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One simple tweak to Euphona Prime


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As a console user, the Euphona Prime has one major short coming, using the alt fire every single time becomes a very tedious task. This makes me, I'm sure it does to others as well, hesitant to build for the status version of the weapon. By default the alt fire is bound to clicking the right analog stick or (R3). So this can cause the controller to become more likely to lose function, unless you change it to something else. Can we please just have Euphona switch between modes like some of the other weapons, such as the Zarr and Stradavar?

Edited by (PS4)salovel1991
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While I don't have this problem personally (Bound alt-fire to left trigger on Xbox controller), the problem is so blatantly obvious that I am disappointed DE hasn't made any statements on addressing this or being aware it's a common topic of discussion. Hek, the only reason I changed the bindings on my controller was because I wanted the alt-fire on the Harpak to be easier and more fluid.

I have no clue how to code or program. That being said my thought to addressing this would be to add a small option in the Arsenal with any dual-mode weapons to set between the different alt-fire mechanics. There are merits to the two different modes and I think keeping both present would be the best option.

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Honestly, I'd just love client-sided settings for a lot of our weapons in general. So in the same way that we can tweak our gear slots and such (which isn't saved on DE's servers), we can also tweak settings for various weapons.

e.g. whether Zarr's cannon barrage is Primary or Secondary by default, and whether alt-fire performs a Secondary shot or whether it "swaps" Primary/Secondary mode.


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55 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

Honestly, I'd just love client-sided settings for a lot of our weapons in general. So in the same way that we can tweak our gear slots and such (which isn't saved on DE's servers), we can also tweak settings for various weapons.

e.g. whether Zarr's cannon barrage is Primary or Secondary by default, and whether alt-fire performs a Secondary shot or whether it "swaps" Primary/Secondary mode.


This would be pretty great actually. Unfortunately issues like this get swept by. I've posted this same issue 5 or 6 times since Euphona P. release. Just keeps getting forgotten. It's surprising how many buttons you have to swap around to fix it on consoles. 

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I'm all for it. Likewise for any other weapon that has this issue. Probably the biggest reason I don't use secondary fire modes in the game unless it's a toggle. My controller setup is already enough of a jumbled "mess" that works for me that I loathe retweaking it for every little kink that rears it's ugly head.

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1 hour ago, Messkoo said:

Some time the switch is good, some time not, for euphona I prefer the actual system. But, I think DE need to add an option where players can choose their hown way to use alt fire (switch or shoot)

I think it could use the option especially since you have to build for one or the other and are locked into the build. 

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