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Less-Popular Mods you would legitimately like to see Primed.


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Primed Agility Drift, focused on the evasion part of the mod.


The more I use Mirage Prime's Eclipse on the shadows, the more I appreciate the evasion bonus as enemies just miss their hits, and I'd love for a Prime version or a new dedicated evasion Exilus mod to be added. Would be very helpful with an Eternal War Valkyr as well helping out Mirage while out of the shadows.

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On 1/21/2018 at 9:01 AM, Vypor said:

I don't ordinarily make posts as generic as this, but this is a conversation that can become actually rather interesting. Rules are, NO DAMAGE MODS. It's gotta be just some quality of life sort of mod. Not like Serration or Barrel Diffusion.
I'd like to start off with a mod I'd like to see, "Primed Rush."

For the most part, I don't really see people use it, and while I'm not a 'rusher' I still really like having the mod on my Loki. It's just a generally fun mod to use.


EDIT: To the people unironically naming Primed Maiming Strike. Not only are you ignoring the parameters set by the topic, but also... DEAR HOLY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Is not the spin-to-win epidemic plaguing this game not bad enough already?

Lol, that edit. Also not sure if you count CC as damage but Primed Blunderbuss, either that or Primed Quickdraw/ Stunning Speed and/or Primed Streamline.

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