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Excaliburs blade sound


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Just got this idea..

Would you play excalibur with his ultimate active more if it didnt make that annoying sound?

To clarify..my excalibur build consist mainly by blinding and executing melee finishers with exalted blade. I find it satisfying.

But when it comes to e.blade range attack spamming i find the sound disturbing..and actualy annoying to myself and others.

Edit: Also it does not have to be muting the sound but maybe changing it.

Edited by Mover-NeRo
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I find the slashing sound of Exalted Blade, with the following deathshrieks of enemies satisfying to listen to.  If all you use EB for is to do blinds and finishers, then our god, Excal almighty's abilities are wasted on your mortal control. #MakeExcalGreatAgain #JusticeForExcal #SlicyDicySlicyDicySlicyDicy

Edited by Mr.SpookSpook
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It Sounds like a blade grinding stone, it should sound like a wave of energy.

I thought they should remake the sound too... if you want feel free to make a post with this suggestion in feedback thread and I will sign it.

They could add an alternative sound. 

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