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Host Migration - Sanctuary Onslaught [Fixed]


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Also experiencing this. Was running normal onslaught trying to level my Umbra and Exalted Blade. Three times in a row a host migration caused a permanent freeze, twice on Zone 8. Had to Alt+F4 and restart the game, only to have it happen again. They were supposed to have fixed this in April. Extremely frustrating!

Edited by rca626
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This bug is what made I play warframe less and less, although this was such a good game to play. This bug is: Whenever playing Onslaught, if the host out, You will 100% stuck at loading screen. All items, all affinity will be lost, cuz you have no choice other than alt F4. Why this is "huge" in my opinion?
1. Happen at high rate.
2. They forced people to play Onslaught for a tiny rate of getting Khora parts. Imagine you have to do ~100 rounds for a khora parts. Finally you got it. Then bump, host out. On my view: I do nothing wrong, and I, well, got punished.
3. This bug has been existed for a long time, and havent been fixed yet.
4. This bug's consequence is painful: Not only all rewards is lost, you have to kill process and relog into the game. I was in a loop: log in the game, play an onslaught mode, get a host disconnected, relog, and loops. Really painful
After many times got angry with this bug, I finally give up. At least I hope they can let us choose one when host out: try to connect with host, OR disconnected with that team and playing solo(to keep rewards). 

Edited by onenonsense
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I lost allmost three hours playtime today because the host decided to leave without saying anything. This is a Bug that need to be fixed. you get one warframe, a couple of weapons and some relics out of this mode and doesn't work properly. So pls DE fix this.

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Just had this happen.

The real kicker.  We all exited at round 8, for some reason I got pulled through (despite being at the other side of the zone), so when the host left, I got a forced migration that never ended.

All XP and rewards lost.  If I had gotten a Khora blueprint I'd be saltier than the dead sea (no idea what I even got from 8 due to bug, probably for the best).

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Hi, I would like to also give you my report that on the last two days I have done ESO and after the host migrates, the game has been caught in a host migration loop, and I have had to twice turn off the game SACRIFICING both 10-20 minutes of gameplay and the rewards. Both which I know I will not get back. but worse of all I have a serious apprehension of playing ESO as the losses are higher than the rewards. To be honest, this was a problem before but got fixed. Thanks.

But it seems since The Sacrifice Updates, its back with a vengeance. I would really appreciate it being corrected at your earliest convenience. Your sacrificial lamb ALORG

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host migrations definitely feel like they are failing and getting stuck on the image of the ship flying with a restart required as the only way out more since the update.

In addition, all the "Connection to host has been lost you will be returned" and "Session unavailable" dialog boxes can not be acknowledged also requiring a game restart.


Edited by tucker_d_dawg
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Countless times have I and most people I know been in the middle of a mission when suddenly the whole thing stops we see "Host Migration in Progress" and then we're looking at our landing craft flying about. It's a nightmare, especially when you've been trying to farm that one frame you want and you are unfortunate to get stuck in that loading screen, as yet again many people I know have encountered. Even worse is that since mission rewards are only given once you've actually left the mission and you have to Alt+F4 to get out of the endless loading screen, you get nothing. Recently while "farming" Khora painfully (As it's a really unkind frame to acquire) in sanctuary onslaught, I've been in squads where people seem to think the drop for Khora BPs is at the *start* of Round 8 and not the *end* as it actually is. So they leave, the host begins to migrate and that is that, the host migration begins, and for some reason it appears to brick the game pretty frequently there. 

So DE, please, get dedicated servers at last, you have the means to do so now and it can only make the game all the better. 

Edited by Data-Cluster
Adding "PC" tag
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Migrations usually go pretty smoothly for me although I do have the odd one where I end up back at the landing craft due to some reason and I'm pretty sure I lose my loot (I blame the host not updating the server quick enough). 

I've had the 'stuck in loading' screen when trying to join a group where the host is basically a toaster and/or on slow internet, in fact most of the 'hosting issues' I've had can be sourced back to either bad internet, low end pc or both. 

DE doesn't need dedicated servers, they do need to improve match making and improve host selection though. 

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I think either would be a possible solution, I would personally prefer they use dedicated servers as they're ultimately more stable but if it can be improved upon in the way you mention, it would still be gladly accepted of course. It's a rather frustrating issue, losing time and/or progress is always going to make someone feel disappointed. 

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Joined a tri eidolon hunt and group was pretty new. We spent 40m doing it only for host to leave at the end. My game was stuck on host migration screen for over 10m. I had to restart my whole computer in order to get the game started up again. Is there any way to check and see if i received the items from the tri eidolon hunt? or did all that time just go to waste?

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Fails 100% of the time since recent updates.  We end up just hanging in the load screens.  Chat seems to still work.  So far, everyone I've talked to is having the same issue.  This makes the game unplayable for a lot of the content.  

It seems a common solution for this is to just play solo.  This is fine for a lot, but it makes a good part of the game slower or just boring.  

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