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Thank You For Watching Livestream #12!


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Do you guys(who completed the event by grinding like crazy just for the mods) think its unfair for the mods to go into nightmare mode? I personally did that and don't mind, but just wanted to see if anyone is butthurt.

Well it certainly sends out a poor message associated with future events. People who have grinded thinking these mods were somewhat unique & were a reward for their effort & participation, will now realise all that was needed was to wait a short while to receive them via nightmare mode... oops.

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Well it certainly sends out a poor message associated with future events. People who have grinded thinking these mods were somewhat unique & were a reward for their effort & participation, will now realise all that was needed was to wait a short while to receive them via nightmare mode... oops.

Yea ikr. I'll never grind another event again.

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why mag prime design counsel why

Design council didnt choose.  Mag is the only female starter frame so makes allot of sence she would be the first female prime.



Thanks for the Livestream, as always very informative.  Looking forward to the golem both in that it will show quite a few new aspects for boss fights in warframe.


Not realy keen on the 'necro' warframe (not realy sure Necromancy fits the setting), but willing to see how it results, and the spin taken on by it.  Even if it does result in a frame I'm unlikely to play.


Great to hear the damage system is getting an overhaul/look at too.

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I guess I sound whiny if I say that some of the warframes (cough loki cough) doesn't have the mid game capability or late game possible potential (especially with decoy) that I guess you could tweak in update 10 if its okay.

Hope you read this devs :)

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Cmon Rebecca no 12 or even 24 hour alert after Livestream?(I found out there was a 55 minute alert for the catalyst)

Please try to be fair to everyone that is not available at the same time as the livestream broadcast.

You guys are usually very good about this. Shame really.

Still a big fan though and please keep the streams coming guys ^^

Edited by geninrising
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Cmon Rebecca no 12 or even 24 hour alert after Livestream?(I found out there was a 55 minute alert for the catalyst)

Please try to be fair to everyone that is not available at the same time as the livestream broadcast.

You guys are usually very good about this. Shame really.

Still a big fan though and please keep the streams coming guys ^^

Again, on Phobos. If you haven't unlocked the instance. you won't see it. And there's still around 6 hours left.

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Cmon Rebecca no 12 or even 24 hour alert after Livestream?(I found out there was a 55 minute alert for the catalyst)

Please try to be fair to everyone that is not available at the same time as the livestream broadcast.

You guys are usually very good about this. Shame really.

Still a big fan though and please keep the streams coming guys ^^

erm, i'm quite sure it was a 24 hr alert, not sure what you think you saw :D

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The only problem is the lack of subtitles, I cant understand everything the devs are saying.


I found the new boss they're planning to release quite interesting. Seems to be one of fomorians infested ships, maybe they will come back with new infested enemies, who knowns? I for myself will like giant bosses to fight against, the devs can also release some new rpg weapon to kill these monsters.

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- Referral Program - Refer friends, earn rewards.


The 9.5 news mentions this but I can't find any information on it and I don't see any option for sharing/referring.  What exactly is the referral program and the rewards it mentions? (Am I the only one wondering about this?)

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Thanks for hosting the livestream out of your presumably busy schedule as a team. And thanks for the platinum give-aways, I'll be promoting future livestreams for everyone with that in mind and using the plat for a good cause (making the necro frame in update 10 a pretty, pretty princess with lilac and pink everything).

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