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There needs to be an appeals process for unjust bot bans


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11 hours ago, NovusNova said:

If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated, either in-game or on the forums, then you can appeal through support.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

I might be wrong but from what i gathered the support cant do anything about autobans or chatbans in general and their typical answer tells moat people to get here if they feel the ban is unjust.

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11 hours ago, NovusNova said:

If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated, either in-game or on the forums, then you can appeal through support.

Support: http://support.warframe.com/

It's not overly effective though. Since it takes so long to get a response from support, most bans or moderation restrictions have been lifted before you hear anything. 

Plus, if you have an issue with any DE specific moderation, there's a good chance the person you're filing a complaint against will catch the ticket and mark it resolved without actually...resolving....anything.

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15 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

It's not overly effective though. Since it takes so long to get a response from support, most bans or moderation restrictions have been lifted before you hear anything. 

Plus, if you have an issue with any DE specific moderation, there's a good chance the person you're filing a complaint against will catch the ticket and mark it resolved without actually...resolving....anything.

they're support staff got to me the same day, so i didn't have that issue, because i filed the ticket at 4am in the morning, later that day i got a response back but if the user i had filed against has access to my ticket...that really even more messed up.

Edited by (PS4)EV0LUTi0N403
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)EV0LUTi0N403 said:

they're support staff got to me the same day, so i didn't have that issue, because i filed the ticket at 4am in the morning, later that day i got a response back but if the user i had filed against has access to my ticket...that really even more messed up.

I've had 3 day turn around as the earliest and 3 months as the latest.

My boyfriend ran into reporting a DE and that same one catching the ticket.

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3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I've had 3 day turn around as the earliest and 3 months as the latest.

My boyfriend ran into reporting a DE and that same one catching the ticket.

ya this my first ticket so i guess it may also depend on the issue your reporting...

I thought i read that wrong after i read it a second time, you meant reporting an actual DE moderator to support...i thought you meant kind of like my case where its just a random user 

but that is brutal & shouldn't be the case, what happened in that situation?


i would have tried to make another ticket hoping it goes to another DE support rep.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)EV0LUTi0N403 said:

ya this my first ticket so i guess it may also depend on the issue your reporting...

I thought i read that wrong after i read it a second time, you meant reporting an actual DE moderator to support...i thought you meant kind of like my case where its just a random user 

but that is brutal & shouldn't be the case, what happened in that situation?


i would have tried to make another ticket hoping it goes to another DE support rep.

A different DE stepped in and gave the simple explanation that the first DE could have easily given. 

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1 hour ago, Neo_182 said:

Sure, there may have been a misunderstanding

It's great that we are no longer miscommunicating, if only it could end there.


If they acted inappropriately in game while moderating then yes, by all means they should be "fired" ultimately the decision is for DE to make on that front.

Believe me, i know very well what it feels like to be in that position. The standards the community expect is completely absurd. You can be the nicest person on the planet but they will still find  flaws with whatever you say or do. It's nuts.

Unfortunately we aren't talking about someone nice, we're talking about someone who views people not completely aligned with their sensitivities as being, and again I quote, "transphobic pieces of ****." This person's emotions let them to some uncouth outbursts, and if in turn the emotions of fans of Warframe cause DE to lose money, those are some real world consequences, as we're been discussing. You somehow seem to think everyone should just ignore anything these people say or do that is not in game, and that is not how the real world works.


All i was saying is that you can't have people going out of their way to crucify a person for venting on social media. (I'm not defending THE behavior, i agree with the community on some cases.)

Again, this is not correct in any meaningful sense. Yes, you can indeed criticize someone for venting on social media, whether or not they moderate anything has no bearing on that. Being crucified, as you put it, is exactly the sort of consequences we just finished establishing are real, and not something anyone gets to escape, especially when they are hoist with their own petard.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding again, because it really sounds like you think your terribly outspoken friend (acquaintance? I don't want to put words in your mouth) should somehow get a free pass from the same rules that apply to everyone. Given the toxic nature of the instigating event in question, I find that distasteful.

Edited by crocodarrel
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1 hour ago, crocodarrel said:

Unfortunately we aren't talking about someone nice, we're talking about someone who views people not completely aligned with their sensitivities as being, and again I quote, "transphobic pieces of ****." This person's emotions let them to some uncouth outbursts, and if in turn the emotions of fans of Warframe cause DE to lose money, those are some real world consequences, as we're been discussing. You somehow seem to think everyone should just ignore anything these people say or do that is not in game, and that is not how the real world works.

Said person is recruited by DE as a moderator. It is therefor DE that decides if this person has acted in accordance with their job or not. It is also DE alone who knows if this persons actions has cost them money or players, or if it has had no effect.

If you have a problem with a moderator, you should report it. But at the end of the day it really is up DE to decide what should happen to a moderator that they recruited. You have absolutely no say in this decision.

Edited by rune_me
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There is a system in place for appealing an 'unjust' ban from the chat. If it's clear that you were banned for a typo, then you can file a support ticket to ask a support staff member to look into it and review your chat suspension. If they concur that you were banned for an accidental typo then they will remove the chat suspension.

However, keep in mind that if you were banned for writing specific phrases (where "it was a typo!" is clearly not a valid excuse), for baiting the bot (where "I didn't think that if I wrote it that way it wouldn't trigger the bot!" is also not an excuse), or for writing something offensive/derogatory/sexist/racist (where "It's just a common meme/joke!" is again, not an excuse), your ban will not be removed.

Beyond that, every single user is responsible for knowing and understanding what they are writing in the in game chat, and as a result every user is responsible for what they write. Ignorance does not equal innocence. 

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