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Ember vanilla vs prime... is she worth it?



Hi everyone

I just hit lvl 30 with my Ember and i found her funny. It's not my main warframe (i mainly use Rhino or Valkyr for sortie) but i like using other warframe for different specialization (ie Mag for PoE, Ivara for spy, Hydroid for farming and Gara or Frost Prime for defenses) and also i like using different warframe sometime when i'm farming for ingredients, leveling S#&$ty weapons and/or doing alerts.

I was about to use reactor and start forma-ing her, but i remembered the vault are open and i could farm for Ember Prime. As for the wiki, Ember got +75 shield (actually got no shield mod on her), +25 armor (really? does anyone bother about armor for this squishy dps frame?) and different polarities: the vanilla ones are both "--" matching for intensify and flow (both of them imho are a must for any ember frame) while the prime ones "V" and "D" and match for...? continuity... and ...?

in the same time i get lvl 0-30 on ember prime, i can put a forma (and lvl up to 30 again) on vanilla ember; and that's assuming i already have amber prime built; if i put a) the time building a new frame (3 and half days, if i don't need to farm ingredients) and most important b) the time to farm relics and crack open them and found ember parts bp...
so, in the end the real question is: it is worth to wait until (if) i get ember prime parts (and save reactors and forma for ember prime) or i can go straight applying them to vanilla ember and make them very close to ember prime in utility?

thanks for your advices

ps: if i should go upgrading vanilla ember, where can i found a good build? i keep finding only ember prime build and as i said she got different polarities... :|

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21 answers to this question

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Prime Warframes are always straight upgrades.

However, in most cases those upgrades are very small ones, as you noticed.

So statwise for the majority, no, it's not worth the effort.


Having something that is rare, or currently unobtainable is prestige.

It's a personal matter, but this kind of bling is for a lot of people a lot more important than the stats.


But since this is something very personal nobody will be able to answer your question, whether the upgrade is worth it, or not.

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il y a 6 minutes, Kelpie77 a dit :

Hi everyone

I just hit lvl 30 with my Ember and i found her funny. It's not my main warframe (i mainly use Rhino or Valkyr for sortie) but i like using other warframe for different specialization (ie Mag for PoE, Ivara for spy, Hydroid for farming and Gara or Frost Prime for defenses) and also i like using different warframe sometime when i'm farming for ingredients, leveling S#&$ty weapons and/or doing alerts.

I was about to use reactor and start forma-ing her, but i remembered the vault are open and i could farm for Ember Prime. As for the wiki, Ember got +75 shield (actually got no shield mod on her), +25 armor (really? does anyone bother about armor for this squishy dps frame?) and different polarities: the vanilla ones are both "--" matching for intensify and flow (both of them imho are a must for any ember frame) while the prime ones "V" and "D" and match for...? continuity... and ...?

in the same time i get lvl 0-30 on ember prime, i can put a forma (and lvl up to 30 again) on vanilla ember; and that's assuming i already have amber prime built; if i put a) the time building a new frame (3 and half days, if i don't need to farm ingredients) and most important b) the time to farm relics and crack open them and found ember parts bp...
so, in the end the real question is: it is worth to wait until (if) i get ember prime parts (and save reactors and forma for ember prime) or i can go straight applying them to vanilla ember and make them very close to ember prime in utility?

thanks for your advices

ps: if i should go upgrading vanilla ember, where can i found a good build? i keep finding only ember prime build and as i said she got different polarities... :|

Flow has a Naramon polarity, indeed, but Intensify (and Blind Rage/Transient Fortitude) has a Madurai polarity.

Vazarin polarities are usefull if you want at least one resistance mod, either Hp, Shield or Armor, or Overextended as they usualy take more mod capacity than Naramon mods (except Primed Flow). 

For the base stats, it's not that much of a deal for high level content, but it's decent for low-mid content. The abilities are the exact same so if you focus on that you won't see any real difference, I guess. 

Investing Forma in the regular one is cheaper than buying/farming for the unvaulted Prime and investing Formas in it anyway, so I guess it's a matter of "do you really want the Prime version?".

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il y a 7 minutes, Walkampf a dit :

Having something that is rare, or currently unobtainable is prestige.

It's a personal matter, but this kind of bling is for a lot of people a lot more important than the stats.

Prestige? Meh. It's more a "look at me, I'm shiny" kinda prestige that doesn't mean anything except for Baro or the person's ego. 

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Blade_Wolf_16:

Prestige? Meh. It's more a "look at me, I'm shiny" kinda prestige that doesn't mean anything except for Baro or the person's ego. 

That's correct.

But for some people this is important none the less..

It's a way to express yourself.

Personally, I'm a big fan of fashionframe. Or Transmog in World of Warcracft. Or buying clothes in Saints Row.

Judging prurly from your comment, you don't value this a lot and that is totally fine.

There is no right or wrong.

As I said, the question of Kelpie77 can only answer one for one self.

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ok, first of all thank you for your answers

second, reading your replies i got confirmation of my suspects: stat-wise there is not really difference between an ember prime and a plain vanilla ember (assuming you can use forma to add some ploarities). So is a matter of fashion and "being cool and awesome showing off a rare warframe"

Rule of cool almost always got me; but i got Valkyr Prime, Hydroid Prime and Frost Prime to satisfy my desire for fashion frame (and also gara that's not prime but sure look cool and "classy" enough to satisfy my fashion sense). I'm pretty sure, if i could just go killing a boss several time in a row to get ember prime parts, i was already doing it; but farming for rare vaulted relics is really tedious and honestly i don't really care enough; spending money or plat to buy it, similarily, is not worth for something just to be cool around (i can found better use of platinum for that).

So in the end i used a potato on her and start searching for a good build. I'll sure use a forma either, as soon as i got enough spare time to level up her again (and that's could be more or less half an hour with right team on akkad...)

Ok then, thank you again for your advices!!

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ember/ember prime isn't that great. ember prime is just rare and looks killer. aguably the best frame for clearing out rooms of enamies with zero effort but only on low-mid maybe some higher level planets, but once you start getting to 40+ she does very little damage and her whole set becomes kinda worthless unless you have that one CC mod for WoF

if you are looking to max out your MR than you'll have to get her and level her but if you don't really care about that or fashon frame or you can skip her

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Well she does have better stats, even if it's mediocre, it's still better.

You can go with a pokemon analgoy. it's like you have a Pikachu with 31/31/30/31/30/31 (this is a great IV spread already) and another Pikachu with 31/31/31/31/30/31.

Obejectively the stats are BARELY different but there's one with higher IV, so go for that one. I get that in Warframe the farming is a PAIN but as Walkampf said, she's gonna get vaulted real soon so newer players won't be able to get her (easily) and you'll have this magnificient Prime frame to keep. plus relic farming and cracking can be fun to level up weapons and stuff so MR boost

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On 3/11/2018 at 3:05 PM, ghoffman1928 said:

ember/ember prime isn't that great. ember prime is just rare and looks killer. aguably the best frame for clearing out rooms of enamies with zero effort but only on low-mid maybe some higher level planets, but once you start getting to 40+ she does very little damage and her whole set becomes kinda worthless unless you have that one CC mod for WoF

if you are looking to max out your MR than you'll have to get her and level her but if you don't really care about that or fashon frame or you can skip her

@Kelpie77 If you listen to these kinds of comments, you will end up plateauing in Warframe or other games and do a full stop on progress rather than experimenting.  Meme/meta opinions are sometimes grounded in a small bit of functional truth, but in this case, and many cases in WF, people are plainly wrong and haven't done any work to see if there's a way to counter those common opinions and thoughts, possibly because of people's nature of wanting to identify with some commonly held thought as we often do.

Ember can do the same thing on high levels that she can at low levels, though certainly with effort.  Some people prefer zero effort/zero challenge/zero hiccups to their gameplay, and that's fine, not better or worse in some ways necessarily.  It takes a certain kind of playstyle and build (which goes more beyond just use these 8 mods on Ember the frame herself).

Always get the prime though.  For the MR first, but also because you'll have some of the minor perks of a prime (void orb energy recovery, ability to toggle between prime and normal visuals).

But yeah I was pissed when Ember prime came out and there was basically no difference, meanwhile Rhino got a significant speed boost and another polarity or something. DE's position on Ember has been totally out there from the beginning.

Edited by Terrornaut
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Ember Prime only gets an additional 25 armor and shields over base Ember. Tho Ember Prime apparently ends up with 75 more shield capacity at rank 30.

Contrary to popular belief sometimes Primes are just sidegrades and Ember Primes bonuses are pretty meh, I mean the shields are OK(ish) however with the recent changes you pretty need to min/max your build which in a lot of cases means ditching survivability mods for mods that effect your powers. 

That said Ember Prime looks really gooood and there is as far as I am aware never a downside to using a Prime Frame. Tho basic Ember is going to hit just as hard and mod pretty much the same power wise. 

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Oh the joys the young have of not having to do void any more, but this used to be a bigger thing than it is now, all primes still currently get 250 free power from each void laser turret they touch, so very handy in survival there to get power just don't waste turrets until you need them, this counts for those turrets already destroyed as well

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On 3/7/2018 at 11:51 AM, Kelpie77 said:

Hi everyone

I just hit lvl 30 with my Ember and i found her funny. It's not my main warframe (i mainly use Rhino or Valkyr for sortie) but i like using other warframe for different specialization (ie Mag for PoE, Ivara for spy, Hydroid for farming and Gara or Frost Prime for defenses) and also i like using different warframe sometime when i'm farming for ingredients, leveling S#&$ty weapons and/or doing alerts.

I was about to use reactor and start forma-ing her, but i remembered the vault are open and i could farm for Ember Prime. As for the wiki, Ember got +75 shield (actually got no shield mod on her), +25 armor (really? does anyone bother about armor for this squishy dps frame?) and different polarities: the vanilla ones are both "--" matching for intensify and flow (both of them imho are a must for any ember frame) while the prime ones "V" and "D" and match for...? continuity... and ...?

in the same time i get lvl 0-30 on ember prime, i can put a forma (and lvl up to 30 again) on vanilla ember; and that's assuming i already have amber prime built; if i put a) the time building a new frame (3 and half days, if i don't need to farm ingredients) and most important b) the time to farm relics and crack open them and found ember parts bp...
so, in the end the real question is: it is worth to wait until (if) i get ember prime parts (and save reactors and forma for ember prime) or i can go straight applying them to vanilla ember and make them very close to ember prime in utility?

thanks for your advices

ps: if i should go upgrading vanilla ember, where can i found a good build? i keep finding only ember prime build and as i said she got different polarities... :|

Hey, if you are going to build them a certain way, it will stay the same. In essence, they are the same frame, just one is a pristine relic of its original form.

As for if the work is worth it, you tell me:

  • Her two - polarities are swapped to one V and one D (You can swap these with forma so it doesn't really matter)
  • Her base armor and shield rose by 25
  • She gets a perk to gain 250 energy only when in contact with a death orb. (ONLY in the void)

Does it seem worth the grind? I did it and I have no regrets.

Edited by Ovakyn
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On 3/17/2018 at 10:25 AM, Terrornaut said:

@Kelpie77 If you listen to these kinds of comments, you will end up plateauing in Warframe or other games and do a full stop on progress rather than experimenting.  Meme/meta opinions are sometimes grounded in a small bit of functional truth, but in this case, and many cases in WF, people are plainly wrong and haven't done any work to see if there's a way to counter those common opinions and thoughts, possibly because of people's nature of wanting to identify with some commonly held thought as we often do.

Ember can do the same thing on high levels that she can at low levels, though certainly with effort.  Some people prefer zero effort/zero challenge/zero hiccups to their gameplay, and that's fine, not better or worse in some ways necessarily.  It takes a certain kind of playstyle and build (which goes more beyond just use these 8 mods on Ember the frame herself).

Always get the prime though.  For the MR first, but also because you'll have some of the minor perks of a prime (void orb energy recovery, ability to toggle between prime and normal visuals).

But yeah I was pissed when Ember prime came out and there was basically no difference, meanwhile Rhino got a significant speed boost and another polarity or something. DE's position on Ember has been totally out there from the beginning.

so according to your exact words, I am “plainly wrong and havent done any work”?

Edited by ghoffman1928
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On 3/11/2018 at 3:05 PM, ghoffman1928 said:

ember/ember prime isn't that great. ember prime is just rare and looks killer. aguably the best frame for clearing out rooms of enamies with zero effort but only on low-mid maybe some higher level planets, but once you start getting to 40+ she does very little damage and her whole set becomes kinda worthless unless you have that one CC mod for WoF

On that bolded part, which is subjective anyway, sure, I agree.

On the rest, Yes, I do believe you are plainly wrong based on the fact that if you had tried to prove this Ember meme wrong, you would have found the results that are plainly there to prove otherwise.  The fact that you can't even name firequake, which while I'm not great at remembering name details for things I have little to do with also, just kind of supports that.

When built to do what she does,  inflict high damage and provoke quick opportunities of CC that make her great for headshots or melee, amplifying damage on an extreme scale, she does well at sorties and beyond.

She is a weapon based frame, but if you build her to do no damage or to do nothing but knock people over while boasting an infinite energy pool that never drains below 600, then yeah, that's all you'll get.  The power is in the kit.

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3 hours ago, Terrornaut said:

On that bolded part, which is subjective anyway, sure, I agree.

On the rest, Yes, I do believe you are plainly wrong based on the fact that if you had tried to prove this Ember meme wrong, you would have found the results that are plainly there to prove otherwise.  The fact that you can't even name firequake, which while I'm not great at remembering name details for things I have little to do with also, just kind of supports that.

When built to do what she does,  inflict high damage and provoke quick opportunities of CC that make her great for headshots or melee, amplifying damage on an extreme scale, she does well at sorties and beyond.

She is a weapon based frame, but if you build her to do no damage or to do nothing but knock people over while boasting an infinite energy pool that never drains below 600, then yeah, that's all you'll get.  The power is in the kit.

lol whatever dude

 nice avatar btw, can clearly see where you stand

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