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No More Auto-Rolling Please (Or Toggle Option)


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Hello there,


Currently, and since a long time I guess (I only arrived in May), warframes are performing auto rolls when falling from high heights or such.


You will say "yeah but it seems logical in order to not crash yourself".



Certainly you are true but :


- "auto rolling" prevents us from getting where we want after a jump/fall (oh god I <ent beyond those stairs I wanted to land on, ...).

- If, for instance, a pod, a mate is under attack, you can't help him/prevent pod destruction after your drop, since you're going to roll.

- melee attacking to the ground is not the best solution because you cannot perform any other action during this time.



If you did this in the sake of "balancing",  I'd rather suffer health damage from my fall rather than aimlessly rolling around.




So please, let us choose if either want to roll after a fall or not.

It would allow us to have a better control of our actions. Isn't  Warframe's moto "Ninjas play free" ?
Thanks very much.
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To prevent your ankles *and hands* from taking all of that weight in a sudden burst, they alleviate the pressure by rolling.


Therefore, this movement is one of the more logical movements in the game, unlike wall vaulting, or sliding for momentum.


I disagree, this is completely realistic. If anything, just jump attack next time.

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To prevent your ankles *and hands* from taking all of that weight in a sudden burst, they alleviate the pressure by rolling.


Therefore, this movement is one of the more logical movements in the game, unlike wall vaulting, or sliding for momentum.


I disagree, this is completely realistic. If anything, just jump attack next time.


Your fall damage/pressure logic fails, since you can jump off any height and slide to the ground, dropping on your cushioned buttcheeks.


More than often I've fallen off a cliff due to the automatic roll, and you can't always start a slide mid-flight.


A good middle ground would be to just not make it roll if you keep crouch pressed.

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Your fall damage/pressure logic fails, since you can jump off any height and slide to the ground, dropping on your cushioned buttcheeks.

I did say that is was one of the most realistic movements.


I did not say that there wasn't unrealistic options to proceed though, as I even mentioned the Jump attack one.

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Rolling after falling from heights makes sense. What doesn't is rolling after falling 6 inches, then having a rolling chain because each roll takes you over a small drop that starts another one until you fall down a chasm, hit a wall (and continue the rolling animation), or roll straight into a heavy unit who promptly flips you on your back.



Can't forget the "stick the landing" animation that can occur from just jumping up and down ("That was an awesome landing! Who cares if I'm being shot at!?")

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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To prevent your ankles *and hands* from taking all of that weight in a sudden burst, they alleviate the pressure by rolling.


Therefore, this movement is one of the more logical movements in the game, unlike wall vaulting, or sliding for momentum.


I disagree, this is completely realistic. If anything, just jump attack next time.


 Perhaps, but the problem is that you roll even from jumping UP. meaning that you get to a higher platform, and you will roll anyway. Also, it is a game about space ninjas that fight hordes of robots, aliens, and clones, and where you can use super powers and to top that, we are wearing super suits. 'Logical movements' and that of being 'realistic' should be of not much concern.


 I totally agree with the poster, if they want that for any sort of balancing issues (not realistic thing), I would prefer to take damage as well, or at least let me roll to the direction I am looking at. I would use those options any time. I am tired of rolling away the place I want to get to, specially when my target is small.

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I don't know if this will be "fixed" as I'm not sure it's actually broken. I don't mind it too much for certain. Anyway, here's a couple of tips how to get by it.


Jump, then slide - you'll end up sliding once you reach the ground, and that can be stopped almost immediately.


Alternatively, if you don't have enough momentum to do a jump slide or you don't want the speed boost, you can still use the melee jump smash, but check this video out first:




 Perhaps, but the problem is that you roll even from jumping UP. meaning that you get to a higher platform, and you will roll anyway. 

That only happens if you keep holding the sprint button.

Edited by Archon357
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To prevent your ankles *and hands* from taking all of that weight in a sudden burst, they alleviate the pressure by rolling.


Therefore, this movement is one of the more logical movements in the game, unlike wall vaulting, or sliding for momentum.


I disagree, this is completely realistic. If anything, just jump attack next time.

not with an armors like tanno have - those things will absorb any shocks - you jump from huge heights and if you don't move towards direction you will not roll - how realistic is that ?

and not realistic in this game ? rly?

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To prevent your ankles *and hands* from taking all of that weight in a sudden burst, they alleviate the pressure by rolling.


Therefore, this movement is one of the more logical movements in the game, unlike wall vaulting, or sliding for momentum.


I disagree, this is completely realistic. If anything, just jump attack next time.



Good thing you speak about "realistic or real life". and good thing someone above me gave arguments against this.


So in real life, if you fall in a deep pit, you are miraculously brought back near the point you fell from ?


If you autoroll in a pit, does your warframe (and therefore your character) want to commit suicide ?



Since the game occurs in the future, as someone stated before, your suit can have devices to compensate height falls (sorry but even in real life, given the falls you can survive in this game, rolling or meleee attacking the ground would not prevent you from dying).


The rolling ability is mainly aesthetical and not at all "real". Main problem IS that the rolling ability is annoying and impeding our movements and behaviour.


So far, the best solutions would be either :


- a toggle option "no rolling / auto rolling mod"

- keeping the crouch key while hitting the ground would prevent rolling (as someone also made this proposition above).

- potentially adding health loss (no big deal with appropriate aura) if you don't want to roll.



I do hope this suggestion will be taken in account by the dev because I guess many people are annoyed by this.

(best example is rolling into a pit - who would find this logical ? It's a comical situation at best - it made me laugh a couple of time).

It's also a great "time waster" when odds are against the tenno (fleeing exploding base, defending pod, protecting or reviving comrades).

Edited by Aasimar069
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Or you could always use an ability at the last second. Those tend to stop you from rolling and also cancels out the jump melee.


This does not solve the problem, since you won't be able to use your ability later...


Thanks for trying, tho.

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Sure you can, why wouldnt you be able to? Not like it has a cooldown.


if you are OOM ?  

Mana is not available on every situation.

Neither do you have the siphon mod activated.


I should list all potential situations, so that you don't come with false arguments lol

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I hate that stupid galleon room with the pillar in the middle you have to jump on to, and there's 4 ways to exit that room.


To reach the pillar, you pretty much need a running start. Half of the time, you roll right off the pillar.


Also, that Galleon room with the 4 pillars that you have to jump up onto 3 of them in order ot get ot the 2nd floor. Half of the time, you roll when you land on the pillar. WTF, jump UP and then roll as soon as you hit the ground? yaaaa okaay.


That's why I try to catch the EDGE of the ledge so my warframe will grab the ledge and pull him/herself up, but if I miss, then I fall straight down and then I need to start all over again......while getting shot at.


It is a crapshoot whether or not you will actually land and stay on the ledge because of the lame auto-roll mechanics.


I can understand auto-roll after a long fall, but when jumping a gap and landing on a ledge of equal height? Jumping up to a ledge above you? You shouldn't be rolling in those cases.

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if you are OOM ?  

Mana is not available on every situation.

Neither do you have the siphon mod activated.


I should list all potential situations, so that you don't come with false arguments lol

Thats if you abuse the crap outta your mana. Idk about others, but i always seem to have max (or near max) mana. Plus enemies drop as much energy as they spew bullets and plasma/energy. If you run outta energy and you arent in a energy leak Nightmare Mode, i think you're doing something wrong. XD

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They should give us the option to execute a soft landing if we press crouch right when we land. This way we can retain control of our character instead of being forced to lose control for the roll's duration.


Or you could melee and hit jump right as you land and already do that right now with no dev intervention.

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I would be happy if I can just hit the melee key once to stop the fall auto-roll. Sword stab into ground for a 'stop and get up' or a immediate vector change by spinning around the sword.


'Jump' melee attacking while falling doesn't stop the player from 'sliding' as if in the auto-roll as well :/

Edited by DSMK2
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Thats if you abuse the crap outta your mana. Idk about others, but i always seem to have max (or near max) mana. Plus enemies drop as much energy as they spew bullets and plasma/energy. If you run outta energy and you arent in a energy leak Nightmare Mode, i think you're doing something wrong. XD



=> So the next time there's a hole in your roof and rain is going inside, I do hope your landlord (or flat owner) will tell you "open your umbrella" instead of making repairs on your roof ;-)



Since you're obviously  willing to troll (yeah I know I should not feed you).


What if you get hit by an Acient Disrupter just before ? 


See ?



Don't try to justify yourself there *are* situations where you don't have enough mana (for instance only the 4th ability because your suit has no orokin reactor, and such. Do I have to list it for you if you can't imagine them by yourself ? ...).


You'd rather try to see how this can be annoying in many situations instead of willing to be "right" when obviously you're not at all in the subject.



And if you have to do something else (use abilities, use melee in the ground) to prevent something you don't want to occur (here auto-rolling), obviously there's something wrong.

Edited by Aasimar069
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=> So the next time there's a hole in your roof and rain is going inside, I do hope your landlord (or flat owner) will tell you "open your umbrella" instead of making repairs on your roof ;-)



Since you're obviously  willing to troll (yeah I know I should not feed you).


What if you get hit by an Acient Disrupter just before ? 


See ?



Don't try to justify yourself there *are* situations where you don't have enough mana (for instance only the 4th ability because your suit has no orokin reactor, and such. Do I have to list it for you if you can't imagine them by yourself ? ...).


You'd rather try to see how this can be annoying in many situations instead of willing to be "right" when obviously you're not at all in the subject.



And if you have to do something else (use abilities, use melee in the ground) to prevent something you don't want to occur (here auto-rolling), obviously there's something wrong.

Not trying to troll at all. Its just theres always so much energy even if you do get hit by a disruptor, chances are you can walk no more than 10 feet and find an energy orb. You can also deny the energy disruption by blocking with melee.


Honestly if you feel i'm trolling, i'm sorry it seems that way, but i'm not trying to at all. I'm just simply doing basically the same as you are and stating ways that its still viable as opposed to you saying its not viable at all.



Also, wishing for ill onto others isnt the smartest idea...tends to turn around and bite back...especially when i've done nothing with the intent of insulting you.

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To prevent your ankles *and hands* from taking all of that weight in a sudden burst, they alleviate the pressure by rolling.

Therefore, this movement is one of the more logical movements in the game, unlike wall vaulting, or sliding for momentum.

I disagree, this is completely realistic. If anything, just jump attack next time.

So lemme get this straight. I am a Tenno. I wear an exo-skeleton frame from the far far future that can run up walls, disappear, get shot by plasma weapons, and do all other amount of incredible stuff but I have to roll almost every time I jump. If Apature Science can come up with the long fall boot today why is it that my practically magical super-powerful ninja space suit needs to roll when I walk down the stairs.


Truth (probably) is that the Devs were trying to add in movement options (like the wall run) and someone came up with this idea without having played much of the game yet. The roll and the straight fall animations clearly break the pace of the game, and flow of combat.


You're tying to apply realistic to a warframe? Really O,o  ?!? Any of these warframes should be able to jump off a thousand foot cliff and land shooting.


Edit: using an ability is a band-aid not a solution. I can also make it though most maps by running around instead of jumping at all. It still doesn't change the fact that the forced rolling animations break the flow of combat. I shouldn't have to put my left arm in and shake it all about any time I want to jump in this game, I should be able to just jump and land shooting, ya know, like a ninja, in the future, in space, wearing super powered armor.

Edited by Carcharias
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Not trying to troll at all. Its just theres always so much energy even if you do get hit by a disruptor, chances are you can walk no more than 10 feet and find an energy orb. You can also deny the energy disruption by blocking with melee.


Honestly if you feel i'm trolling, i'm sorry it seems that way, but i'm not trying to at all. I'm just simply doing basically the same as you are and stating ways that its still viable as opposed to you saying its not viable at all.



Also, wishing for ill onto others isnt the smartest idea...tends to turn around and bite back...especially when i've done nothing with the intent of insulting you.



Well, I guess I have been to harsh when saying you're trolling.

But i guess you understand that when you arrive saying you can find another work around, that is not satisfying at all and that can't be used everytime (please don't say again you can ALWAYS do it) and that you keep saying it *is* a solution, I believe you knew that it would cause some problems.


As other some posts also stated above, this auto rolling feature is leading to many problems that can be, given the situation quite anoying. You can't deny that. So instead of finding broken workarounds, why don't you accept that people are not  pleased with the way autorolling is currently working ?


A toggle solution would satisfy everybody.

If you want to keep rolling and use your abilities to stop it, you can.

If you don't, you would be able to toggle it off.


By the way, you did not answered me last time : If there's a hole in your roof, rain flowing inside your home, what would you say if your land lord tells you "open your umbrella"  inside your house, instead of proceeding to repair this roof ?


"open your umbrella" = your temporary work around suggestion of always using abilities.

proceeding to the repairs = the best logical solution.



I believe I was clear this time. Have a nice day !

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