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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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16 minutes ago, (PS4)DAVEGADGETBOY said:

By that logic why not just give each version access to both systems and allow us to switch between them. it shouldnt be too hard to do and it should make it easier and quicker for them to get the patches out without screwing the ui up for everyone

Because they don't want to spend time developing two UI's

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)jimmymare said:

guys, Warframe is not the "most complex" coded game on earth. it is a choice of spending more time and money of having different UI vs implementing an unified new UI (which will be cheaper and faster for all platforms updates).


i will only complain for a few days and leave for good when i dont see any changes or insisting on keeping it. 


i have been supporting almost every prime access and prime packs and monthly 1000plat top ups on psn to support this free to play game. this update is just depressing.

what exactly is your problem with it? Put the issues you have with it into words. Suggest wys to fix/improve these problems. Stop just threatening to leave if you arent given what you want.

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Most notably after _another_ attempt at this cluster, somehow ignoring the arguably poor interface rework, the game now seems visually clunkier in actual play, and that is only if I can find a squad. So literally one or two matches that were... chunky... and then back into the orbiter, which is not great.

So yeah, screw up the controls for interface, and the player pool tanks.

Edited by (PS4)Arc1723
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the new UI for console are terrible.. the old system is great, the cursor slow everything down... we dont need to press X twice to apply anything, we just need to press X once.. we dont need to hover the mouse cursor over to warframe, upgrade and click... we just need to press the D pad to highlight warframe and click the triangle button to upgrade..

there is a reason why PC player always use the keyboard for casting spell, open inventory and other stuff instead of using the mouse... the mouse is only good for aming in FPS and moving stuff in RTS... everything else, keyboard is always better because it's one button, one action..

Please change back to the old and more superior UI. everything is a chore with the new UI..

Edited by (PS4)calvin_0
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I don't think the issue is console vs. PC, despite the cries to the contrary.

The issue is that the console UI is currently keyboard focused (keyboard focus moves around and is controlled primarily by directional arrows / enter / keyboard shortcuts). The new UI may be mouse focused where hovering over things is the primary mode of activation. In which case the new virtual cursor may be vastly superior. The problem that a keyboard UI with no keyboard stinks.

I hope and imagine that the new UI is much more aligned towards mouse/cursor with most interactions coming from hover. In fact, that's what we've seen. https://twitter.com/sj_sinclair/status/1001172558094524418

And there are already areas in the game where the cursor was superior (e.g. navigation). D-pad navigation on the map was kind of terrible. In fact d-pad navigation is terrible anywhere you don't have a grid that corresponds nicely to cardinal directions. But since this game is mostly grids, the d-pad was good, except where it wasn't. I wouldn't want to be stuck only with the d-pad in navigation. Or on the web-browser for news.

Additionally, while there are some pain points in chat, overall the ability to directly click on things is really nice. Not having to go three menus deep to click on a link (e.g. riven mod) is really nice.

In the short term, were in for a lot of pain. In the long term the virtual cursor on console could end up being really good. It entirely depends on how they implement the new UI.

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Ps4 User Bigfoot1218e 

I love the new cursor, but, I do miss the quick keys into upgrade, Appearance, and Equip. However, moving around the categories freely is very nice. I would like to have the middle of this where we would still have the cursor but we are still able to use the arrowpad to select things one by one as we used to. Going into the arsenal menu does feel much slower and kind of clunky and the market as well.

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First off I like the cursor mode, but definitely not everywhere... please take off curser mode when we’re in the Armory, it makes it very difficult and slow to change my Warframes and weapons up, especially when I’m trying to but mods on. but other than that the cursor works fine everywhere else... I love using it in the foundry

Edited by (XB1)Freakin Pears
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A combination would be useful if we are going to be forced to move forward with the cursor, or maybe an option for cursor or non cursor. The biggest pain point for me is equipping syandanas & attachments I can't rotate my frame in the midst of equips. Also, a simple efficient button press when I wanted to make changes to my frame (ie appearance, upgrades, etc.) Is completely removed due to the cursor, why can't it be both? Such as triangle to get to upgrades or move the cursor over. 

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I played with it for a while and having to hold the button down to drag Mods into slots was unbearably slow.

Why do we have to double click on a piece of equipment to equip it? We aren't on PC.

I can't preview what my cosmetics look like by scrolling over them quickly anymore. I have to sit there click on it wait for it to load and then try to change the colors without getting frustrated.

The only thing I can say I want to stay is the sliders. Having the cursor there makes it much more accurate, but every now and again the slider will follow the cursor even when I'm not pressing anything and it screws up.

Sliding through menus is great, but selecting stuff from them is a chore. I can't turn my Warframe around while changing their appearance so I have to keep moving my cursor back and forth, which is frustrating to say the least.

I think it should be changed back until you get it fixed, instead of trying to implement it, what was it, like four days before you ship the update? Did anyone even test it? Did any CONSOLE PLAYERS test it? If they did I don't want to know who they are.

The Button Shortcuts were great, why did you take them away?

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

what exactly is your problem with it? Put the issues you have with it into words. Suggest wys to fix/improve these problems. Stop just threatening to leave if you arent given what you want.

revert back to the console UI. if insist on a list of issues:


1) No option to turn off the UI.

2) UI design is ugly.

3) Drag and drop on Mods are slow and pointless as compared to the old and efficient level.

4) I like the UI to be as efficient and effective as how fast my warframe can run and how easy a new build can be pieced up in 10secs.

5) Disliked the idea of merging 2 very different UI and consumer groups into 1 for the sake of profitability. all this while i believed DE to be the best free to play game with the mindset of putting gamers 1st.

Edited by (PS4)jimmymare
wrong grammar
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My initial response was "oh god this is weird give me my old navigation back"

But then, I understand and see the dev's intention. Faster update for console is very welcome, and  unified UI will help make that happen. An "off" switch will mean that the dev will still have to support the old nav mode in future content, so their goal will not be achieved.

That said, like the others, i also feel that navigation feels a tad slower still. And warframe customization is annoying, since i can't rotate my frame easily. Hope they can fix that

Edited by (PS4)Rickylubis86
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Why would you bring a pc part of the game to console. Its stupid. I dont like having to use the cursor man. Its not fast enough. You have to double click to equip. You have to move it around and sometimes it goes astray. This is nonsense. My controller has been acting up lately and this is annoying when navigating. Make it to where you can optionally put it because I know some players like it and some dont. Make it optional to where some of us can go back to old controls. This new cursor is straight crap. 

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I think you guys are working on a new interface and I think the input method change should have been held until that was done.


The current white interface doesn't really work well with the very light gray cursor.  Light gray on white is just hard to read, especially when the cursor moves as fast as it does.


It's not the end of the world or anything.  The game is still great!


And this?


This looks awesome!  Can't wait.

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In an attempt to be less vitriolic:

I don't think the UI update has 'broken the game'. It hasn't. I think the cursor certainly has its place and combined with being able to scroll through menus with the right stick it certainly can aid with navigating the game's dense menus; increasing its speed and size from the default definitely helps. I don't want the cursor to go completely as it's much better than the d-pad on the star chart. These changes also probably make a lot more sense in the context of the new overall UI that is coming. That's fine, but we're not there yet.


The hotkeys being removed seems unnecessary and makes menu navigation more cumbersome. A joystick simply isn't responsive enough to take the place of a mouse and you're more likely to miss what you wanted to select. Single taps to enter frame customization/appearance/etc. are better than having to float the cursor around.

Dragging and dropping mods is slower than selecting a mod and quickly tapping the D-pad to send it to the required slot. Again, drag and drop is fine with a mouse but not with a joystick.

We now can't rotate our warframes in the arsenal if the cursor isn't over the frame; this is inconvenient. Having to 'double click' is also pretty frustrating.


I'd have to sit down with the game tonight to make some notes about what I do and don't like, but there are already hundreds of replies so I'm pretty sure it's all going to be covered.

Edited by (PS4)RavenDW
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So I get most people generally dislike the new UI on console I actually don't mind it, apart from the shortcuts and bugs that DE know of its actually a lot faster when you increase the cursor speed in settings. So I'd personally like the option to keep the new system or edit it to your preference if possible, like a custom UI setup with presets etc.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

I don't think the issue is console vs. PC, despite the cries to the contrary.

The issue is that the console UI is currently keyboard focused (keyboard focus moves around and is controlled primarily by directional arrows / enter / keyboard shortcuts). The new UI may be mouse focused where hovering over things is the primary mode of activation. In which case the new virtual cursor may be vastly superior. The problem that a keyboard UI with no keyboard stinks.

I hope and imagine that the new UI is much more aligned towards mouse/cursor with most interactions coming from hover. In fact, that's what we've seen. https://twitter.com/sj_sinclair/status/1001172558094524418

And there are already areas in the game where the cursor was superior (e.g. navigation). D-pad navigation on the map was kind of terrible. In fact d-pad navigation is terrible anywhere you don't have a grid that corresponds nicely to cardinal directions. But since this game is mostly grids, the d-pad was good, except where it wasn't. I wouldn't want to be stuck only with the d-pad in navigation. Or on the web-browser for news.

Additionally, while there are some pain points in chat, overall the ability to directly click on things is really nice. Not having to go three menus deep to click on a link (e.g. riven mod) is really nice.

In the short term, were in for a lot of pain. In the long term the virtual cursor on console could end up being really good. It entirely depends on how they implement the new UI.

You clearly get it, a lot of people really don't. 


Bottomline, regardless of whether you like the UI or not, humans DO NOT like change. 

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Ok my suggestion is add genstures with ps4 touch pad for quick access to different menus. Such as a triangle shape on the touchpad to get the Arsenal. Then I would also say cursor speed could help. I got used to it pretty fast tho tbh. My last concern is vauben. Can we get new abilities for him or updated abilities? I love to play him but feel he can’t keep up with other warframes. Even other CC/defense warframes.

Great work guys! Im excited for lots of new stuff to come from the new quest too! And the new prime! 

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