could add punch through on puncture procs too.

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53 minutes ago, BlueFan99 said:

Gas:  + 100% vs flesh  /  heals IF and IHF (yes, infested droids will heal other infested too)   

what do you mean by gas HEALING infested? wouldnt that be counter productive to using it?

personally, i dont see why OUR status's should give enemies buffs in the first place.

Edited by Kalvorax
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On 1/5/2018 at 6:47 PM, Kalvorax said:

what do you mean by gas HEALING infested? wouldnt that be counter productive to using it?

personally, i dont see why OUR status's should give enemies buffs in the first place.



Yes, gas dmg and gas cloud will heal infested, but nothing else.Your other dmg will still hurt them and unless you have a weapon that's only gas based, you wouldn't have a problem. I could have just said: x vs IF and IHF, but I thought that this would be more interesting.This was just my opinion

I just edited the post, is this better?

Edited by BlueFan99
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On 1/5/2018 at 8:22 PM, DiabolusUrsus said:

I think +/- 100% anything is a bad idea. Too much bonus damage takes away from customization, and complete immunities are typically more annoying than fun.

Maybe, but I think that having more specialized weapons will add more customization, not less.Also +/- 100% dmg is applied only for that dmg type, not the combined dmg of all the types! (only puncture, impact, and slash benefits would apply to the whole dmg of the weapon). Example: when fighting moas, only the electric dmg would be doubled.This post was just my idea of the new dmg system! What do you think of the other aspects of my post?

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1 hour ago, BlueFan99 said:

Maybe, but I think that having more specialized weapons will add more customization, not less.Also +/- 100% dmg is applied only for that dmg type, not the combined dmg of all the types! (only puncture, impact, and slash benefits would apply to the whole dmg of the weapon). Example: when fighting moas, only the electric dmg would be doubled.This post was just my idea of the new dmg system! What do you think of the other aspects of my post?

I like standardizing the armor values so that you can tell what % damage reduction you get just by reading it; I really don't understand why games insist on obfuscating the most important information with arbitrary values.

At the same time, I'm not particularly impressed with an insistence on emphasizing damage vulnerabilities and resistances so much. When you get down to it it's really just "color-coding" enemies. There's no difference between shooting a Grineer with Corrosive, a Corpus with Mag/Gas, or Infested with Heat. You still just shoot them, so it's really only annoying when you forget to swap from A to B, or C before starting the next mission.

I don't really have a fleshed-out counter-proposal for you, but I'd really rather see something where what damage types you have available affects how you approach a given enemy.

For example, a Crewman might have strong body shields and an unshielded but heavily-armored head. Players with impact/cold/magnetic weapons could just attack the body, or they could build Puncture/Heat/Corrosive to get through the helmet more efficiently. The biggest thing for me is that there should be ways to make things work well against various enemies, and any flavor vulnerabilities (e.g., Infested vs. Heat) should be kept reasonably small.

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