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Arid Fear Early End Screws Players Out Of Rewards


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Actually, no. If this is the entirety of their response, then they really haven't gotten the point. The point is not that we're upset, the point is that they need to figure out more than a token gesture to set this straight.


EDIT: The apology has in many ways made me more upset, not less.

If DE was trying to smooth thing over It would likely just be simple to just make another little event to get the mod. If the just held another 2 day event this weekend to give people one last chance to get the mod that would likely fix a lot of the rage over the confusion with the last one.

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If DE was trying to smooth thing over It would likely just be simple to just make another little event to get the mod. If the just held another 2 day event this weekend to give people one last chance to get the mod that would likely fix a lot of the rage over the confusion with the last one.


And a bunch of the people that have been calling people "lazy", "self-entitled" and other less complimentary things would rage over that, too. DE sort of dropped the ball on this, and there`s unfortunately no simple solution.


In the business world, if I beat a deadline, I get a bonus, but that doesn't mean that I'm necessarily going to walk away from the project and claim that I couldn't improve the project with whatever time I have remaining, it simply means that I've accomplished the minimum number of goals to declare completion.

Edited by Operator_Error
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And a bunch of the people that have been calling people "lazy", "self-entitled" and other less complimentary things would rage over that, too. DE sort of dropped the ball on this, and there`s unfortunately no simple solution.


That is so true, there is no real way DE can fix it without one group raging at the other.

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The point is that it ended sooner than was advertised. It wasn't clear that you had to finish your full reward early, or not get it.



Deciding after the fact that monday - a work day for most of the world - was good enough to end the event with two days left on the click, isn't good enough.


Compare to the Grineer Informer event, which hit 100% completion and continued to run until the timer ran out. Why wasn't Arid Fear handled the same way? There is no reason not to, unless the point is to take away from the customer.



The 6days is the deadline we had to meet in order to unlock the new settlements. De even said in the lastest live stream that if we didn't finish the event we wouldn't get the settlements So No F'ing duh people wanted to get it done ASAP! Whining becuase the weekend event ended at the end of the weekend is just you saying Im entitled to geting the event rewards even though I wasn't there. Yes I understand not everyone could be on at the time. Tuff luck. Get over it.

Edited by Mordanis
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And a bunch of the people that have been calling people "lazy", "self-entitled" and other less complimentary things would rage over that, too. DE sort of dropped the ball on this, and there`s unfortunately no simple solution.


This is a factor that can't be ignored, I agree, but I think it can at least be mitigated somewhat. I'd start by freezing the leader-boards, and make it strictly about the mods. Lore-wise, DE could simply declare that the make-up event happened at the same time chronologically.



Yes I understand not everyone could be on at the time. Tuff luck. Get over it.



Serious question: DE re-opens the event, what do you (or anyone sharing these views, if they want to put in their 2 cents) need to be okay with that?

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Obviously the OP didn't read the last post on the Arid Fear thread made by DE_Steve. In case you missed it please go read. It's the last one on the page.




Seriously people. Get over it. You missed the event. It sucks. I am sure you are not the only one who has had this happen. You know why they closed the Arid Fear thread skippy? Because they've heard enough complaints from people and they are trying to do something to make it better and learn from it. If you can't accept that then I feel bad for you. You can sit on the forums and whine about it all you want but I am sure by now the DEs have gotten the point from the other thread that people aren't happy. All you're doing is kicking a dead horse and trying to make it look like a "discussion". 


Sorry, it's not. 


Move on and close this thread already.

The fact that Steve had to apologize irritates the hell out of me.  If people where so dens/lazy and or entitled they couldn't figure out how things work or that it could potentially end early that is their own fault.  Besides the point of this event was to open up the new settlements area, the mods where just a bonus.

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The 6days is the deadline we had to meet in order to unlock the new settlements. De even said in the lastest live stream that if we didn't finish the event we wouldn't get the settlements So No F'ing duh people wanted to get it done ASAP! Whining becuase the weekend event ended at the end of the weekend is just you saying Im entitled to geting the event rewards even though I wasn't there. Yes I understand not everyone could be on at the time. Tuff luck. Get over it.


Accusing people of being 'entitled' is the new 'Hitler' argument. All it really is, is an ad hominem.


For those of you that got to fully participate all weekend, how would you feel if another event happened but with slightly different opening and closing time? What if the event started Wednesday night, and was set to go through Monday, but ended Friday morning? Yes, we all realize that Weekends are prime time. Should we accept that there should be no allowance made for people that play on off-prime days? It sounds ludicrous to me to say 'sorry you can't play on the weekend; none of the events will allow you to participate.'


How about making alerts the same way, now? Say a helmet alert comes up - you have EITHER 48 minutes OR until an undefined number of BPs have been claimed to get it. Didn't get it? Too bad, so sad, get it later (which may very well be 2+ months).

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@Namacyst your not getting the OP's original point. It was advertised the event would run actually 6 days, also nothing was ever said in that original post about the event about the mods, so I'm sure you as well as lots of Tenno, including me, said another grindfest i'll just do the minimum to get my shiny badge, or like others maybe went away for the weekend thinking they had plenty of time, because people do have lives outside of Warframe. Thus the bar was moving very slowly on Friday. Then after the first phase was finally done came the second bit of late info on Saturday afternoon, if you scored such and such points you get certain mods, then all of a sudden the progress bar caught fire and by the time I went to bed on Sunday night at about 11:30 pm Pacific time we were already on the third phase at 17%. Now i'm sure I'm not the only one who when they woke up the next morning and only saw 24% knew something was not right. Many believed that the DEV's were caught completely by surprise at how quick we were finishing the event, even though they said it was going to be 6 days, and tweaked the progress bar, but we finished early anyway. I really hope your the minority of people who say tough S#$% that's your fault, because it was not it's the deplorable way full information was not given at the very beginning of the event by the DEV's. There should have been some plan B if we finished early, it's obvious they didn't learn anything about how fast and good this community is or they would have had a alternate plan if we finished early.

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The problem is that there was basically zero information on length of the event and people allowed themselves to speculate that little "d" was how long they had to get 100 points. The information given to players for this event assumed that the player understood that the event had 3 part and 3 bars and if the time of 6 days was passed it was an event fail. It also assumed that everyone would understand how to assemble a key and how to use the Void invite system.


Do not misunderstand me, I know DE had no conspiracy against the players the mods they gave out were fantastic and the new map Phobos is great. They just expedited the event to unlock the content without adequately explaining some things that were easily misunderstood. Their oversight of people wanting to solo was also do to their haste in starting the event. Also when they announced there was a reward 70% into the first part a lot of people already made plans after doing just a few runs for the badge.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I simply don't understand the hostility from some people. What would it hurt if the event ran the full time limit? The only people it would harm would be the people who are going for the top spots - the people who farmed it so hard that it prevented others from participating. Why don't they close the leader boards at a certain point, but allow people to continue? I can't see why this would be a problem?

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That's certainly positive, and to say something nice about the event: shared scoring was a welcome adjustment.


That said, there IS a basic customer service issue here. The game is in Beta, and DE is feeling things out. I do get that. It's good that they understand what happened here, and things should be better going forward, but they do actually need to fix this.


So much this. Beta stops being an excuse when you stop caring about the customer experience.


See, I LIKE this game. Things like this make me not want to.


I'm also very disappointed it happened again, after the last disaster with the bugged void mission rewards.


EDIT: The apology has in many ways made me more upset, not less.


I have to agree with this. The response from DE_Steve was up when I STARTED this thread, and his post-it-then-lock-it is what made me start this thread.


While I appreciate that DE_rebeccah stopped in, there is a difference between acknowledging a problem, and..... well, actually addressing and fixing it.

Pointing at the thing that started this whole discussion, brushing over everything that's been said since then? That's a pretty major cop out.



Going to take a few minutes to play catch-up and collect my thoughts.

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The discussion you wish to continue has resulted in sincere apologies from our end, as the confusion resulting from this event is a very regrettable thing that we can't let happen again.

Please see a quote from Steve here:




Good start with Teorina's questions! I have more for you!


I"ve heard rumors and people claiming that the arid fear mods can be attained normally. Can you clarify this issue?

When and where will they be available?  Simple question, lots of pressure! How much grind will be involved?

PLEASE don't say they will 'nightmare mode exclusives. Personally, I feel like I already put tons of grind into this thing for nothing!


At this point, i've some time too cool down and think rationally, and all I really want is a lethal torrent to round out my collection. What's it going to take to squeeze on out of warframe?



I would also like to see you address

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94332-arid-fear-early-end-screws-players-out-of-rewards/page-7#entry1066846'> BirdRock

and https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94332-arid-fear-early-end-screws-players-out-of-rewards/page-7#entry1064357'>KF_Kenobi and joint questions, though I think birdrock phrased it better.


In the technical sense, is there any reason the event couldn't be re-enabled?

Is it fair to all your other customers that the leaderboards were able to block other people out of participation by gobbling up all the scouts?


What is going to be done? Is DE_steve's reply that you linked the final answer?


We want to know something, anything, more!

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What I want to know from  DESteve is was the results bar of the third wave manipulated in such a way to not show accurate results so as to slow down the event because of being caught flat footed so to say because of how fast we were finishing the event. I and I'm sure many who thought this would like an honest answer?

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Obviously the OP didn't read the last post on the Arid Fear thread made by DE_Steve. In case you missed it please go read. It's the last one on the page.




Seriously people. Get over it. You missed the event. It sucks. I am sure you are not the only one who has had this happen. You know why they closed the Arid Fear thread skippy? Because they've heard enough complaints from people and they are trying to do something to make it better and learn from it. If you can't accept that then I feel bad for you. You can sit on the forums and whine about it all you want but I am sure by now the DEs have gotten the point from the other thread that people aren't happy. All you're doing is kicking a dead horse and trying to make it look like a "discussion". 


Sorry, it's not. 


Move on and close this thread already.


I'm glad they acknowledged it. I'm not upset anymore because they now know what went wrong. Most companies won't even tell you anything was ever wrong and just ignore the fan base (?EA?)


At least we know the next event wont have these issues

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I'm glad they acknowledged it. I'm not upset anymore because they now know what went wrong. Most companies won't even tell you anything was ever wrong and just ignore the fan base (?EA?)


At least we know the next event wont have these issues


Most game companies. Outside the games industry this kind of customer service would actually be well below what is normal.


From a post in a different thread on the matter: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94373-if-you-cant-play-the-video-game-dont-blame-the-video-game-an-arid-discussion/?p=1065774


The most analogous thing I can think of was the time I was sold a movie ticket for a showing that had already been running, rather than the next showing. When I went in for the showing I thought I had a ticket for, the usher didn't let me through. I explained it to the manager, who saw when I came in and realized the mistake immediately (time of purchase was on the receipt). Only problem was the next showing had been completely sold out before I even got there (this was not communicated to me, but is one of the reasons I got a ticket for the showing I did). No chance of getting in to the next show. I had to wait until the next day, but I didn't have time to see a movie then.


You know what happened? I was given a free pass for ticket I bought, and another two as an apology for the showing I was about to miss (good for one year). And we're talking about a limited physical commodity here. There are only x * y seats in any given theater, which the manager gave up for the sake of respecting my time in coming out there.


And this is not an isolated incident. I've gotten similar service in retail without things getting remotely as ugly as they've gotten on this board. In fact, I'd say the games industry is the only place where "Sorry, we screwed up" is considered acceptable and will even be defended. And I certainly didn't have to deal with ignorant little f*** bags calling me lazy for not buying my tickets early enough.


... it's not unusual for businesses to put in a little extra when there's a problem. And I'm not even asking for a little extra here. I'm asking for what I was told would be there in the first place.

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From a purely lore standpoint, ending the event early makes absolutely no sense. In stage 1, the event starts with trying to find scouts to find the Grineer settlements, right? Stage 2 happens, and Lotus discovers new technology that the Corpus have (in the form of mod cards). Capturing these scouts grants access to this technology. Stage 3 proceeds, and eventually enough scouts are captured that the location of the Grineer settlement is revealed. At this point, for some unknown reason, Lotus decides f*** the technology, now that we know where the settlement is. More scouts are out there, with this highly desirable technology, but Lotus forbids us from pursuing it? How does this make any sense?


As far as I can see, it boils down to this:


We have the crowd who farmed it out and got their points talking down to everyone else and calling us entitled for wanting to participate within the original time limit. We have a bunch of people who wanted to participate, couldn't during the weekend, but assumed that the event would run the original duration, and could participate for the latter half. We have a system that pits community members against each, rather than encouraging cooperation. There is no reason for opposition to allowing the rest of the community to acquire the rewards, other than pure spite and a sense of entitlement because they got there first; they'd rather ensure that others can't acquire what they have, because they feel they earned it by taking everything they could before others could get there. And to top it off, lore-wise it doesn't make sense either.

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I suspected there was a chance that the event would stop when the last meter reached 100%, since I had heard people complaining about the Fomorian event. So I got my points as early as I could. But I worked on friday and saturday so my margin was not great.


I find it detrimental to the community to have an event set up with a _limited_ amount of points for people to collect. My guess the amount of points available was not enough to have each member in the playerbase reach 100 points, which is not fair in my opinion.


Should have been like in the Fusion MOA and Drone event where people could do it at their own pace without worrying about hardcore grinders taking all the points.


So it should have been "Tenno, we have enough information to locate the grineer settlements. But the Corpus still have large numbers of scouts hiding in the void. See if you can acquire any new information from them. "


and leave the event open until the time limit is up.

Edited by Frendh
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