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October 16Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.


Content vs Gameplay


A recent conservation with Steve reflected on the situation a lot of our long term players find themselves in “our players are becoming bored. We can give you all the mods in the world to find, but without a reason to have these mods they become lackluster.”


This isn’t a surprise to many players on the forums because it has been a popular topic for awhile. There is a need for a more detailed story line and a purpose for 500+ hours of game play. Some great story line threads have been posted and it’s amazing to see what players come up with based on their Warframe experiences.


The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.


Speaking of the new Warframe, what’s her deal? We got an update from Mynki on her progress!


Mynki: “The design is coming along pretty well-- got a rough sketch and back-story worked out on the weekend, hoping to have a good concept of her tomorrow evening.”


Players have expressed their concern of Volt being left on the back burner, with the balancing of other Warframes taking precedent. He doesn’t measure up to what he could be, and from what we’ve been reading; he needs some love and Scott has acknowledged this:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/120240-entry-2-%E2%80%93-oct-15-2013/page-3



Last Chance Weapons


With the Boar, Gorgon, Ether Daggers and Machete all advertised as “Last Chance” a concern has been brought up in the Community as to what this “retirement” means. These items are not permanently gone; they could be brought back at any time, “out of retirement” so to speak.


Sheldon: “We’re trying to set up for more “new-user weapons” and some of the weapons (like the Boar) just don’t fit the art style. There is always a chance of them coming back.”


Mutagen Update


Sheldon: “We’ve read your feedback on how to balance Mutagen. From what we’re seeing, there hasn’t been a flux in Mutagen crafting since it was put in the Derelicts. This could be due to The Orokin Vaults being introduced, but we will be keeping an eye on it and will consider tweaking it when necessary.”


New Community Moderator


As of yesterday Letter13 has joined the English community moderator team! With the inclusion of the Portugese forums, we also have Renan.Ruvio on board to assist with Portugese and English!

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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.


When do they expect this being live on servers(sure you don't have a exact completion date but I'm sure DE has a time frame on when they want it out)? How long are the test going to take? Are you going to ask for specific feedback that should be added to this "Poke'dex"?  Like I understand this is a grind game. But I for one will not do 120 runs to get 1 item that I have no clue where to get in the void.


Side Note: Why is it taking almost 2 weeks to get community Hot Topics out ? It use to be weekly.

Edited by Gravefire
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It's going to be design council only unfortunately. 

Eventually it will hopefully be on a livestream.Dont say that yet! Just look at Nekros.: Mynki “The design is coming along pretty well-- got a rough sketch and back-story worked out on the weekend, hoping to have a good concept of her tomorrow evening.”

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Reasonable round up, although Nekros has yet to receive any attention.


Volt topics have recently taken over, but Nekros was still a reasonably hot topic and has yet to receive any changes from release which he really needs to be an asset to the team.


Also will "one hit wonder" frames receive a tweak after Scott has addressed Volt and the new frame? By "one hit wonders" I mean Frost and Banshee, frames that get by on one amazing skill but the rest of their kit is reasonably lackluster.

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Drop Tables


"...This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams..."


When do they expect this being live on servers ? How long are the test going to take? Like I understand this is a grind game. But I for one will not do 120 runs to get 1 item that I have no clue where to get in the void.


Your question was answered in the original post.

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The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.

I hoped this topic was already put to rest. I really like the balance of female and male Warframes and I feel creating a gender opposite version of a frame, especially with different abilities, just to appease this crowd is not only a bad creative decision, but would also put into question of referring to it as a simple gender swap, because it's anything but. I understand and respect the reasons why people want gender choices but I feel the decision DE made to keep them as they are is the right one. I really hope you don't buckle on this like PvP, DE. Also, no hate on PvP lovers, if you like it, enjoy it.

I think what bothers me the most is that I have seen DE, time and time again, express no interest in creating opposite gender Warframes and if I remember correctly, even stated a few times that they won't do it but with the topic being resurrected once more, it will probably happen to appease the crowd as they did with dueling. I'd like to say, again, that my stance on the subject does not hold spite for those who want it, if you want gender changes, good for you, but I will not agree.

Edited by Haldos
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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.

I'm not sure this will solve the problem. The real thing people used datamined tables for was void rewards and other such things. Stuff like the elusive latron prime receiver - where if you get one, you probably won't need another one ever again. The idea being that you can farm a specific key with the highest chance to get the part you want instead of wasting time in a void mission with little-no chance of getting what you want.

I mean, maybe if it's a record of where all players in your clan have found something it could be useful, but the problem with the whole codex idea is once you *have* a specific drop, you usually won't need another unless it's a resource like ferrite or mutagen or something.

I do love me some lore though so if the codex has more lore, I'll be happy. :p

Edit: Also the quote tags appear to be broken on the forums. Megan's original text in italics. :(

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.


Would have been nice for you to wait until you finished with your Codex before shutting us out of your drop tables.  At least for a short while, so we're not flying blind right off the bat.

Edited by Katakuna
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The return to Gender Swap.


With the talk of a new female Warframe joining our family, the conversation about male/female versions of Warframes is re-emerging from the community.  Scott and Steve both agree that if we ever decide to do male/female frames, the opposite gender would have a completely different skill set but with the same theme. For example, a male version of Ember would still have a Fire theme, but with 4 unique powers.

This is called "gender discrimination". The gender of the Warframe should never affect play style. Ever. This is player preference and nothing more.


If you are going to incorporate a second skill-set, make it interchangeable with current skills regardless of gender.

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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.

I'm not sure this will solve the problem. The real thing people used datamined tables for was void rewards and other such things. Stuff like the elusive latron prime receiver - where if you get one, you probably won't need another one ever again. The idea being that you can farm a specific key with the highest chance to get the part you want instead of wasting time in a void mission with little-no chance of getting what you want.

I mean, maybe if it's a record of where all players in your clan have found something it could be useful, but the problem with the whole codex idea is once you *have* a specific drop, you usually won't need another unless it's a resource like ferrite or mutagen or something.

I do love me some lore though so if the codex has more lore, I'll be happy. :p

Edit: Also the quote tags appear to be broken on the forums. Megan's original text in italics. :(


Facehugger's quite right.

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Drop Tables


We completely understand and agree with the need to know more about drops, however there are legitimate security reasons why we can’t release the drop tables in their raw form.  As discussed on past Livestreams, we have been planning a Codex style system in-game for drops. The shovel is in the ground to get an in-game Codex that stores and presents information on where players have obtained pickups.  This task is no small feat, and currently we can’t estimate an exact completion date but we will show you the progress along the way in the Developer’s Workshop posts and Livestreams.



Sorry, that just doesn't seem like a proper answer.


All players are asking for essentially boils down to "What void mission has Orthos Prime Blade" and "What enemies drop Master Thief"


How is that information a security risk? 

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Sorry, that just doesn't seem like a proper answer.


All players are asking for essentially boils down to "What void mission has Orthos Prime Blade" and "What enemies drop Master Thief"


How is that information a security risk?

The same process that allows players to glean that information allows them to hack the other game files and cheat.

While I don't think the codex idea as presented will solve the underlying issue, I do understand why they encrypted the files. I certainly don't think there's anything nefarious behind it as some people imply.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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