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Why are we still being forced to use the operator?


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3 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:


This quest tempered my respect and astonishment with the Operator. Upon their release I admittedly wasn't overly thrilled with their introduction. That is completely absent now and I love my Operator. This trilogy of quests is more than just a coming of age story, but something deeply meaningful and I love witnessing the growth of maturity and outright strength of will in the Operator. I cannot wait to see how they progress further.

Damn, I vaguely remember your reasoning for your little fondness of the Operator, surprised to see that's changed with this quest. Can definitely agree with the development over the previous installments. Nothing from the War Within feels lost lost or ignored, and I'm happy about that.

3 hours ago, DarkDakki said:

I thought Operator-chan showed off his/her badassery at that point.

  Reveal hidden contents

"My Warframe is here, I just have to find it!"




"No, let them come."


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17 minutes ago, DarkDakki said:

Except for Wukong, right?


22 minutes ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

To have that shocking revelation tarnishes that and they despise the Operator and try to block them off and pretend they don't exist...

If that's genuinely happening to people, then they need mental help.

People block out genuine trauma, being a teenager in a sodding video game is simply not comparable. If you find yourself so hateful of the Operator that it causes genuine mental trauma and you feel the need to block it out. Stop playing. See a doctor. 

Be that as it may however, I don't think you're actually being entirely honest with your statement, so whatever.

Edited by DeMonkey
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I mean I totally get the OP and everyone has a right to have feelings about the direction the devs are taking with both the gameplay and the lore. People who are like "it's their game, stfu or gtfo" are either new to the whole forum thing or are just being paid by DE's PR team, because this is a part of the General Discussion and we're supposed to discuss things, not blindly defend everything devs send at us. For example, Disney owns Star Wars franchise now, but I wouldn't want to ever see anyone defending the direction they're taking with it, and if I did in fact see someone doing that, I would probably feel an irresistible urge to learn to use the Force in 2 minutes like Rey did and choke the hell out of them. Now, DE isn't far as bad as Disney, but the entire "it's their thing so they can do whatever they want" approach isn't correct when you just put it out of context, while we're spending time, money and our interest on the game, so there's no reason to use that stupidly useless argument.

As to the OP, I disagree. They aren't forcing us to play operator mode too much, Eidolon grind can be skipped with enough plat on your hands and that's pretty much all it's needed for. They have become a part of the lore and the game, and if you personally think that idea is stupid, I can understand and respect that, but the gameplay is actually pretty disconnected from the lore, so you can totally keep playing the game without giving it too much of a thought. As to the lore part, it always sucks when the authors suddenly change the direction or even go back on something that's already been there, crossing out a big part of what that people loved about the game. But to repeat that now and to go back to the no-spacekid reality.. well, double-wrong wouldn't make a right in this case. So just try to enjoy the game as it is.

Edited by Starcanum
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8 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

Damn, I vaguely remember your reasoning for your little fondness of the Operator, surprised to see that's changed with this quest. Can definitely agree with the development over the previous installments. Nothing from the War Within feels lost lost or ignored, and I'm happy about that.

Haha! Yeah I wasn't shy about it I guess and I tried to keep it respectful and constructive. They just didn't jive with me very much, but I can't deny the attachment I feel for the Operator now. That quest was a mindtrip of a roller coaster and it was great to see the Operator make decisions and take charge on their own. It was truly awesome. Being able to essentially "tame" an Umbra by witnessing their traumatic pain and offering them peace is something only the Operator can do. The deeply psychological nature of the game is something I really love and to see it explored in such a way was amazing.

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3 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Haha! Yeah I wasn't shy about it I guess and I tried to keep it respectful and constructive. They just didn't jive with me very much, but I can't deny the attachment I feel for the Operator now. That quest was a mindtrip of a roller coaster and it was great to see the Operator make decisions and take charge on their own. It was truly awesome. Being able to essentially "tame" an Umbra by witnessing their traumatic pain and offering them peace is something only the Operator can do. The deeply psychological nature of the game is something I really love and to see it explored in such a way was amazing.


Absolutely. The Operator's compassion and empathy towards Umbra is something that will stay with me, and I really like how they didn't want to back down in the slightest, even if it meant being killed.

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As for my summation of hating Operators, that's my observation of others' negative opinions on them. I enjoy my Operators! Even have little backstories for them and personalities based on their choices and favorite Warframes.

But yeah it's astonishing just how deeply having more Operator content infuriates the people who hate them. I want more though.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

I enjoy my Operators! Even have little backstories for them and personalities based on their choices and favorite Warframes.

Ha! I even began to do that somewhat myself .. Or at least imagine some of the things they could have possibly gone through.

I'm using the Sunder helmet for Excalibur Umbra at the moment, with the left side of the helmet broken and exposing his tortured flesh. My Operator uses a right-eye patch with some of the Somatics "void corruption" over the eye. I thought it interesting how each of them have some kind of damage to their respective eyes haha.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)VanTX89 said:

But yeah it's astonishing just how deeply having more Operator content infuriates the people who hate them. I want more though.

It's basically a constant reminder of what they lost: a silent protagonist who really connected with them. I was in this mindset for a while as well; I loved having what was an inhuman demon of a warrior, a posthuman beast who loved to fight and silently relished in the war, even war for a good cause. The kind of warrior who was less "the Orokin are evil, now that the Sentients are stopped we need to finish them off" and more "I'm bored, let's see if the evil Orokin are as fun to kill as the Sentients were"

Second Dream ruined that. You weren't just human, you were kind of regressive. A child playing with toys. And they were innocent kids, pure as the driven snow

Thankfully War Within and Sacrifice are starting to move things in the cool direction again. Thanks to War Within Z-kids are posthuman enough to swap between bodies (even if the mechanics are borked and incentivise staying in Warframe mode as much as possible). And Sacrifice at least gives the player and the Z-kid the same goal, even if the reasons may or may not be different: "I want that Umbra, gunna tame me that Umbra and use it to fight Ballas"

Edited by TARINunit9
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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

"I want that Umbra, gunna tame me that Umbra and use it to fight Ballas"


Along with a desire to simply put his mind at ease, as it seems they all managed with every frame according to Ballas. This one in particular was the most tormented.

Edited by LazerSkink
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46 minutes ago, Vlasinyr said:

aka: you're butthurt because you're a kid instead of a super badass robot thing.

gosh, i'd hate for you to figure out what reality is. you'd #*!%ing die.


also, DE made this game. they can do whatever they wish with the story. you don't own it, they do. suck it up like a grown adult or go play another game.

Did you even read his post...

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Just now, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Not sure how you get an emo vibe from the operators, there personality from the sacrifice is nowhere that.

IF ITS A TEENAGER IT MUST BE EMO! - 20 something crying that they're not really Optimus prime ina  videogame.

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32 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:


If that's genuinely happening to people, then they need mental help.

People block out genuine trauma, being a teenager in a sodding video game is simply not comparable. If you find yourself so hateful of the Operator that it causes genuine mental trauma and you feel the need to block it out. Stop playing. See a doctor. 

Be that as it may however, I don't think you're actually being entirely honest with your statement, so whatever.

I really don't think he meant it that way, more like just avoid using the operator...

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1 minute ago, Vlasinyr said:

Yes i did. did you read mine?

Yeah, you attacked him based on his interpretation of what a part of the community feels about operators since TSD, his only input about himself is that he believed them to be some form of energy that controls the operator.

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Just now, ErzaSakuretto said:

Yeah, you attacked him based on his interpretation of what a part of the community feels about operators since TSD, his only input about himself is that he believed them to be some form of energy that controls the operator.

He was saying how HE felt, you dingus.

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1 minute ago, ErzaSakuretto said:

I really don't think he meant it that way, more like just avoid using the operator...

They said ''block out'' as well. I know this isn't something that they themselves feel, but it's still a pretty heavy handed term to use to describe someone's thoughts regarding the Operator.

Avoiding them is one thing, attempting to block out their entire existence is another.

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8 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


Along with a desire to simply put his mind at ease, as it seems they all managed with every frame according to Ballas. This one in particular was the most tormented.

Like I said, the reasons WHY we want to tame Umbra vary from player to player, and not every player will have the same "why" as the Z-kid does. But you and your Z-kid share the same "what", and that made the difference for me

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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Like I said, the reasons WHY we want to tame Umbra vary from player to player, and not every player will have the same "why" as the Z-kid does. But you and your Z-kid share the same "what", and that made the difference for me


Oh, my bad, missed the part about the Operator's goals compared to players'.

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I actually really love the Operator mechanic - both in concept and in gameplay - and I always have.  They're more useful than some people think, even without buffs.  Have an incoming Bombard missile?  If you time it right, you can use Transference twice in rapid succession to "teleport" dodge it because your Operator instantly jumps a short distance forward out of your frame when you pop out, and your frame instantly jumps to your Operator when you go back in.  Is your frame on fire, poisoned, or otherwise suffering from a DoT?  Pop out into your Operator, and your frame becomes invulnerable (or highly resistant to damage if it has an ability running).  Then all you have to do is wait until the DoT expires and pop back in*.  And then there's Void Mode:  it makes you invulnerable to nearly anything, so it's a good way to avoid incoming damage or annoyances like Eximus shockwaves* or some security systems on spy missions*.

*Due to his unique passive, the marked useful tricks do not work if using Umbra.

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5 minutes ago, Vlasinyr said:

He was saying how HE felt, you dingus.

He only said (about himself) that he believed that Operators were some kind of energy and that he was wrong.

Here's his post, tell me what does he "feel":

"I think I have an answer based on posts since TSD:
Because it ruins the power fantasy of being this badass super-warrior when you know there's a kid pulling the strings from the safety of their ship (or as someone put it "playing a video game").

People believed we were these titans. To have that shocking revelation tarnishes that and they despise the Operator and try to block them off and pretend they don't exist... and then DE goes and adds something that uses them and it opens up the wound again because it reminds them that their original belief is a lie.

I originally believed that we were energy beings (kinda what those ghostly projections on Lua look like) and that's how we could fit into the different frames. I was wrong. But the people who thought it was people in suits weren't technically wrong now that we've learned the basics of how a Warframe is made.

Turns out it's a combination of both - someone in a suit being the muscle and someone guiding them, being the brains/spirit."

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5 minutes ago, ErzaSakuretto said:

He only said (about himself) that he believed that Operators were some kind of energy and that he was wrong.

Here's his post, tell me what does he "feel":

"I think I have an answer based on posts since TSD:
Because it ruins the power fantasy of being this badass super-warrior when you know there's a kid pulling the strings from the safety of their ship (or as someone put it "playing a video game").

People believed we were these titans. To have that shocking revelation tarnishes that and they despise the Operator and try to block them off and pretend they don't exist... and then DE goes and adds something that uses them and it opens up the wound again because it reminds them that their original belief is a lie.

I originally believed that we were energy beings (kinda what those ghostly projections on Lua look like) and that's how we could fit into the different frames. I was wrong. But the people who thought it was people in suits weren't technically wrong now that we've learned the basics of how a Warframe is made.

Turns out it's a combination of both - someone in a suit being the muscle and someone guiding them, being the brains/spirit."


You're easily duped arn't you? hes using touchy feely wording to mask that this is actually his opinion hes spouting. you'd never make it in a live debate would you?

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2 hours ago, TheDeuler said:

Why are we still being forced to use the operator? there are those of us who play warframe to use our warframes, not whiny little emo space teens. please let us play without forcing us to use them.

Operators are REALLY useful. It is not DE´s fault you dont know how to use them.

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9 minutes ago, Vlasinyr said:

You're easily duped arn't you? hes using touchy feely wording to mask that this is actually his opinion hes spouting. you'd never make it in a live debate would you?

If that's your argument, than oh boy... I mean, a better argument would have been that he used third person pronouns to hide his opinion, also that the first phrase is meant to do that as well, that there were no such posts after TSD. But that "hes using touchy feely wording to mask that this is actually his opinion", how does even make sense.... I mean, i believe his statement, i saw people go bonkers on the whole operator idea even a few years later. Also, come on, if you're going to act like fu.cking trash, at least have a somewhat valid reason to do so.

Edited by ErzaSakuretto
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