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PS4 Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6 (LIMBO PRIME + Hotfixes)

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Hi DE, can we have the console version back for arsenal and mod equipping? While the cursors are great, some movements require the mouse for variable speeds that the joystick can't do properly (like modding). At this point our arrow button makes it much faster.

I now have to tap several times on the joystick just so my cursor won't hit the wrong tiny button for equip/upgrade, which console mapped buttons had made easier. Please reconsider these changes.


Also, the cinematic where the frames drop from the ceiling in the beginning of missions now can't be skipped no matter how many times it is pressed.

Display settings won't show the defaults when reverting as well.

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Nope nope nope not liking crappy ui changes. I'm not buying a mouse and keyboard emulator nor do I desire to relearn the ui for a game I have been playing for 6 months. There is a reason most games act more like directional key controlled menus on controllers.


If people on pc want to use their mouse controls you use you mouse. I might not play warframe on pc but do not question the number of pc games I have played. If your too lazy to put the controller down and use your m&k then just learn the controller controls. 


99% of all feedback I am seeing in my clan is hating this change, with the 1% being a player with access to k&m emulator like xim.


This kind of change this long into a games lifespan must be something optional.



On the other parts of the update.. I love new saryn and the knot changes.

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Great Update over all DE. Just some small things with mouse and keyboard, it's not possible to use gears and emotes, it's not possible to start typing in chat(but if you start it with a controller it works fine) and lastly it's inmpossible to hack with m&k. Hope this can be fixed to smoothen the m&k gameplay

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1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey guys! We're aware of the issue and are looking into a fix that will probably require to be sent to cert, we'll keep you updated. 


Glad to hear that. I hope we will get this soon cuz after this update my framerate (vanilla ps4) is even worse.  ._.

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There should be an option to go back to using DPAD for the UI. Changing mods is a hassle now, I can't remove a mod from loadout you can only swap. Plus when customizing the controller you can not interact with touch pad controllers with either the right analog or dpad. Please allow an option to choose style.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Vagnar said:

immediately dislike new UI.  It works but the lack of old dpad functionality makes NO sense. We aren't PC and all this has done is add 3-4 more steps to basic functions. 

No autoscroll. 

Have to confirm every single thing we want then reconfirm it to equip, along with a new delay to load it?

Otherwise it's fine but I already don't want to play or use the market and menus. It's cumbersome and not worth the effort to change gear/mods.


Edit: Plus the cursor moves like a snail vs the old scroll speed

200% agree

P.S. You are unable to accept invitations if you have chat open. Accept button open keybord window, closing chat decline invitation at the same time.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)hardworkgenius said:

There should be an option to go back to using DPAD for the UI. Changing mods is a hassle now, I can't remove a mod from loadout you can only swap. Plus when customizing the controller you can not interact with touch pad controllers with either the right analog or dpad. Please allow an option to choose style. 

DPAD still works, Press triangle to remove mod..

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Dear DE,

There is a large community of expert players that would probably love to test new features before they run the game. Please use them so something like this God forsaken cursor never happens again. Btw, my framerate has dropped since the update quite significantly but said issue pales in comparison to the ui update. I don't know who thought that was a good idea, but anyone that has played this game for an extended period of time would have used it for 10 minutes and said, "By god, don't release this to the public. Never release this in any form to anyone. This is bad, really, really bad. May god have mercy on your soul for ever conceiving this idea."

Hopefully this gets fixed soon so the game can be fun again. Love you DE!!!

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PS4 user here.

Hoo boy. I really dislike this update.

The virtual cursor is not good.

Using an analogue stick cursor to navigate menus is pretty much universally bad. So I try to use the D-pad instead.

The D-pad's basically been nerfed. A lot of things now take 2-3 more button presses than they used to.

In the arsenal you can no longer press triangle to change your mods, or square to change your appearance, you have to press right on the D-pad, then down again to select appearance, then press X.

Refining relics used to snap you to the three refinements levels to choose from once you selected the relic. Now you have to press right on the D-pad till you reach the list of drops, then down again to reach the refinement level you want.

The upper right tab in the starchart for alerts, events, invasions, fissures, and sorties is no longer D-pad compatible at all.

In my own menu I can no longer press up on the D-pad to move from the navigation option to the show profile, leave, and mute options for myself and teammates.

Having to hold a button to move mods around when previously I could press to pick up and again to place is just a pain.

In the modding and foundry menus the cursor moves faster to the left than to the right. When I spam left, the cursor keeps up with my button presses. When I spam right, the cursor only gets half way to the next mod before my second press, this means that the cursor stutters as it gets another "snap to the right" command and takes even longer to get to where I want it.

The Saryn update so far feels fine. It's certainly powerful, although I'm still on the fence whether I like playing the new Saryn or not. IMO Saryn was in a fine place already and didn't need changing.

The glitter farts are nice, I guess.


In short this update made the game prettier, but it takes more button presses to navigate.

This update is Warframe's Windows 8.

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)lalala-19_98 said:

Cursor movement is pretty slow and annoying.... Did something happen to Banshee? Cuzz with my build i used to use 7-9energy or so with her resonating quake (Using Augment), but now i’m using like 25-30 energy or so..... it’s a pain in the ass

Yep, super annoying. i thought i messed my build up. i hope it was a mistake and not intentional 

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I'm realy sorry for this and I know it's not seen well but, 


Sorry again, but I'm serious it's bad. Modding, changing loadouts, fashionframing is just horrible with this cursor crap. I get that it's good for pc but it is ABSOLUTELY horrible with a controller. Please take the feedback serious DE, it realy is not enjoyable with a controller. 


Ps: What the hell happened to my operators face? My warframe can use his face as a mirror.

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Yeah, I'll be honest,
I HATE the cursor UI change.
Every menu action now takes more work and time.
Changing a frame or weapon was as simple as pressing X, selecting with the D-pad and X to confirm.
Now it require hovering over to the frame screen,clunkily using left AND right analog for scrolling, and double tapping for confirming.
And don't accidentally double tap on the wrong selection or you may end up BUYING an item.

Menus are now painstakingly tedious while the old system was simple and easy for a controller setup.
For pc with mouse movement I can get this, but for controller schemes this is just...uuugh.

I suppose there's advantages as people keep pointin out but for the life of me I ain't noticed them yet.
My only wish would be that the interface type would have been optional.
Cause darnit it's gona be a pain coming to grips with this.

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