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April 1st Cosmetic - Googly Eyes


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And here I thought the Frame's couldn't be more Terrifying to the Solar System...

The Trooper's gaze was turned upwards from his fallen comrade's form, and met with those of his killer's. Large, emotionless eyes. Empty yet Timeless, like the Void itself, piercing through his very being. Upon meeting its gaze the Trooper knew his life was already over, any struggle now a useless and vain attempt to prolong his existence for even a second or two more. But fight he must...and fight he did...

It was over in less than a second, a momentary flash of a vorpal blade, and soon he found his body meeting that of his fallen comrade...Yet even as life itself faded from his being....the Eyes...Those twisted, empty eyes...haunted his final moments to the very end...

Edited by Tangent-Valley
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