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Warframe - The PC Gamer Review


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Just thought peeps might like to know our beloved game...originally ignored by the magazine on its release, was recently (finally) given a review...

Warframe - The PC Gamer Review

Generally favourable (they gave it an overall rating of 86%), they praised the graphics, environments, the frames themselves and the movements, weapons etc.

They did however note that some aspects can be quite grindy & frustrating (collecting all the BPs for some frames) and that the normal planetary missions can start to feel quite samey after a while.

They also commented that, due to DE's desire to retain player interest, they have churned out updates and new additions at a fairly steady rate...with the result that some aspects don't feel properly developed (most notably Archwings).

Gotta love the opening blurb though, comparing the game to a mad science experiment.


Warframe is the most Frankenstein-esque game I have ever played. In 2013, it was little more than a procedurally generated loot shooter, but Digital Extremes has grafted dozens of features onto that root system since then. Space and underwater combat, an open world zone, PVP battles, customizable clan housing, public space stations, tameable pets… the list goes on. Warframe's growth doesn't resemble a well-tended plant—it's more like a mutant science experiment. Game systems are haphazardly stitched onto one other in ways that are sometimes incoherent, but oddly charming all the same.




That said, one comment really stood out for me...


As a new player, this also ruins some of the dramatic tension surrounding these climactic boss fights unless you do them solo. You'll usually be paired with a farm group that blitzes through the level and kills the boss so fast you won't even get a chance to see its cutscene.


This is really becoming an issue for me, to the point I am being forced to play most missions solo, apart from defence and intercept missions, where you have to capture & defend the comms towers.


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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Did they put enough hours in to get a true understanding of the state of the game or did they play a little bit of it and go off of what DE told them? That's been a big problem of Warframe reviews in the past. Most of them are written like the reviewer spent only a few hours with the game and relied on DE's statements about the game to supplement the rest of their material. As a result, reviews come across as overly glowing, and negative only in the areas that people have already mentioned. Nothing in this review suggests any deep exploration of Warframe and its various components/features. This is a very shallow review overall. I'm still waiting on an actual thorough review of Warframe that honestly looks at its strengths and weaknesses.

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I think the kind of review you may be wanting could be unrealistic. I mean, think about how much time you'd have to invest in order to get a real in-depth understanding of the game. Then consider how much time your average magazine reviewer has to try a game and get a review ready for publishing (considering they may have to do a number of reviews in any given month)...

I was just a little surprised to see WF reviewed by a major title, to be honest.

I mean, if the guy invested a one or two hundred hours in the game, he might start to feel differently, but I doubt they have anything like that much time to spare. I think they did well to spot some of the more-complained about issues. I don't think you can expect them to go into things like frame balancing, Sanctuary Onslaught, riven mods, drop tables and the more obscure stuff that gets discussed regularly on here.


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All gamer mags are biased garbage. Rarely do they ever give a negative review of new game by  aaa company.

Pc gamer is no different. Those of us who are old enough remember Ultima 8 or 9 which they gave a good review for despite it shipping with hd wiping virus.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

This was pretty shallow tbh, felt like they didn't put enough time to actually put together a propper review. (Mods only comes from loot boxes? Really?)

Not what the review said at all. It said if you buy mods from the market, you can only buy it in loot boxes. It also said you can farm them, or buy them from other players for plat. 

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10 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Not what the review said at all. It said if you buy mods from the market, you can only buy it in loot boxes. It also said you can farm them, or buy them from other players for plat. 

Huh, then i might've missed that part. I'll correct that.

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9 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

In order to interface with PC Gamer, you need to play the game like PC Gamer. Only 1 hour on the weekends. 

Describes my usual gaming habits pretty well. 😁

WF is actually a bit of an anomaly for me, as its the only game I feel happy playing for an hour or two most evenings.

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