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Can we get an updated damage pop system?


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I think the best solution for the damage numbers is to have them look like damage analysis information (damage type + damage number on a small diegetic plane that appears pointing at the point of impact, then quickly disintegrating once enough time has passed to read out the numbers), though it'll require some work and iteration to make it immersive.

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There should be an option to group damage numbers into one popup over time (like a certain client-sided option that's available in Team Fortress 2).


So let's say you briefly spray an enemy with a continuous beam that lands a couple Gas procs. Current system, you'd see something like 155+155+155+30+155+155+30+155+30 in less than a second (these are just random numbers I pulled out of nowhere). So, 9 instances of damage = 9 damage number popups.

With the optional new system, we'd instead see 155->310->465->495->650->805->835->990->1020. That is, a single damage popup whose number increases over time, as opposed to creating 9 separate damage popups. (Assuming the damage ticks occur within ~0.3 seconds of each other or something.) Shotguns would behave similarly; showing a single large number instead of numerous tiny numbers.

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32 minutes ago, NezuHimeSama said:

I mean, not to knock on the current damage ticks, but

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It seems like it could use a bit of an update...


25 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

I think the best solution for the damage numbers is to have them look like damage analysis information (damage type + damage number on a small diegetic plane that appears pointing at the point of impact, then quickly disintegrating once enough time has passed to read out the numbers), though it'll require some work and iteration to make it immersive.

Yea this is a very complicated fix imo, and I don't think anything that's ever been done before even comes close to optimal. Do you guys know of any games that ever did it in a manner which you liked? 

I think this is something DE might have to pioneer, in which case it might help more to know what people want from such a new system. I would like to have a damage analyzer (not in real time necessarily) that breaks down all the damage I deal with and in what fashion. i.e. how much damage from slash, puncture, procs, elemental, crit multiplier and so on in a given amount of time. Maybe that could be a feature in the simulacrum. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:


Yea this is a very complicated fix imo, and I don't think anything that's ever been done before even comes close to optimal. Do you guys know of any games that ever did it in a manner which you liked? 

I think this is something DE might have to pioneer, in which case it might help more to know what people want from a new stem. I would like to have a damage analyzer (not in real time necessarily) that breaks down all the damage I deal with and in what fashion. i.e. how much damage from slash, puncture, procs, elemental, crit multiplier and so on in a given amount of time. Maybe that could be a feature in the simulacrum. 

Well, in Neverwinter, if you attack with a combo, it will only show the total damage of the combo instead of 5 numbers for 5 hits.

1st hit: 20k damage = 20k damage shown

2nd hit: 15k damage = 35k damage shown


But, because status, sometimes you simply don't stop doing damage in Warframe, so the counter will always increase, and it can be a problem to see a huge number in the screen.

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Tales of Destiny 2 did that actually. There was just a damage value over the head of the enemy that was the total damage done since the last X second pause. I've made that request in the past as well, and think it would be an excellent solution, not only to this problem, but the problem of not really being able to see how much damage you're really doing when you shoot something for over 50 individual hits in a single second.


The issue in the video is that the game can only have a certain number of damage pops on screen(seems like something really low, too. 25, maybe?) and older pops are replaced after that point.

I mean, I did the same thing in my RPG Maker game, but in that case, it's turn based combat, so you're not going to see more than 20 damage pops.(or really, more than like 3 on screen at a time) It probably made sense back when Warframe was new, but not so much lately.

IIRC, PSO2 used to have a problem of sprite drawing limits when there was enough attack spam, but it was more of a rendering pipeline limitation than a sprite array size cap.

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Regiampiero:

Yup! Most of the time I can't tell what's going on. Not sure how you would go by fixing it though, it's kind of hard to make them more visible without ruining the immersion. 

Point a line at an enemy. Move it to the side. Have it form an underline. Put the Numbers on top of it. If you do Damage, have the Damage shown on Hit, add them to the previous amount. So the damage indicator will float beside each enemy a little over head level not to obstruct the Enemy name. If the enemy is far away, it will scale a little smaller. If the enemy runs towards, you it gets a little bigger. 

The Numbers will show the total, where hitting will just show the DMG it self, before waiting 1-2 sec to refresh with a new number. 

Turning away from the enemy will just remove it from the Screen. 

If the enemy dies, the number turns grey and fades, along with the line. Can be animated a little instead of just *plop * gone. 

Instead of seeing 9 numbers, you only see 1. Maybe with a X counter (multiplication counter)  how often you did hit. 

"500 x9" means you hit the enemy 9 times at once (Shotgun) if each shot has a different DMG thanks to crit, it will add all them and divide by how many shots connect. This value is suffixed with "X Avg." If Crits outweigh normal Damage, the number changes color according to the crits. 

Yellow Crit, Orange Crit, Orange Crit= Number becomes Orange. Repeat for Reds.

The "Avg" String can be colored limegreen, where the aforementioned "multiplication counter" is magenta / purple in color. 

Both colors are chosen not to interfere with the usual Damage numbers of Crit, Mid Crit, High Crit, Normal and Shield Hit. 

Don't forget the type of Damage. The Symbol has to fit there, too. 

1255 (Slash) x2

Maybe i'll post a mock up later.. 

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19 hours ago, NoSpax said:

Point a line at an enemy. Move it to the side. Have it form an underline. Put the Numbers on top of it. If you do Damage, have the Damage shown on Hit, add them to the previous amount. So the damage indicator will float beside each enemy a little over head level not to obstruct the Enemy name. If the enemy is far away, it will scale a little smaller. If the enemy runs towards, you it gets a little bigger.

This sounds pretty nice, but you'd need to have it suspended in 3D space. I'm not sure it would really work.

On 3/26/2018 at 12:58 PM, SortaRandom said:

There should be an option to group damage numbers into one popup over time

This also would work. Really you could combine the two ideas. That would be nice.

HOWEVER, in my opinion the BEST option would be to have a running damage log. Remember those? I guess a lot of Warframe players are too young. I detailed my idea in another thread over here, since this post got long.

Edited by auxy
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The damage log is the second thing to add. Have it write to a file aswell together with the Instigator used (the weapon). 

Oops, also make a  heal add to the log. 

Player X healed player Y by Z with G. 

Edited by NoSpax
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