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Reason's Why This Game Is Dying - The Icing Is Wearing Thin - How Can We Save Warframe


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and leave POE alone its good :P


Dragon nest for me is like : money making pig (i like it but i do love hard game's )

Cabal Online was very easy game (top 10 Blader Eu Jupiter) i almost solo FT 2 


ofc i agree that WarFrame end game = its like do we have 1 ? xD

We don't lol that's the problem,  And I read recently that DE is planning to rework all of the game modes, and remove raid missions.

while adding a survival mode.


this wont fix anything lol, neither will night mare mode.


pvp will, but thats taboo on the forums right?

Not that I want to move into the direction of pvp, its just an option.


Hell even a dueling mode that not dojo reliant would be good enough for me.  I love dueling and would like to be faced with random people with random builds.But This cannot be the extent of end game.




If they just improve the core elements and make them more fun and rewarding, maybe expand on defense a lot because that is currently very popular.  

Survival sounds pretty cool also, but the rewards again are not cutting it,


I mean I have my nova sitting there with 20 extra mod points that I have no use for.


Things like this, we need more expansion and variety, Credit dumps, and time dumps and experience dumps.



fjaslkdfjadlfk bed time er

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That was good read! +1


I am starting to hit that stage now, ~230 hrs play now. I nearly have all frames (just need to craft parts for last 1) and nearly have all the weapons I want, but it is getting tiresome.


I know that the randomly generated maps is a neat idea, but it must make certain things very difficult to implement, e.g. enemy snipers using proper sniping spots. Some premade maps could be a good thing, especially with some scripted events, and I really like the idea of having tough raids.


You're comments on pace are very true. There needs to be some badass that makes you S#&$ your pants and change tactics. Stalker is good for newer players, but once you have good gear he is just a minor hinderance.


As far as mastery goes, I totally agree. I have mentioned it on several threads that there are so so many other ways that we could earn it without having to use every weapon. Not too big a pain to get to rank 7, which is all you need now, but when they start introducing stuff for the higher ranks it will become a PITA to use weapons you don't want to (looking at you long swords).


I haven't got any bright ideas for end game atm, but I'll get my thinking hat on. You never know I might have a moment of inspiration :)


This kinda made me think of borderlands a little bit..


You know it would be a simple change, not really exactly what I am looking for,


But the way borderlands uses the "badass" system, to make average enemies super powerful, while letting them drop more loot, was pretty fun to me for a while.

But borderlands also had a massive variety in enemies and difficulties and game pace.

Also the missions and campaign were super fun, and re-playable. 



And borderlands had some pretty S#&$ pvp, but the game was still fun.

This should also be something that DE does there research on, and takes hints out of.

Borderlands is a great game, and it is not bad to take some inspiration from it. 



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I was pushing more towards the core game play.. I don't know what else they will change.

Maybe a combo system or a functional block button, but Nothing else seems to be in the lime light atm.


The primary focus seems to be on dojo's and content updates, with is my cripe.


The core gameplay is always the hardest thing to sort out and to extend, it always takes longer to change things there when compared to adding new elements that use the core gameplay.


Also every company splits their development effort so that everyone is fully used at the things they are best at (as far as is possible). If one stream is slowed down by a problem then the other streams keep working on content that will come even further in the future.


Work on Dojos was needed, they are a pretty core element in a game like this where you have clans. Now that the code for dojos is in place future additions should take much less effort. That is the way the computer development works, you spend longer building the basic elements that form the core (because they need to interact with every other core element properly) but as that library expands it becomes quicker and quicker to add new things that just use the core elements rather than needing to write them from scratch.

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Well the primary proof I have is my own opinion, and the like minded people of the forums agreeing with me and posting similar topics. 


That is nowhere near proof, that is anecdotal evidence, in fact it is just opinion.


If you want to use that level of proof then the people on the forums who disagree with you prove that you are wrong.

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I think another thing that's going to kill this game is the elitism and entitlement the majority of the Design Council has and the outlook they have on the rest of the community. 


Well the design council really does not choose much of anything.

understand most of it is just leaks or polls.

and most of the people on there have probably been playing the game for a while, and know what there talking about :P

Not to say that you don't either.

But the outcome of the design council should be trusted.

For example there is a poll to re-balance primary weapons.


Ignus and grakata are blowing up because they truly suck.

If this poll was moved into the public, A bunch of inexperienced people would probably try and get the ogris nerfed due to their lack of understanding of the disadvantages of it. 


basically I think the design council is over rated, But it does have a fair amount of experienced opinions which can be somewhat useful. 



And specifically..

There actually is no elitism in the game... 

Cause I could have spent a week farming my vauban, and some dude could be playing with me who just bought it with platinum.


When void weapons come out, and you get lucky with the drops, you can show it off for a little while.  But most void weapons really are not even that good in the first place haha.



Elitism would actually benefit this game, 

Now not specifically that,


More of the "bragging rights" factor.

The feeling of self worth after playing the game for 400 hours and actually being better then someone else.

Because currently no matter how good you are at this game, you really don't stand out all that much haha

It would be nice to have some super hard content that only some really strong teams of players could finish,

so that we actually feel like we have achieved something you know?


that ties into end game as well, 

Kinda like the gap between max level players in an mmo, and noobs.

There is an actual "gap" to where the noobs cant run up and walk into high instance'd areas or do high level quests, because they have the "earn it"


Right now there is no visible "gap" in experience with warframe, Anyone can go play on pluto or leach on xini 


It sounds kinda dumb, but feeling like your better then someone after spending 400 hours on a game is actually kinda important.

Because if that is inexistant, then you then feel like all the time you put into the game was for nothing. 

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That is nowhere near proof, that is anecdotal evidence, in fact it is just opinion.


If you want to use that level of proof then the people on the forums who disagree with you prove that you are wrong.


First of all, there is nothing to prove wrong, I am not trying to make a point. I am stating my own personal outlook on this game, and people are obviously going through the same thing I am.


If someone wants to disagree with me about the game not being boring, then that's totally fine, But this is not about proving who is right and wrong, its about bettering this game for all of us.


If you disagree with me, then continue playing the game! Don't let us who rushed through all the content spoil it for you.



and like I said, quote: "The only proof you have is yourself, If you are still enjoying this game, then By all means, please continue playing."



But I am not trying to "prove" that the game is dying.  I am saying that the game is boring, for me, as well as the other people who are in my shoes.


And if you have not made it to this point yet, then keep playing and move on with your business, 

Because I have no intention of spoiling the good parts of this game, not at all.

When you first start playing and exploring the game is the best part.


But what I'm trying to say is that for the majority of us who are past all that, the game is starting to burn us out.

So instead of proving why the game is dying, I typed up a big thread explaining my own personal reasoning and I gave some example solutions on how to fix the problem.


Please read a thread before you flame specific replies within said thread.  

Edited by pdxdubin
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I just want to add that PVP will be very tough to implement. They would have to rework ALL frames. They would also need dedicated servers, otherwise the host would have a distinct advantage!!


Well for now I just would like a dueling system that exists outside of the dojo, so that I can blindly go into duels with people not knowing what I will face :3


that would be kinda fun for a while.


And as long as its only two people, maybe they could support that on the servers?

I'm not too sure about that type of stuff, but i'm sure it could be done.


And it does not have to be competitive, it just should be for fun 

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While I agree that there are plenty of things that DE could do to spice up the core gameplay experience, I can't help but to wonder how exactly they could address the "lack of endgame content" (which is certainly a common complaint on these forums).


Some of the things that usually get mentioned in the threads that are talking about the endgame are incredibly difficult missions or creating some big & complex boss encounters. But would either of them really solve anything in the long run?


When looking back at MMORPG's and their endgame, how many of us did actually enjoy that endgame because the content was genuinely fun to repeat over and over again, or was it that the fun actually came from playing with your guild/friends while hoping that the boss would happen to drop that next piece of loot you wanted?

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As a clan leader with 60-80 members i constantly have to weed out inactive ones and replace them with new folks. People are starting to burn out FAST on Warframe and there's only so much we as a clan can do to keep people busy.


The Void was a gamechanger when it came out as it provided TONS of gametime. Same with the dojo. However adding more rooms and missions to void won't help, since the place has been done to death (I'm still missing reaper blade after 100+ runs...)


We need another gamechanger. I don't mean new maps and tiles. Something completely new akin to void and dojo.

...or pvp (infinite content), but since the majority of the playerbase rejects pvp I will stop here.

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ok, i have a couple of ideas to help with pacing.


Ambushes -


The enemies should not be so $&*&*#(%&. They know where your going to go and they know where you'll get extracted from. So why don't they set up ambushes. Enter a room, all seems good then, boom, all doors lock and they throw a hefty force at you. Heck, even give them poratable heavy turrets to help them, a mini boss even. Could even be used to split up a group. Hacking consoles will be much tougher too.


Bounty system -


Similar to how the stalker works now, but we rack up bounty with each faction the more missions we do. As it increases you get bounty hunters come after you. The higher the bounty the tougher they will be, maybe even increase the amount of them, maybe even to the point where a small army is chasing you because your so badass. The tougher the bounter hunters, the better the loot they drop.


Could even have leaders boards for the players with the current highest bounty, and highest achieved. If the bounty hunters kill you, it gets reset.  This could give some nice bragging rights.

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I skimmed through the OP, I caught the part where he said "it is hard to do more than 3 defense without falling asleep" .......well there's part of your problem.


Defense has always either been boring or BS stressful (OMG OMG the pod is almost dead!), there's no "fun" inbetween. It is either "yawn, M Prime and Snowglobe, Yawn" or "OMG WTF HOW DO YOU KILL ALL THIS JUNK in <5 Seconds before the pod dies!?"


Hopefully Survival and the new Spy/Deceptions will fix this; hopefully they wise up and realize we want to do more than JUST Defense for our rewards. I like actually moving around room-to-room, exploring, looking for new loot rooms, opening lockers, breaking chests......though it'd be nice if they'd make mods come out of chests sometimes like in Void. Give me more reason to want to open them.

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over 3 million registered accounts.  how is warframe dying again?  12th on steams most played in the last 48 hours.  looks pretty healthy to me...


3 million registered accounts is different to 3 million ACTIVE accounts. If we did this kind of sentencing for World of Warcraft then the numbers would heavily outweigh the realistic numbers that the game is producing right now.

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3 million registered accounts is different to 3 million ACTIVE accounts. If we did this kind of sentencing for World of Warcraft then the numbers would heavily outweigh the realistic numbers that the game is producing right now.


You kind of ignored the "12th on steam's most played in the last 48 hours."


Though I do agree with the OP on a few things, currently Warframe isn't dying. At all. But there are alot of improvements to be made in pretty much every part of the game - from the beginning (I have a friend that happily gripes about how newbie-unfriendly this game still is) to endgame.

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-shrug- I played all the CS games competitively for years (recently retired).  Same maps, same strats, same weapons, tons of fun.  Why?!?  Because of the community and the vast difference of the outcome from game to game.  In a single player game this is hard to achieve because the AI is static and doesn't encourage ingenuity.


Heres the flipside:


My wife and I play Halo Reach coop endless firefight and love it.  Same enemies, same maps, same strats, same weapons.  Why is it so fun?  Its challenging and we hardly ever win.  It takes skill to eliminate an elite wave on nightmare and you feel like you have really accomplished something not many people have easily.  The enemies are unforgiving, brutal, and seemingly evil.  I don't get that feeling here that they don't care about anything but destroying you.


Warframe AI hides behind cover, runs away from you, and is pretty cowardly at best (even the melee units seem scared).   Maybe make the melee units rush you faster, dodge, roll, throw grenades more often, flank you faster, surround you, set traps, etc.


Why is Dark Souls so hard?  The enemies are cheap, catch you off guard, and if you aren't careful, totally humiliate you.  Maybe nightmare mode should be more like that?  Thanks.


DE:  Don't be afraid to make the enemies into really big jerks.  We like to fight enemies that make us angry!

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So here we have a long thread with several thought-out ideas all pushed into one series of text. Instead of in the feedback forums, it is a discussion thread, because people still think that poster traffic equals developer exposure.


Do you want to help shape this game? Put it in Feedback.


One topic per thread. Post why, what is bad how and what can be improved doing what else. These monster threads bury their ideas in a pile, and all the +1 in the world will not take a rant from GD into feedback that can be worked with.

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I think another thing that's going to kill this game is the elitism and entitlement the majority of the Design Council has and the outlook they have on the rest of the community. 

The Design Council has some eggs that are a little on the poached side. However the majority is very much voting on what is the best when we are presented a poll that we can vote on. Design Council can not make any topics, only can post in created threads. 

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So here we have a long thread with several thought-out ideas all pushed into one series of text. Instead of in the feedback forums, it is a discussion thread, because people still think that poster traffic equals developer exposure.


Do you want to help shape this game? Put it in Feedback.


One topic per thread. Post why, what is bad how and what can be improved doing what else. These monster threads bury their ideas in a pile, and all the +1 in the world will not take a rant from GD into feedback that can be worked with.



I'm all for moving this into feedback, anyone else? 

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Beta or not, the OP sayeth the truth and I endorse it. I barely play this game anymore, just hanging around for things that might come.


lol that's exactly what I'm doing. I don't really want to quit because I've invested in this game so I'm putting some hope and just hanging around in the forums. Something is not working right with this game, it's giving me the impression that  DE is trying to put stuff out but sticks too close to their comfort zone. It's all too wishy-washy but I hope they step up their game pick up a direction and head that way whether it works or not.

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