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Deimos Claw Skin for Hirudo

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Hello. I just bought Nidus Phryke Bundle. When I was about to equip Deimos Skin I saw it was only available for claws and Hirudo is a sparring type melee weapon. I always play Nidus with Hirudo. Can you please make it available for Hirudo or something. Thanks for reading!

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Yeah I was a bit disappointed in this skin being for claws and not fists, seeing as Hirudo is not only Nidus' signature fist weapon but there are only 3 claw weapons in the game while there are 5 sparring weapons. Not to mention claws are decent at best while some of the sparring weapons are downright awesome, also Kogake prime was introduced not all that long ago and while it looks awesome on its own it would've been nice to throw out a skin it could use. So all in all the skin would get far better use as a sparring skin than a claw skin, but alas DE does not agree. 

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I'd love a hirudo prime that does slash instead of puncture, but realistically unless they do some pretty major reworks of the claws and sparring weapons in the melee rework that's coming, neither claws, nor sparring weapons, are much worth using.

I think what they need for close range weapons as opposed to "breaking long range melees" which is their solution to the problem, don't fix what doesn't work, break what does... What they should do is significantly increase the damage of weapons intended to be used on single targets and introduce a connection assist system. Right now with weapons like the hirudo you just break dance and anything that gets caught inside the weapon's tiny area of effect takes damage... Add in a connection assist system, you punch, you magnetize to the target with in range, and fist them in the face, or stab them, or slash them, or pound them with the furax.... And you stay connected to them while your combo continues, you can still have an area of effect but it basically means you're not just flailing your fists and doing damage where you can. Would also help a lot with both hirudo's mule kick slide attack, and the fists uppercut. Broad sweeping strikes that have no impact assistance is one thing, but weapons intended to be used against individual targets is a different matter. 

And the glaives. The glaives need to hunt out targets. Otherwise the power throw build where it only hits one target is all they get used for, if you have it built for 5 bounces, it needs to track down 5 enemies or just bounce between two, as long as there's a line of sight to a target, it needs to hit a target. 

Gunblades also need some revisions... Simply breaking the long ranged weapons isn't going to help, they need to fix the weapons like claws and brawling weapons.

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On 2018-07-27 at 3:43 PM, xXDeadsinxX said:

Hirudo is a sparring weapon, which is different from a claw weapon. As cool as it would be to have the skin available on the Hirudo, it won't work since they are completely different from each other. 

You read the OP, and this is what you chose to reply with? 😛

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I would also like if the skin could be used on all first weapons, claws and sparring.
However, Sparring weapons have parts that are attached to the feet aswell.
So DE would have to model something to go on the feet if that was going to happen, and then it would have to become a totally new skin.

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