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A Guide To Calculate Riven Price




I was talking to CoteCote(he wanted to be mentioned in this topic) today who was asking me about riven pricing. He asked me how I priced them and where he could find a tutorial with formulas. I can remember having seen something like that somewhere around here but after finding that topic I saw it was pretty basic without too much information and no formulas.

So after explaining the basics of my formulas, I decided to make a topic about it so people can understand better how to price Rivens.

Riven prices are based on the following:

1. Riven stat composition type
2. Which stats and what value they have
3. Preference and Synergy of Stats
4. Polarity and Rank
5. Rolls
6. The Market

In the first part I will handle the math part of rivens.

Lets look at the type of stat composition rivens can have: 2 Positives, 3 Positives, 2 Positives and 1 Negative, 3 Positives 1 Negative
For this example I use a Shotgun Riven with a neutral disposition, the percentages you see below apply to all different weapons, stats and dispositions.

The minimum and maximum stat (in this example MultiShot)
The percentage of stat value compared to the minimum stat value
The total minimum and maximum value of the positive stats combined
The percentage of the total minimum and maximum value of positive stats combined compared to the lowest value of the total minimum of positive stats combined(the lowest total minimum combined value is always the 2 Positive stats total minimum combined value)

2 Positives :                      2x 106.7 - 130.4   = 132.1% - 161.4%  = 213.4 - 260.8  = 100%    - 122.2%
3 Positives :                      3x 80.8   - 98.8     = 100%    - 122.2%  = 242,4 - 296,4  = 113.6% - 138.9%
2 Positives 1 Negative :    2x 133.3 - 162.9   = 165%    - 201.6%  = 266,6 - 325,8  = 124.9% - 152.7%
3 Positives 1 Negative :    3x 101.0 - 123.4   = 125%    - 152.7%  = 303    - 370.2  = 142%    - 173.5%

As seen above, the difference in total combined positive stats value between a 2 Positive stat riven and a 3 Positives 1 Negative stat riven is 42% more stat value for 3 Positives and 1 Negative.
The most of stat value can be gotten from a 3 Positives 1 Negative riven (142% - 173.5%), then a 2 Positives 1 Negative riven (124.9% - 152.7%) followed by a 3 Positives riven (113.6% - 138.9%) and lastly a 2 Positives riven (100% - 122.2%).

If chances of getting each stat composition are the same, we can order them and say that a 3 Positives 1 Negative has a 1/4 chance of being rolled, so its 4 times harder to get than any random type. Considering in most cases its better than a 2 Positives 1 Negative variant (there are certain exceptions though and for those this calculation doesn't count), we can say that it has a 2/4 chance of being rolled or getting a better variant (3 Positives 1 Negative).
In this flat calculation we could say a 3 Positives 1 Negative roll is worth double the amount of a 2 Positives 1 Negative roll.
A 3 Positives roll would be 3/4 chance and a 2 Positives would be a 4/4 chance (so the least valuable).

Next I will talk about the chances of getting specific stats on rivens.

In this example I will use a 3 Positive stats riven for Vulkar Wraith.
This is how I see the usefulness of the stats for the Vulkar Wraith and this is subjective, other people might feel different about which stats fits their needs better., but Im trying to use a most general distribution.
These are all the different stats we can roll on a positive value, 24 different stats with:

Top Stats, Good Stats, Ok Stats, (Near) Useless Stats and  Bad Stats(stats you want to avoid)

Damage - Multishot - Critical Chance - Critical Damage
Electric Damage(most popular out of the elements because you can build both Corrosive and Radiation with it) - Heat Damage - Toxic Damage - Cold Damage - Impact Damage
Status Chance - Status Duration - Fire Rate (x2 for Bows) - Magazine Capacity - Damage to Grineer - Damage to Corpus - Damage to Infested - Reload Speed
Puncture Damage - Slash Damage - Punch Through - Weapon Recoil - Ammo Maximum - Projectile Flight Speed

For Top Stats we calculate: Top Stat Possibilities / Total Possibilities (for the first roll 4/24)
For Good Stats: (Top Stats + Good Stats) / Total Possibilities (for the first roll 9/24)
For Ok Stats: (Top Stats + Good Stats + Ok Stats) / Total Possibilities (for the first roll 17/24)
and so on.

For negatives we have:

Top Stats, Negligible Stats, Reasonable Stats, Bad Stats and  Breaking Stats(stats that will make your riven near useless)

Slash Damage - Weapon Recoil - Ammo Maximum - Flight Speed
Puncture Damage - Status Chance - Status Duration - Magazine Capacity - Reload Speed
Impact Damage - Damage to Grineer - Damage to Corpus - Damage to Infested - Fire Rate (x2 for Bows) - Critical Chance - Critical Damage
Damage - Multishot

The same form of calculation applies to Negatives as to Positives, but in ultimate riven calculation it always depends on the person whether they hold the same value for a negative as for a positive stat. Also a Breaking negative can make your whole riven worthless, think of -160% Finisher damage on a dagger, or -200% range on a Scoliac.

If we are looking for a riven with 3 top stats, assuming that every stat has the same amount of chance to be rolled, we will apply this calculation:
For the first stat: 4 Top stats out of 24 possible stats, so 4/24.
For the second stat: 3 Top stats left out of 23 possible stats, so 3/23.
For the third stat: 2 Top stats left out of 22 possible stats, so 2/22.
In this calculation we can see that the chance of getting 3 Top stats is (4/24)*(3/23)*(2/22) = 24/12144 =  1/506 = 0.2%
So getting 3 top stats on average means you need to roll your riven around 500 times to get these stats.
The way I value rivens is to compare this number to a 3 Positive stats riven to a random riven with any (bad) stats meaning (24/24)*(23/23)*(22/22) = 1/1 = 100%

With this I can say that the roll of the 3 Top stats riven is worth 500 times more than the roll of the random 3x Bad stats and 84.3 times more than the same type of riven with 1 Top stat and 2 Bad Stats ((3/23)*(2/22) = 6/506(1/84.3) = 1.19%).
Now what the price is of a roll, is very subjective, it could be anywhere in between 0.1p and 2p. A normal roll on a 10 rolled riven is 3500 Kuva, which is ~6 Kuva Siphons, or ~3 Kuva Floods, or ~1.5 Kuva Floods with a booster etc. I generally think that on average a player wastes about 15 minutes on getting Kuva for one roll, so I would say getting about 1p per roll is a pretty fair payout.

Then there's always a minimum and maximum value for a stat to take into account for calculating riven prices.
In example a 3 Positive stats riven with all 3 positive stats at their maximum value(138.9%), can halve almost the same amount of stat value as a 3 Positive and 1 Negative stat riven with all 3 positive stats at their minimum (142%). In this case if the 3 Positive and 1 Negative stat riven has a Bad Negative stat, the 3 Positive Stats riven might be better, but if i.e. it has a Negative Zoom, then it will be far better for a Vulkar(or any other sniper) since its actually a good stat to have(if you have this preference).

Certain combination of stats might also increase the value or decrease the value of the riven. In example if you have a +Status Chance and +Status Duration on the riven it might increase the value significantly or if you have +Status Duration and -Status Chance, it will in most cases nullify the first positive stat making it less valuable.

Obviously preference is also a really important part of pricing, but usually just applies to the person you are selling to or a small group of people. If you have a weapon which has a potential of having either a Crit build or a Status build, it depends on whether people prefer the one over the other if you can ask more or less for it. It all depends on in which group you put certain Stats (Top,Good,Ok etc.). For this I usually just go with what 90% of the community is looking for or you are going to have a hard time selling a weapon for a specific group of people for the price you want.

Another example of preference is when it comes to melee rivens. For rivens like for the Scoliac, people prefer to get as much Range and  Crit on slide as possible. So for these rivens, a 2 Positive + 1 Negative stat is preferable over 3 Positive + 1 Negative, since you will get higher values on those 2 stats.

Riven Polarity matters a bit usually when people still need to roll the rivens, because its better to start off with a riven with a V polarity over a riven with a D polarity. But if someone is selling a perfect riven (3 Top Stats + 1 Top/Good Negative) then that becomes less of an issue in pricing. I personally ask around 20p more for a V polarity over a D polarity on an unrolled riven. I also calculate around 40p more for a maxed out riven because of the endo and credits used in the process.

The amount of rolls can also change the price, but this usually doesn't matter if you don't expect it ever to be rolled again. The first 9 rolls on an unrolled riven will cost you 16450 Kuva, instead of 31500, saving you 15050 Kuva. So lets say you can almost roll 2 unrolled Rivens 9 times for the same price as one Riven with 10 or more rolls on it.

The thing that probably matters most for pricing rivens is the market. Sure you will always be able to find some person looking for a perfect(3 Top Positive + Top Negative Stats) niche riven who is willing to pay 5K platinum for an unpopular weapon, if you look long enough. But in general you will want to lower your price for those weapons a lot.

So usually look at it this way, for 3 Top Positive + 1 Top/Good Negative rivens people are willing to pay around:
Meta weapons: 10-20K (i.e. Opticor, Scoliac, Lenz)
Popular weapons: 5K (i.e. Lanka, Kohm, Sicarus)
Unpopular weapons: 1-3K (i.e. Viper, Karak, Bo)
Are they ever used weapons: ???? (i.e. Convectrix)

these numbers are taken from my experience in what I've seen getting sold here on the forum, in the trade chat and from my own and friends trades. You can alter these numbers to your own likings, but usually when there are only few godlike rivens, the guys with the big wallets are willing to invest massive amounts of platinum to get them.

So from those number I usually calculate downwards, in example a riven worth 5K, where 1 of the Top Positive stats is replaced by a Useless stat, I calculate its worth around 10 times less so around 500p.
2 Top stats are replaced by 2 Good stats which means its worth around half for the first stat and about a bit less than half for the second stat, so around 5 times less, making it worth around 1000p.
Obviously these numbers are highly influenced by supply and demand, if many people are offering rivens with the same stats, prices go down, but if no one is selling them, prices go up.

Now people can say that a riven is never worth 10000p, but think about the chance to get a perfect riven, which is about 1/5000, and there is a group of people in this game with a lot of platinum willing to invest that amount for the perfect riven, it might take a while, but never let anyone tell you that your riven isn't worth more than 200p when you have perfect or almost perfect stats, they usually say this because they want to get that riven you have for as cheap as they can get and yes, I've encountered lots of these people and once they know you are not going to sell it at the price they want, they will either insult you or laugh and ignore you. Unfortunately there are many people like that in trade chat.
In the end prices always depend on whatever the buyers want to pay for it, but if you have the patience, chances are high you will be able to sell your riven for the price its worth for the people who are just looking for that riven.

Im sure I still have left some stuff out, I might add or change things later, because typing all of this has already cost me a lot of hours.
I'm also open to corrections and suggestions to better complete this guide.

I hope I can give some newer players(and perhaps some clueless players) a better insight of riven price calculations.

Edited by BlackVortex
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18 answers to this question

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I admit this is not bad at all, pretty detailed and everything, but the values....

10-20k for super popular?

5k for popular? 

1-3k for not popular??? 


Those prices are very exagerated imo. I'm not used to the english server's prices, but still, 1-3k for a Karak/Viper Riven, even with insane stats, is way too much. 



PS: You might want to add that the server you're on has an effect on the market. I'm french, and prices rarely go in the 4 digits on the french server. Most of the time, even people selling Opticor/Soma/Lenz/Nikana/etc. Rivens are selling their mods for 500-600 plat, and not because of bad stats. Imo, it's more fair for everyone this way, people who don't buy plat have more opportunities to get a nice riven. Buy cheap, sell cheap.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

So my Ignis Lexi-ignitis (+crit dmg, +Heat +Punch Through) would be worth like 500p? This is so confusing I wish there was something I could just type the name of the riven and a recommended price would output. 

riven pricing is a complicated thing

how did you get to that number though?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

I made it up, truthfully. That was my sneaky way of trying to get an estimate. Am I close?

I did not make this topic to give price checks for rivens, I want people to be able to make their own calculations so they can figure out what the price range of a riven is themselves

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34 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

I admit this is not bad at all, pretty detailed and everything, but the values....

10-20k for super popular?

5k for popular? 

1-3k for not popular??? 


Those prices are very exagerated imo. I'm not used to the english server's prices, but still, 1-3k for a Karak/Viper Riven, even with insane stats, is way too much. 



PS: You might want to add that the server you're on has an effect on the market. I'm french, and prices rarely go in the 4 digits on the french server. Most of the time, even people selling Opticor/Soma/Lenz/Nikana/etc. Rivens are selling their mods for 500-600 plat, and not because of bad stats. Imo, it's more fair for everyone this way, people who don't buy plat have more opportunities to get a nice riven. Buy cheap, sell cheap.

I based those prices on experience, hear say and trading on the forum, obvisouly its not a science, but I know crazy prices are being paid for perfect rivens.

These prices are seen on the European and North-American server, but since the forum isn't a server, I did not feel I had to mention the servers Im in.

 I was also unaware that there was a dedicated French server.

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Just now, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

Aw okay, my bad.

what I can tell you is that for an ignis, the heat element is good to top considering your ignis is base heat anyway and the critical damage is a top stat, the punch through however is kinda bad consdering an ignis has innate punchthrough and its only a 3 stat riven, no negative reduces its price significantly, I think you should be looking in the 200-500 range

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5 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

what I can tell you is that for an ignis, the heat element is good to top considering your ignis is base heat anyway and the critical damage is a top stat, the punch through however is kinda bad consdering an ignis has innate punchthrough and its only a 3 stat riven, no negative reduces its price significantly, I think you should be looking in the 200-500 range

Thank you. I do great in most of Mathematics, but when it comes to Probabilities and Stats I'm an imbecile.

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20 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

the punch through however is kinda bad consdering an ignis has innate punchthrough

You'll want to read the Dev workshop thread on beam weapon changes...


Flame passes through all avatars damaging them but will now be stopped by level geometry and require punch through mods to penetrate walls. We had to make some compromises in the base beam functionality to properly have the flame pass through avatars and hit everything like a flamethrower, but punch-through Mods can be used for those who valued it's wall-clearing behaviour.


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il y a 13 minutes, BlackVortex a dit :

I was also unaware that there was a dedicated French server.

Simple: Switch the language of your game from the launcher. Tbh, it's more about the chat servers. If your game is in english, you'll be connected to a chat dedicated to this language. If your game is in Spanish, the chat will be dedicated to those who selected Spanish as the language of the game. 

This means that people offering things on the English trade chat won't appear on the French one, for example. Since there are more people on the English side of WF (including people who switch to english rather than their native language, mostly for trades), the offer/demand isn't the same, and since that's what rules the market, the prices are different. The mentality might change as well, but since I'm not an expert I can't confirm anything about that.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent_CHAR said:

You'll want to read the Dev workshop thread on beam weapon changes...

  Hide contents

Flame passes through all avatars damaging them but will now be stopped by level geometry and require punch through mods to penetrate walls. We had to make some compromises in the base beam functionality to properly have the flame pass through avatars and hit everything like a flamethrower, but punch-through Mods can be used for those who valued it's wall-clearing behaviour.


thanks I was unaware of that, but at this moment its still working without punchthrough, or did these changes already get implemented?

7 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Simple: Switch the language of your game from the launcher. Tbh, it's more about the chat servers. If your game is in english, you'll be connected to a chat dedicated to this language. If your game is in Spanish, the chat will be dedicated to those who selected Spanish as the language of the game. 

This means that people offering things on the English trade chat won't appear on the French one, for example. Since there are more people on the English side of WF (including people who switch to english rather than their native language, mostly for trades), the offer/demand isn't the same, and since that's what rules the market, the prices are different. The mentality might change as well, but since I'm not an expert I can't confirm anything about that.

I only hop from Europe (English) to NA (English), as Im pretty sure those are the most crowded servers

anyway, if you still think the prices are high, you should check out the trading area and see what prices are being paid for perfect rivens

NA and EU English have the most amount of players so they will have the biggest market, so prices can get pretty high there

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à l’instant, BlackVortex a dit :

anyway, if you still think the prices are high, you should check out the trading area and see what prices are being paid for perfect rivens

NA and EU English have the most amount of players so they will have the biggest market, so prices can get pretty high there

I go on the English side when I can't find anybody who wants my Riven (took me weeks to sell an awesome Deconstructor riven), but I prefer staying on the French side in general. Like I said, I think that lower prices, either when I buy or sell things, is more fair since people who don't buy thousands of plat can still buy my merch. 

Last month, while trying to sell my Deconstructor Riven, I sold 5 Carrier Prime Cerebrum in 1-2 days for 40-45 plat each instead of the listed 60 on warframe.market. I had many (that I got by accident while farming Traces with intact relics. Didn't know it was worth that much when I got them), sold them for a decent but not ridiculously low/high amount of plat and all my clients were extremely happy to see such a deal. 

See? Happiness. I made people happy with decent deals and got myself about 200 easy plat. I could have earned 100 more maybe, but making people happy is, imo, worth more than that.

I even made some friends one day, at Maroo's Bazar. A guy wanted Swooping Falcon and Carving Mantis, but wasn't sure if he really wanted them. I made a deal, 25 for both (the total of the market's min prices of those was about 35-40 plat) since he wasn't sure and offered him to trade them back if he didn't like them. He accepted, we talked and later on we added each other. 


Like I said: Buy cheap, sell cheap. That's what a healthy economy should be, imo. 

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1 hour ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

I go on the English side when I can't find anybody who wants my Riven (took me weeks to sell an awesome Deconstructor riven), but I prefer staying on the French side in general. Like I said, I think that lower prices, either when I buy or sell things, is more fair since people who don't buy thousands of plat can still buy my merch. 

Last month, while trying to sell my Deconstructor Riven, I sold 5 Carrier Prime Cerebrum in 1-2 days for 40-45 plat each instead of the listed 60 on warframe.market. I had many (that I got by accident while farming Traces with intact relics. Didn't know it was worth that much when I got them), sold them for a decent but not ridiculously low/high amount of plat and all my clients were extremely happy to see such a deal. 

See? Happiness. I made people happy with decent deals and got myself about 200 easy plat. I could have earned 100 more maybe, but making people happy is, imo, worth more than that.

I even made some friends one day, at Maroo's Bazar. A guy wanted Swooping Falcon and Carving Mantis, but wasn't sure if he really wanted them. I made a deal, 25 for both (the total of the market's min prices of those was about 35-40 plat) since he wasn't sure and offered him to trade them back if he didn't like them. He accepted, we talked and later on we added each other. 


Like I said: Buy cheap, sell cheap. That's what a healthy economy should be, imo. 

I'm not sure what you are trying to prove, your post is filled with subjectivity and good willingness, which is fine

but saying buy cheap, sell cheap is another subjective thing

you might think something is cheap, but someone else might find it expensive

you might think something is expensive, but another person might think its cheap

I guess it all depends on how much money you have ingame

and lets be honest, the best rivens, are meant for the biggest wallets


if you cant pay the price someone else is willing to pay for it, why would I sell it to you for 200p, when someone else with enough money is willing to buy it for 5K?

Edited by BlackVortex
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13 minutes ago, WhisperOfDenial said:

Let's be real though. rivens are dumb because NEGATIVES INCREASE PRICE!? having no negative will make it a better mod therefor it should increase the price

Not true in the slightest, it’s a simple concept a negative increases the overall numbers of the positive stats on a riven having no neg and only positive stats is basically nerfing your riven.

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On 2023-12-24 at 9:57 AM, WhisperOfDenial said:

Let's be real though. rivens are dumb because NEGATIVES INCREASE PRICE!? having no negative will make it a better mod therefor it should increase the price

Had you read the post at all then you would know why. 3 positives will have less total positive stats than 3 positive 1 negative because the positives are increased to compensate for the negative. If the negative is something that you don't care about, such as crit stats on a non crit weapon, status stats on a non-status weapon, etc. then the extra stats are explicitly beneficial.

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I've been trying to figure out how to price rivens since I started getting them. I'll be honest, I don't think I'm bright enough to understand all that you wrote. A buddy of mine is having the same issue. He has Grinlok Visi-acricron r6 only 10 rolls MR13 with stats:

+89.9% crit damage

124.6% damage

110.4% CRIT chance

I've tried telling him it's not that good of a riven cause I don't believe that gun is very good. He'll read this, can you tell us if I'm correct or if he is? He thinks it's a very good riven for a great gun. I'm not sure what else to write. Thanks in advanced if you, or anyone really, responds with their thoughts. 

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