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What is a general formula for modding Warframes?



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When levelling, go for survivability: Health, Shields, Armour etc.

As for a general formula, look at your frames survival stats, whatever is highest (or whatever the frame benefits from the most) add a survivability mod for it.
Depending on what ability build you're using, use Duration/ Efficiency/ Range/ Strength/ Energy mods to supplement it.

Rhino for example, CC Stomp build would be built for range and duration.
While a Tankier/ Roar build would have power strength, armour, health and such

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My typical formula for all the Warframes would be:



-Health, shields (Vitality, Redirection, Primed Vigor, Gladiator Resolve), and armour (Steel Fiber) if the Warframe's armour number is big enough.
-Rage instead of Redirection for shieldless frames or frames which would do better with less shields (i.e: Valkyr).
-Strength/Efficiency/Range/Capacity mods depending on how you use the Warframe (note: DO NOT add efficiency mods on Nidus as they negatively impact the energy return from spamming his 1st ability!).
-Aura mod befitting of the Warframe (I.E: Excal, Rhino, and Valkyr would have Rejuvenation, but Limbo, Inaros, Nidus, and theoretically Mirage, would have Energy Siphon for that extra energy when enemies don't shoot you (if Inaros/Nidus); my Rhino uses Fleeting Expertise for high efficiency since Rhino doesn't seem to need any duration on his abilities, unless you're operating an area denial via Stomp configuration).

In short, start with Vitality, Redirection, and Vigor to ensure you aren't that one Tenno who goes down every time a single projectile hits you. I go with the same approach (putting health/shields on FIRST) with ANY Warframe I level.



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I usually go with a little bit of everything. Aura that matches polarity slot, then Primed Vigor, Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, Streamline, Stretch, Intensify, Constitution, Speed Drift, and a parkour mod like Mobilize.

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There's really not a "universal" formula for modding frames, so much as there is the general guideline of "mod for the playstyle's strengths."

It's usually best to mod for the individual frame's strengths, and maybe add something in to compensate for negative values if you're using corrupted mods. But you also need to take into account how you're going to play the frame. Most frames have at least two viable playstyles which emphasize different aspects of their kit and use different stats.

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Look at each frames best abilities and figure out how to make them better,  more damage,  longer duration,  more range.  Are there any augments worth using??   Thats gonna take up the majority of your space.   Whats left is for survivability.   You may want some functionality like equilibrium or hunters adrenaline.  Use your Exilus slot for drift mods/radar/movement mods.

As far as ranking up mods.... make everything R5-R6.   Then make everything R8.   After that you probably want to max out your survival mods and then max out the other stuff as you can.   Best Defense is a good offense though.  I'd R10 weapon mods first.  Dead things cant shoot you or stab you.  

Try to save as many Orikin reactors/catalysts as you can for prime frames/weapons only,  but if you use something alot and plan on sticking with it do whatever.   

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  1. Survivability - Health, Shields, Recharge, Armor - boost the big numbers, ignore tiny numbers - run on this alone while unranked/low ranked
  2. Ability Buffs and Energy Management - Strength, Duration, Range. All these will vary greatly depending on the frame and the chosen abilities. Purpose drives the build here, and research matters! Note that for energy, Streamline is usually better than Flow, and neither influence your mission-start energy level.
  3. Utilities and Augment Mods - Rush, Handspring, Master Thief, frame-specific augments - these can all earn their slot, but more often are swapped in and out on a by-mission basis.



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