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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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On 2019-08-12 at 8:35 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Corpus Unit Dump 1, "Everything must go!" edition:

While I don't think I'll ever get Corpus up to the same amount of new units as I did (and continue doing) with Grineer (currently at 150-ish units in the thread), it's worth to at least add something. And by something, I mean like over 30 units...

Remember when I said this?:


Let's get into it. As always, full stats come later.


Lion Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The fearsome (and fearless) LION-pattern Proxy is a step up from the Jackal, both offensively and defensively. Able to deploy wide energy barrier in front of itself, it is doubly protected by a polymer plated "collar", all the while firing at multiple targets with it's 4 laser turrets. If the enemies attempt to approach it, it can down them with a powerful conical slam attack. It's weakness lies in it's protections being focused on the front, but multiple Lions can become a dangerous formation.

Possesses Elite variant which replaces Laser turrets with Laser Lance turrets, and gains Fear-inducing Scream attack.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Barrier Collar: This unit can project an energy barrier in front of itself.

Innate: Multi-targeting: This unit can attack multiple targets at the same time.

Melee: Knockdown Slam: This unit can slam the ground, knocking down all enemies in front of it.

Design Notes:

It looks like a flower, lol.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Heavy Assault Moa Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



While there is only so much one can do to upgrade the tried and trusted MOA-patterns, the HA-MOA attempts to push as far as possible. Equipped with mounted Supra-pattern turret and 2 side-mounted Missile Launchers, the HA-MOA has the weaponry it needs to destroy it's enemies. Add to that powerful, ultra-fast refreshing shielding, shock-resistant servos and lightweight polymer plating, and you've got... an incredibly pricy unit. But it sure is effective.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Shield-Refresh Module: This unit regenerates shields incredibly fast, even in combat. Magnetic 18?cb=20140124221429 damage disrupts this effect.

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit is immune to knockdowns and ragdoll effects.

Grenade: Smoke Grenades: This unit can fire vision-obscuring smoke grenades.

Design Notes:

Replaces the Tech Crewman. Way larger than normal MOAs, bigger even than the Shockwave variant.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Supressor Moa Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Supressor MOA, or Sp-MOA for short was designed primarily to deal with riots and other civilian "unrest" situations. It's Disc Launchers were made to be a less-lethal weapon, but as it goes in the Origin system, less-lethal quickly becomes pointless when you have an Infestation problem, a Grineer invasion or even a Tenno attack inbound. The military rebuild seen the Sp-MOA gain powerful armor, fast response agile servos, and perhaps most importantly, the Disc Launcher weaponry that debuted on this unit was redesigned into an extremely dangerous, long range ricocheting nightmare. If that was not enough, the Sp-MOA has 3 of these guns, mounted on turrets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Agile Servos: This unit can move incredbily quickly, is resistant to all CC, and can knockdown enemies it collides with during sprinting.

Melee: Stomp Shockwave: This unit can stomp the ground, creating a slow moving shockwave.

Design Notes:

I got tired of "laser gun", "plasma gun" that all Corpus have so I designed some more stuff for them. Then I put it on moas. Bigger than the normal MOAs, even than the Shockwave variant.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Speeder Tumbler:

  Reveal hidden contents



The TUMBLER pattern was born in order to minimize costs of deploying fully built Coildrives. The SPEEDER pattern has the the same electro-coil single wheel of the original vehicle, but the central module was replaced with a small drone, suspended mid-air with magnetic coils on the inside of the wheel. The drone is equipped with a fast firing Laser gun, and thanks to it's all-terrain mobility, can engage targets and evade fire very efficiently.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tumbler Core: This unit grants synergies as if it was a Flying Proxy, but gains synergies as if it was a Quadrupedal Proxy.

Design Notes:

I wanted to draw these guys more for practicing circles, but hey, why not make a unit out of that?


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Shell Tumbler:

  Reveal hidden contents



These miniature (slightly larger than Rattels) Tumblers are heavily armored, and can only be attacked from their sides. Their size allows them to creep up on enemies very often and their dual lasers can deal significant damage, although they cannot aim them, they have to turn their entire body instead.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tumbler Core: This unit grants synergies as if it was a Flying Proxy, but gains synergies as if it was a Quadrupedal Proxy.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Crusher Tumbler:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Crushers are basically Coildrives with powerful Quad-Laser turrets on each side. They can no longer hold people inside, but the destruction they can create is admirably high. In high-stress situations variants may be deployed that exchange the Laser for Missile Launchers.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tumbler Core: This unit grants synergies as if it was a Flying Proxy, but gains synergies as if it was a Quadrupedal Proxy.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Shrike Proxy:

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The SHRIKE-pattern was created as a more offense focused Flying Proxy, at least compared to the more general-use Ospreys. Smaller, faster, and heavier armed, the Shrike darts through the battlefield, seeking priority targets to kill.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Priority Targeting: This unit prioritizes damage dealers over normal Corpus target priority.

Innate: High-Efficiency Boosters: This unit cannot be slowed.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Shrike Launcher Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The SHRIKE-pattern's success encouraged more development and funding for it's mother project, which resulted in the Launcher variant. The Launcher Shrike loses it's Laser Lances for a pair of ANGSTRUM-pattern Micro-Missile Launchers, hence the name.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Priority Targeting: This unit prioritizes damage dealers over normal Corpus target priority.

Innate: High-Efficiency Boosters: This unit cannot be slowed.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Shrike Fighter Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The FIGHTER-variant of the recognised SHRIKE-pattern exchanges it's basic weaponry for more potent Disc Launchers.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Priority Targeting: This unit prioritizes damage dealers over normal Corpus target priority.

Innate: High-Efficiency Boosters: This unit cannot be slowed.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Vulture Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The weird-looking Vulture Proxy is a dual-purpose unit. It can be used by Crewmen as an impromtu jetpack in situations requiring high mobility, or it can attempt to capture enemies and subjugate them with a mounted stun-prong. It's second function can be used both in actual combat, and as means to kidnap enemy VIPs. The Vulture is equipped with high-power engines, allowing it it to fly properly even in space.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Melee: Capture Grab: This unit can perform a stunning grab attack.

Design Notes:

I made the Warframe-capture thingy that Alad V had into a unit.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset, any Corpus Archwing Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Tiger Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The TIGER-pattern is an advanced Proxy, built primarily for melee combat. It can easily tackle and down enemies with it's sheer weight alone, and when you add the repulsors mounted onto it's feet, it can even push heavy tanks around. The Tiger is also capable of limited anti-stealth, as it's radars are able to pick out miniscule signals from sneaky enemies in a short range.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Stealth Radar: This unit detects stealthed enemies in short range.

Melee: Repulsor Arms: This unit inflicts guaranteed knockdowns and ragdolls on it's targets.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Melee: Stomp Shockwave: This unit can stomp the ground, creating a slow moving shockwave.

Design Notes:

Essentially a very aggressive melee Hyena.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Tiger Gunner Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Gunner variant of the renowned TIGER-pattern is equipped with a first-of-it's-type Repulsor Cannon, allowing it to disrupt enemies from range. In CQC, the "T-G" is as deadly as it's predecessor.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Stealth Radar: This unit detects stealthed enemies in short range.

Innate: Repulsor Weapons: This unit inflicts guaranteed knockdowns and ragdolls on it's targets.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Temple Nullifier Sniper:

  Reveal hidden contents



The dedicated defenders of the Temple of Profit, these snipers modified their previously thought to be obsolete Snipetrons into extremely lethal weapons, especially against the Tenno. They are elite soldiers personally blessed by Nef Anyo.

Able to inflict Nullifier Strain on their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Blessing of Profit: This unit gains a small damage boost against enemies with high credit reserves.

Design Notes:

Reintroducing the Snipetron + adding a new Nullifier-like guy (since the actual Nullifiers are Eximii now). Reminder: Temple means Orb Vallis exclusive.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Orb Vallis



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Temple Striker:

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The Strikers use Dendra knuckles to disrupt and smash their enemies. Able to dash quickly thanks to their jumppacks, they can easily keep up even with Tenno.

The Elite Variant is able to inflict Nullifier Strain on their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Jumppack: This unit can quickly dash around, gaining damage reduction while doing so.

Melee: Dendra Smash: This unit's attacks drain energy from it's targets and reroute it into this unit's shields.

Design Notes:

Remember the Dendra armor set?


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Turtle Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The somewhat adorable TURTLE-pattern was first created as a mobile toolbox. Just like with the actual turtles of ancient times, it is mostly empty inside, allowing it to carry small amounts of cargo, mostly tools, or supplies.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Carrier: This unit carries supplies to it's allies. Can heal, grants buffs etc.

Design Notes:

It kinda looks like a guy was smashed into the ground by a large box. It's actually really small though, similar to the Rattels.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Turtle Communication Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



This Turtle Proxy was upgraded to serve as mobile radar and communication device.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Summon: Comms Device: This unit can summon allied units when distressed. It can also detect enemies easily.

Design Notes:

The bane of stealth runs.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Turtle Missile Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



This Turtle Proxy was upgraded with a severely oversized Dual Plasma Mortar.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Radar: This unit can detect enemies over long distances.

Design Notes:

This one mostly appears in Orb Vallis, serving as a mini-artillery piece.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any open air Corpus Tileset, Orb Vallis



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Albatross Hailstorm Proxy

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The heavy, Quad-Engine ALBATROSS-pattern carries a powerful Dual-Supra turret. Built on the same basic frame as the RAPTOR-pattern, but improved, the Albatrosses can easily outmanouver their enemies, be it planetside or in space. It's engines are capable of venting excess heat to burn any enemies trying to approach the Proxy.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Vent: This unit can vent heat from it's engines, dealing massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset, Any Corpus Archwing Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Albatross Assassin Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Albatross gained notoriety when an ilegally acquired Proxy equipped with an experimental Disc Launcher assassinated a highly regarded Corpus Investor. The later mass-produced version of the Proxy hence gained the "Assassin" nickname, even though it's main purpose is crowd control.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Vent: This unit can vent heat from it's engines, dealing massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset, Any Corpus Archwing Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Albatross Bombardier Proxy:

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Following the successes of the previous versions, the BOMBARDIER-variant of the Albatross equips heavy duty patrolship- grade Clusterbomb Launchers. These Proxies are also armored more heavily to help shield them from potential self-damage.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Vent: This unit can vent heat from it's engines, dealing massive damage to all nearby enemies.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset, Any Corpus Archwing Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Emu Proxy:

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The EMU-pattern is a variation on the classic MOA-pattern Proxy design. Modified with a long hydraulic neck, this Proxy towers over all opposition. It's head doubles as a turret, firing precise Laser Lances from it's cannons. The side-mounted Riot Shields can be extended to protect the body of the Proxy, or to corall enemies into traps or generally unfavourable positions.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Melee: Riot Shields: This unit can push enemies around with it's defensive Riot Shields.

Melee: Stomp Shockwave: This unit can stomp the ground, creating a slow moving shockwave.

Design Notes:

If there can be Moa, then there can be Emu.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Kobra Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The unorthodox KOBRA-pattern is an ambush unit. Able to coil up and hide using passie camouflage technology, it immediately springs to life when enemies are nearby, firing lethal poison darts with high fire rate and accuracy.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Passive Camo: This unit is passively camouflaged, making them difficult to see.

Innate: Ambush Unit: This unit does not link together with other units.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Dodo Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The diminutive DODO-pattern is a surprisingly sturdy and powerful Bipedal Proxy. Heavy body combined with agile servo systems allow the Dodo to move fast, while retaining higher-than-average survavibility. The quad-barreled Plasma Stingers can make quick work of unarmored enemies.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Agile Servos: This unit can move incredbily quickly, is resistant to all CC, and can knockdown enemies it collides with during sprinting.

Design Notes:

All the non-flying birds, go!


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Kiwi Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The little KIWI-pattern was first produced as a synthetic companion for children, but was quickly repurposed as a lethal sentinel. With a Triptron laser-based gun attached, this small thing can literally trip and knock down enemies, while it's front-mounted Plasma Rifle deals surprising amounts of damage quickly. What was once an emotion sensor was remade into a long range activity radar, allowing the Kiwi to recognise danger from extreme distances.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Activity Radar: This unit becomes alerted to allied units' alert state changing at extreme distances.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Power Ranger:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Power Rangers use high-power Flypacks (built from OSPREY-pattern engines) to quickly traverse the environment. Equipped with Plasma Turrets, they can also lay down supressive fire to help their allies.

This unit can inflict Supression on their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Flying: This unit can fly.

Grenade: Tactical Launchers: This unit can fire a multitude of tactical grenades from it's arm-mounted launchers.

Design Notes:

As Jado said on DA: Go, go!


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Serval Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The SERVAL-pattern is a mid-tier Quadrupedal Proxy, focused on disrupting enemy movement. Equipped with two Gel Throwers, it can easily seal off doorways and corridors, or simply trap the enemies in a quickly drying solution. After the enemy can't move anymore, the Serval can ignite the area (or the gel itself, as it is highly flammable) with it's tail-mounted Blazetorch.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Superjump: This unit can jump extremely fast and far.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Octopus Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The unconventional OCTOPUS-pattern is a support unit, armed with Smoke Launchers and 8 extremely agile tentacles. This Proxy can hide in many places, as it is able to move on all surfaces and stick to walls and ceilings.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: All-terrain movement: This unit can move on all surfaces, including walls and ceilings.

Melee: Tentackle: This unit can grab and tackle it's enemies.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Sniper Moa Proxy:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Sniper MOA answers the main problem with using human snipers, their human body. Armed with the Lanka Railgun, this Proxy's lethality is second to none, no matter the distance. Back-mounted Shield&Stealth Generators (copyright of Arca syndicate) allow the Sn-MOA to acquire a comfortable position on the battlefield.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Shield&Stealth Generators: This unit can engage either a super powerful dome shield or complete invisibility.

Design Notes:

Visibly larger than normal MOAs, kinda like the Shockwave MOA.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset, Orb Vallis



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A


  Reveal hidden contents



The Foremen are overseers and controllers of the Crewman masses. Their gear allows them to connect with other Crewmen, granting them more combat power, but also greater coordination. These Crewmen carry powerful Blastron launchers, which they use masterfully, switching to the mode they need the most in the given situation..

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Synchro Aura: Increases the effects of Synergies of all nearby Crewmen, affects self.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Storm Templar:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Storm Templars are part of the elite Anyo Corp-sponsored Templar force. They are the ultimate enforcers within the temple of Profit. These soldiers in particular are equipped with the same Laser Cannon as the Gox space vehicle. This, naturally, gives them insane firepower. Combine that with a modified, sturdier helmet design and a nimble, agile Flypack and you get the perfect shock troops.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Power-Helmet: This unit can equip multiple Softwares onto it's helmet. Headshot bonuses are nullified when helmet is equipped.

Movement: Flying: This unit can fly.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Merc Skirmisher:

  Reveal hidden contents



Sometimes, the Crewmen and the Proxies are just not enough, or a more careful hand is needed. This is where mercenaries come in. The Corpus, with it's effectively infinite resources, can easily buy the loyalty of many mercs that exists in the Origin system. These soldiers of fortune come with standarized "lend-lease" equipment. The Skirmishers use a deadly dual-purpose rifle named the Britron. As they are actual soldiers, their tactics are way better than those of simple Crewmen.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Grenade: Napalm Bomb: This unit can throw powerful fiery explosives.

Design Notes:

I really think mercenaries should be a thing.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Merc Trasher:

  Reveal hidden contents



The heavy duty Trashers are not your typical merc. They are veterans, their equipment is top-notch, and they give no Heks. Strong full-body armor protects these heavily shielded individuals, just in case. Their powerful Spectacor Plasma Cannons deny ground and fry everything trying to attack them.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Grenade: Tactical Launchers: This unit can fire a multitude of tactical grenades from it's arm-mounted launchers.

Design Notes:

These guys are augmented kinda like the Solaris, but instead of work augments, they have combat augments.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Merc Sharpshooter:

  Reveal hidden contents



The crafty Sharpshooters leave the frontlining to their heavier allies, prefering to plink away at priority targets with their Silentron Sniper Rifles, making full use of the weapon's ability to deny ability usage. Their powerful vision-enhancing gear allows to them to very easily hit their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Passive Camo: This unit is passively camouflaged, making them difficult to see.

Innate: Targeting Aid: This Sniper unit does not need to take aim (charge) before taking shots.

Design Notes:

Way less lethal than other snipers, they specialize in crowd control.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Merc Trailblazer:

  Reveal hidden contents



The brave (or stupid, or both) Trailblazers rush into the thick of things with their foot- and back-mounted micro-jet engines. Equipped with Dual Pulsatrons, they allow other troops to take out enemies more efficiently.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Jet Engines: This unit can fly very fast.

Design Notes:



Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Merc Specialist:

  Reveal hidden contents



The Specialists specialise in special weapons, namely the Rengetron. Their powerful Roentgen wave cannons allow them to easily hit enemies through walls, ambushing them with no risk of retaliation.In addition to their strong gun, they come prepared for the war of attrition, having stored an entire minefield worth of mines in their pockets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Wallbanger: This unit will purposefully hide and kill it's enemies through walls.

Ability: Minefield: This unit can trap entire tiles with an enormous amount of mines.

Design Notes:

They are the smart guys.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A

Chemical Warfare Crewman:

  Reveal hidden contents



Affectionately known as the Chemmen, these Chem-War specialists come equipped with a deadly Kaustix Chemthrowers and custom CBRN Defense suits. They can also help their allies combat the many afflictions that can occur on the battlefield.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: CBRN Defense: This unit has a massive resistance to all elemental damage types.

Ability: Administer Aid: This unit can cleanse status procs from nearby units.

Design Notes:

An answer to the Grineer Nox, essentially.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

Tileset: Any Corpus Tileset



Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 







Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: N/A


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Heh, I'll have to ask for your help in the future with some of my older Corpus units. It seems you've most definitely been getting quite comfortable in drawing up Corpus units.


(Is it okay if I point out any grammar flaws I trip over?)

Notables on my end = 

Heh, practice turning  into a piece eh? Fun! Tumblers look like excellant escorts for the actual coildrives to keep up with them.

AH, EXCELLENT. That turt-comm proxy is very important in my own eyes, something to rein in Tenno power madness, but, not crush It entirely. Perhaps he senseing is done in a visible radial pattern or in a significant cone.

Hm, thatcher cobra proxy reminds of an old design I never went through with, something nasty to hide in need containers that gives folks pause or just behind dead-end doors and busy thoroughfares  alike, make the ninja tread with care.

(Mighty Morphin theme burns self ever deeper into mind and mental scream for release grows louder.)

AH, another piece we both agree on, though, aside from Cappin Mer over in Barboga, I never went any further for my privateers beyond guns and leased weaponry.


Notables on my end due to resemblances I can draw between some Pit inhabitants (An annoying category of course, but, one I simply cannot ignore.)=

Heh, this distracted slump is definitely hitting me hard, your beating me to the punch with a lotta designs that parallel upcoming pieces of mine in the weapons department. Makes me uneasy a tad.


(It's been frustrateing trying to finish this shotgun piece with how distracted i've even lately, games coming out catching me eye. Finally close to completion now after next unexpected second wind arrived.)

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Status update:

I'm currently working on many new things under the hood (like an small-ish lore event for the Corpus, focused on Nef Anyo and Frohd Bek + a completely new faction, which I teased about in here a few times already), but in the mean time, have some guns.

Corpus Reinforcements 2: Electric Boogaloo:

Today's selection is gonna be slightly eccentric, with weapons ranging from literal infantry-portable spaceship cannons to a gun equivalent of a banana peel. I don't know either.

Please welcome: Triptron Tripping Laser, Vectorex SMG, Spacmicor CC Tool, Goxor Laser Cannon and Britron Dual-Purpose Rifle.

As always, full stats come later. DONE.





The Triptron continuously projects an exotic energy laser beam, creates micro-energy disruptions in the nervous systems of creatures exposed to it. This causes them to fall to the ground, where they become easy prey to other units, or to the gun's main pulse-fire repeater. Initially designed to be used by Proxies, it has been reworked into a man-portable weapon system. It's primary beam does not affect robotic enemies, as they do not possess nerves as living being do.


Innate: Trip Beam: This weapon's primary fire mode causes no damage, but makes living enemies fall to the ground, partially paralysed.

Alt-fire: Pulse-Fire: Fires the pulse-fire repeater to damage enemies.

Design notes:

This is the weapon used by the Kiwi Proxy, as seen in the previous update. The "pulse-fire repeater" is a simple burst-auto energy gun.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Held/Burst-Auto

Ammo: Battery/Rifle

Noise: Silent/Alarming

Fire rate: 2.0 rounds per sec/33.333 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100/45.56

Magazine size: 100 rounds per mag/45 rounds per mag

Max ammo: N/A/550 rounds

Reload time: 2.0 s/1.6 s

Total Damage: 0/34 (136 total damage per burst)

Burst count: N/A/4

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 0/4

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 0/20

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 0/10

Crit chance: N/A/25%

Crit multiplier: N/A/2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/1.5x

Status chance: N/A/26%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Flux Rifle Research.




The Vectorex rapidly fires Kinetic-to-Energy munitions, allowing it to partially adapt to the target's it is used against. Integrated recoil control systems allow this super-rapid firearm to be used by people without good trigger discipline.


Innate: Recoil Control: This weapon will quickly adjust it's own recoil (this weapon has no random bullet spread whatsoever) when fired at full auto.

Innate: Dual Munitions: This weapon deals primarily 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact damage against shields and primarily 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture damage against armor.

Zoom: Enhanced Cyber-Sights: Sophisticated optics of this weapon allow assisted target acquisition.

Design notes:

A blatant Kriss Vector ripoff, rebuilt into Corpus style.


Mastery: 9

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 30.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 1000

Magazine size: 33+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 660 rounds

Reload time: 1.8 s

Total Damage: 48

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 32/16

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 16/32

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.2x

Precision multiplier: 1.5x

Status chance: 18%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 40 m, Min damage at 70 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable in the Market.




The Spasmicor is wielded by the YOTYEK (or in a more human language, the CorSek), a paramilitary security corporation, known for it's effectiveness (and brutality) in stemming riots and rebellions. This weapon was built for crowd control and it shows. Firing long range impulse grenades, it instantly incapacitates anyone caught within the blast. The energy of the projectiles can be tampered with to reach lethal levels. It is rumoured that CorSek employees are encouraged by their overseers to do just that.


Innate: Impulse Grenade: This weapon fires long range energy projectiles that instantly explode on impact, stunning all targets hit.

Zoom: Precision mode: Allows to fire the grenades at superior velocity, making them fly straight. Features scope.

Design notes:

Just to make this weapon more of a meme, it's a sniper rifle, with actual scope and zoom combos.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Sniper

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.23 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 20+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 70 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s

Zoom: 1.2x (Grenades fly straight, +10% flat Critical Chance), 2.4x (Grenades explode on proximity, +20% flat Critical Chance)

Combo Decay: 3.0 s

Min. Combo: 5 shots

Total Damage: 545.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 200.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 300.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 45.0

Total Radial Damage: 545.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 200.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 300.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 45.0

Radial range: 8 m

Radial falloff: 50%

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.5x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 20%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable in the Market.





The Goxor is quite literally the same weapon that the Gox (the large Archwing enemy fielded by the Corpus) uses. This powerful space-combat-scale laser cannon has been adapted to be used by infantry, namely the elite Storm Templars, the defenders of Nef Anyo's Temple of Profit organisation. Normally such weapon would not be used by Corpus, as it is quite inefficient cost-wise.


Innate: High-Temperature-Melt Mining Laser: This weapon fires continuous beam with extreme recoil and damage, this weapon procs 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive status every 2 ticks of damage.

Design notes:

This is an archwing weapon, but obviously can be used in atmosphere via the gravimag.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Heavy/Archgun

Type: Heavy

Trigger: Held

Ammo: Heavy/Battery

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 15.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 65.5

Magazine size: 300 rounds per mag/500 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 900 rounds/N/A

Reload time: 2.3 s/2.0 s

Total Damage: 900.0

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 900.0

Crit chance: 20%/15%

Crit multiplier: 2.3x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x(on Land)/1.75x(in Space)

Status chance per sec: 30%/30%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Opticor Research.




The Britron is a versatile assault weapon, primarily used by mercenaries, rail agents and lone guns across the entire System. It's dual barrel and receiver system allows it to accept and fire both physical and energy-based ammo, granting it the ability to fight off any enemy. The switch can be made even mid-shooting. Ergonomic frame allows it to be the weapon of choice when engaging enemies with little to no time to prepare.


Innate: Fire Capacitor: This weapon rapidly gains Fire Rate and Accuracy as it is fired. Spread is also reduced by this effect.

Innate: Tap-Fire: This weapon can gain the benefits of any traits requiring full-auto fire without actually firing at full-auto.

Innate: Ergonomic Frame: This weapon switches to and from more rapidly, this weapon can be used while downed.

Alt-fire: Dual-Purpose: Press to switch between physical kinetic ammo and energy bolts.

Design notes:

It's the british L85A2, but science-fiction looking.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Rifle/Battery

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 15.0 rounds per sec/20.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 34.5/40.0

Magazine size: 31+1 rounds per mag/100 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds/N/A

Reload time: 1.7 s/2.0 s

Total Damage: 37.0/40.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.0/0.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 18.0/0.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 6.0/0.0

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 0.0/40.0

Crit chance: 20%/15%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Precision multiplier: 1.5x

Status chance: 20%/30%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 60 m, Min damage at 90 m,  Min damage: 75%/N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.


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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:



...You had me at Vector in Warframe. (Yes, I've done it before! :P)

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Innate: Trip Beam: This weapon's primary fire mode causes no damage, but makes living enemies fall to the ground, partially paralysed.

Alt-fire: Pulse-Fire: Fires the pulse-fire repeater to damage enemies.


I like what you're going for here, but if given the choice I'd make the repeater mode the primary fire. I... don't think that having to click altfire whenever I plan on using this is a good idea. Course, since I play Frost and Valkyr a lot, it's entirely possible I'm not the target demographic here.

The general idea reminds me of one of Kuzmann's weapons from Spacelords, though. It's just a beam that pushes enemies back and has good damage. Simplistic, yeah, but I think it's simplicity I can work with.

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Innate: Recoil Control: This weapon will quickly adjust it's own recoil (this weapon has no random bullet spread whatsoever) when fired at full auto.


Oooh, Hyperion recoil! Gnarly. 

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Innate: Impulse Grenade: This weapon fires long range energy projectiles that instantly explode on impact, stunning all targets hit.


...Explosive sidearms? Alright, that's always a winning formula for me.


2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

The Goxor is quite literally the same weapon that the Gox (the large Archwing enemy fielded by the Corpus) uses. This powerful space-combat-scale laser cannon has been adapted to be used by infantry, namely the elite Storm Templars, the defenders of Nef Anyo's Temple of Profit organisation. Normally such weapon would not be fielded by Corpus, as it is quite unefficient cost-wise.


Innate: High-Temperature-Melt Mining Laser: This weapon fires continuous beam with extreme recoil and damage, this weapon procs 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive status every 2 ticks of damage.


...This sounds fun.


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Weapon rebalance update: "you have to go back":

Buffed Nidlok's mag capacity to a whopping 80+1, and upgraded it's previously pretty much irrelevant innate effect to grant it bonus fire rate as it is fired.

Added a light source creating functionality to Flarkan. Wow, a flare gun that can make light, such innovation!

Rebalanced the Leviathan's altfire grenade to pulse it's damage in multiple instances, essentially giving it innate multishot, which greatly enhances the "status hose" aspect of this mode.

Remade the Toksilok's zoom bonuses into something relevant, giving it bonus Punchthrough on every zoom level.

Reworked Koilok to be a Battery-powered weapon (like Flux rifle and archwing guns in space) instead of having actual ammo.

Reworked Taktikar's Killshot altfire to execute (instantly kill) enemies on precision hits (headshots and stuff). This will not work on special enemies however. This makes the altfire actually useful at all enemy levels and allows it to be used in non-stealth scenarios.

Rebalanced the Brachak's secondary explosion to pulse it's damage in multiple instances, essentially giving it innate multishot, which greatly enhances the "status hose" aspect of the weapon. This is the same thing I did to the Leviathan.

Added the curiously missing rev-up feature to the Revakar, you'd think I wouldn't forget to put in the namesake feature of the weapon...

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You know what? Have more guns. On the house!

No, actually the reason for this is that I kinda split the weapons used by the Mercenaries into two Reinforcements (Britron from above being the first one of those), and so, I want to show them all now.

Corpus Reinforcements 3: Electric Beegalee (?)

Last time I said things would get eccentric. Well, I guess it's true today as well.  Introducing: Spectacor Launcher, Silentron Sniper Rifle, Pulsatron Pistol (+ a dual version), Rengetron Wave Cannon and last but not least, the Kaustix Chemthrower.

As always, full stats will come later. DONE.





The Spectacor is a brutal and powerful weapon system, utilizing super heated plasma trapped in a semi-stable magnetic field for area denial purposes and anti-materiel warfare. Plasma bomblets fired by this launcher will explode on hitting their targets, but instead of simply disappearing into nothingness afterwards, the resulting energy heatsphere remains in place for several seconds. Firing into it will further increase it's lifetime and size, up to a critical saturation point, at which the energy construct detonates with power that wouldn't be shameful for a dying star. The projectiles can be further treated in the reactor to create a bouncing effect, at the cost of the heatsphere's lifetime.


Innate: Mag-Field Plasma Bomblets: This weapon's projectiles stick to whatever they hit and project a highly damaging heatsphere for a duration. Firing projectiles into the sphere increases it's size, damage and duration, up to a cap, when it will instantly collapse upon itself.

Alt-fire: Reverse-Polarization Reactor: Switches between sticky and bouncy projectiles.

Design notes:

Funnily enough, @(XB1)Fluffywolf36 made a shotgun named the same way recently. Check it out, it's pretty rad.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.2 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 24 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 240 rounds

Reload time: 2.3 s

Total Damage: 450.0 + 45.0 per sec

18?cb=20140124221425 Blast: 150.0 + 15.0 per sec

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 300.0 + 30.0 per sec

Crit chance: 18%

Crit multiplier: 2.2x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Lenz Research.




The Silentron is a unconventional sniper rifle, trading raw stopping power for more "nefarious" utility. Each shot of this fast firing weapon, while not as deadly as others in it's class, can short out energy systems of most units in the origin system, causing them to be unable to activate their abilities for a short duration. This works on Warframes. In a pinch, this somewhat long weapon can be folded in, converting it into a fully-automatic carbine-length firearm, perfect for shorter ranges.


Innate: Silencer: This weapon disables ability usage for a short duration. This feature grows stronger with combo multiplier.

Alt-fire: Carbine Conversion: Switch between sniper mode and carbine mode.

Design notes:

Inspired by the (phased out in this thread's reality) Nuliifiers, who are obviously using Lankas. Basically, I made a weapon from fusing the Nullifier and the Lanka.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Semi-Auto/Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 3 rounds per sec/15 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 30+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 120 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s/1.9 s

Zoom: 1.5x (+25% Critical Damage), 2.5x (+50% Critical Damage) (only in sniper mode)

Combo Decay: 3.0 s

Min. Combo: 6 shots

Total Damage: 250.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 40.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 180.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 30.0

Crit chance: 28%

Crit multiplier: 2.4x

Precision multiplier: 2.75x/1.5x

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Lanka Research.

Pulsatron & Dual Pulsatron:



The Pulsatron is a somewhat cumbersome firearm, but that doesn't stop it from being very popular amongst many mercenaries and Corpus overseers, and that is due to it's functionality, which greatly enhances squad-based combat. The Pulsatron fires magnetic pulse rounds, which not only possess strong homing capabilities, but also bestow that effect on any projectiles fired nearby. This weapon singlehandedly allows higher ups to direct the fire of their entire retinue, with no words, no orders spoken. Simply aim, and you're aiming for everyone else too.


Innate: Magnetic Pulse Rounds: This weapon homes onto enemies and causes enemies hit to attract projectiles.

Design notes:

Another support weapon, it's kind of a theme for my reworked Corpus.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 12.4 rounds per sec/24.8

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 40 rounds per mag/80 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds/800 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s/3.9 s

Total Damage: 35.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 5.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 20.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 10.0

Crit chance: 15%/18%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 20%/24%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230/ N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprints obtainable in the Market.





The hulking Rengetron is a specialist weapon, firing a huge, conical wave of radiation, it can melt enemies extremely fast. Crafty operators can use it's matter-piercing properties to spy on their enemies through all walls and cover, and when time is right, unleash arcing electrolasers at unsuspecting foes.


Innate: Roentgen Wave: This weapon has infinite punchthrough.

Innate: Radiowave: Instead of firing in a line, this beam weapon projects a cone of effect.

Zoom: Penetrator laser: This weapon passively highlights and marks all enemies in front of it when zoomed in. Firing the weapon while zoomed in projects arcing electrolasers at all marked enemies.

Alt-fire: Radial Projector: When zoomed in, the alt-fire fires the unzoomed primary fire. 

Design notes:

This weapon works kinda like the Quatz, having a different firing mode when zoomed, instead of altfire. So, I used the altfire button to allow players to use the main fire while zoomed. Cool.


Mastery: 15

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Held/Held

Ammo: Sniper

Range limit: 25 m

Noise: Silent

Fire rate: 8.0 rounds per sec/10.0 rounds per second

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 200 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 600 rounds

Reload time: 3.0 s

Total Damage: 800.0

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 800.0

Crit chance: 20%/25%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Requires Spectacor Research.




The lethal Kaustix sprays an energetically activated chemical cloud in a wide radius, causing massive damage to all targets within. The semi-plasmatic state of the chemical compound fired causes it to become incredibly hard to get remove from victims, which further enhances it's deadliness. Witnesses report additional trauma like blindness, weakness to most energy types and melting. This thing would be banned in more civilized times faster than you can say "Geneva".


Innate: Bioweapon: This weapon causes a damage over time effect on it's targets and decreases the potency of healing effects on them.

Innate: Deadly compound: This weapon's DoT effect can randomly cause debuffs such as: blindness, elemental damage weakness, armor removal, shield malfunction, complete melting of the victim's body (instakills the target, only possible on normal units), etc.

Design notes:

The name and inspiration for the functionality made by @DrMegavolt.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Primary

Type: Launcher

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Heavy

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 6 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 54 rounds

Reload time: 2.2 s

Total Damage: 550.0

18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive: 180.0

18?cb=20140124221427 Gas: 185.0

18?cb=20140124221459 Viral: 185.0

Crit chance: 10%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 40%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Chemmen.


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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

The Spectacor is a brutal and powerful weapon system, utilizing super heated plasma trapped in a semi-stable magnetic field for area denial purposes and anti-materiel warfare. Plasma bomblets fired by this launcher will explode on hitting their targets, but instead of simply disappearing into nothingness afterwards, the resulting energy heatsphere remains in place for several seconds. Firing into it will further increase it's lifetime and size, up to a critical saturation point, at which the energy construct detonates with power that wouldn't be shameful for a dying star. The projectiles can be further treated in the reactor to create a bouncing effect, at the cost of the heatsphere's lifetime.


Ooooh.... this sounds fun! It's especially funny cause I made a weapon with similar grenade mechanics recently. Well, not like totally similar - mine has a beam mode you fire through the explosions to increase range. Also the explosions are meant to persist for awhile.

That said, there's much more SPACELORDS (MUTHA MUTHA) in mine. Gonna make a standalone version of it SOON™, too!

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Funnily enough, @(XB1)Fluffywolf36 made a shotgun named the same way recently. Check it out, it's pretty rad.


Thanks so much for the shoutout, dood! 

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Inspired by the (phased out in this thread's reality) Nuliifiers

Odd to hear that, but... reh, screw nullifiers. They're not that interesting.


2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Innate: Silencer: This weapon disables ability usage for a short duration. This feature grows stronger with combo multiplier.


Oooh. This sounds fun. It'd be nice to turn these on Sentients or something... or Shock Moas.

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Alt-fire: Carbine Conversion: Switch between sniper mode and carbine mode.


Oooh, is it automatic? Burstfire? Charged-auto? Anyway, I've done this setup before, that's pretty fun. Shame we don't see more of it in Warframe - we've got an Opticor/AR hybrid, a mini-plasmor/AR hybrid, assault rifles with fire selectors... but no AR/snipers. Huh. This looks like a fun, versatile gun.


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54 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Odd to hear that, but... reh, screw nullifiers. They're not that interesting.

Only the specific Nullifier unit (the sniper with nullifier backpack) is phased out:

On 2019-04-27 at 2:48 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Nullifier Eximus:

These units gain a resistance to aoe weapons and abilities as well as this trait:

Ability: Null Bubble: This unit can create a spherical protective field around themselves, which deals minor 18?cb=20140124221426 Electric damage to enemies within and blocks power usage. 

Pretty much any unit can spawn as this Eximus.

On 2018-12-19 at 11:55 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Nullifier Strain: Tenno affected by Nullifier Strain will become staggered the moment they attempt to cast a power. This effect drains more rapidly while Transferenced out.

This effect can currently be applied by e.g.: Temple Elite Strikers, Temple Nullifier Snipers and the High-TechPriest Stomas Klan;



56 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Oooh, is it automatic? Burstfire? Charged-auto?


3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

In a pinch, this somewhat long weapon can be folded in, converting it into a fully-automatic carbine-length firearm, perfect for shorter ranges.


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5 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

You know what? Have more guns. On the house!

No, actually the reason for this is that I kinda split the weapons used by the Mercenaries into two Reinforcements (Britron from above being the first one of those), and so, I want to show them all now.

Corpus Reinforcements 3: Electric Beegalee (?)

Last time I said things would get eccentric. Well, I guess it's true today as well.  Introducing: Spectacor Launcher, Silentron Sniper Rifle, Pulsatron Pistol (+ a dual version), Rengetron Wave Cannon and last but not least, the Kaustix Chemthrower.

As always, full stats will come later.



  Hide contents


The Spectacor is a brutal and powerful weapon system, utilizing super heated plasma trapped in a semi-stable magnetic field for area denial purposes and anti-materiel warfare. Plasma bomblets fired by this launcher will explode on hitting their targets, but instead of simply disappearing into nothingness afterwards, the resulting energy heatsphere remains in place for several seconds. Firing into it will further increase it's lifetime and size, up to a critical saturation point, at which the energy construct detonates with power that wouldn't be shameful for a dying star. The projectiles can be further treated in the reactor to create a bouncing effect, at the cost of the heatsphere's lifetime.


Innate: Mag-Field Plasma Bomblets: This weapon's projectiles stick to whatever they hit and project a highly damaging heatsphere for a duration. Firing projectiles into the sphere increases it's size, damage and duration, up to a cap, when it will instantly coillapse upon itself.

Alt-fire: Reverse-Polarization Reactor: Switches between sticky and bouncy projectiles.

Design notes:

Funnily enough, @(XB1)Fluffywolf36 made a shotgun named the same way recently. Check it out, it's pretty rad.








Fire rate: rounds per sec


Magazine size: rounds per mag

Max ammo: rounds

Reload time: s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: %

Crit multiplier: x

Status chance: %

Damage falloff: Full damage up to  m, Min damage at  m,  max reduction %


Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.


  Reveal hidden contents


The Silentron is a unconventional sniper rifle, trading raw stopping power for more "nefarious" utility. Each shot of this fast firing weapon, while not as deadly as others in it's class, can short out energy systems of most units in the origin system, causing them to be unable to activate their abilities for a short duration. This works on Warframes. In a pinch, this somewhat long weapon can be folded in, converting it into a fully-automatic carbine-length firearm, perfect for shorter ranges.


Innate: Silencer: This weapon disables ability usage for a short duration. This feature grows stronger with combo multiplier.

Alt-fire: Carbine Conversion: Switch between sniper mode and carbine mode.

Design notes:

Inspired by the (phased out in this thread's reality) Nuliifiers, who are obviously using Lankas. Basically, I made a weapon from fusing the Nullifier and the Lanka.








Fire rate: rounds per sec


Magazine size: rounds per mag

Max ammo: rounds

Reload time: s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: %

Crit multiplier: x

Status chance: %

Damage falloff: Full damage up to  m, Min damage at  m,  max reduction %


Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.

Pulsatron & Dual Pulsatron:

  Reveal hidden contents


The Pulsatron is a somewhat cumbersome firearm, but that doesn't stop it from being very popular amongst many mercenaries and Corpus overseers, and that is due to it's functionality, which greatly enhances squad-based combat. The Pulsatron fires magnetic pulse rounds, which not only possess strong homing capabilities, but also bestow that effect on any projectiles fired nearby. This weapon singlehandedly allows higher ups to direct the fire of their entire retinue, with no words, no orders spoken. Simply aim, and you're aiming for everyone else too.


Innate: Magnetic Pulse Rounds: This weapon homes onto enemies and causes enemies hit to attract projectiles.

Design notes:

Another support weapon, it's kind of a theme for my reworked Corpus.








Fire rate: rounds per sec


Magazine size: rounds per mag

Max ammo: rounds

Reload time: s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: %

Crit multiplier: x

Status chance: %

Damage falloff: Full damage up to  m, Min damage at  m,  max reduction %


Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.



  Reveal hidden contents


The hulking Rengetron is a specialist weapon, firing a huge, conical wave of radiation, it can melt enemies extremely fast. Crafty operators can use it's matter-piercing properties to spy on their enemies through all walls and cover, and when time is right, unleash arcing electrolasers at unsuspecting foes.


Innate: Roentgen Wave: This weapon has infinite punchthrough.

Innate: Radiowave: Instead of firing in a line, this beam weapon projects a cone of effect.

Zoom: Penetrator laser: This weapon passively highlights and marks all enemies in front of it when zoomed in. Firing the weapon while zoomed in projects arcing electrolasers at all marked enemies.

Alt-fire: Radial Projector: When zoomed in, the alt-fire fires the unzoomed primary fire. 

Design notes:

This weapon works kinda like the Quatz, having a different firing mode when zoomed, instead of altfire. So, I used the altfire button to allow players to use the main fire while zoomed. Cool.








Fire rate: rounds per sec


Magazine size: rounds per mag

Max ammo: rounds

Reload time: s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: %

Crit multiplier: x

Status chance: %

Damage falloff: Full damage up to  m, Min damage at  m,  max reduction %


Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Energy lab.


  Reveal hidden contents


The lethal Kaustix sprays an energetically activated chemical cloud in a wide radius, causing massive damage to all targets within. The semi-plasmatic state of the chemical compound fired causes it to become incredibly hard to get remove from victims, which further enhances it's deadliness. Witnesses report additional trauma like blindness, weakness to most energy types and melting. This thing would be banned in more civilized times faster than you can say "Geneva".


Innate: Bioweapon: This weapon causes a damage over time effect on it's targets and decreases the potency of healing effects on them.

Innate: Deadly compound: This weapon's DoT effect can randomly cause debuffs such as: blindness, elemental damage weakness, armor removal, shield malfunction, complete melting of the victim's body (instakills the target, only possible on normal units), etc.

Design notes:

The name and inspiration for the functionality made by @DrMegavolt.








Fire rate: rounds per sec


Magazine size: rounds per mag

Max ammo: rounds

Reload time: s

Piercing: %

Total Damage: 

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 

Crit chance: %

Crit multiplier: x

Status chance: %

Damage falloff: Full damage up to  m, Min damage at  m,  max reduction %


Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Chemmen.


Back to the Main Post


  Ah, bit of a break tween publishings on my end to have a go at your workpile!


   Oooo, get a loada that, slike a portable equivilant to Nova's micro-scale collapsing stars. Tasty way to allow for certain frames to use the abilities of other suits in a limited manner.

  Ah, another example of cross-frame arsenal shareing, this time through the lens of the banshee suit. The second aspect definitely reminds me of one of my own upcoming designs, hehehe! Swhat I get for being so slow in the creation department.


Ahhhh, the Corps taking a page from the Grins, but, cutting out the waste I see! Good stuff on this one, though, this will only work with projectile weapons, correct?


(Strange. . . these next two seem to have a fascinating graphical quality jump to them! Did you spend extra time on these two, or something? The detailing is just so markedly better, said without malice or maliciousness. It could just be my eyes, but, that's what I'm seeing.)


   Ah, lovely, bonus points when utilized with our dear friend Banshee's target-highlighting capabilities, net those nasty hard targets from where they can't quite reach until the thing goes click/beep.


Mmmmm, a randomized hell-spout for when you don't know just WHAT you want to inflict on the enemy, so you just dump the whole kitchen sink on em.

Did you meet up with Mr. Volt in private chat or Discord to build thisun? Or is it a more indirect inspiration?




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14 hours ago, Unus said:

this will only work with projectile weapons, correct?

Yes. Since pretty much all Corpus weapons are in fact projectile firing, this makes it so it only really works for them (obviously a solid amount of Tenno weapons uses projectiles as well, so you know, Yay for team synergies!)

14 hours ago, Unus said:

Strange. . . these next two seem to have a fascinating graphical quality jump to them!

I think I munted some settings when fixing my phone's terrible photo quality, the second picture sure is more clear and sharp.

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Important update:

Currently working on 2 (yes, two, I know I said one last time) small-to-medium scale Corpus events, complete with a short comic and solid lore expansion for our Corpus cast.

What comes after that?

Ha, you see, that's actually somewhat dependant on YOU! Yes, You, the reader of this post (as well as other people who read this).

It's time to choose Your destiny, choose Your enemy. So, choose, and choose wisely*.

YES, I'm making 2 ALL NEW Factions. Not enemies, not guns, not syndicates, but FACTIONS, as large and complex as Grineer and Corpus. Perhaps even larger and more complex...


Cast Your Vote!

#StrengthtoViSoRi or #StrengthtotheTorment


A secret from before the Golden Gods have risen. They have watched, and now they are coming back.


Evil beyond reality and understanding. A crusade against nature. Their suffering is an offering to Her.



Disclaimer: Both factions will be featured in this thread at some point anyway. This question is only about which one should appear first.


*both choices are likely to end in death, I take no responsibility, and cannot be taken to any legal responsibility for the results of your poor choices.

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   Hm. . . hm. . . Decisions. . . decisions.


   If memory serves, I feel as though you mentioned the Visori in the past at some point. An A.R.G. you tried mayhaps? Think I'll stick my vote there for the mo.


  Hm, wonder if we can try and intertangle some of the factions we make at some point, get em to interact in some aspect or another.

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22 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Congratulations! You may now title yourself "That person who voted for Torment", cause you're the first (and currently the only) one.

We are sitting at a heavy advantage to the ViSoRi, at 6 votes to 1. Oof.

I like your grineer desing so I want to see what you would do with a faction based on suffering.

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