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De, I Don't Think You Understand... (Resource Alerts)


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When we asked for Resources as rewards for alert missions, this isn't what we had in mind. I think most of us wanted RARE resources.

Or 1k Plastids lol Edited by 7.T.
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I think it was less of "we want rare resources plox" and more "please replace these 2000 credit resource that practically nobody runs with something useful."

Ideally, alerts would be

Substantial amount of credits, no additional reward.
2k Credits, x amount of resource.
2k Credits, y specific rare item blueprint.

I have no problem with polymer bundle/nanospore/other-resource-I-have-a-billion-of. Some people might need those. What's more is that alerts aren't there JUST to hand out free candy that we really want. There are going to be some alerts that are less appealing than others. Just wait for the resources you want to appear. Even if the reward is 1 neurode/control module/gallium, that alert is going to be a godsend for players who have terrible relationships with their resident Random Number God. Resource alerts are a massive improvement, they just need to not be diluted with more useless low-quantity credit alerts.

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Eh, I actually like most of the resources in there, I.E., I'm not gonna pass up 6k ferrite, that's roughly what a new weapon costs to build. Sure, It'd be nice to see them more often with more rare mats though.

^ ikr. I think it takes 15.5k ferrite to build all the Fieldron Research caln weapons

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Mats should show up on all non ? alerts, not randomly. I missed a plastids alert... now till another one shows up... fuuuu.


Make common mats common on alerts, uncommon uncommon, and so forth, but all non ? alerts should have mats, so that they have a bigger reason for me to actually go to them.

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Mats should show up on all non ? alerts, not randomly. I missed a plastids alert... now till another one shows up... fuuuu.


Make common mats common on alerts, uncommon uncommon, and so forth, but all non ? alerts should have mats, so that they have a bigger reason for me to actually go to them.


The system is like it is now because they are testing it out. Instead of letting loose the flood gates, the changes to the alerts are gradual to avoid large spikes.

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^ ikr. I think it takes 15.5k ferrite to build all the Fieldron Research caln weapons

Exactly, with ~80 a ferrite drop, that's roughly 194 pickups of 80 ferrite you need to max it out (less with more people obviously.)


All resources are in alerts now, including rares, a quick scan of the past few days resulted in this:



I think they mean MORE rare mats (although, personally I'm fine with the way it is, I like getting large amounts of any mat as a reward)

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The system is like it is now because they are testing it out. Instead of letting loose the flood gates, the changes to the alerts are gradual to avoid large spikes.


I do hope so, or they are basically useless, imho.


Im not asking for there to be gazillions of neurodes each day, but make it so I dont have to everyday go farm ferrite cause atm I have like 25 weapons that need it, so everyday I have to farm for it... if it showed up more frequent on alerts I wouldnt have to lose so much time grinding ferrite everyday, its boring.

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All resources are in alerts now, including rares, a quick scan of the past few days resulted in this:



Rebecca you guys missed the whole  point of having resource alerts though. We wanted Resources to replace credits. No one... I mean really no one ever does 2k credit alerts. Now if that mission gave instead 100 Ferrite or one Gallium, it would look more appealing.

Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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You missed the point though. We wanted Resources to replace credits. No one I mean no one ever does 2k credit alerts. Now if that mission gave instead 100 ferrite..it would look more appealing.


She didn't, maybe you missed the point... since OP was talking about the polymer alert and demanding more rare resources instead of that.

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