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Saryn Rework Concept


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So I've been thinking for a very long time what I think Saryn's abilities should be. I never liked her caster iteration as I personally think casters are always just standing around spamming their abilities, and since she is my favorite frame I feel like she should have more involved abilities. Here are my ideas for her kit. I've excluded Toxic Lash as I think it's current form is great, though I think the name should be changed back to Contagion since you do much more with it than just Lash now.



I always had this neat idea for Spore. Instead of casting a Spore and having to rely on enemies getting hit in order to spread them, I think it'd be fun if Saryn instead threw a girthy spore on an enemy causing them to panic and run towards fellow enemies for aid. Over time this spore would emit more spores, further spreading and infecting enemies wherever it goes. Maybe it could even work like that certain fungus type that hijacks the host's motor skill and pilot it into other enemies to spread the infection. It would cause Viral procs after 3 seconds of having a Spore applied and would mutate the more enemies it infects ramping up the damage and upon bursting a Spore or killing an enemy infected with Spore it would burst into a cloud applying a Gas proc to anything that stands in or walks through the cloud. The spore itself would have infectious smoke fluttering off of it to visualize the infection or virility of the ability. The trail from the throw would be purely cosmetic, as the spore would appear where cast and never miss, much like current Spore works now.





Now when a creature molts, it usually replaces it's carapace or skin with a more resilient, freshly grown outer layer, correct? When Saryn Molts she should lose 30% of her armor for 10 seconds, regenerating health during that time. Be swift and quick until your armor goes back up and your health replenished. She would retain the speed boost upon molting. Any elemental status effect she has while she molts would be left on the Molt cleansing her of the status. When Molt is destroyed while having a status effect it will deal damage of that type to enemies within a 5m radius around it.




This one is kind of a dream for me. Instead of a one-time AoE effect, Saryn would continuously emit a corrosive mist around her causing a Corrosive proc on enemies within slowly stripping armor the longer they remain within it. The mist would be toggled on and off, draining energy as long as it was active. It would leave a trail behind her of mist that diminished over a span of a few seconds. Enemies with Spores caught in the mist will instantly have their Spore implode spreading the Viral Proc to all enemies currently in the mist. Hitting enemies in the mist while Toxic Lash was active will stagger them as they catch their breath. She would have to jump right into the thick of enemy troops and take them down, instead of standing safely far away.



Saryn, being created to fight the Infested, should be equally as infectious as them. Toxic, Gas, Viral, and Corrosive should be her weapons against their disfigured hordes. Fight poison with poison, after all.


I'd love feedback for this as I've been thinking about this for awhile now. I'd especially love feedback from both @[DE]Pablo and @[DE]Danielle, since he worked on her recent rework and gave her life, and since Danielle likes Saryn so much. I'd love to know what a fellow Saryn would think.


Sorry if this is put together badly, kinda late. I'll maybe edit and re-word it later. Please don't delete this either. 3':

Edited by D20
Made title a bit less confusing.
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Sounds definitely like fun. But the Spores sounds like they could lead to the AFK problem they want to get rid of. I like the idea on molt, but it will only work if molt gets more aggro, as of now to many enemies ignore molt and continue to shoot on you. Miasma sounds great.

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Am 25.5.2018 um 09:34 schrieb Xylyssa:

I think it'd be fun if Saryn instead threw a girthy spore on an enemy causing them to panic and run towards fellow enemies for aid. Over time this spore would emit more spores, further spreading and infecting enemies wherever it goes.

I like that they will run towards their allies. To get rid of the possible AFK abuse, limit the duration the motherspore spreads to 2-5 seconds. If the target dies the spore will stay on the corpse for the rest of the duration and will continue to spread in this time. This would help to get the spores going, but shouldn't end in AFK sporing.

I would stay with the damage mechanic we have now, as I like the corrosive procs and decay of the damage (even if it is a bit fast) and it is very unlikely that they will change it back, as their reason for changing it sounds very logic to me.

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Sounds cool but probably not gonna happen too much work for DE and they already say that they don't want to change her kit too much.

To your ideas this would be fantastic:
1.Spores are able to jump on enemies, you can cast 4 spores on the ground or walls, if near them there will be an enemy, they will jump on them. So that would be nice for a trap.

2.Molt should deal toxin damage and status, if molt is on fire then Toxin+Fire = Gas status and damage. If she regenerate her health by using Molt then there must be a different Augment for it.

4.Mist could make Saryn less visibility so it would be really nice for her survivability, reducing enemy accuracy by 50%.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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This kit would make her play very passive which is what DE is trying to move away from. I don't understand why you would have Saryn loose armor on molt, that wouldn't help her defensively and she already lacks in that area. I do think regenerative molt should be made part of molt by default. I don't feel your idea for spores (while it's a neat concept) fixes any of her current issues.

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