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PoE destroyed Chroma


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16 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

but this is the first time DE nerfs a character that players had 3 years of getting used to. This is just absurd.

Actually he is the second, first being Trin with her 99%Bless.

Also alot of people are misunderstanding, Here, There was a bug they are fixing it, But this should have been done 3 years ago and not some random day when they felt their over sized Sargas Ruk got one shot.

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2 minutes ago, kuciol said:

They just started doing that. They cant rebuild whole game at once. They are adjusting frames now , than dmg 2,5 will come out with dmg 3.0 (elemental changes) later. Who knows maybe they will focus on enemy scaling after that? We cant know that, i bet even they dont know what they will do next.

They have been talking about scaling since ever yet has never come so please stop giving the age old "they will look into armor scaling".

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Just now, kuciol said:

They just started doing that. They cant rebuild whole game at once. They are adjusting frames now , than dmg 2,5 will come out with dmg 3.0 (elemental changes) later. Who knows maybe they will focus on enemy scaling after that? We cant know that, i bet even they dont know what they will do next.

I think that they should take a break with the new content and fix some fundamental problems with the game. They have a community that are majorly supportive of their decisions and actively tries to assist them in anyway possible. Right now to me warframe looks like a bubble that is about to pop. They keep adding new content without fixing fundamental problems in the game. This is a huge problem that WILL have disastrous consequences in the future. I love this game and I have loved every minute of my 452 hours of play time and I fear for the future of this game. Especially with the fact that they are willing to nerf a relatively decent frame just because of a eidolon hunt in a map that not many people even care too much about.

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2 minutes ago, SharkPot said:

Actually he is the second, first being Trin with her 99%Bless.

Also alot of people are misunderstanding, Here, There was a bug they are fixing it, But this should have been done 3 years ago and not some random day when they felt their over sized Sargas Ruk got one shot.

Exactly they should have fixed this 3 years ago then no one would have cared. But within those 3 years people began to see chroma's bugged damage as a part of his ability. He is the only character other than banshee to deal the same amount of insane damage without riven mods. Nowadays the amount of damage a person can deal is so insane that a million damage looks like nothing.

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19 minutes ago, SharkPot said:

They have been talking about scaling since ever yet has never come so please stop giving the age old "they will look into armor scaling".

To be fair they cant do anything about armor until they will address our insane dmg i cc output. Honestly players dont really know what they want. On one hand we are asking for challenging content on the other there are tons of cries about any change that isnt direct buff. DE just cant win in that situation.


19 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

I think that they should take a break with the new content and fix some fundamental problems with the game. They have a community that are majorly supportive of their decisions and actively tries to assist them in anyway possible. Right now to me warframe looks like a bubble that is about to pop. They keep adding new content without fixing fundamental problems in the game. This is a huge problem that WILL have disastrous consequences in the future. I love this game and I have loved every minute of my 452 hours of play time and I fear for the future of this game. Especially with the fact that they are willing to nerf a relatively decent frame just because of a eidolon hunt in a map that not many people even care too much about.

With this i can agree. What i think they should do i grow a pair and make changes like THEY feel will be good and THAN ask community for the feedback and adjust accordingly. There will always be somebody upset about it.

Edited by kuciol
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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

To be fair they cant do anything about armor until they will address our insane dmg i cc output. Honestly players dont really know what they want. On one hand we are asking for challenging content on the other there are tons of cries about any change that isnt direct buff. DE just cant win in that situation.


With this i can agree. What i think they should do i grow a pair and make changes like THEY fell will be good and THAN ask community for the feedback and adjust accordingly. There will always be somebody upset about it.

I think they should ask the veterans for feedback because believe it or not some of them do have legitimately good suggestions and advice for DE. But right now the only thing I can say about this chroma nerf will be that this is just another repeat of FCKING VIVERGATE!!!

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There are some similarities between the current chroma nerf situation compared to Vivergate. First off DE adds a new map or a new planet for viver it was on eris. For eidolon hunts it is the plains of eidolon. Next off there is a established meta. For viver it was mag, excal, trin, and one other frame I forgot about. For eidolon hunt it is chroma, trin, harrow, and volt. Then DE finds out these meta allows for these activities to be done quicker than expected. This applies to both eidolon hunts and viver. Then DE nerfs every single frame involved in the meta. This happened to viver. The same thing is happening to Chroma. Chroma is currently getting nerfed because DE thought that instead of changing some of the mechanics of eidolon hunts they should just up and nerf an entire frame for something that wasn't its fault. How on earth is it a chroma player's fault that DE was unable to consider chroma as a possible one shot killer of the eidolon. I thought DE played their own game. If they do play it then it is no suprise that chroma can one shot a boss.

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4 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

There are some similarities between the current chroma nerf situation compared to Vivergate. First off DE adds a new map or a new planet for viver it was on eris. For eidolon hunts it is the plains of eidolon. Next off there is a established meta. For viver it was mag, excal, trin, and one other frame I forgot about. For eidolon hunt it is chroma, trin, harrow, and volt. Then DE finds out these meta allows for these activities to be done quicker than expected. This applies to both eidolon hunts and viver. Then DE nerfs every single frame involved in the meta. This happened to viver. The same thing is happening to Chroma. Chroma is currently getting nerfed because DE thought that instead of changing some of the mechanics of eidolon hunts they should just up and nerf an entire frame for something that wasn't its fault. How on earth is it a chroma player's fault that DE was unable to consider chroma as a possible one shot killer of the eidolon. I thought DE played their own game. If they do play it then it is no suprise that chroma can one shot a boss.

Here is the flaw in your logic. You dont consider the fact that only OP things, things that let you do something with the least effort become "meta". Chroma as it is right now limits design space. Every single endgame boss would have to have one shot preventing mechanism just because of him. It wasnt such a big deal when you had hordes of weaker enemies that many frames could deal with, but now since DE wants the boss hunts to be new endgame it becomes a problem. Its easier to fix 1 ability than adjust every single new/reworked boss. Chroma will still be very good for eidolon hunts but after the change frames like octavia and rhino will be able to compete with him. It isnt possible right now since he is so far ahead of everyone.

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Gerade eben schrieb kuciol:

Chroma will still be very good for eidolon hunts but after the change frames like octavia and rhino will be able to compete with him.

They shouldn't even compete to him at the first place since they serve other purposes while chroma doesn't do much other than tanking and dealing damage.

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Just now, IceColdHawk said:

They shouldn't even compete to him at the first place since they serve other purposes while chroma doesn't do much other than tanking and dealing damage.

His buff will still be stronger (according to DE's promise) so he will still have higher dmg output but the others will be able to compete with that with their utility they provide. Right now they are not needed at all.

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As someone who stress tests frames and builds almost exclusively in this game I can verify that there's nothing in Chroma that warrants a nerf.

There's a bug which DE themselves caused that should be fixed but the frame without that double dip bug is in the same ballpark as most the others.

Chroma is good at two things. Solo Survivals and Boss Killing. That's fine. I don't understand why DE needs every frame to be mediocre at everything and good at nothing. Specialization is a good thing. It makes a frame stand out and gives them purpose beyond simple fandom. 

Chroma hits the lvl 300-400 bracket like most non-invis frames. I have videos of 10 different Solo runs in my profile to verify that claim. The damage Chroma can do never comes into question because flaws of relying in armor as mitigation causes his Survival to fail first. Yes, his 100k eHP crumbles before Nidus' 40k. In many ways Nidus is superior to Chroma but Chroma is a gun brawler. That's his thing and what makes him fun. He makes any weapon you feel like using into a good weapon.

The worst part about all of this is DE didn't give Chroma a single QoL improvement we asked for....

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Xzorn:

As someone who stress tests frames and builds almost exclusively in this game I can verify that there's nothing in Chroma that warrants a nerf.

There's a bug which DE themselves caused that should be fixed but the frame without that double dip bug is in the same ballpark as most the others.

Chroma is good at two things. Solo Survivals and Boss Killing. That's fine. I don't understand why DE needs every frame to be mediocre at everything and good at nothing. Specialization is a good thing. It makes a frame stand out and gives them purpose beyond simple fandom. 

Chroma hits the lvl 300-400 bracket like most non-invis frames. I have videos of 10 different Solo runs in my profile to verify that claim. The damage Chroma can do never comes into question because flaws of relying in armor as mitigation causes his Survival to fail first. Yes, his 100k eHP crumbles before Nidus' 40k. In many ways Nidus is superior to Chroma but Chroma is a gun brawler. That's his thing and what makes him fun. He makes any weapon you feel like using into a good weapon.

The worst part about all of this is DE didn't give Chroma a single QoL improvement we asked for....


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Oh... This is my favorite comparison to the new Chroma right now....

17 Particles QT + Vitality + Neutron Star Augment
740 / (1 - 0.8767) = 6,002
1,785 / (1 - 0.8767) = 14,476
300 / 0.15 = 2,000
 = 22,478 eHP

Nova slows enemies in radius by 75%, effective 0.25x multiplier to "most" enemy DPS and increases group damage by 200% aka x3.

-New Chroma-
344% Power Vitality + Primed Vigor + Steel Fiber
350 * (1 + 1.1 + 5.16 + 12.04) = 6,755 = 0.957477
960 / (1- 0.957477) = 22,576.02 eHP

Subject to full Bleed damage, Armor halved by Puncture damage. Requires damage taken to gain buff. Gives group 1% and 20% reduced damage and increases group damage by x2 - x3 depending on weapon loadout.


So Nova is now better at taking abuse, she's faster, she doesn't use armor as her main source of damage reduction. She reduces group damage intake far more and more reliably improves group damage output regardless of loadout. Chroma is an inferior Solo Frame. Inferior group frame and just all around mediocre. If this comparison doesn't open eyes to how bad this nerf is. I don't know what will.

Edited by Xzorn
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10 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

DE are terrible liars. I’m supposed to believe Chroma wasn’t working as intended and only after three years they’ve suddenly “noticed” it?” Yea no. sorry, you’re not pulling the wool over anyones eyes Digital Extremes.

I know you're just mad because you probably abuse Chroma, but if you actually took time to read this thread, you would have noticed this video posted before.
So like I posted before, Chroma will still be powerful and viable in game content, and not extremely broken. Only Teralyst fights will be affected, which is DE's intention. DE created a big boss teamwork fight, you want to 1shot Teralyst, DE doesn't want you to. Again, you'll still be able to use Chroma for everything else (including Teralyst, except you won't be the only factor that matters in the fight anymore).

Edited by Kiwinille
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5 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

Oh... This is my favorite comparison to the new Chroma right now....

17 Particles QT + Vitality + Null Star
740 / (1 - 0.8767) = 6,002
1,785 / (1 - 0.8767) = 14,476
300 / 0.15 = 2,000
 = 22,478 eHP

Nova slows enemies in radius by 75%, effective 0.25x multiplier to "most" enemy DPS and increases group damage by 200% aka x3.

-New Chroma-
344% Power Vitality + Primed Vigor + Steel Fiber
350 * (1 + 1.1 + 5.16 + 12.04) = 6,755 = 0.957477
960 / (1- 0.957477) = 22,576.02 eHP

Subject to full Bleed damage, Armor halved by Puncture damage. Requires damage taken to gain buff. Gives group 1% and 20% reduced damage and increases group damage by x2 - x3 depending on weapon loadout.


So Nova is now better at taking abuse, she's faster, she doesn't use armor as her main source of damage reduction. She reduces group damage intake far more and more reliably improves group damage output regardless of loadout. Chroma is an inferior Solo Frame. Inferior group frame and just all around mediocre. If this comparison doesn't open eyes to how bad this nerf is. I don't know what will.

1. Novas dmg reducion is unstable, dependent on particles you cant control

2. You can use both forms of dmg reduction and dmg increase, its coop game

3. Mprime doesnt work on bosses

4. Performance on paper ir rearly the same as performance in game

5. Chromas nerf was justified and needed, we can only test how much it will affect him and give feedback based on that and DE will hopefully adjust it, but you can forget about such insane dmg output as he has now, its already decided since it bug fix and DE will never consider leaving a bug in game.

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23 hours ago, Kuestenjung said:

I have to disagree with you, because if Vex Armor infact used the modded stats, then it´s another sad Story of DE taking so long to fix something. Everything in this game only counts the bas Warframe stats and Chrome should be no expectation.


I dunno if this has been pointed out yet but......

Rhino's Roar is Multiplicative, Mirage's Eclipse is Multiplicative, Condition Overload is Multiplicative. Finishing Touch is Multiplicative. Ivara's Prowl Head-shot bonus is Multiplicative, Mesa's Peacemaker claims it's Multiplicative but it's additive. There has never been consistency when it comes to damage buffs.

Their claim to make Chroma "in-line with other damage buffs" is not true. If it was originally intended or otherwise.

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8 minutes ago, kuciol said:

1. Novas dmg reducion is unstable, dependent on particles you cant control

2. You can use both forms of dmg reduction and dmg increase, its coop game

3. Mprime doesnt work on bosses

4. Performance on paper ir rearly the same as performance in game

5. Chromas nerf was justified and needed, we can only test how much it will affect him and give feedback based on that and DE will hopefully adjust it, but you can forget about such insane dmg output as he has now, its already decided since it bug fix and DE will never consider leaving a bug in game.


1)  Yes you can control them. That's why the build  uses her Neutron Star augment.  (I called it the wrong thing in the comparison)

2)  You only have 4 group slots. Cuts have to be made and I'd take Nova every time.

3)  "Some" Bosses and that's where Chroma used to shine. I'd take Rhino now.

4)  You're right. the eHP for Chroma would actually turn out worse the moment he gets hit with Puncture damage which halves his armor or catches a Bleed proc which does full damage. Nova is faster and has more reliable damage reduction. Paper numbers are pretty accurate if you know how to apply them. Nova not only has similar eHP but the mitigation is not reduced by damage types and she slows everything on the map by 75% which adds into any other buffs you'd want since it's a debuff regardless of the armor value of frames in the group.

5)  Feel free to justify it. I've tested Chroma before this bug and he did similar to Nidus, Trinity, Mesa, Rhino, Nekros and all the other tanky frames except he's not good at anything else where as I can bring those others into a group and be productive. If anything Chroma needed a buff from his un-bugged state. Not a nerf. The damage loss isn't that big of a deal Chroma can't survive long enough to make use of it. It's the eHP loss which is a serious problem. He's designed to take damage.

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4 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


1)  Yes you can control them. That's why the build  uses her Neutron Star augment.  (I called it the wrong thing in the comparison)

2)  You only have 4 group slots. Cuts have to be made and I'd take Nova every time.

3)  "Some" Bosses and that's where Chroma used to shine. I'd take Rhino now.

4)  You're right. the eHP for Chroma would actually turn out worse the moment he gets hit with Puncture damage which halves his armor or catches a Bleed proc which does full damage. Nova is faster and has more reliable damage reduction. Paper numbers are pretty accurate if you know how to apply them. Nova not only has similar eHP but the mitigation is not reduced by damage types and she slows everything on the map by 75% which adds into any other buffs you'd want since it's a debuff regardless of the armor value of frames in the group.

5)  Feel free to justify it. I've tested Chroma before this bug and he did similar to Nidus, Trinity, Mesa, Rhino, Nekros and all the other tanky frames except he's not good at anything else where as I can bring those others into a group and be productive. If anything Chroma needed a buff from his un-bugged state. Not a nerf. The damage loss isn't that big of a deal Chroma can't survive long enough to make use of it. It's the eHP loss which is a serious problem. He's designed to take damage.

And where did you get the idea that he will lose armor? Only the dmg will be calculated differently. Nowhere it is stated that armor buff will get changed and since its not a problem i dont see any reason to. On nova part yea you can recast it but you cant be prepared for it, you never know when you will lose some particles.You are free to choose whatever you like but if his dmg buff will end up being atleast 30% stronger than Rhinos i will use Chroma instead. 30% more than Rhino is enough to make his buff good, he doesnt need 4000% like it is now.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Xzorn:

Nova slows enemies in radius by 75%, effective 0.25x multiplier to "most" enemy DPS and increases group damage by 200% aka x3.

Sorry my mate but i gotta correct for a second. Molecular Prime increases damage TO 200% and NOT by 200%. You do double damage, not triple.

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4 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And where did you get the idea that he will lose armor? Only the dmg will be calculated differently. Nowhere it is stated that armor buff will get changed and since its not a problem i dont see any reason to. On nova part yea you can recast it but you cant be prepared for it, you never know when you will lose some particles.You are free to choose whatever you like but if his dmg buff will end up being atleast 30% stronger than Rhinos i will use Chroma instead. 30% more than Rhino is enough to make his buff good, he doesnt need 4000% like it is now.


They said both dmg and armor calculations will use Base * (Mods + Vex). It's under the QA portion of the original post.

With the Neutron Star build you go 34% Range which gives them a 4m range so just don't get in melee range. You could also go with high positive range and camp with her Antimatter Absorb augment which blocks enemy fire but not ally fire. Either way makes her better at dealing with incoming damage than new Chroma. I just prefer a more jumpy Nova play and try not to camp. Least Solo.

The new calculation can be better or worse than Rhino's Roar. It depends on the loadout. The better your gear the worse the improvement.


344% Power Fury + Serration + Heavy Cal
100 * (1 + 1.65 + 1.65) = 430
100 * (1 + 1.65 + 1.65 + 6.02) = 1,032 = 2.4x

344% Power Fury + Serration + Riven (250%Damage)
100 * (1 + 1.65 + 2.5) = 515
100 * (1 + 1.65 + 2.5 + 6.02) = 1,117 = 2.16x

344% Power Fury + Hornet Strike
100 * (1 + 2.2) = 320
100 * (1 + 2.2 + 6.02) = 922 = 2.85x

344% Power Fury + Hornet Strike + Riven (250%Damage)
100 * (1 + 2.2 + 2.5) = 570
100 * (1 + 2.2 + 2.5 + 6.02) = 1,172 = x2

A 344% Power Rhino's Roar will always give 2.72x no matter what gear or loadout you're using and Rhino doesn't have to get hit to make use of it. But still, the damage buff isn't what I've been fighting against with this Chroma nerf. It's the eHP loss. Esp given his mechanics of take damage in order to deal damage. It's nonsense. Esp when Rhino can break 200k Iron Skin and has one of the better AoE CCs in the game.


You're right, thanks.

I wrote that yesterday morning with rage after reading the Dev post. Multiplied by 200% not increased by 200%.

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1 hour ago, kuciol said:

His buff will still be stronger (according to DE's promise) so he will still have higher dmg output but the others will be able to compete with that with their utility they provide. Right now they are not needed at all.

then what about banshee who currently can out damage or at the very least match chroma's damage. What is stopping me from using banshee instead of chroma damage wise. There no longer is any reason to use chroma. There is nothing that makes him stand out. What you mean that stupid 1st ability no one uses or that stupid 4th ability that is only used in credit farms. There is no reason to use him now compared to other friends. Also I'm pretty sure DE is going to make his damage buff just do like 10 % more damage than octavia. They haven't specified it but I'm going to call it right now. Also your argument about the teralyst thing does have a logical point. I will give you that but do they have to nerf an ability of a already meh frame just for a boss fight in a open world map that really has no incentive. Everybody thought that plains of eidolon will be this huge update that will make the star chart irrelevant. Well 2 months later next thing you know everybody is back on the star chart and doesn't really give a two sht about the plains of eidolon. Also if you do focus farming with eidolons then there really is no point because you can easily reach the daily focus cap with equinox and orthos prime. So if you think about nerfing the only good abiliity of a meh frame just for a boss fight that literally has no incentive is just flat out wrong. Also why the hell is DE making chroma's vex armor a aura buff but make the range be only 10m. What is the point that range when it's literally just going to go down to around 5m after modding because of narrowminded being an essential part of chroma's kit. Like seriously what is the point of that aura. It's practically pointless. I love chroma because of his almost solo tank damage dealer playstyle and they are stripping one of my and other player's favorite playstyle just because of hurr durr eidolon fights. Why are they forcing us to change into a playstyle that we may or may not like for one of our favorite frames. Are we not allowed to have the freedom of being able to choose our playstyles? Wasn't that one of warframe's selling point?

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13 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

then what about banshee who currently can out damage or at the very least match chroma's damage. What is stopping me from using banshee instead of chroma damage wise. There no longer is any reason to use chroma. There is nothing that makes him stand out. 

Maybe because with Chroma you get that damage without having to aim at weak spots which can be in hard to hit places? Theoretically, Banshee is the best damage buffer in the game, but it requires set-up and rng.

Edited by aligatorno
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19 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

There no longer is any reason to use chroma.

If you don't see a reason to use Chroma then -wait for it- don't use Chroma. Whoa, that was a simple solution!

19 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

Everybody thought that plains of eidolon will be this huge update that will make the star chart irrelevant.

I doubt anyone actually thought that. Anybody who has seen how DE normally add new content knew that PoE would begin as a big broken mess of vague ideas and barely sketched out concepts, and that as time went by, some of that would get fixed and many other things would stay a broken mess, possibly for a very long time. I doubt anybody believed it would replace ranking up gear on Hydron, opening relics in fissures, credit farming in the index, etc, etc. 

19 minutes ago, NV1337 said:

Why are they forcing us to change into a playstyle that we may or may not like for one of our favorite frames. Are we not allowed to have the freedom of being able to choose our playstyles? Wasn't that one of warframe's selling point?

No that was never a selling point. You were always forced to play the game the way DE's designs dictated. Personally, I prefer to play as a naked hippie chick dancing in moonlight while shooting rainbows out my nether regions, but sadly Warframe never gave me the freedom to choose that playstyle. So instead I had to play Excalibur, which is just not as fun.

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You know what I think I'm fighting a losing fight right now. It seems that too many people just want chroma to be nerfed. Like I'm not even going to try and fight now because I now realize it is pointless. DE probably made up their mind and are probably going to be too stubborn to overrule this nerf anyways. So I will leave with this one comment. The audacity of letting players get used to a core mechanic of a chroma for 3 years and all of a sudden just nerfing it straight away out of nowhere with the only justification being eidolon fights are just too easy with chroma which is straight up a falasy because you do not need chroma for eidolon fights has severely left a bad impression on me. Simply put no one asked for this nerf. NO ONE!!! We wanted an actual rework of chroma's 1st and 4th ability to make them scale better and suit his overrall character design. DE made chroma into a tank that is able to dish out incredible amounts of damage and of course they never changed his so called broken damage scaling. During those 3 years DE left chroma alone for that so called broken damage scaling became a core mechanic of chroma's kit. Sure not all people liked it but it wasn't terrible. His 3rd ability didn't take away other player's experience like limbo, ember, and Banshee all it did was help only Chroma, keyword being only, to kill things faster. But all of a sudden after 3 years when every chroma users have gone to enjoy his playstyle and simply wanted a small rework of his 1st and 4th ability DE drops a nerf onto the only arguably good ability of chroma other than his elemetnal ward. Did they even consider the insane armor scaling of enemies? Did they ever consider the fact that maybe just maybe that all of a sudden forcing a change to a core mechanic of a warframe that is beloved to at least a decent sized portion of the community will bring atleast some backlash? NO!!! Cuz right now DE is all about adding new content and new eidolon fights because they seem to have this weird fantasy that what the players want are only new open world maps and eidolon hunts. They still haven't fixed any of the core fundamental problems of warframe. They haven't fixed the insane riven mod market which rahetalius made a excellent video about. They still haven't created an actually effective trading chat which led to the community creating their own market. They still haven't fixed the beginner experience issues which now also completely depends on the community helping new players. They are constantly adding content without even fixing the core fundamental problems of warframe. This is a bubble that will inevitably explode into a nightmare for DE. They NEED to slow down on adding content and focus on refining some of the core foundations of the game or else the building will just collapse in upon itself. What this chroma nerf shows me is that DE doesn't care about the players who are truly invested in the playstyle of chroma that they gave players 3 years to get used to only to screw them over with this new nerf just to bandage fix a problem that is practically non existant in the eidolon hunts. Seriously NO ONE absolutely NO ONE wants to spend 20 minutes killing a boss with only around 4 base movesets and completely drains you of energy without a harrow especially when the night cycle is only 50minutes for a boss that really has no incentive or proper reward other than a brilliant shard that only equates 25k focus points which is nothing compared to the daily focus cap. This is the reason why equinox is used for focus farming. Oh Shoot I'm pretty sure equinox focus farm nerf is coming up guys because DE can't let players farm with a efficient less time consuming method. The grind for warframe is already big enough and continuously adding new content and new grinds while increasing the amount of time and the difficulty will lead to a playerbase burnout which is catastrophic to the game and the developers because approximately 50% of the game's foundations are dependent on the playerbase. DE's argument for nerfing chroma based on eidolon hunts is simply eronious because they are completely revamping a playstyle that has grown to be beloved by a significant portion of the playerbase just because they want to increase the farming time for eidolon hunts. So overall I am not even going to try and stop this anymore because so many people want chroma to be nerfed so I will adhere to the majority. But as a warning to you good fellow tennos the bubble is growing and should DE not slow down and reaccess the core fundamental's of the game they created the bubble will pop with catastrophic consequences. Already the grind has turned off many potential future tennos. It has caused my MR 24 friend who loved this game to just drop it all due to how insane the grind can be. People love warframe because its grind was not as bad as any of those korean mobile mmorpg games but right now it is starting to reach those levels of grind. TL:DR DE must refine its foundations before adding more and more new content because it is starting to create a bubble that will bring about catastrophic consequences.

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14 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Maybe because with Chroma you get that damage without having to aim at weak spots which can be in hard to hit places? Theoretically, Banshee is the best damage buffer in the game, but it requires set-up and rng.


There is no weak point. The entire enemy is the weak point.

Not to mention the multiplicative overlaps.

I think in this case DE is splitting hairs by separating buff and debuff even though the outcome is the same.

And even though they're still wrong.


Dat Glaive....

...and I just showed with math that Chroma's current buff doesn't beat Rhino in most situations.

Let alone being the one of the strongest damage increases.

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