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Ki'teer Sekhara is [FIXED] as of U23.5.0


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Mask of the Revenant: Update 23.5.0


  • Fixed Ki'Teer Sekhara so it appears properly when equipped. 




The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.4.2


  • Improvements towards the Ki’Teer Sekhara being placed at your feet when equipping it.
                      Still working on other wonky issues with placement.


  • its been returned to its beautiful state as of Hotfix 23.4.2   -(just the 'y axis' alignment is still bugged)-


  • Y axis position of each sekhara is off centered.




Bug Introduced: 17th of May 2018 (U22.20.1)

  • its been bugged for 94 days and counting.  (got better after Hotfix 23.4.2)

    ||| After Hotfix 23.2.0 |||  
  • Right side Sekhara is at the warframe's feet instead of shoulder
  • Warframe.x64_2018_08_02_21_11_14_980.jpg

Bug Description: The inner diamond is too bright/prominent than the energy effects that surround it, compared to how it was before U22.20.1/U22.20.2
  • Degraded appearance is not the only issue with it either 
  • That's how Ki' teer Sekhara looks while in archwing mode
  • Its no where near how beautiful it looked before the update(U22.20.1/U22.20.2)
Edited by Gr1mjaw
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guys you're better off forgetting about it because DE never fixes small visual bugs like this. They're too insignificant and they don't care. I've reported that the Ki'teer sugatra is off-center in shoulder pieces for weeks now


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3 hours ago, LordPreda said:

guys you're better off forgetting about it because DE never fixes small visual bugs like this. They're too insignificant and they don't care. I've reported that the Ki'teer sugatra is off-center in shoulder pieces for weeks now

Bugs that mess up fashionframe are never insignificant!  Well, maybe to DE they might be, but I'm not giving up hope yet!

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  • 2 weeks later...
33 minutes ago, Calikhan said:

the energy color seems to match your warframes is that the default color or is there something i'm not seeing, as far as the change from the patchnotes and the other fixes that is the right look for them 

its off center on most shoulder pieces & the diamond in the center is way too big than it was before, it looks worse in archwing mode. 

 as others have stated these issues as well, and this is how it looked before 

where the 'energy' effect is wider/bigger than the ki'teer diamond in it, also as u can see in the gif its not clipping inside of the riv armor, as it is as of now in the screenshot above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would also like to note that the glowing balls effect is visible while scoped in with a sniper or mining tool. Always one, sometimes both visual effects. While I do play in 2560 x 1080 I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only one with the visual bug.

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