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Nerf Trin but why not Equinox


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5 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Rhino also has op CC ability. His 4 can basically cheese the game. And he can fly so fast like Zephyr. 

Again it’s your logic, not mine so don’t give me questions.

An 8sec movement speed penalty isn’t comparable to what a cc frame can do. Should be obvious...

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2 minutes ago, LazyBlissIV said:

Just what part of Equinox is AFK nuking? The high damage numbers that ramp up require you to actually damage enemies in the first place, unless you rely solely on your team at which point what's left nuke?

Well, it is if you only play baby levels...which a lot seem to do.

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Rhino also has op CC ability. His 4 can basically cheese the game. And he can fly so fast like Zephyr. 

Again it’s your logic, not mine so don’t give me questions.

What are you on about??

Rhino's ONLY "broken" ability early-game is Iron Skin, and even that doesn't do jack late-game.  

Rhino -cannot- "fly" through levels like Zephyr, even with his 1, and his CC is no more OP than any other CC.  Every frame gets only 9 mod slots. Period.  That means to enhance one aspect of the frame, you often have to sacrifice another.  BECAUSE THAT'S BALANCE.

Saryn just had like 3 nerfs in a row. She's fine.   Trinity was not operating as intended, so she's been -fixed-, not "nerfed".  

For crying out loud, just because the Tenno are still prepubescent whiny kids, doesn't mean you have to be.  DE owns the game.  DE LIVES off of this game.  It is their lifeblood.  So if DE does something to it, it is -never- to "screw someone over" or "alienate players" or any of that garbage.  It's to aid in the game's longevity.  To support the game.  Period.

Friggin' take off the tin foil hats and tone down the complaint threads.  This is just immature whining and it's killing off actual good discussions on the forums. 

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

An 8sec movement speed penalty isn’t comparable to what a cc frame can do. Should be obvious...

Nah sounds like you got dubunked. Move on. 

Saryn needs nerf bc she totally kills everything before someone can collect 10 reactants desperately looking for them for 5 min.

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Nah sounds like you got dubunked. Move on. 

Saryn needs nerf bc she totally kills everything before someone can desperately looking for 10 reactants for 5 min.

If you're having trouble finding reactants then A) You need to stick closer to the group, because if THEY are finding reactants, as per the hud showing as much, then you can and should too!  B) Use a loot radar in those missions, or even enemy radar to see where the enemies are spawning C) Kill things faster yourself 😛

Hell, have you even tried ASKING for help finding said reactant in your Squad Chat?  Or do you just get frustrated and ragequit?   

Warframes do what they're designed to do.  They are WARframes, not TICKLEframes.  Jeez.   If they're broken, they get fixed, but DE -JUST- fine-tuned Saryn, so as far as I can tell, she's working as-intended.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

If you're having trouble finding reactants then A) You need to stick closer to the group, because if THEY are finding reactants, as per the hud showing as much, then you can and should too!  B) Use a loot radar in those missions, or even enemy radar to see where the enemies are spawning C) Kill things faster yourself 😛

Hell, have you even tried ASKING for help finding said reactant in your Squad Chat?  Or do you just get frustrated and ragequit?   

Warframes do what they're designed to do.  They are WARframes, not TICKLEframes.  Jeez.   If they're broken, they get fixed, but DE -JUST- fine-tuned Saryn, so as far as I can tell, she's working as-intended.

I’m not gonna read or reponse to you since you called me acting like a kiddo or some disrepectful remarks now and I saw you doing that quite often in this board. I hope you stop commenting me anymore because you won’t hear from me back anything useful. Bye. 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

I’m not gonna read or reponse to you since you called me acting like a kiddo or some disrepectful remarks now and I saw you doing that quite often in this board. I hope you stop commenting me anymore because you won’t hear from me back anything useful. Bye. 

by that logic we shouldn't take you all too seriously either because your recent stuff has been nothing but condescending and complaints.

Saryn doesn't need another nerf, like previously stated she already has 3, and she's rather difficult to play in lower levels. If spores builds up too high, enemies die to quickly and it won't spread. Or teammates are all spread out and not enough enemies are there to spread on anyway. If you're having trouble with a Saryn in your fissure missions try asking them not to spore until everyone gets 10 reactants, use communication it's that easy.


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23 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

I’m not gonna read or reponse to you since you called me acting like a kiddo or some disrepectful remarks now and I saw you doing thay quite often in this board. I hope you stop commenting me anymore because you won’t hear from me back anything useful. Bye. 

Hello Kettle, name's Pot, have we met?

Half of the matter is every time Trinity was "nerfed", its because something about her was being exploited/abused, never from "legitimate gameplay", such as Blessing being nerfed because of people running self-damage glaives for 99% DR for the entire team across the map which resulted in "out of affinity range, out of blessing range" and a capped DR that you can only reach the highest when healing 4 players, their companions, specters, and maybe a defense objective at once.

There's no way that anyone couldn't have seen the nerf coming (including others who redirect the damage as was shown with Nidus' link now) as soon as it got to the scale it did. That's 100% on you and others using it to essentially play with timed toys that you know would've been lost after a fairly short while.

Also, as Taishin said, all you really have to do is search in "recently killed" areas to find reactants, as long as that fissure spawns and they die, a reactant is going to drop. On top of it since they removed the passive spreading of Saryn's spores, you shouldn't have *that* hard a time to kill either yourself since as soon as all infected die her spore damage drops like a brick, especially considering nullifiers spawning in with the fissures. 

I'm not sure if what you're running into is a bug or not, but it's not possible to "kill so fast they don't drop reactants" because they spawn in with the requirements of being "corrupted" which is all that's needed to get the drop. Maybe they just aren't dropping them since it's not 100% on each kill.

Edited by (PS4)Foxkid_8
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Just now, SergeantSunshine said:

by that logic we shouldn't take you all too seriously either because your recent stuff has been nothing but condescending and complaints.

Saryn doesn't need another nerf, like previously stated she already has 3, and she's rather difficult to play in lower levels. If spores builds up too high, enemies die to quickly and it won't spread. Or teammates are all spread out and not enough enemies are there to spread on anyway. If you're having trouble with a Saryn in your fissure missions try asking them not to spore until everyone gets 10 reactants, use communication it's that easy.


It’s not me who couldn’t collect them tho. I know how spawns work so I just run around spawn them and then collect them. 

It’s the new players who are mr6, mr7 who doesn’t know each spawn points for each tilesets so I saw many newbies going nuts over it quite a few times today. Their response was nothing or noob, f*** off loser or something like we’re familiar with.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

Hello Kettle, name's Pot, have we met?

But in all seriousness, you did open a can of worms on yourself by *really* believing that Equinox's Maim was anywhere near Trinity's self-damage exploit that's going around. 

Half of the matter is every time Trinity was "nerfed", its because something about her was being exploited/abused, never from "legitimate gameplay", such as Blessing being nerfed because of people running self-damage glaives for 99% DR for the entire team across the map which resulted in "out of affinity range, out of blessing range" and a capped DR that you can only reach the highest when healing 4 players, their companions, specters, and maybe a defense objective at once.

There's no way that anyone couldn't have seen the nerf coming (including others who redirect the damage as was shown with Nidus' link now) as soon as it got to the scale it did. That's 100% on you and others using it to essentially play with timed toys that you know would've been lost after a fairly short while.

Also, as Taishin said, all you really have to do is search in "recently killed" areas to find reactants, as long as that fissure spawns and they die, a reactant is going to drop. On top of it since they removed the passive spreading of Saryn's spores, you shouldn't have *that* hard a time to kill either yourself since as soon as all infected die her spore damage drops like a brick, especially considering nullifiers spawning in with the fissures.

It was about that person I’m not willing to contend with who throws micro agressions and sometimes outright insults in every posts I saw.

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47 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Nah sounds like you got dubunked. Move on. 

Saryn needs nerf bc she totally kills everything before someone can collect 10 reactants desperately looking for them for 5 min.

You have no clue what CC is if you believe an 8sec movement speed penalty with Rhino makes him a CC god. Comon', your Trinity bitterness is now reaching comical levels.

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

I’m not gonna read or reponse to you since you called me acting like a kiddo or some disrepectful remarks now and I saw you doing that quite often in this board. I hope you stop commenting me anymore because you won’t hear from me back anything useful. Bye. 

Still better than your whiny Trinity bitterness clouding your mind. It's not as if your posts make any logical sense.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

You have no clue what CC is if you believe an 8sec movement speed penalty with Rhino makes him a CC god. Comon', your Trinity bitterness is now reaching comical levels.

Oh.. the rhino build I know is......

I can’t tell you I’m afraid they really nerf it. No lol

You too gonna throw insults really? 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Oh.. the rhino build I know is......

I can’t tell you I’m afraid they really nerf it. No lol

Comon' man, you are pretending Rhino is a CC frame like one of the proper CC frames (Nyx, Nova, etc.)...that's clownish. He has one quick CC ability giving a pretty short movement speed penalty. To pretend that makes him a CC frame is clownish.

Good DE is balancing frames and not you.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

Comon' man, you are pretending Rhino is a CC frame like one of the proper CC frames (Nyx, Nova, etc.)...that's clownish. He has one quick CC ability giving a pretty short movement speed penalty. To pretend that makes him a CC frame is clownish.

Good DE is balancing frames and not you.

smh ok.. Rhino cc is not good yeah

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:


Great argument. /s

Seriously, learn in what categories frames fall to realize that none of them are good at everything like you want Trinity to be. I'm glad they nerfed her damage because it obviously wasn't balanced that she was great at everything. So her doing less damage than Saryn makes sense, just like it makes sense for Saryn to do more damage at the expense of not having any support abilities. It's called logic...and balance.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

Great argument. /s

Seriously, learn in what categories frames fall to realize that none of them are good at everything like you want Trinity to be. I'm glad they nerfed her damage because it obviously wasn't balanced that she was great at everything. So her doing less damage than Saryn makes sense, just like it makes sense for Saryn to do more damage at the expense of not having any support abilities. It's called logic...and balance.

Yeah sure. You’re right. Rhino CC is a sub par ability for sure. For sure..

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Just now, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Yeah sure. You’re right. Rhino CC is a sub par ability for sure. For sure..

It definitely is compared to proper CC frames. Which is why he beats those when it comes to damage and in many cases survivability. Just like Saryn beats Trinity justifiably when it comes to damage at the expense of support abilities. Again, it's called balance, thank you for agreeing.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

It definitely is compared to proper CC frames. Which is why he beats those when it comes to damage and in many cases survivability. Just like Saryn beats Trinity justifiably when it comes to damage at the expense of support abilities. Again, it's called balance, thank you for agreeing.

Yup. DE should definitely balance the game around your opinion sir.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Yup. DE should definitely balance the game around your opinion sir.

Well, given I'm fine with the changes, I guess they are already...while they clearly disagree with you. Of course they do it because of logic, not because of my opinion. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Oh.. the rhino build I know is......

I can’t tell you I’m afraid they really nerf it. No lol

You too gonna throw insults really? 

Ah, yes, the "My girlfriend lives in Canada, also she's really hot and is definitely real and not made up" argument.

On a definitely unrelated note, I have a Loki build that instagibs the map, a Limbo build that quadruples farming efficiency, and an Ember build that makes your computer dispense free ice cream.  Oh no I'm not going to share them or offer any kind of proof that they aren't complete bull, but you should definitely believe me because I said so.  Also my dad works at Nintendo.

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