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There needs to be an appeals process for unjust bot bans


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given the fact that some certain words can be considered as slur, and for my case me who accidentally typed it out don't even know why is it even a slur in the first place.

I guess moderators forget the fact that the players are all over across the countries that play the game, people won't know anything unless you explained it to them and lets be fair here not anybody knows the terms of some stuff, it's literally feels like you're having this job and you're doing great and one day you misplaced things on your work and then suddenly you've been told by the boss that you're getting fired without giving any explanations 😕

After getting banned from the chat server for approximately 4 days, I've learn my lesson that I need to be careful with my words because I might hurt someone else in the process, that is from my side. As for the moderator or whoever put up the chat filter please do know that not all people understand why certain words are forbidden/not allowed to use in the region chat, people need to be explained why.

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58 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated, either in-game or on the forums, then you can appeal through support.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

support takes up to a month or longer to respond

community inbox takes a month or longer to respond


Neither avenue gives a satisfactory response to time sensitive issues.

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I doubly agree with all of the above.

As it is and from seeing it happen, automated systems are not fool-proof and only inflame people's dislike of such if especially left on an unchecked 'zero-tolerance' filter. And having a harsh punishment tied to what would honestly be just mundane talk otherwise is indeed going a wee bit too far.

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1 hour ago, NovusNova said:

If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated, either in-game or on the forums, then you can appeal through support.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

Sorry but this is patently just untrue, I'm on day 6 of a chat suspension so far, support replied to me on day 2 or 3 and informed me that as its not a DE staff members doing, its not their issue to resolve. the chat moderators or kickbot have probably suspended my chat, so its their domain. chat moderators likewise say its a support issue and to take it up with them.

I still have no idea why im banned from all chat, I never said anything offensive or anything I can imagine would trigger a ban, I wasnt even IN one of the chat channels at the time the ban must have come. I was just running bounties on the plains and talking about mission objectives or thanking people for a revive. returning to cetus my chat went from functioning just fine in mission to completely suspended as the doors opened and cetus chat should have popped up, the only conclusions I can make are that either a chat mod accidentally banned me by mistake instead of somebody else (mistyped a name maybe? picked the wrong one off the list?) or kickbot somehow screwed up in some way and did the same. going back in my mind over anything I could have possibly said I literally cant think of any reason why I would be banned, especially for this long.

My appeals just fall on deaf ears everywhere, I still havent had any message to give me any idea why ive been banned or how long for (though as im on day 6, its now looking like a week long ban), there is no proper channel for dealing with this issue, and everyone wants to pass the buck, DE arent communicating with their chat mods or vice versa, and nobody seems to hold kickbot accountable for anything, so what am i supposed to do?

Edited by Spey
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2 hours ago, R4GD0LL said:

Can't justify a ban for a triggered keyword used in an uninsulting, unoffensive context. REALLY can't justify there not being a visible appeals process with some sort of human oversight considering that there's multiple ways for a person to get banned for what is entirely unoffensive or even typoes. There's no staff communication on the matter, you aren't informed how long you're banned for, you're judged by search word algorithm and sentence by something that doesn't understand the meaning of any conversational words, contextually or otherwise. 

The reason there is a bot is to NOT involve humans in the process. That's kind of obvious. Support already got their hands full dealing with actual ingame issues (which should always be more important than chat) and there's not enough mods to monitor chat 24/7. If there were an unlimited supply of staff at DE's disposal, I'm pretty sure they would much prefer to have humans doing all the moderation, but apparently that is just not possible. So until DE hires more support staff or brings more moderators on board, I don't think it makes much sense to ask for a special appeals process, since the lack of those are the only reason there is a bot there in the first place.

I do personally wish there would be more moderators in chat and less of the bot. I also don't understand why the bot can't tell you how long you have been banned for, since it seems to me a simple thing to tag it along with the ban/suspension message. Even trade chat can tell you how long you have to wait before typing a new message, so I don't see why the kickbot can't do the same.

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I think the problem also is that kickbot can potentially throw out really long and harsh bans as a first time offense or over a typo or a mistake, but none of us even have the first idea what words can trigger it, in my case I cant even imagine what i might have done to get a week long ban.

limiting kickbot to smaller penalties, like simple kicks or short bans would be better, and then leave the longer term more serious punishments as something that needs a bit of human oversight and accountability. if someone is hell bent on spamming obscenities, repeated small kicks will solve the problem short term until a moderator or DE staff member could step in with a more permenant solution, but it really sucks to get what seems to be the maximum penalty and locked out of several important game features by accident without any possible way to appeal it.

I mean, support cant tell me why I'm banned, Chat mods cant tell me why im banned, maybe kickbot knows but he isnt talking, but it seems to be important to SOMEbody that i spend a week completely locked out of game chat, its just that nobody seems to know why. it seems like if a person is getting to the point of having a punishment like this, somebody should at a bare minimum be able to point to a reason why.

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Just now, Vladimir_Black said:

here we go with this again.

Thought im shocked 4chins isn't going after equinox really.

I dont really mind this that much, its the things taken out of context that resulted in bans that truly urk me. like the if you say a certain country in africa that is 1 letter off from a no no word. Censoring speech and autobanning words is working so well for Facebook after all

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10 minutes ago, KWVance said:

Your $&*&*#(%&ed auto bans will kill your game DE you idiots

Dev bashing helps get your point across :thumbup:

DE aren't changing the bot, they've said as much.

''A lifeless mass of biopunk flesh that can be used as a proxy by anyone with transference abilities cant even have a gender.''

So why do people label it then? Traps intend to look a certain way. Labeling a lifeless mass of flesh as one completely discredits that decision, and labels any effeminate male a ''trap''. That's why it's a slur.

You've just given a very good reason why it doesn't need to be said, and you're moaning that you can't say it... Seriously...

Edited by DeMonkey
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1 minute ago, KWVance said:

I dont really mind this that much, its the things taken out of context that resulted in bans that truly urk me. like the if you say a certain country in africa that is 1 letter off from a no no word. Censoring speech and autobanning words is working so well for Facebook after all

I'll agree with you if you just admit you want to curse at people and call them trannys and whores. but however i can't get behind someone who wants to act like they have innocent intentions.

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4 minutes ago, KWVance said:

I dont really mind this that much, its the things taken out of context that resulted in bans that truly urk me. like the if you say a certain country in africa that is 1 letter off from a no no word. Censoring speech and autobanning words is working so well for Facebook after all

If people didn't try to cheat and break the rules, those things would never have been an issue.

People gets banned by the bot for writing more than three words in capital, because when the rule is just ban for a whole sentence in capital, people think they are clever and just write the whole sentence except for the last word in capital.

People get banned for writing that city's name, because if it where just the actual word, people try to cheat the bot by leaving a letter out.

And so on and on.

You have no one but people thinking they can trick or cheat the bot to get away with what they were told not to do, to blame for the harsh rules of said bot. 

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1 minute ago, Vladimir_Black said:

I'll agree with you if you just admit you want to curse at people and call them trannys and whores. but however i can't get behind someone who wants to act like they have innocent intentions.

because the only time people curse is to insult PEOPLE right? its never emphatic, or aimed towards an object. My argument is context matters. 99.99% of when i curse in warframe its "god damn this #*!%ing jump" or "#*!% these doors are laggy"

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1 minute ago, KWVance said:

99.99% of when i curse in warframe its "god damn this #*!%ing jump" or "#*!% these doors are laggy"

No, that's profanity. Slurs =/= profanity.

You can't offend someone by saying ''#*!% this door is laggy'', you can however offend someone by painting your Rhino black and saying in chat that you look like the N word.

But no, because you weren't insulting a PERSON that should be totally allowed, yes?

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1 minute ago, rune_me said:

If people didn't try to cheat and break the rules, those things would never have been an issue.

People gets banned by the bot for writing more than three words in capital, because when the rule is just ban for a whole sentence in capital, people think they are clever and just write the whole sentence except for the last word in capital.

People get banned for writing that city's name, because if it where just the actual word, people try to cheat the bot by leaving a letter out.

And so on and on.

You have no one but people thinking they can trick or cheat the bot to get away with what they were told not to do, to blame for the harsh rules of said bot. 

omg who cares! the rule is BS its a RATED M GAME!


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1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

No, that's profanity. Slurs =/= profanity.

You can't offend someone by saying ''#*!% this door is laggy'', you can however offend someone by painting your Rhino black and saying in chat that you look like the N word.

But no, because you weren't insulting a PERSON that should be totally allowed, yes?

lol "offend" Im offended that someone insulted my fictional costume in a video game. Have you noticed you can make a really racist character in warframe using the white lips and dark skin? surprised DE hasnt caught on.

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2 minutes ago, KWVance said:

omg who cares! the rule is BS its a RATED M GAME!


It's exactly because we are adults we care. If you want a chat where you can talk like a 12 year old, then go play a game for kids. Like you said, we are adults here, so we communicate like adults.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

No, just because we're adults doesn't mean we have to act like idiots.  Heaven forbid DE would like it's players to present a little class.  Sheesh.

warframe got voted best community BEFORE all this crap. because everyone has a common goal, its easy to carry people, and theres no way to troll your playmates. (the lack of competition is also y conclaive is dead

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I agree, this game is M rated so the content should reflect that. Female Operators need updated jiggle physics. When I kill an enemy with my melee, I should feel like I've actually just killed something. I want the remains to be incredibly detailed and realistic, and I want the ability to keep them there forever so I can paint the halls with gore. Every character should throw slurs and curses around like racist sailors.

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2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

It's exactly because we are adults we care. If you want a chat where you can talk like a 12 year old, then go play a game for kids. Like you said, we are adults here, so we communicate like adults.

I was unaware ratings were given by how classy they were. 


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Just now, KWVance said:

lol "offend" Im offended that someone insulted my fictional costume in a video game.

Yeah, that's totally what I said. Bravo. 10/10 reading skills.

No, I said you can offend people if you were to paint your frame black and refer to yourself as an N word.

2 minutes ago, KWVance said:

Have you noticed you can make a really racist character in warframe using the white lips and dark skin?

Is that besides the point? I do believe it is.

You're stretching as should be evident not only from this but you bringing up GTA, and your lack of empathy is absurd. In fact, it's not even your lack of empathy (because that's me), it's your blatant tantrum around the fact that you can't say insulting things in chat.

Get over it, it's not changing. Or cry more, still not changing.

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2 minutes ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

I agree, this game is M rated so the content should reflect that. Female Operators need updated jiggle physics. When I kill an enemy with my melee, I should feel like I've actually just killed something. I want the remains to be incredibly detailed and realistic, and I want the ability to keep them there forever so I can paint the halls with gore. Every character should throw slurs and curses around like racist sailors.

don't know about the jiggle physics. but more gore settings would be cool. and a few peppered curses would probably add some depth to some characters...darvo for example. right now the only character with more personality than a wet dish cloth is ayatan treasure girl.

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4 minutes ago, KWVance said:

I was unaware ratings were given by how classy they were. 

And yet you will find that the chat in GTA Online is also - surprise - full of censored words. You can't even say "Nig" (just those 3 letters) in GTA Online.

Edited by rune_me
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2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Yeah, that's totally what I said. Bravo. 10/10 reading skills.

No, I said you can offend people if you were to paint your frame black and refer to yourself as an N word.

Is that besides the point? I do believe it is.

You're stretching as should be evident not only from this but you bringing up GTA, and your lack of empathy is absurd. In fact, it's not even your lack of empathy (because that's me), it's your blatant tantrum around the fact that you can't say insulting things in chat.

Get over it, it's not changing. Or cry more, still not changing.

your welcome to your own opinion. 🙂

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