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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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18 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Read the whole thread and actually post something more mature. 

I did, it reeks of first world problems.

15 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

No, we want to make sure DE don't get into bed with said developers, by simply letting bad practices slide. Please stop acting like those who are simply asking not to be forced to spend money on content they already own, are "hyperbolic manchildren". This is exactly the kind of attitude Bungie defenders had when people started complaining about how the Curse of Osiris locked off content they had already bought with the base game.

...By bad practices you mean saying "no" and then explaining that we're going to get in game methods to get said oh so game ending cosmetic items. No one is forcing you to buy the bundles, DE isn't holding a gun to your head demanding that you buy any of the prime unvaulting bundles. The people with bad practices here are again the hyperbolic manchildren throwing a fit because they were told no and clearly mummy and daddy never said that word enough when they were growing up.


I will post this for the third time for you manchildren to ignore: Again: A customer is only entitled to the the purchases they make. You are not entitled to what's in the bundle if you already have some of whats in it from another purchase.

Your attitude is overflowing with self entitlement. DE doesn't owe you world peace just because you give them money for their goods and services.

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1 minute ago, LupisV0lk said:

I did, it reeks of first world problems.

And you reek of arrogance and deliberate misunderstanding.

2 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

By bad practices you mean saying "no"

Yes. That's exactly what I mean. Especially when the reason for saying no is not stated and when the opposite seems more profitable.

3 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

No one is forcing you to buy the bundles

Yes, they are. Either buy the whole thing, or get nothing. That's good for new players, but not for older ones who have stuck with the game and already got all the stuff. DE are catering purely to newer players with these Vault packs. What is the harm in separating them so that both veterans and new players can benefit from the deals like Prime Access? No one has actually answered this so far and only come back with arrogant answers like yours, trying to boil it down to "self-entitlement".

5 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

The people with bad practices here are again the hyperbolic manchildren throwing a fit because they were told no and clearly mummy and daddy never said that word enough when they were growing up.

You really do sound like the exact people who defend companies over shady practices. What a shame. There was me thinking you were at least mildly smart and could actually see that splitting packs is not being entitled, nor would it cost DE any extra money or effort.

7 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

A customer is only entitled to the the purchases they make.

A customer is entitled to complain if the purchase is unnecessary and shady. We hold the money, we are the reason these companies exist. What is that one thing every good business owner knows; The customer is always right.

9 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

You are not entitled to what's in the bundle if you already have some of whats in it from another purchase.

Again, we are entitled to complain when we see a business practice that clearly favours one group over another instead of having a middle round for every group. We are entitled to whatever we put our money towards. To you, the notion that someone complaining that they have to purchase a new car in order to get a spare wheel, is entitlement. How silly.

11 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Your attitude is overflowing with self entitlement.

Your attitude overflows with self-righteousness and a complete lack of understanding. All you have to offer is bitter posts about how entitled other people are as if that somehow scores you brownie points. Answer me this; do you honestly think that splitting the packs would cause much grief, financial or otherwise, to DE? It seems more like the contrary. They could make more money off of the packs. But they don't talk about it. They just say, "No."

Maybe if they provided a worthwhile explanation, people would not be talking about this every single time it happens. Check your own attitude before trying to belittle others.

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Apparently the concepts of "fairness" and "middle-ground" are lost on some people here. Why I do not know. Everyone seems to act like those who are in favour of split Vault packs are basically asking for special treatment, when it's in fact the opposite. It's very clear the Vault packs are catered to the new player demographic only. Catering to new players is fine, I understand DE need to make money. However, by catering to this group only, they are alienating the other half of the playerbase and are loosing more potential profit and breeding feelings of resentment. That is not how DE usually do things. Merely calling that out, is not entitlement. Please learn when it is a good time to use that word. 

Asking for a middle-ground that would quite frankly turn in more profit, is not being entitled. 

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Apparently the concepts of "fairness" and "middle-ground" are lost on some people here.

What does fairness have to do with any of this?

2 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Asking for a middle-ground that would quite frankly turn in more profit, is not being entitled. 

Then back up the assertion that this would make more money for DE.

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5 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

What does fairness have to do with any of this?

The fact that new Vault packs are very clearly being catered towards new players who do not have the gear in them yet, while disregarding the requests of the older community who are wondering why the Vault packs can't just work the same as Prime Access. Fairness in the fact that DE usually do a very good job of providing middle grounds, that is why the community is so good, for the most part.

5 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Then back up the assertion that this would make more money for DE.

Think about it. If they split the packs apart and charged $35 a piece, that's instantly more profit. Newer players would buy both packs, which is a bigger sale than what they would have if they sold it as one bundle and veterans would buy the accessories, since that is all they really want. This makes a ton of sense, yet DE refuse to comment on it. If they simply said, "We've done the number crunches and we don't think we'd make enough" then fine. Kudos to them for at least providing an explanation. But we have nothing.

Right now the Vault packs are unappealing to veterans as they only cater to newer players. And since veterans are half this games community, it's more than a little alienating.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Think about it. If they split the packs apart and charged $35 a piece, that's instantly more profit. Newer players would buy both packs, which is a bigger sale than what they would have if they sold it as one bundle and veterans would buy the accessories, since that is all they really want. This makes a ton of sense, yet DE refuse to comment on it. If they simply said, "We've done the number crunches and we don't think we'd make enough" then fine. Kudos to them for at least providing an explanation. But we have nothing.

That's not how this works. DE makes X money from Y people buying the pack at Z money. X = Y * Z

Z is reduced by, let's say, half. Y would have to double to make the same amount. Can you say, with absolute certainty, that at the end of the day, DE would make as much or more? I couldn't, because I don't have access to DE's numbers.

They have said this implicitly. Given how much people have complained about things they explained in detail recently, I highly doubt them saying something would change anything. We have a lot of info, actually. This isn't the first unvaulting. They've had the opportunity to change it several times. It doesn't change. My conclusion would be they have done the numbers and they are happy with where it's at. Many companies, shockingly, don't talk about sales numbers or other financial things unless they are publicly traded. To expect this kind of info, even in a roundabout way, is exceptional.

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13 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Can you say, with absolute certainty, that at the end of the day, DE would make as much or more? I couldn't, because I don't have access to DE's numbers.

I cannot because as you say, we do not have access to their numbers. On the outside however, this does look like it would be a much better for both us and them. Pleasing all demographics instead of just one seems like a good way to make more money, no?

Like I said, it would really help if DE did actually give this subject some attention instead of taking the attitude of some other companies by being vague and not transparent. All people need is a straight answer, not vague mutterings or promises. One simple answer to a simple question; Why can't the Vault packs work the same as Prime Access? 

Just outright ignoring one half of the playerbase isn't exactly going to inspire feelings of loyalty to the company and makes people less inclined to buy these packs.


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45 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

And you reek of arrogance and deliberate misunderstanding.

Yes. That's exactly what I mean. Especially when the reason for saying no is not stated and when the opposite seems more profitable.

Yes, they are. Either buy the whole thing, or get nothing. That's good for new players, but not for older ones who have stuck with the game and already got all the stuff. DE are catering purely to newer players with these Vault packs. What is the harm in separating them so that both veterans and new players can benefit from the deals like Prime Access? No one has actually answered this so far and only come back with arrogant answers like yours, trying to boil it down to "self-entitlement".

You really do sound like the exact people who defend companies over shady practices. What a shame. There was me thinking you were at least mildly smart and could actually see that splitting packs is not being entitled, nor would it cost DE any extra money or effort.

A customer is entitled to complain if the purchase is unnecessary and shady. We hold the money, we are the reason these companies exist. What is that one thing every good business owner knows; The customer is always right.

Again, we are entitled to complain when we see a business practice that clearly favours one group over another instead of having a middle round for every group. We are entitled to whatever we put our money towards. To you, the notion that someone complaining that they have to purchase a new car in order to get a spare wheel, is entitlement. How silly.

Your attitude overflows with self-righteousness and a complete lack of understanding. All you have to offer is bitter posts about how entitled other people are as if that somehow scores you brownie points. Answer me this; do you honestly think that splitting the packs would cause much grief, financial or otherwise, to DE? It seems more like the contrary. They could make more money off of the packs. But they don't talk about it. They just say, "No."

Maybe if they provided a worthwhile explanation, people would not be talking about this every single time it happens. Check your own attitude before trying to belittle others.

I reek of Arrogance and misunderstanding......projecting much bucko.

Again they've mentioned that they are planning on making these and other prime cosmetics available ingame via the Void Trader.

Again you don't have to buy, you can simply wait for if and when they release them to the void trader.

And you are the spitting image of gamer's these days, snivelling children with a sense of entitlement that dwarfs the world. Oh please don't pull the "oh i thought you XXXX" bull. It won't work with me kiddo and funnily enough i'm for a separate bundle for cosmetic, i'm just against the indignant tear fill, emotionally driven, logically devoid "conversing" that's happening.

None of it is shady, lazy yes but not shady. Shady would be them not giving people everything that's listed in these bundles or changing the bundles without letting us know. 

You are not the Reason DE exists, the people who own Excal Prime are. Again this isn't shady, lazy yes but not shady.

Oh so your upset that your not getting the VIP treatment, oh poor diddums. You are entitled to what ever you purchased, nothing more nothing less.

Again i'm bitter towards the indignant tear fill rants and raves by adults, who are acting like children who just had their parent/caregiver tell them that "no they can't have a chocolate bar" DE have said that they have plans to bring us the cosmetic items and more via the Void trader Baro.

Oh i've been around video game forums, no matter how many explanations are given gamer's will still act like spoilt brats. Give them an inch they take a tear filled mile.


36 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Apparently the concepts of "fairness" and "middle-ground" are lost on some people here.

And apparently people have lost the ability to act like adults. Maybe people should dry their eyes, go sit in the corner and breath for a few minutes before coming back....maybe then logic and reason will prevail over illogical emotions.

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While I might agree with the video in question, I believe people who REALLY want to have EVERYTHING in the game and max out their collection, are probably people who have enough money to easily pay for the more "expensive" and complete prime pack. If they don't, they have no reason to want everything, at least in my opinion. Of course, I'm not judging how you spend your money, but if you truly want to "max out" your collection, then you should be ready to spend a lot unfortunately. That's just how collections work, especially these days, it's even more expensive if you collect real life items. I just want the community to calm down to a level where this can be a calm and civil discussion but as far as I can tell, it's not really that anymore.

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12 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Again you don't have to buy

Putting PA cosmetics in the Void trader seems a little counter-intuitive for their business don't you think? Who's to say they won't backtrack.

13 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

And you are the spitting image of gamer's these days, snivelling children with a sense of entitlement that dwarfs the world. Oh please don't pull the "oh i thought you XXXX" bull. It won't work with me kiddo and funnily enough i'm for a separate bundle for cosmetic, i'm just against the indignant tear fill, emotionally driven, logically devoid "conversing" that's happening.

Hmm, you seem very upset. Is this how you deal with the bitterness in your life?

14 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

None of it is shady, lazy yes but not shady.

Lazy and shady are often hand in hand. Not revealing exactly why you don't sell them as Prime Access when it seems like it would make even more of a buck, is shady. Alienating half your playerbase and focusing only on the new player demographic is both lazy and shady.

16 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

You are not the Reason DE exists, the people who own Excal Prime are.

Actually we are the reason for it's continued existence. We are the reason they now have a Mo-Cap studio. We are the reason the game has come so far. Founders did save DE from going under it's true, but you also forget, they are people just like us. Paying customers. You honestly think that if every non-Founder left, they would continue to thrive as much as they do now? We allow them to expand. Our money allows them to expand.

19 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Again i'm bitter towards the indignant tear fill rants and raves by adults, who are acting like children who had their parent/caregiver had told them that "no they can't have a chocolate bar" DE have said that they have plans to bring us the cosmetic items and more via the Void trader Baro.

Hmm, why are you so bitter? You talk of me projecting, but it seems like the contrary is more true. Also like I said, I'll believe it DE are bringing PA accessories to Baro when I see it. From where I stand it seems very counter-intuitive to their business model.

21 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Oh so your upset that your not getting the VIP treatment, oh poor diddums.

Never once did I ask for special treatment. Let me reiterate my earlier post, since you clearly didn't read it. Or you did and don't have the mental capability to understand it. Either way here it is:

1 hour ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Apparently the concepts of "fairness" and "middle-ground" are lost on some people here. Why I do not know. Everyone seems to act like those who are in favour of split Vault packs are basically asking for special treatment, when it's in fact the opposite. It's very clear the Vault packs are catered to the new player demographic only. Catering to new players is fine, I understand DE need to make money. However, by catering to this group only, they are alienating the other half of the playerbase and are loosing more potential profit and breeding feelings of resentment. That is not how DE usually do things. Merely calling that out, is not entitlement. Please learn when it is a good time to use that word. 

Asking for a middle-ground that would quite frankly turn in more profit, is not being entitled. 

Also, you really do seem very upset with something. Perhaps you should talk to someone.

26 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

And apparently people have lost the ability to act like adults.

If you think that questioning why there isn't a middle-ground when there is clear room for it, and given the fact that DE have done fantastic jobs of doing that in the past, is acting like a child, then you clearly are not an adult. In the adult world, adults try to consider all groups before themselves. A child does not. You seem to be under the delusion that I'm asking for special treatment by requesting a middle-ground. Putting aside the fact that sort of thinking makes zero sense, it's clear you have some issues going on in your life right now. Calm down, stop raging and actually look at this argument from both points, like an actual adult.

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28 minutes ago, EmilotMargus said:

I just want the community to calm down to a level where this can be a calm and civil discussion but as far as I can tell, it's not really that anymore.

A lot of people are trying to stay civil now, but it seems quite a few newcomers feel the need to come in guns blazing and shouting "entitlement!" everywhere.

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1 hour ago, LupisV0lk said:


Dude, you seriously need to take a chill pill. Blood isn’t asking to be treated special, they are asking for DE to not start giving special treat to one to demographic instead of just giving us all equal treatment. learn what entitlement means before you start kicking and screaming like a kid.

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I dont get why ppl are so bad to each other over this topic.

Its absolutely legit to ask for a pack that isnt full of duplicates.loads of people are just after the syandanas in these packs.When they want to please their customers and give them a good feeling about their purchase they could make a pack with boosters,plat and the cosmetics for the same price as an option.More options is a always a good thing and dont hurt anyone.The other thing is people wouldnt have the feeling that they wasted most of the money for duplicates to just get one syandana. Its absolutely understandable and has nothing to do with "entitlement".

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13 minutes ago, K0bra said:

I dont get why ppl are so bad to each other over this topic.

Neither do I. Asking why DE can't make the Vaults like Prime Access and make it a level playing field for all players instead of just one demographic, apparently means you're acting "entitled". I think the ones screaming that have spent too much time on "I want Excalibur Prime" threads.

13 minutes ago, K0bra said:

Its absolutely legit to ask for a pack that isnt full of duplicates.loads of people are just after the syandanas in these packs.When they want to please their customers and give them a good feeling about their purchase they could make a pack with boosters,plat and the cosmetics for the same price as an option.More options is a always a good thing and dont hurt anyone.The other thing is people wouldnt have the feeling that they wasted most of the money for duplicates to just get one syandana. Its absolutely understandable and has nothing to do with "entitlement".

Thank you!

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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My counter-argument to splitting the regular prime vault access and prime vault accessories is somewhat simple.

(1000 platinium and (a worthless) mod - 50$) + (170 platinium - 10$)


(1200 platinium, Loki Prime, Bo Prime, Wyrm Prime, Ember Prime, Sicarus Prime, Glaive Prime, Summus Prime and Pyra Prime - 60$)


You are not really paying for the prime stuff, you are paying for the plat. If you don't think about it as buying prime but instead buying plat with some time-limited bonuses then it in my opinion feels justified. The same thing is on consoles with Renown Packs - a simple time limited 10$ worth of plat with some extra cosmetics.

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19 hours ago, Viyrew said:

This statement isn't strictly true, especially since we don't know the data. DE likely earns most of their income from whales (like every other game that has microtransactions) who spend thousands and thousands in the game, and not from the players that spends ten dollars here and there. Thus having a larger pack like this caters more to the whales.

Also imagine it this way. A prime access accessory pack costs £33.00 although it does have 2 x 90 day boosters. The prime vault ember pack costs £27.00 which gives the accessories but also some platinum. If we factor in the platinum and the cost difference it pretty much adds up to accessory pack being a bit higher except in the vault pack, you also get a free ember prime, sicarus prime and glaive prime.


Sure but "free market" / "stuff is worth what people pay" / "the idiot isn't the one posting a price but the one willing to pay" it... bla bla bla let's be straight shooters here, warframe has this lovely little thing called trade chat and the microverse free market in warframe has kinda decided most of what DE charges is waaaaaaay overpriced, with the in-game market asking for as much as 10 times more what a player will charge.... we all knows this, DE probably knows it, but we nod and aggre "yes they have to make money and prime - acess is a GREAT way for westerners to pay them money" you arn't really "buying" prime access, you're donating money to support a game you like same with platinum... 200$ yeeeeah sure, let's be honest it's worth the 75% 50$ discount, like in every other good f2p game. But with the packs?.... c'mooooon just drop the veil of bullS#&$ "but people payed more in prime access" good for them, they chose to, other people waited _YEARS_ for the oportunity and still can't pay for it, or won't pay because they feel (they're right) that they're being ripped off. Hell you can't even TRADE your doubles, just sell em for credits... "thanks 20k credits to dump onto the 15M credit money pile, maybe i the next room on the ship will be a little pool i can bath in like scrooge mcduck...."


Fact of the matter is it FEELS bad even if it perhaps objectively IS a good deal.... you can sell baboon S#&$ if you claim in "detoxifies and boosts chakras" but right it would FEEL better if you didn't even GET the double from the pack. Having to go sell said doubles for in game credits is like DE standing behind you with a trollface going "yeah; what'cha gona do about it? ya know u our *@##$...."


You are not really paying for the prime stuff, you are paying for the plat. If you don't think about it as buying prime but instead buying plat with some time-limited bonuses then it in my opinion feels justified. The same thing is on consoles with Renown Packs - a simple time limited 10$ worth of plat with some extra cosmetics.


Sure but i havn't met a person yet who's actually payed asking price for platinum. It's either traded in game or gotten on discount. And you can't discount a vault pack. Put another way, if it costed 200$ contained 4.5k Plat AND all the other stuff the pack normally contained... would you (or many many other poeple) buy it?

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1 hour ago, K0bra said:

I dont get why ppl are so bad to each other over this topic.

Its absolutely legit to ask for a pack that isnt full of duplicates.loads of people are just after the syandanas in these packs.When they want to please their customers and give them a good feeling about their purchase they could make a pack with boosters,plat and the cosmetics for the same price as an option.More options is a always a good thing and dont hurt anyone.The other thing is people wouldnt have the feeling that they wasted most of the money for duplicates to just get one syandana. Its absolutely understandable and has nothing to do with "entitlement".

you are talking on the forums that constantly belittles each other and saying 'git gud' whilst playing a game that takes practically zero skill to play 

the circlejerk and hostility on this forums is genuinely worse than reddit's hivemind mentality

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Just now, K0bra said:

I dont get why ppl are so bad to each other over this topic.

Its absolutely legit to ask for a pack that isnt full of duplicates.loads of people are just after the syandanas in these packs.When they want to please their customers and give them a good feeling about their purchase they could make a pack with boosters,plat and the cosmetics for the same price as an option.More options is a always a good thing and dont hurt anyone.The other thing is people wouldnt have the feeling that they wasted most of the money for duplicates to just get one syandana. Its absolutely understandable and has nothing to do with "entitlement".

people need to assert their superiority on internet to feel gud about themself.

btw, this thread remind me the toxicity of most fandom/fanbase. you cant criticize something without getting their "fans" wage jihad on you.

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3 hours ago, K0bra said:

I dont get why ppl are so bad to each other over this topic.

Its absolutely legit to ask for a pack that isnt full of duplicates.loads of people are just after the syandanas in these packs.When they want to please their customers and give them a good feeling about their purchase they could make a pack with boosters,plat and the cosmetics for the same price as an option.More options is a always a good thing and dont hurt anyone.The other thing is people wouldnt have the feeling that they wasted most of the money for duplicates to just get one syandana. Its absolutely understandable and has nothing to do with "entitlement".

It’s completely acceptable to ask for separate cosmetic packs. What’s not accceptable is to demand them, which a number of posts on the first page came across as. It’s when a part (not all) of one side starts demanding the thing that the accusation of “entitilement” gets thrown by the other side (with valid reason), which then triggers a shouting match and everything devolves from there.

Which is unfortunate, because this is an important topic that should be discussed. Should there be a separate cosmetic pack when the unvault pack is already cheaper than the original prime accessories pack was? Are unvault packs a middle finger to veterans, or are they actually meant for new players who weren’t here for the original prime releases (I think they are)? These questions should be discussed, but done so civilly. Currently, neither side is hearing the points of the other because the semi-aggressive posts all the way back on the first page unfortunately set the tone for this entire thread. I’m actually surprised a moderator didn’t close this by page 4.

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1 minute ago, Xaranoth said:

What’s not acceptable is to demand them

Simply asking asking DE why they haven't bothered giving this subject a good talk over can apparently be seen as entitlement. Some people on this thread do not care what manner you say it in, if you are asking DE why they can't separate the packs that means you're entitled.

3 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

Are unvault packs a middle finger to veterans, or are they actually meant for new players who weren’t here for the original prime releases (I think they are)?

Yes and yes. The question being asked here is, why can't it be made for both demographics instead of one? Why can't the Vault just be priced the same and work the same as regular Prime Access packs? The Vault system has been a confusing mess since it first came about. Why do DE feel the need to shove everything in one new player focused pack when they could just do their usual thing and sell us two bundles? One with the gear and plat, one with the cosmetics, boosters and plat?

It reminds me of the days when Prime Access didn't used to have separate packs and you had to purchase the highest tier to get the cosmetics.

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Yeah, DE should always listen to its paying customers.

I  too am a paying customer, so I want the unvaulted prime accesses to remain as they are.

And most importantly, I DEMAND that Digital Extremes do what it is they think is best for their game. Because, you know, I'm a paying customer too and I am just as entitled as everyone else here.


But seriously, the moment DE shows weakness and caves from the demands of the entitled, more people will start demanding more and more.

Let's see here, what's next on the list... Oh yeah! I demand DE re-release Excal Prime for $5!   The ball has been passed to you, DE. Do better!


Everybody thinks they know what's best for Warframe that they should develop their own game and check to see just how easy it is, and cater to a seemingly entitled playerbase. :D

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4 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

A lot of people are trying to stay civil now, but it seems quite a few newcomers feel the need to come in guns blazing and shouting "entitlement!" everywhere.

To be fair though, it certainly does seem as such, which is why i came into the argument heated though unintentionally, the situation as it stands is this, most of us want to buy these cosmetics separately, this is obvious, but DE does not want to sell them as such for what i assume can only be for a monetary reason, so what needs to be done here is to see if we can come up with a middle ground, i was thinking loot boxes for vaulted prime cosmetics only as distasteful as it sounds but someone pointed out that they can be detrimental to people with addiction problems so that is obviously a big no, as for another solution, i genuinely cant seem to think of one, do you guys have any ideas?

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3 minutes ago, Glavenusaur said:

DE does not want to sell them as such for what i assume can only be for a monetary reason

That's the thing though, they still aren't saying why the packs are not separate in the first place. From the outside it looks weird that they're not using the same structure as Prime Access, since you'd think having two packs would make them more money. It would help a lot if DE said why they aren't splitting them up.

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