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Arid Fear Early End Screws Players Out Of Rewards


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Dear DE, I just got back from work, and to my disappointment the Warframe Arid Fear alert was not, in fact, 5 days long as advertised. I'm extremely irritated and deeply disappointed the event was canceled early without any warning, and as a founder I feel cheated out of a reward, especially since any previous special events did not work this way, there as no warning or advertisement to the cancelation, and when I logged out last night it said there were still two days to go.


Please fix this. I and my friends had enough keys stockpiled already that we all would have hit the required amount for maximum reward (i have 4 personally, parts for 5 and my clan and friends list has enough between then I would have hit 100 points if I was allowed to play the corpus void events right now).


This is a MAJOR disappointment, and I'm very upset someone at DE decided to make this decision to the detriment to the customers that support their game. Why was this done? Previous events have not had this cutoff? What steps does DE intend to take to rectify this misstep for paying customers that weren't able to finish the event fully but wanted to?


Does this reflect a deliberate change of policy intent to force players to under cut each other, when previously warframe events were entirely cooperative?


Please don't say you're going to give everyone two free corpus void keys, but please DO address the issue. Having just browsed through the offical Arid Fear thread, I know I'm not the only one who feels slighted from this.


Edit: In any case, the Operation Arid Fear thread has been locked, so I made this thread to continue the discussion.

Edited by Udoshi
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The point is that it ended sooner than was advertised. It wasn't clear that you had to finish your full reward early, or not get it.



Deciding after the fact that monday - a work day for most of the world - was good enough to end the event with two days left on the click, isn't good enough.


Compare to the Grineer Informer event, which hit 100% completion and continued to run until the timer ran out. Why wasn't Arid Fear handled the same way? There is no reason not to, unless the point is to take away from the customer.

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It wasn't DE who ended it prematurely, it was the players.  We got to 100% on every phase early, therefore it ended early.


Even then, when compared to other events, it wasn't early. We finished as the weekend came to a close, and previous events only lasted until the weekend ended.


Although I agree, it did end rather fast for what it was.

Edited by Starius
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Dear DE, I just got back from work, and to my disappointment the Warframe Arid Fear alert was not, in fact, 5 days long as advertised. I'm extremely irritated and deeply disappointed the event was canceled early without any warning, and as a founder I feel cheated out of a reward, especially since any previous special events did not work this way, there as no warning or advertisement to the cancelation, and when I logged out last night it said there were still two days to go.


Please fix this. I and my friends had enough keys stockpiled already that we all would have hit the required amount for maximum reward (i have 4 personally, parts for 5 and my clan and friends list has enough between then I would have hit 100 points if I was allowed to play the corpus void events right now).


This is a MAJOR disappointment, and I'm very upset someone at DE decided to make this decision to the detriment to the customers that support their game. Why was this done? Previous events have not had this cutoff? What steps does DE intend to take to rectify this misstep for paying customers that weren't able to finish the event fully but wanted to?


Does this reflect a deliberate change of policy intent to force players to under cut each other, when previously warframe events were entirely cooperative?


Please don't say you're going to give everyone two free corpus void keys, but please DO address the issue. Having just browsed through the offical Arid Fear thread, I know I'm not the only one who feels slighted from this.


We had plenty of warning that it was about to finish. The starter video and the titles of the phases indicated there were 3 groups of scouts we needed to roll. We went through three progress bars.


Fomorians worked exactly the same way, having a certain number of ships to roll over and seeing how many were left at what percentage. They gave us 6 days to complete, they TRIED to slow the event down with alert mats to build the keys, but every Recruitment chat turned into LFCV madhouse and it got ground at near maximum efficiency, so the third phase was killed three days ahead of schedule.


The mods will also be available through other means at a later date, so if you didn't make the points, you can still get them some other time.

Edited by Okai85
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It wasn't DE who ended it prematurely, it was the players.  We got to 100% on every phase early, therefore it ended early.


Except that's not how events have worked in the past.


Both the Grineer Inform and Fusion Moa events reached 100% early, and did not end the event.


Someone at DE decided to NOT treat arid fear like other events, breaking expectations on how events would be handled.

Again, with no warning or communication to this effect.

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Dear DE, I just got back from work, and to my disappointment the Warframe Arid Fear alert was not, in fact, 5 days long as advertised. I'm extremely irritated and deeply disappointed the event was canceled early without any warning, and as a founder I feel cheated out of a reward, especially since any previous special events did not work this way, there as no warning or advertisement to the cancelation, and when I logged out last night it said there were still two days to go.


Please fix this. I and my friends had enough keys stockpiled already that we all would have hit the required amount for maximum reward (i have 4 personally, parts for 5 and my clan and friends list has enough between then I would have hit 100 points if I was allowed to play the corpus void events right now).


This is a MAJOR disappointment, and I'm very upset someone at DE decided to make this decision to the detriment to the customers that support their game. Why was this done? Previous events have not had this cutoff? What steps does DE intend to take to rectify this misstep for paying customers that weren't able to finish the event fully but wanted to?


Does this reflect a deliberate change of policy intent to force players to under cut each other, when previously warframe events were entirely cooperative?


Please don't say you're going to give everyone two free corpus void keys, but please DO address the issue. Having just browsed through the offical Arid Fear thread, I know I'm not the only one who feels slighted from this.

You were too slow. Your fault, not DE's. We had 1 week TOPS to finish the event, we did it early.


Close please, no discussion necessary.

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Except that's not how events have worked in the past.


Both the Grineer Inform and Fusion Moa events reached 100% early, and did not end the event.


Someone at DE decided to NOT treat arid fear like other events, breaking expectations on how events would be handled.

Again, with no warning or communication to this effect.




I've heard that DE said the grineer event was a mistake on their part, once all the informants were destroyed they were meant to stop spawning.

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I've heard that DE said the grineer event was a mistake on their part, once all the informants were destroyed they were meant to stop spawning.


Can you back that up with a source?


Because I don't believe that. Warframe is a cooperative game by nature, and forcing players into a competition where there aren't enough drones(or scouts, or anything really) to go around undercuts that.


In fact, it opens the door to griefing, where players can intentionally overfarm stats and vie for the #1 spot on purpose to deny other players rewards.




People had plenty time to hit 100 points, especially this time. There comes a point where it becomes more like asking DE to host you an event based solely on your schedule. If you can't play for a few hours over 4 days, you don't need the high reward.


The thing is, I DID.


If an alert goes for an amount of time, it should go for that amount of time.


This is the equivalent of a special alternate warframe hat alert deciding that it is over while you're in the middle of doing it.


Its unfair, unclear, and not the players fault.

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How the hell did you participate? I missed something I would not like to miss next time.

DE stop making some things a reward from alerts only!

You had to assemble a key then use the key to enter the Void to capture a crewmen. If you did it even once you should have the shred mod.


BP was sold in Market the parts were each in alerts. You needed 2 parts per key but you could have joined someone elses run and used theirs. 

Edited by LazyKnight
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The point is that it ended sooner than was advertised. It wasn't clear that you had to finish your full reward early, or not get it.

Deciding after the fact that monday - a work day for most of the world - was good enough to end the event with two days left on the click, isn't good enough.

Compare to the Grineer Informer event, which hit 100% completion and continued to run until the timer ran out. Why wasn't Arid Fear handled the same way? There is no reason not to, unless the point is to take away from the customer.

The real problem is that all the Corpus Void keys were made useless. I was stockpiling for today when my friends and I could play as a group. I spent a lot of time collecting the parts for the keys.

Assuming the event would last longer than half the time limit was perfectly reasonable.

I did join some games through the recruiting channel and ended up with 68 points. It took much less time to do that than make my keys.

I feel being unable to use my keys was a slap in the face. People who put in less time than I did were able to easily get 100 points since a lot of then never bothered making their own keys.

Making keys unusable is basically throwing away the effort people put into making them. That does not make people feel good.

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In the news post it says the mods will be added in game a later date. They are NOT exclusive to the fear event so you will hopefully get them later.


It is also remarkable lax on details HOW that will happen.



As I'm sure you know, some rare mods are incredibly rare, more so than the title 'rare' would indicate, to the point where people have to play for months to get a multishot mod. Is there any reason to suspect that the latest multishotmod, lethal torrent, will be handled any differently than barrel diffusion? If anything, it will be more rare.


How do you think they are going to be added?


The Buy Platinum page offers newly added modules  for one hundred to two hundred dollars.

Nightmare mode is no better.

Void mission drop tables?

Defense mission rotation? Which tier? What drop rate?

Are we going to see 0.5% and 1% drop rates on these things just to force people to grind?



I ask you this in return - how do you think the new modules should be implimented as drops to the players?

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I posted this several times in "General" but I want to make it clear that I am unhappy with how the event ended early. I was just getting into my groove with 3 days left on the clock when the event ended.

I missed a shot at those mods and not to sound like an entitled PoS but I want, demand, and damn well expect another chance at them, soon. I feel like DE screwed up here, not me, and they should do something about it.

Edited by KF_Kenobi
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You had to assemble a key then use the key to enter the Void to capture a crewmen. If you did it even once you should have the shred mod.


BP was sold in Market the parts were each in alerts. You needed 2 parts per key but you could have joined someone elses run and used theirs.

Thank you for explaining that =)

DE alerts are cool....but make them a bonus not a requirement.

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It is also remarkable lax on details HOW that will happen.



I am just happy this isn't primed chamber that is likely never going to be added. Even if they added the 3 mods to the nightmare table at 1% it at least is a possible to get them. I said in another post if DE said they would be added later it would make my day, I wasn't lying.  

Edited by LazyKnight
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You were too slow. Your fault, not DE's. We had 1 week TOPS to finish the event, we did it early.


Close please, no discussion necessary.


And you had nothing better to do with your week end which is sad.


Myself, I was working, dating and went to see a very good movie at the theater.

Sometimes life can get in the way because we have one. DE should know that we cant afford to spend 7 hours playing the game during those very busy day.


Events should be a week long or not built around farming things for hours and hours. Give us a good challenge not some grinding fest.

Edited by dave021
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i had enough time to do it, but i dont like to do a thing over and over when i got so much time( "6 days") so i was doing it calmly taking my time, and then they said its finish with more than 3 out of the 6 days left. this really is a major dissapoiment... they should be clear, it felt like a low hit.

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I agree with this thread completely. Because the event ended early, many people got cheated out of their rewards, including me (i was aiming for vigor mod, i only had 6 more points to go).

The event ending early is because of two simple reasons. Reason #1, is that DE put a limit on how many corpus scouts could be captured, as in; after an X amount of scouts have been captured by the community, the event would end automatically. This is why the event ended early.

Reason #2, and this irritates me more than anything else, are the farmers. People that, like someone said before me, rush and rush and rush to collect WAY more points than actually necessary in order to get to the #1 spot of most collected points and, in turn, deny thousands of other players that mod they wanted.

For example the sling-stone event, the guy that collected the most points there... Collected 6970 points. Arid Fear was much less, but the same principle stands, he collected more than 2700 points. Take into account that with the fomorians, only 10 points could be gathered per game at maximum, and in arid fear only about 4 could be gained per game/key. I mean come on, talk about overkill and denying other people a reward. I mean, to collect that amount of points in about 3 days to begin with must take an enormous amount of time, an amount so large that he could maybe even be considered a 'no-lifer', for a lack of a better term.

Solution? Remove the limit on any- and all events, so that the missions can be done an unlimited time within the given event-duration. That way, the event will end when it's supposed to, and people who want to collect an unnecessary amount of points can do so as they please, and not hurt other players chances at all.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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