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Sudden drop in FPS


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Im commenting to basically keep the thread alive and hopefully bring devs' attention to it. The FPS drops are there and mostly happen in Kuva Survival/Kuva Siphons for me. I'm using a laptop with a 1060 (Surface Book 2). When the drop happens, the CPU usage is below 50%, GPU is below 25%, most graphics settings at high, some on medium. I did compare it to my old gaming laptop (980m which is hooked to display as the main card), and everything runs extremely smooth on max settings. It appears that Warframe refuses to utilise computing power above certain threshold. Wasn't able to find a fix. As most poor souls in this thread, will appreciate any input. Sorry if I'm not being too informative, not sure what else to say that hasn't been said already.
Tried every combination of DX10 DX11 setting in the launcher (as this is a known problem with 10xx series cards) to no avail.

Edited by Commander_Woof
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16 minutes ago, Commander_Woof said:

The FPS drops are there and mostly happen in Kuva Survival/Kuva Siphons for me.

Thanks for the info! We are continuing to investigate Kuva missions for potential performance improvements. With that said, have you tried verifying and optimizing your Download Cacha via. the Warframe launcher settings? I only ask because you mentioned your old laptop can run the game fine, so it's possible that the files on your higher end system could use some cleaning.

Any additional information that you can provide would be appreciated. Especially locations, specific Warframes / weapons, etc.

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As a post very early in the life of this thread mentioned, check your temperatures. Thermal throttling is real, specially now that the north is having a toasty summer. Ultrabooks and glorified 2 in 1's thermal solutions are not meant for gaming.

Spec requirements are not particularly high as of right now. I am running this decently on an R7 250 with an A10 in dual graphics mode and hitting the 60s, and that is old hardware.

If you have a beefy thermal solution in your desktop and have these problems, see if you can roll back to a previous graphics driver version. Stuttering may also happen if you have an SLI/Crossfire setup, frame pacing problems. Unrelated, but Skyrim is notable for this for example. It can be fantastic, and after some time become stutter city.

Edited by VadiseReikaz
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I've had this problem for a while now and ive tried fixes i seen other people suggested like optimizing and verifying the download cache turning the settings down setting priority in windows and to no avail.And i keep having major Fps drops in multiplayer when i play solo with max setting its perfect barely any frame drops but the second i load into multiplayer its goes form being 72 fps down to 51 to 48 constant and ive checked and monitored my CPU usage and gpu usage and they are the same for cpu usage its usually 20 to 26% usage and gpu is around 50 to 60 with occasional spikes to 80 i dont really know if thats normal or not but its hard to play multiplayer when the game is jittery with low fps.Any help or insight in how to fix would be very appreciated. 

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First time posting so sorry if i've done anything wrong... These are my pc specs

Rx 560 msi aero oc 4gb

amd phenom ii x4 965 stock

6gb 1333mhz ram

500gb hdd

350w psu

m4n68t mobo

i was wondering system requirements state i can play this game no problems and except for ram my friend has the exact same system and has none of my issues. I usually use hydron on sedna to test my fps because i find it pretty demanding, now while i do hydron and most other missions my fps will just sharply drop to 40 fps and below while i have fps locked at 60 or 72 fps. For the life of me i can't find the problem. I've turned of dx 11 and 10, its not thermal throttling both cpu and gpu stay at 60 or below easily also stay below 80% and 60% usage respectively. If i've posted at the wrong place i'm sorry but this is driving me nuts

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I haven't been able to play properly for a couple of weeks so I can't say when exactly did I start getting these big fps drops, but now that I am able to play again, my frames dip to 40-30 fps (before a pretty stable 60 fps) at seemingly random times. Grineer and fissure missions have the biggest fps drops (outside the Plains), Corpus and Infested missions aren't nearly as bad. It's much worse in squads. I've tried changing my graphics settings from high/medium to medium to low but it doesn't seem to make any difference. GPU temp stays around 51-55c after an hour of playing.

The other day for the first time ever I did a Cetus bounty with squad set to public and I joined three other players and after the first stage my fps tanked to 20; it went back to normal (hovering around 60) for a while before it dropped again. Rinse and repeat. I normally play with one or two friends in a private squad and I've never experienced frame drops like that before. After the bounty my RAM usage while in my Orbiter (according to the in-game display, task manager shows it way higher) was over 1,000MB although it's usually around 600-800MB.

I'll update my drivers and keep an eye on GPU/CPU usage and such but boy do I hope there's a fix for this eventually )-:

Windows 8.1 64-bit / AMD Radeon R9 200 Series / AMD FX-8370 Eight-Core Processor / 8,0GB RAM

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Noticed those fps drops lately too, i reduced Anisotropic sample from x16 (which i always played the game set like this) to a mere x8 and it worked, my question is : why know ? 


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Possible solution:


I was having pretty much the same issue: stable 40fps on Sanctuary Onslaught, 30fps on Void survival, regardless of resolution or quality

I have a GTX 1060 6GB, so that shouldn't be hhappening.

I found out that I was using the energy saver mode on Windows, so I changed that and now I'm back at 60fps on ludicrous settings ;)


I hope this helps!

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12 hours ago, Nayibmc said:

Possible solution:


I was having pretty much the same issue: stable 40fps on Sanctuary Onslaught, 30fps on Void survival, regardless of resolution or quality

I have a GTX 1060 6GB, so that shouldn't be hhappening.

I found out that I was using the energy saver mode on Windows, so I changed that and now I'm back at 60fps on ludicrous settings 😉


I hope this helps!

That is a good idea to check!

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I have the same problem, i used to play warframe at 40-50 fps on my laptop but now i barely reach 20-30 fps even on low settings. it doesnt matter what i turn off/on, the fps are still the same.

Windows 10-64 bit,  A8-5545M APU Elite Quad-Core with Radeon HD 8510G, 8gb ram.

I tried everything from forums, steam, reddit, but nothing seems to work.

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2 hours ago, Praesagium said:

I have the same problem, i used to play warframe at 40-50 fps on my laptop but now i barely reach 20-30 fps even on low settings. it doesnt matter what i turn off/on, the fps are still the same.

Windows 10-64 bit,  A8-5545M APU Elite Quad-Core with Radeon HD 8510G, 8gb ram.

I tried everything from forums, steam, reddit, but nothing seems to work.

Unfortunately, that graphics solution might be below the minimum now or at least soon and you might need to consider a different option for gaming at least.

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hace 4 horas, Urlan dijo:

Unfortunately, that graphics solution might be below the minimum now or at least soon and you might need to consider a different option for gaming at least.

Yeah i know, but the thing is i could play warframe at 40-50 fps on medium without problems, now i have to set up almost everything to low/off after BoTS update. I mean, i dont believe i left for 6-8 hours and my laptop became obsolete after that.

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15 hours ago, Praesagium said:

Yeah i know, but the thing is i could play warframe at 40-50 fps on medium without problems, now i have to set up almost everything to low/off after BoTS update. I mean, i dont believe i left for 6-8 hours and my laptop became obsolete after that.

I feel you there, had a similar situation with my original system.

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Same problem here.  I used to get 100+ frames now down to 60s and gross.  No changes to anything.  I have tried the following.  Max performance mode in windows.  Verifying and optimising in the launcher, unchecking 64 bit and 32 bit in launcher and unchecking dx 10 and 11, turrning everything off or to low,  changing startup options and turning everything off that runs at startup, reinstalling GPU drivers, reinstalling the game,  reinstalling my operating system, different harddrive, update mobo bios, update usb and audio drivers, running in borderless fullscreen and again deleting config files for fun even though I have reinstalled the game 3 times.  A fix is much needed.   

Running Windows 10 64bit 

Evga 950 SSC

AMD FX 8350 8 core

16gb ram 

I was also running into a problem where my game would crash with chrome open.  I have been contacting support for a while about that we finally fixed it by turning off 32bit, 64bit, dx 11 and 10 in the launcher but different problem came after that now randomly game will act like I alt tabbed.  Load times are long.  The low frames have been happening even before the game started crashing.


Just also found out no matter if display settings are at the highest or the lowest frames are about the same

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Same problem, had it for months now. Thought it was just me. When I join squad fps can drop as low as 40. Solo the game runs on highest settings perfectly. Survival, defense or any other missions with high enemy spawn rate/kill count drops my fps with squad.

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I have amd 8320,radeon 7850.When it start fps in orbiter was 0-20.After rebooting pc,fps 60 and slow down to 15.For me the problem was in Pysx driver,when i delete this and reboot pc,fps in orbiter was around 60 and missoin fps 40-60 and don't drop to unplayble 15.Maybe it anyone helps.

Update.After couple of days fps drop is back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2018-06-29 at 9:57 PM, [DE]Dmitri said:

Thanks for the info! We are continuing to investigate Kuva missions for potential performance improvements. With that said, have you tried verifying and optimizing your Download Cacha via. the Warframe launcher settings? I only ask because you mentioned your old laptop can run the game fine, so it's possible that the files on your higher end system could use some cleaning.

Any additional information that you can provide would be appreciated. Especially locations, specific Warframes / weapons, etc.

Sorry for a late reply was away on a sudden trip. The issue persists in any mission with a squad (in solo it runs fine but the fps drops happen a bit).

Download Cache verified and optimised. The biggest anomaly Im noticing is still very low dGPU and CPU usage, as if Warframe "refuses" to use the processing resources it needs to run smooth.  The drivers I'm using are also up to date and Im using high performance power profile. The power option in NVIDIA control panel for Warframe is set to "prefer maximum performance". Please feel free to ask me any additional info you may require. I want to do everything I can to help solve this issue and let me and others play our favourite game with smooth fps. This issue seems to be quite big (multiple forum and reddit posts in recent months, all having problems with 10xx series cards), I would appreciate if it could be escalated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I got this problem lately and I'm checking the same issues, 100% CPU usage in the stutter events, frame drops, freezing, when everything ran perfectly well a day ago.

I'll keep checking why it's happening with such a small portion of us.

P.S.: Now it seems that came back to normal. I really wish I could know why warframe peaked CPU usage out of the blue then stopped doing that when I looked through Task Manager...

P.S.II: It was a god damned virus eating CPU. Carry on, it was not Warframe but a masked Windows proccess running notepad to fool the normal Task Manager, but not the Resource Monitor and Process Explorer. The one I picked was hidden in "windows\temp\scvhost.exe" (the typo was a hint) and called notepad to write god knows what using all my CPU processing. A freaking virus.

Edited by crudebuster
the plot thickens and then goes limp
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  • 2 weeks later...


I am experiencing this problem since last three weeks. The fps rise and drops and rises and drops....The cycle is continuous in missions but in orbiter fps looks normal and smooth at 50-68 fps. But as soon as I reach 30-45 seconds inside orbiter fps drops there too. The worst part is that you can not see the fps changes in the in-game counter and it shows 40-52 fps even with stuttering. 

The problem is even worse with squads. Sometimes I was not even able to move. The interesting part is that I start the game at good fps like 68-75 fps and can bear till 30-35 but below that it makes it annoying and unplayable. I get below 25 fps most of time now. There was no drop before three weeks (I joined in March 2018). Here is a list of things that I have done already to correct the issue:

1. Optimized my cache

2. De-fragmented all drives

3. Tried different combinations of Direct X versions and 32-bit (unplayable, with major lag )

4. Updated drivers and re-rolled them. Then uninstalled and then re-installed

5. Checked and choked my ISP management (50 mbps speed)

6. Checked PC temperatures

7. Tried low resolution (720 and even 800 x 600) P.S. I never got issues even in 1366p before the problems

8. Looked for viruses, none found

9. Prayed to space mom !

10. Almost quit the game, almost...


Things I have not done yet:

1. Check my AMD panel

2. Stand-by memory allocation fix

But the issue is still there. I can play solo coz I am kinda addicted to this game but I fear public missions now. Please resolve this issue. For consideration here are my system specs:

Processor: i3-5th Gen (2.1GHz)

RAM: 4GB DDR3 (planning to upgrade to 8 GB to correct the problem if possible)

Graphics: AMD R7 M360 (2 GB)

Crossfire/SLI: None

General CPU usage by game: 550-900 MB RAM


Edited by Simmar0041
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On 2018-08-02 at 4:22 PM, foterCZ said:

Any updates on this issue?


On 2018-08-16 at 8:12 PM, crudebuster said:

Well I got this problem lately and I'm checking the same issues, 100% CPU usage in the stutter events, frame drops, freezing, when everything ran perfectly well a day ago.

I'll keep checking why it's happening with such a small portion of us.

P.S.: Now it seems that came back to normal. I really wish I could know why warframe peaked CPU usage out of the blue then stopped doing that when I looked through Task Manager...

P.S.II: It was a god damned virus eating CPU. Carry on, it was not Warframe but a masked Windows proccess running notepad to fool the normal Task Manager, but not the Resource Monitor and Process Explorer. The one I picked was hidden in "windows\temp\scvhost.exe" (the typo was a hint) and called notepad to write god knows what using all my CPU processing. A freaking virus.


On 2018-07-26 at 8:01 PM, Commander_Woof said:

Sorry for a late reply was away on a sudden trip. The issue persists in any mission with a squad (in solo it runs fine but the fps drops happen a bit).

Download Cache verified and optimised. The biggest anomaly Im noticing is still very low dGPU and CPU usage, as if Warframe "refuses" to use the processing resources it needs to run smooth.  The drivers I'm using are also up to date and Im using high performance power profile. The power option in NVIDIA control panel for Warframe is set to "prefer maximum performance". Please feel free to ask me any additional info you may require. I want to do everything I can to help solve this issue and let me and others play our favourite game with smooth fps. This issue seems to be quite big (multiple forum and reddit posts in recent months, all having problems with 10xx series cards), I would appreciate if it could be escalated.


Hi everyone,

For all those facing the issue of sudden FPS drops, I have a big update!

It is fault of power management or the power plan of your PC, not a bug in game. I was playing last hour with my charger (with drops) and then suddenly power went out. The game stuttered a while due to power loss, but it came back to a smooth fps to my surprise around 36-40 fps. I checked online and this a fault of power plan of a PC. 

Settings>Power and Sleep>Additional Power Settings>Change Plan Settings>Change advanced settings.

This path will display all the available options for different aspects. The first thing I did was to copy all of the "on battery settings" to "plugged'" ones and checked it. Still no progress so I also reduced my graphic driver (AMD R7 360 2GB) global system settings to "Based on power source". After doing both, I ran a solo defense mission and got constant 29-30 fps without drops or stuttering. I then tried this on public matchmaking and got 29 fps constant there. Then I wanted to improve my fps to max I can without disturbing performance, so I one by one changed all features to max performance in Power plans settings. Keep sure to make your video settings in multimedia tab to be balanced. Its important.

Now I increased my graphic cards system settings to "high performance" again. This caused the same problem to return. So I found the main culprit: "AMD Graphics system settings" at "High performance". New updates might have affected this feature in some ways. 

Key points to improve performance in the Settings>Power and Sleep>Additional Power Settings>Change Plan Settings>Change advanced settings path are:

1. Intel Graphics or any graphics >Plugged In: Maximum performance

2. Processor Power management> Maximum Power state: 100%

3. Multimedia settings> Video playback quality bias> Plugged in: Video playback power-saving bias

4. Multimedia settings>When playing video>Plugged in: Balanced

5. Switchable graphics>Plugged In: Optimize performance (NOT maximize performance)

6. AMD graphics (or whatever you have)> Power play settings (or whatever feature)>Plugged In: Maximize battery life

7, Most important one: Open your Graphic cards (AMD Radeon) settings> System settings (or whatever you have)> Switchable Graphics>Recent applications (or you can browse to add Warframe first in the gaming section)>Warframe64.exe, Launcher.exe, Warframe.exe> Based on power source.

If doing these steps allows positive change in performance please let me know. I have some more theories to test. As for me I am getting constant 38-41 fps in solo and 36-40 fps in public server.

Again after al this follow this link and resolve the Stand-by Memory allocation problem. This is super important too.

P.S. The graphic card settings for graphic card menu will not take place unless the game is restarted. So you have to restart game every time you change some part of the setting.

Adios Tenno ! Hail Lotus!




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