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The True Plat Values of Ayatans


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So I figured this out and wrote it down on the 8th of the 11th Last year and have shared it with only friends up until now. But seeing the bad pricing in the Trade Chat has finally cracked me. I want people to know the True Values and to not be ripped off anymore.

So this is the Values worked out towards the Old Fusion Core system. Oh and I've even worked out the true values of Maxed Mods towards the old system if Ayatan Values was applied to them.

1 Gold Fusion core= 1 Plat

rv means Rounded Down

r^ means Rounded Up

e means Endo

gc means Gold Core

132gc for a common to +10 (415,800 Credits) 130rv Plat
264gc for an uncommon to +10 (831,600 Credits) 265r^ Plat
396gc for a rare to +10 (1,247,400 Credits) 400r^ Plat
528gc for a legendary mod to +10 (1,663,200 Credits) 530R^ Plat

Rare 5 cores needed to max:

Common Rank 10:132gc
Uncommon Rank 10:264gc (132x2)
Rare Rank 10:396gc (132x3)
Legendary(Primed) Rank 10: 528gc (132x4)

40,920e to Max a Legendary Mod

40,920e/528gc = 77.5e

1 Gold core is equal to 77.5 Endo
so 75.5 endo is equal to 1 plat.

Cyan Star= 50e
Amber Star =100e

Maxed Treaures:

Ayr= 1,425e/77.5e= 18rv Plat
Sah= 1,500e/77.5e= 19rv Plat
Valana= 1,575e/77.5e= 20rv Plat
Piv= 1,750e/77.5e= 22rv Plat
Vaya= 1,800e/77.5e=  23rv Plat
Orta= 2,700/e77.5e= 35r^ Plat
Anasa= 3,450e/77.5e= 45r^ Plat

Edited by -CM-Killer-931
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1 minute ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

Good luck getting 45p for a full Anasa in trade chat, best I've ever got was 15p, and i thought that was good considering everyone tries to low ball them at 5-8p

Hey, if everyone held out on not selling them until people adjusted their prices they'd have to change. It's how a lot of things have increased or decreased in Pricing before in Warframe.

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The true value is judged through supply and demand. If people want Anasa's but aren't willing to buy them for more than 8p, then they're worth 8P. You can haggle your way up in some cases but that's how much people want them for these days. 

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That's neat, but it seems like you get a lot more endo than you used to get of cores + mods. Higher supply = lower demand = lower prices.

e: Not being sarcastic, figuring out the conversion values actually is pretty neat.

Edited by motorfirebox
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Wow, you put a lot of work into that. However, it matters not. In a free market the value is determined by supply and demand. Buyers don't care how long or what you had to do to get it, they just want to buy it for the best price. If you both agree, the purchase is made. This is not Walmart or your local store. Prices are not set. They are agreed to.

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Wow, you put a lot of work into that. However, it matters not. In a free market the value is determined by supply and demand. Buyers don't care how long or what you had to do to get it, they just want to buy it for the best price. If you both agree, the purchase is made. This is not Walmart or your local store. Prices are not set. They are agreed to.

You see this is True. I agree the prices are agreed upon.

But you're forgetting no one knew/knows the Endo equivalent values to Gold Cores, the previous system when gauging the prices for Ayatans as they currently are, that's why they're scattered and random and there's no Set Price as there used to be, the old 1p to one Gold R5 Core. I know it wasn't even set back then, some people would ask 2p for a Gold R5 as well. But it all came from a base point, no one would usually go above 2p, 3p per Core was a rare sight but people could be desperate enough to buy at that price.

Which leads me to ask; what is the regular asking price for Ayatans? I've never seen any, it's Random and Unassorted, based upon Supply, Demand and Confusion, everyone loves a good deal, but not anyone really knew what they were getting. I have a feeling a few people have figured it out and taken advantage of it, that I'm sure of.

My hope is people can get a base pricing idea from the calculations, so less scammy transactions can take place as people can now see and understand the actual values, because seeing people cheated out of their plat is very hard for me to bear, it really grinds my gears.

Edited by -CM-Killer-931
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23 minutes ago, -CM-Killer-931 said:

Hey, if everyone held out on not selling them until people adjusted their prices they'd have to change. It's how a lot of things have increased or decreased in Pricing before in Warframe.

Oh definitely, but they don't, whether they don't know the value, or don't care, people with just go elsewhere if you set them too high. 

I won't let them go for less than 15 now, and i am not bothered about holding on to them. 

Bottomline, something is only worth what someone will pay. 

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Let me say it again. There are no set prices. Just agreed to prices. You are comparing two completely different systems and trying to equate value. Stop. No one bought piles of Mods for Endo. There was no Endo.

On to the larger point.

Buyers don't care about the sellers feelings nor what they may or may not of had to do to get the item they are trying to trade for. The questions the Buyer asks are only, "Does the seller have the item I want?' and "Is it at the price I agree to?". That is the point of a free market. There was a point Ember prime was selling for over 750p. Now she is traded at 250p or less. It's not up to the sellers or some arbitrary set prices others come up with. Its totally dependent on supply and demand, weather you like it or not. 

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:


Let me say it again. There are no set prices. Just agreed to prices. You are comparing two completely different systems and trying to equate value. Stop. No one bought piles of Mods for Endo. There was no Endo.

On to the larger point.

Buyers don't care about the sellers feelings nor what they may or may not of had to do to get the item they are trying to trade for. The questions the Buyer asks are only, "Does the seller have the item I want?' and "Is it at the price I agree to?". That is the point of a free market. There was a point Ember prime was selling for over 750p. Now she is traded at 250p or less. It's not up to the sellers or some arbitrary set prices others come up with. Its totally dependent on supply and demand, weather you like it or not. 

I wanted Ember today, someone offered me the set for 400p, i thought that was expensive, so went shopping for the parts. 

Cobbled a set together for 150p, so yup, if you set high, people just go elsewhere. 

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And now you're comparing something Different Entirely. I'm not talking about Primes, I'm talking about Mods and Endo, and technically people Did buy piles of Mods for Endo, what do you think Gold Cores were turned into when the whole conversion came along?

Primes/Weapons/Sets/Certain Mods Bleh, I don't care about that, That is something that is determined differently and I don't have the answers for that, that's a gutt feeling situation. See, I agree, the prices are set. But no one has ever had a good gutt feeling on the Ayatans Values. This was worked out for that reason. to lend a better understanding to the sellers about what they're dealing with.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

I wanted Ember today, someone offered me the set for 400p, i thought that was expensive, so went shopping for the parts. 

Cobbled a set together for 150p, so yup, if you set high, people just go elsewhere. 

See, Completely different. Good on you too. That's using your head.

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10 minutes ago, -CM-Kinnison said:

I think your assumption that 1 gold core = 1 plat is a flaw in your formula.


Even a legendary core doesn't sell for more then 300plat

It's based on the old standard. I'm not saying people sold Primed Mods actually for 530p. That's just it's true value to that old system. Actually it was old -CM-Grunt that made it apparent to me in the old Core days, he'd buy at 1p per Gold Core, max a Serration or another mod, sell it for 350p and technically make a profit. And whenever I joined the trade chat I'd see people selling buying between 1-3p per Core, of course I was a 1p buyer/seller because that's how I rolled.

See I'm not saying the prices Should be Set, these are just the true Values based upon if everyone brought Gold Cores at 1p. This is to give people something that can use to actually gauge the value based upon that old system personally, not to use Approximately although people can if that's their choice. I do agree prices aren't set but agreed upon. I just wish for people to have better grounds to base their prices and agreements upon.

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38 minutes ago, -CM-Killer-931 said:

See, Completely different. Good on you too. That's using your head.

The point i was trying to make it, in a free market its futile trying to fix an inherent value to something, it's only ever worth what someone wants to pay. 

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you are basing you calculations off of the old system. your math doesn't take into account so many different factors between these 2 systems that doing any kind of calculation is pretty useless.

Theres a completely different way of obtaining sculptures compared to cores, There's the trade limits, you get way more endo from a sculpture compared to cores, you have to rank up the sculptures, you get endo instead of core drops along with sculptures which means there's more endo which is the supply than there was when cores were a thing. and theres probably 30 other factors I haven't thought of yet.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

The point i was trying to make it, in a free market its futile trying to fix an inherent value to something, it's only ever worth what someone wants to pay. 

And I said, that's not my Point, I don't care for the Prices of Primes/Weapons/Special Mods/ect, Just Mods and Endo. Trading all that other stuff is a different thing all together in my books. All gutt feelings and public stuff.

2 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

you are basing you calculations off of the old system. your math doesn't take into account so many different factors between these 2 systems that doing any kind of calculation is pretty useless.

Theres a completely different way of obtaining sculptures compared to cores, There's the trade limits, you get way more endo from a sculpture compared to cores, you have to rank up the sculptures, you get endo instead of core drops along with sculptures which means there's more endo which is the supply than there was when cores were a thing. and theres probably 30 other factors I haven't thought of yet.

Actually that's not True. You picked up Gold Mods as often in high level missions, you get 15-20 endo per ground drop now, so technically you get ground Endo Slower. And you used to be able to Fuse Any Mod with Any Mod, so you could use a bunch of duplicates but it'd cost more credits. But now you can melt Mods into Endo for different Values based on Rarities so now Endo is actually gained faster by Regular Mod Drops. Getting a LOT of Gold Cores at once was Hard, but selling them all was a good pay off. Basically Sculptures are just a Horde of R5's in a single compressed Packet now, it's just luck if you'll Find one or get one from Sorties.

And I never said the Prices should be Set, just that these are the True Values based upon the old System which could help people better understand and make better pricing Judgments with.

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There are a few problems with your calculations
One is that you assume endo hasn't gone down in plat value since before it was implemented and we were still using fusion cores. But it has, through the influx of new players, through the influx of people farming sorties, through the addition of the ayatan statue alerts, through the addition of amazing endo farms, through the fact that the more you play, the less endo you end up needing, as you max out your mods. Actually, just as the game is aging, endo is bound to drop in value, especially as most players by just raw numbers won't try to max out all the mods, they'll just spend endo on what they need.

The upper end on an anasa statue is 17-18 platinum.

If people followed your advice and everyone decided to stop selling anasas at ~10 platinum a piece, and jacked up the price to 45, nobody would be buying them. You're suggesting a controlled economy that wouldn't follow the principles of the free market, rather than doing what is sensible, which is finding out how the market operates and discovering how to manipulate it to your benefit. 

It doesn't matter what any calculations show the market has to be. It only matters what the market is.

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2 minutes ago, -CM-Killer-931 said:

And I never said the Prices should be Set, just that these are the True Values based upon the old System which could help people better understand and make better pricing Judgments with.

No, because as other as pointed out, prices are determined by supply and demand and nothing else.

Since endo is tedious to farm, but not difficult, the demand is so-so. It's there, but it's not overwhelming. Since ayatans are the most common drop from sorties, and we all do those once a day, there's a near endless supply of them, however. Everyone who's played the game for a while has sculptures all over their orbiter and coming out their rearwards facing orifice. So they have very little actual value at all.

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1 minute ago, rune_me said:

Since ayatans are the most common drop from sorties, and we all do those once a day.

That's up for debate. I'm pretty far in the game, and even I don't do Sorties everyday. I like to play other games, have fun, ect. And not everyone has the time to as well. Jobs, School, Chores, ect. It's 6 in the morning, so I'm not going to make a really good argument. But yeah, that's assuming a lot of the Warframe Populace.

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1 minute ago, -CM-Killer-931 said:

Someone obviously hasn't read down the comments.

Like you there are many in trade chat.

It's a free market and each player has a head they can use to think, they decide on the price and they decide on the budget, not just for ayatan statues, but for all tradable items

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12 minutes ago, -CM-Killer-931 said:

That's up for debate. I'm pretty far in the game, and even I don't do Sorties everyday. I like to play other games, have fun, ect. And not everyone has the time to as well. Jobs, School, Chores, ect. It's 6 in the morning, so I'm not going to make a really good argument. But yeah, that's assuming a lot of the Warframe Populace.

I was exaggerating for dramatic effect 🙂

I don't do the sorties at all anymore. I don't really play the game a lot anymore, except when I have no other game to play, or when something new happens (like now, since I have had to farm ducats to buy everything I had missed from Tennocon Baro). But I do have an orbiter full of sculptures. And certainly would never consider them to be worth more than 5-10p. And since someone like me is willing to part with them for that, others would have a hard time selling them for much more.

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