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Onslaught, one month later


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So I purchased a three day affinity booster because I wanted to unbind a node and been doing lot of onslaught since, what I realized is that it's not worth it.

Sanctuary onslaught, as a game mode, is simply not worth it; and I wouldn't be making this thread if I didn't think that the community, as a whole, has come to the same conclusion. I base this on the quality of players and loadouts that I see in onslaught nowadays compared to when it first came out and even after the scaling fix. It seems to me that anyone competent enough to do ESO with some degree of proficiency has moved on, and what's left now are people who have yet to realize just how big of an unrewarding time sink it truly is.

Upon release, I could solo regular mode for up to 50k focus with regular lenses and no booster. Now, I'm happy if I can hit that mark in a full ESO squad... with a booster active. About half the pugs simply fail, and even if that doesn't happen it's not rewarding enough to want to do it. Upon realease, 80-100k was normal for eight zones with no booster, which was enough for me to consider doing it once a day and even grinding out eidolon lenses to increase that. Now, I don't even want to do it with a booster active. Too many fails, too repetitive, too restrictive, and the rewards simply aren't there. Radiant relics? Nice, but also trivializes fissures. Vandal weapons? Please, some exclusivity is nice but 2% drop chance? No thank you. Focus? I'd rather not have it. Khora? Same.

Perhaps this is just my opinion and perhaps I overdid it these last few days, but I honestly don't think so. Again, based on the quality of players and loadouts that I'm seeing I believe the community as a whole took a hard pass on ESO. The only fix I can see, at this point, is scaling the efficiency based on the number of players. Solo gameplay is more challenging and hence more engaging, and it's a pity that less and not more is done to promote it. Drop chances for rare items ought to be 4% minimum, and focus gains need to be tweaked to make onslaught relevant.

Personally, I'd be content with solo onslaught being viable because, like I said, solo gameplay is more challenging and I might even do it for the fun of it, even if the rewards are trash.

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"The quality of players that I'm seeing" - Elitistic much.

Onslaught, while not AS rewarding as it was before (if you could survive the host migrations and all that), is still a decent place to just go in and gain some mastery and focus and really not think about much other than shooting stuff. Is it the best way? No not really, but it is satisfying to some extent nonetheless. It still needs some work, but it's kind of getting there. In one month's time they did a decent share of fixes.

Edited by VadiseReikaz
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It almost feels like DE looked at Bungie and thought "we should do some more horde modes, arguably just as unrewarding and dull". Also, looking at everything they unpacked lately - from Khora being literally dumped in Onslaught with no quest/story tied to her, to the actual Skinner's Box grindfest that Onslaught is, to the latest art for Nidus, they also seem to have learned from the aforementioned to also nuke their own built lore and game vision. And as a funny glazing on this cake, the graphic quality of the game world is on the rise, while the universe gets thinner and more generic with every content drop.

As for the rewards, they're really fitting to the challenge - generic. Placeholder rewards for placeholder challenge in a placeholder dungeon. 3 checkboxes ticked for new content - game mode, locations, rewards. But everything feels just duct-taped together. Either DE lost its greater picture focusing on too tiny details or they're just creatively drained after TWW and they need to take a break, put some distance between themselves and their "baby" and look at it from there.

As it stands, I wouldn't be happy to run Onslaught in any way shape of form, even if they'd drop the whole sortie reward table on it. Not to mention such an action would just devalue every other coveted item there is. I didn't get to play the Trials, but I believe they were less generic and probably requiring at least half a brain to beat them. It would seem the idea of challenging content took a serious nose-dive into the pavement. Maybe it's the players that don't want it, preferring cheesy action shoved in a Skinner's Box.

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I agree Onslaught needs some tweaking, but I find your mentality quite off-putting.
We're all part of this community, not just your beloved "high-end super elite of meta pros".
You can't estimate a mode's popularity by putting up arbitrary standards anyway.
That's just wishful thinking.

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il y a 12 minutes, Himenoinu a dit :

I didn't get to play the Trials, but I believe they were less generic and probably requiring at least half a brain to beat them. 

Not even close. Trials where not even a challenge. Seeing guys calling it "end game" just make me laught. They where coordination test. And only just.

Well yeah, at least they where not "generic" (Oh god, this word means nothing.) because of small test EXCEPT they where... boring - Irritating at best, totally buggy at worst (I'M LOOKING AT YOU JORDAS VERDICT.). 

Most of the fun part was jocking around with my teammate. And curiously, I kinda miss that. 

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50k with booster? that sounds really not correct.

What frame did you use and what lenses?

In a Nuke Equi i get round 50-60k Focus without a booster and only a greater lens.

It really depends if you have 2 dps frames (saryn ect) or just one. Other than that, you should make more than in a run with a sleepequinox on sedna.

What they really need to change is the spawnrate after wave 10 (they still didnt changed anything)

I know the rota keeps repeating after wave 8 in ESO, but right now it seems DE just decieded, "well, round 8 is end of a rota, most people dont bother going past it, so we dont need to fix it"

A shame since you can easily keep up with the current "nuke meta" if they would fix the spawn/efficiency rate

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On 2018-05-15 at 8:36 PM, (XB1)Thang Hung said:

May I ask what Warframe and weapon combo Bezixx was using during this run?

Equinox with just Maim. Volt can get even higher scores, up to 4,5k kills, which translates to about 150-200k focus if rotation is good ( this week's is, because it's primarly grineer and corrupted ).

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Elite onslaught is the only thing I play and the only thing I will play for the foreseeable future, regardless of rewards or your biased opinion of what the community wants.

If you need a reward dangling in front of your face to play onslaught, you're not part of the target audience.

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ok radiant reliqs it´s great as reward, but remember there no drops from enemies also.. so its all the time just kill for kill where kill count dont work rigth with efi drop.. will be nice do this like in some games,, mean,, every X zones a boss figth or a extra zone with any objetive and ofc  drop depending of  rank u get.

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14 hours ago, Bezixx said:

Equinox with just Maim. Volt can get even higher scores, up to 4,5k kills, which translates to about 150-200k focus if rotation is good ( this week's is, because it's primarly grineer and corrupted ).

Unfortunately, we on console won't see those types of numbers.  We currently have the same set of maps and enemies that PC has, but our spawns are much, much lower in number.  Running with a friend yesterday, the two of us could comfortably hit wave 9, but his Equinox was only pulling in about 1400 kill while my Saryn chipped in another 700.  After an Equinox nuke, I routinely have to recast spores because there are no enemies on the map and we have to wait a couple seconds for them to re-appear.

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