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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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A secret from before the Golden Gods have risen. They have watched, and now they are coming back.

Sounds intriguing, so I vote for the ViSoRi. Also nice concepts for Corpus and Grineer-Units, it´s enjoying to read.


Edit: I just realized, that I should have chosen the Torment as October (and therefore Halloween) is right around the corner. The Torment would probably fit better for the spookiest month of the year. Whatever, I´ll stick with my choice voting for ViSoRi.


(P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it´s not my native language)

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This is how enemies should feel

Corpus is greedy and selfish, make them beg for their lives and try to pick up other enemies loot away from you and have them only attack if there are allies nearby

Grineer are narrow and built as cannon fodder. They should go head first and more aggressive than any other enemies

Infested are unknown. They should be hiding only appearing to strike to have a sense of fear

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Housekeeping Update:

The Choose Your Enemy poll will continue until 7.10. after which any further votes will no longer count.

As of now, the Choose Your Enemy vote stands as follows:

ViSoRi: 8 VS Torment: 2


Beginning of the next Corpus event will commence soon (maybe even today).

The upcoming events will rewrite the introduction of the amalgams and the new Jupiter tileset, as it no longer is logically connected to the character Alad V and the "Wolf of Saturn 6" subplot in my lore.

The event will take place exactly where the Jovian Concord would in the timeline (which means it actually happens before the events of the REGICIDE and close after the Chimera Prologue)

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Corpus Divided, Update 1:

In order to make sure everyone understands the next events, this post will reiterate on the lore changes I made that are very much relevant to the upcoming plots.


Alad V:

Official DE Canon: Alad V continues to be a Corpus affiliate and works together with Natah to produce Amalgams.

My Changes: Alad V cut himself away from the Corpus mainline and became a pariah, attempting to redeem himself by joining and helping many resistance movements (such as Perrin Sequence).


Osir Alid:

Official DE Canon: Doesn't exist.

My Changes: Replaces Alad V as the governor of the Jupiter following the events of Second Dream and Shadow Debt. Works together with Natah to produce Amalgams.


Wolf of Saturn Six plotline:

Official DE Canon: The Wolf was experimented on by Alad V and hybridized with Sentient tech, making him the breakthrough needed to create Amalgams (?).

My Changes: The Wolf has never interacted with neither Alad V nor Osir Alid. He is either dead, or leads the Wolf Pack, a renegade Grineer Pirate group (depends on player choice).


Jovian Concord:

Official DE Canon: The update is introduced via the Wolf of Saturn Six plotline.

My Changes: The update is introduced via the Corpus Divided plotline.

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Corpus Divided:


As Frohd Bek's fate is unknown, the Corpus society experiences a period of unrest. How could such an important and influential person suddenly dissappear?

Some people mourn, but some prepare for a Hostile Merger...






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*Gets back from working on own community update idea* Finally, a worthy adversary!!!!

Jokes aside this is actually really cool that someone had thus idea before me, even if mines a bit more canon compliant to say the least. That's not meant to be a discouragement our anything, I just think it'll give me but more of a challenge if I work with what I'm given. Plus it might help me get more traction since my goal is a more direct "lets fix this" where yours is, as you said yourself, Fanfic. 

Who knows maybe we could compare notes or ideas, I'm actually working on my Harrow rework right now. And if its alright, maybe you could give me a few tips since, I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing on the forum.

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Corpus Divided, Update 2:

As you've noticed, I've made quite a few original characters for the Grineer, and now also for the Corpus. Still, the Grineer hold an advantage in this regard, so let's equalize the odds a little.

Here's the first post containing Corpus characters, as well as my reimagining of their society. I highly recommend to read it first in case you haven't already.

Next up will be a double event with some inter-Corpus rivalries already hinted at in the "Oldman" Comic.

With that out of the way, let's get to them characters:

Sinh Opek:




Sinh Opek is a secretive Boardmember, mostly known for his support for the Arca Productions start-up. His other dealings include heavy investments into Robotic industry, and it is rumoured he is attempting to reverse-engineer Grineer to make a new race of slave labour for the Corpus. He's famous on the Media-Sphere for having very bad relations with Tola Van.

Gev Skoll:




Gev Skoll has more criminal charges to his name than he has allies, even though his extremist group named the Black Seed grows every day. He has grown up on the streets of Theta-X4, a small Orbit-City around Venus, before the Temple of Profit cleansed it from Pirates and gangsters. Gev believes only strength matters in the world, and considers Corpus way weaker than it could be. The only way to make it achieve that perfect strength is to become it's supreme leader, and so that is Gev's ultimate goal.

Kyll Sisters:






The Kyll Sisters are Media-Sphere celebrities, mostly famous for being famous, however their fortune is immesurable anyway. It is rumoured that the "sisters" are actually illegal clones, but there has never been any good evidence for that. Perhaps these rumours are spread by the Sisters themselves, to make them even more well-known, through the controversy?

Jek Not:




Jek describes himself as a "small-time trader and supply mover", quite humble for the owner of one of the biggest transportation groups in the entire Corpus. His personal philosophy is that of being invisible, but effective. Nobody could really pinpoint where Jek lives, as he enjoys travelling around, his behaviour in a way mimicking what his company does. Perhaps you will spot him in a relay somewhere at one point?

Pyn Fel:




Pyn Fel is often called the "Death Killer". Able to fix up many way-too-old Boardmembers and Richmen with his unique therapies, he is the person ot go to if you wish to live a veeeeeeeeeery long life. Just make sure your wallet is thick enough. But there is a darker side to him as well. Pyn is a genius inventor of poisons and toxins, his abilities resulted in the development of the Kaustix chemthrower, for example.

Bett Nassa:




Also known as "Captain Hook" or the "Mother Pirate", Bett's pirate crews terrorize lonesome cargo transports in the hotly contested Europa-Jupiter-Saturn triangle. As a person she might seem amiable enough, at least until you anger her. While she's technically still Corpus, you won't see her calling herself that often, and the Corpus won't do it either.

Tyk Den:




This old man was once a Lecturer, teaching young low-born Corpus how to be perfect Crewmen. This changed after one of his troublemaking students came back with a vengeance. That student was Nef Anyo, his life changed by an accident, after which he became the rich famous man he is now. Mirroring the brutal punishments of his Lecturer with greater fury, Nef broke Tyk's back, and made him a cripple. Now, Den is a trashman, having accepted humiliating augments that disallow him to live normally.

Frek Sha:




Frek Sha is an up-and-coming entrepreneur with his start-up, the Kemika Corp. He focuses on chemical developments, with a touch of bio-chem weaponry, that would make him a war criminal in more civilized times. Oh, well, Grineer do it too.

Tkol Myk:




Tkol Myk is veteran mercenary, having gained enough trust with the Board to essentially be able to organize a small army for whatever reason he wants. He has been involved with pretty much every single war operation in the nearest past, giving him great knowledge of the Grineer tactics. His success rate made him quite a popular person on the Media-Sphere too, and as he said himself, he "needs to decline a marriage proposal (or a dozen) everyday".

Jun Plo:




Jun Plo is a Rail Agent of a very specific nature. He doesn't deal with cargo, he doesn't deal with transporting people. He's an assassin. Call him up if you want someone dead yesterday, he'll do it. On the illegal SubNet, Jun goes by the nickname of "Black_Death", and he's as good at killing as that ancient disease. Some will swear he isn't just a human.

Tret Xyk:




Tret Xyk is a musician and an Investor. Having built an empire of his own on Media-Sphere, he has branched out into entrepreneurship, instantly becoming even more ridiculously rich. Many a Crewmen wear his clothes out of work, as his products are intended to appeal (and be actually affordable) to both low-born and the richmen. He's actually been called a heretic by the Temple of Profit because of this.


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"He's actually been called a Heretic by the Temple of Profit because of this". Lets be honest here, any Corpus company that works to support the lower castes in any way has probably been called heretical by the Nef Anyo Profit Farm Temple of Profit at some point or another. I'd be willing to bet that, by now, it's considered a rite of passage for new companies.

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On 2019-10-07 at 2:33 PM, HugintheCrow said:

The "Choose your Enemy" poll is now closed.

Final Score:

ViSoRi: 8 vs Torment: 2


ViSoRi Wins!



Ahem… jokes aside, I will be looking forward to these new concepts. Keep up the great work. 👍


(P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it´s not my not native language)

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45 minutes ago, Kristallritter said:

Ahem… jokes aside, I will be looking forward to these new concepts. Keep up the great work.

Thanks, will do.

45 minutes ago, Kristallritter said:

Sorry for my bad english

Not seeing any bad english here, perhaps you need to believe in your language skills more?


21 minutes ago, keikogi said:

I guess I need to wait quite a bit to see some demons in warframe. 

It won't be that much time tbh...

It's gonna be: Finishing the Corpus Divided (hopefully this weekend)->ViSoRi stuff->[REDACTED] Update->Torment stuff,

with some weapons and units in the mix, cause I have a large backlog of those again, lol.

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3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Not seeing any bad english here, perhaps you need to believe in your language skills more?


4 hours ago, Kristallritter said:

(P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it´s not my not native language)

Dood, I have seen American english speakers that didn't type in english nearly as well.  You, you're perfectly fine.

Just believe in yourself. Believe in all of us who believe in you!

3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

with some weapons and units in the mix, cause I have a large backlog of those again, lol.

Will there be any dual-tube shotguns? I feel lonely being the only dood on the forums that goes into such esoteric shotgun territory.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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42 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Dood, I have seen American english speakers that didn't type in english nearly as well.  You, you're perfectly fine.

Just believe in yourself. Believe in all of us who believe in you!

Have this pair of glasses. 


4 hours ago, Kristallritter said:

ViSoRi Wins!



Ahem… jokes aside, I will be looking forward to these new concepts. Keep up the great work. 👍


(P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it´s not my not native language)

I couldn’t spot any mistakes on your comment. No need for this lack of confidence. Also, I was pleasantly surprised with the lack of grammar nazis on this forum. People around here only care about clarity and formatting. I guess the overall kindness of the community is present on the foruns as well. I not a native speaker either.

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21 hours ago, (PS4)BabyBoi6769 said:

Who do I have pay to get this put into the game? I big update like this for Grineer would be amazing! Also I love the fact the female enemy units are very well designed. 

As I've said before, I don't think my concepts are compatible with the game anymore, lol. Maybe it's not as apparent now, but we're soon going into a completely-off-the-wall territory.

Not to mention I twisted both Grineer and Corpus into quite different entities than the originals.

But I am happy to know you like my ideas.

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Corpus Divided update 3: The one with the events:


As mentioned before, the Corpus Divided introduces 2 lightly connected events. The first, main event focuses on the conflict between Nef Anyo and Frohd Bek, the second one sets up the alternate introduction to the Jovian Concord update.

Event 1: The Legal Dispute:

Ordis: Operator, You have a new message from the Lotus Council:

Councillor Nucifer:


Greetings Tenno,

Nef Anyo planned to take over the now-leaderless Bek Industries in order to become the most influential Boardmember. However, unfortunately for him, Bek hasn't actually died during the Animo crisis, and is now hell-bent on teaching Anyo a lesson.

We must intervene in this conflict, as it could potentially destabilize the entirety of Corpus, and I think it's obvious that Grineer would jump in the moment they would sense a weakness. Naturally, we cannot let anything like that happen.

You've worked together with (and against) both Anyo and Bek in the past, so you know how temperamental they can be. This situation is quite different, however. You cannot simply choose a side and fight for them until the end. No matter who wins here, we all lose in the long run. That is why I ask of you a difficult mission. You must ensure that this fight ends with a stalemate!

We will monitor the situation and provide you with information on who is currently winning, so you can balance the scales at all times, but be careful, we cannot be everywhere anymore. Without Lotus' abilities, our intel gathering slowed down dramatically. We cannot coordinate the efforts of all Tenno at the same time, so you will need to use your better judgement at times. I'm sure you will succeed.

Yours Truly,

Councillor Nucifer



What You'll need to do:


Venus and Pluto are now stages to continuous Corpus VS Corpus Invasions!

Contribute to the overall community event score by participating in those missions.

But remember, the Tenno Victory can only be achieved by forcing Anyo nad Bek into a stalemate!


What You need to know:

You can choose to fight for both Anyo and Bek at all times, and each completed mission will contribute to the community score.

The more balanced the scales are at the end of the event the better.

You can see who's currently winning by checking with the Lotus Council Intel Team in the Relays.



Scoring, Rewards and Consequences:

Instead of a personal score, the event considers the performance of the entire community (Keep in mind that you still need to participate at least a little to be eligible).

Invasion missions on Venus grant progress to Bek side, while Invasion missions on Pluto grant progress to Anyo side.

At the beginning both sides are at equillibrium, but this state will not go on for long, as they will fluctuate on their own, even if no missions were to be played (assuming noone participates in the event, one side will definitely win).

It is not required to achieve perfect complete equillibrium for a stalemate to occur, but the closer it is, the better.

I'm too lazy to come up with rewards, sue me, lol. If you have some ideas, feel free to share.

In terms of consequences:

If Bek wins, prepare for higher prices in Fortuna, as life there will be harder for our brave Solaris. Additionally, Orb Vallis Corpus will be reinforced with powerful Bek Industries made proxies.

If Anyo wins, All Corpus missions will be reinforced with stronger Temple Crewmen units. Additionally, Index will become more difficult, with increased Index point debuffs and environmental hazards.

None of that happens if the stalemate is achieved.

These consequences will be in effect for a duration, not forever, though, don't worry.


Event 2: Cutting the Redundancies:

Ordis: Operator, you have yet another message... but this one is from Alad V...

Alad V:


Ah, hello there, Tenno...

How is it going? Have you heard about the Anyo-Bek shenanigans? Unfortunate, really... Especially as it kind of overshadowed something quite important...

My former corporation, the V Research and Development, otherwise known as Zanuka Projects, has been bought. By Osir Alid, no less. That son of a MOA is a nemesis of mine. Clever man, but evil to the bone. Kind of like me, before, you know, all those things happened.

He has taken over my company, which, frankly I don't really care, but... but, he also announced his redundancy cutting programme...

He's gonna imprison, or simply kill lots of people. Yes, Corpus people, so you might say, "why would I care?", but those aren't bigwigs, those aren't the decision makers. Those are low social rank crewmen, honest workers of mine, well, formerly of mine. You fought for the Solaris, right? That's why I think you would want to fight for these people too.

I arranged a way for these people to be transferred to Perrin Sequence-controlled market sectors. The only issue remains in how they would get there.

I believe you can be their taxi. I've got funds, I can reimburse you the entire op costs.



What You'll need to do:

Go to special Jupiter nodes and play the "Advanced Rescue" missions available there.

Save the V R&D workers and send them safely to Perrin Sequence.

But beware, a certain someone is roaming the Gas City, in search of Tenno to fight with. Prepare for a tough new Assassin.


What You need to know:

Advanced Rescue is a variation on the normal Rescue mode.

Not only does it feature much larger prison blocks with higher security and more cells, where you may choose how many you'll open (more opened cells, more prisoners to escort, but also larger enemy forces and more resitance), it also ends with an Archwing escort segment.

Scoring relies on completing these Advanced Rescue missions, with more points given based on the amount of prisoners extracted.


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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

But beware, a certain someone is roaming the Gas City, in search of Tenno to fight with. Prepare for a tough new Assassin.

You're probably wondering who that is, huh?

Well, if you're brave enough, the answer lies below:




"I am.. Natah. Sentient Destroyer of... Tenno."


Free at last (?) from the Orokin lies, Natah has quickly mobilized all remaining Sentient forces and begun preparing to end the Old War's forced armistice. Her first target became the Corpus, who pride themselves to be the continuators of the Orokin. Instead of destroying them in a direct fight, she decided to play with her prey a little. Pretending to be a Corpus herself, she joined forces with Osir Alad, however, she quickly realized that he did not need to be lied to. Osir's greed was so great he didn't mind working with a monster. And so, the idea of Amalgam's was born, a union of human and Sentient, perfect soldiers, perhaps even able to defeat the Tenno. And if they won't, Natah is fully prepared (and willing) to finish the job herself.

Don't think you know her, Tenno. Without her stoic Lotus mask, Natah is quite a different person altogether.

Where Lotus was calm and methodical, Natah is expressive and fast-to-act. One could say she acts like a youngster, who just got a first taste of independency.

She will undoubtedly attack you directly at some point. Come prepared.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Teleport: Using their powers, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Innate: Always Alerted: This unit cannot be made unalerted and always spawns as alerted.

Innate: Detect Invisibility: When suspicious or alerted, this unit gains True Sight.

Innate: Lotus Resistance: This unit heavily resists Void damage.

Innate: Sentient Adaptability: This unit possesses Damage Adaptation capabilities.

Innate: Esoteric Armour: This unit possesses health and armor regeneration, and resists ability effects.

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

Innate: Juggernaught Health: This unit regenerates hp and has armor-like protection on their health.

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit can hit accurately for a short time after something that should throw it's aim off happens.

Innate: Diffuse Power: This unit's attack have a high chance to remove all buffs from the target, ignoring all immunities (and potentially removing them as well). This unit leaves a powerful  18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc, on a Warframe whenever it "kills" an Operator.

Ability: Superior Invisibility: This unit can become Invisible at will. While Invisible, it's attacks deal increased damage, and it is immune to area damage.

Ability: Ability Denial: This unit can nullify enemies' abilities on cast, and incur a cooldown penalty on blocked abilities.

Ability: Dispel: This unit can dispel all abilities cast by it's enemies.

Ability: Repel Wave: This unit can generate a wall of repelling force, knocking all enemies away from itself (does not knockdown).

Companion: Summon Sentients: This unit can summon Sentient reinforcements.

Melee: Finisher: This unit can perform finishers.

Melee: Bash: This unit can stagger more reliably with it's melee attacks.

Melee: Parry: This unit can assume a parrying stance. If it is hit with melee during this animation, it will stun the attacker and retaliate with a powerful Finisher attack.

Melee: Devastator Blade: This unit can impale enemies for high damage and crowd control.

Melee: Disorienting Strikes: This unit can briefly stun the enemy it's attacking, evading retaliation.

Melee: Flurry: This unit can perform several attacks after each wind-up animation.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.


Faction: 20?cb=20150805015325 Sentient/ 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Corpus Gas City

Weapons: Tau Devastator Blade Arm & Tau Devastator Cannon Arm

Abilities: Superior Invisibility, Ability Denial, Dispel, Summon Sentients

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Robotic: 1000

Alloy Armor: 200


Alloy Armor: 750

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Anti-Sentient damage mods

Ordis: Operator... Yes, it is another message. I'm afraid I have no idea who sent this one.


Yo, Kiddo.

How is it? I'm great! Especially now that I finally stopped needing to babysit you all. Feels good to be free.

Now I'll admit I wouldn't mind never having to see you again, but let's be realistic, that's impossible. So, next time I see you, it will be the last... No, I won't be visiting your grave afterwards.




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