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Elite Lancers Are Using Burstrons - Grineer Burst Rifle Coming?


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I thought the Burston was a Grineer rifle. All the old Dark Sector trailers with the original concept Grineer have them using Burstons. 


What he said. Anyway it makes them look more like a professional military force with Burstons too.

Most military forces still use burst fire anyway.

Edited by fatpig84
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I thought the Burston was a Grineer rifle. All the old Dark Sector trailers with the original concept Grineer have them using Burstons. 


I agree with this. Until Grineer art in Factions section of this site shows lancer with rifle, I cannot see it changed.

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to use some obvious information, in Stream #12, it was mentioned that some gear ultimately will be early/mid game, and some later game. the example Scott used was an early game burst rifle, and a late game burst rifle. Burston is presumably that early game burst rifle, and then we'll have a later game one?


datamining spoken english erry day™



also, i don't think Shield Lancers use the same firing pattern anymore, they used to fire bursts once every never, now they seem to use their Vipers on semi-auto. 



Anyway it makes them look more like a professional military force with Burstons too.

based on management and battle tactics (and their fugly unbalanced armor) i'd be hard pressed to take Grineer seriously as a military force.

Edited by taiiat
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